Roma Reacts to Craig & Fred

  • Title: Craig & Fred
  • Author: Craig Grossi
  • Genre: Memoir, Nonfiction
  • Pages: 288
  • Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
  • Published: 2018

I always find it challenging to find the words to describe what I feel about a book that I really love. I am having one of those moments right now. I don’t even know how to start talking about this book. All I know is that this book became one of my favorite reads.

I took a War Literature class back in the day, and I really enjoyed that class. The books chosen for the required reading and writing during that class were pretty great. In fact, I found another favorite during that class. So when I found Craig & Fred online, I knew I had to buy it. Sure, it took a while for me to pick it up, but I was finally in the mood to read some nonfiction so I picked it up.

The book chronicled how an Afghan stray dog (Fred) saved a marine (Craig) and vice versa. I enjoyed the book’s semi-linear narrative. The chapters alternate between the times in Afghanistan and a US road trip. We got to see these two meet in Afghanistan during Craig’s deployment, Fred’s moment at the base leading up to his flight home to the US, Craig and Fred’s reunion, and the road trip with a friend. It was a ride.

I am not lying when I say that this book put me on an emotional roller coaster. I was smiling nonstop from when these two met, and in every single interaction Fred had with each marine. I did get annoyed at times because of the need to sneak Fred around because of some misguided BS about dogs being a distraction. I don’t get it and I will never get it. Really, euthanizing the dogs because marines should not get attached to them. Yeah. I just refuse to understand that. And I’m not going to apologize for it.

There were moments that broke my heart and led me to tears. The loss, the PTSD, and the struggle of going back to normal life after being exposed to such a stressful environment. And yes, I got stressed out and my anxiety was triggered when Craig, Fred, and Josh were in the woods. Or any chapter really where they were depicted to be in the woods during their road trip. But that’s because I am not an outdoorsy person. And would never choose camping. And there were moments that restored my faith in humanity – well some faith. I just love the random acts of kindness Craig and Fred received from the people they met.

Honestly, this is just such a heartwarming read and I didn’t want it to end. Yes, I already bought Second Chances because I really want to continue on with their journey. I am glad that I read this book. I was a bit worried that this book would end with Fred being left in Afghanistan. Good thing it didn’t happen or else I would be crying in bed. And this was really the reason why I loved the alternating timeline of this book. This was such a good read. A good reading experience for me. And I was glad that I decided to pick it when I did.

About The Author
