05.29.22 – Everyday is Lazy Day

You know, for being lazy I feel like I was very productive today. Well, for the most part. I finished my laundry. I cooked fish. And practically washed dishes. The side of the kitchen where the dishwasher and the disposal still has no power. I did send a maintenance request to the office, and still have no reply. Understandable though. It’s Sunday and tomorrow is a holiday. So I am not expecting any communication from them until this coming Tuesday.

My hun and I decided to hangout early today. We haven’t really spent time online since Saturday last week. I was feeling sick last week, and his schedule was a bit off. We decided to watch a few movies and an episode of House.

First movie, Forrest Gump. There are definitely some differences between the movie and the book. I’m not mad about the difference. I like how Lt. Dan was given an actual reason to live. His story arc and character development was awesome in the movie. I hoped they kept Sue in the movie. But of course they did not since the whole Forrest was sent to space was not in the movie. I’m glad he got to keep his Medal of Honor in the movie. And he got to raise his son. My feelings for Jenny is the same – I am very neutral and maybe bordering not liking that character in both the movie and book.

Second movie, Senior Year. Cringe movie. It has funny parts. I enjoyed it enough. I was about to stop the movie since I was feeling the high school scene before Steph went into a coma. But after that, it was pretty smooth sailing. Definitely some cringe moments, but I appreciated the laughs.

Third movie, Hard Ball. Keanu Reeves. ‘Nuff said. Kidding aside, that movie was really good. I appreciate Keanu in romance movies, action movies, but this drama hits different. And I appreciate that he does not shy away from other roles. This one made me smile, and made me cry…But more importantly, this movie also annoyed me because of some decisions made by Keanu’s character.

Then we watched an episode of House. That show is such a gem.

My hun and I are planning to hangout again tomorrow.

05.28.22 – Double Trouble: A Two-Day Recap

Well, since I went to happy hour with some coworkers yesterday after work, I forgot to post. I was too inebriated and all I wanted to was to get ready for bed and sleep when I got home. Well, that and talk to my hun since I am always missing his voice.

Surprisingly, I had fun last night. For the whole week, I was dreading happy hour. I was being antisocial, and I really did not want to socialize. But I’m glad I went. The first I did when I got to the bar was went straight to the bar and ordered myself a vodka redbull. I was surprised that it was in a tumbler! Our group secured a nice big table hidden from the public and it was pretty nice. Well, I appreciated it. I hate crowds so that table was god sent! I ordered six carnitas rolled tacos, and while waiting for food, I finished my first drink. I went to the bar again to order my second vodka redbull for the night. Conversations on our table revolved around books, movies, shows, the JD and AH defamation trial, and random things. Some of us wanted to play some arcade games since we were at an arcade bar. So they went, and I ordered my third vodka redbull…Was I drunk, not exactly but I was having a good buzz. All of us wanted to play DND so we just decided to form our own with Everett to be the DM. That will be interesting if that actually happened.

When I got home, I had some left over subway sandwich and realized off the bat that I wished I stopped by Jack in the Box and got me some burger and fries. Because all I really wanted when I’m inebriated is some greasy fast food. Note to self: next happy hour, stop by Jack, buy some ultimate cheese burger, curly fries, and a large coke.

Today, my hun and I had to cancel our date night. I met up with family for lunch. We went to my cousin’s place and some good sinigang and rice. Finally was able to see them since they moved here a year ago. I also met my cousin’s daughter and their doggo named Murphy! They are both cuties. Both sweet. We caught up with my aunt and uncle who were visiting from California. After lunch, we watched a movie called Old. I am still deciding if I liked the movie or not. The premise was really good. Acting was great. Dialogue was meh. And the shots were…interesting. After that, we watched another movie, Lady and the Tramp 2. That was cute. What’s not to love about dog movies? Nothing.

On the way from there, I stopped by Half Price Books. It took a lot of will power to limit myself with just two books and a bookmark. Because if I don’t, I will end up with more than five books and that is just not going to work. I have way too much books already that I need to read. I bought the Devil of Nanking and the Secret Garden. There are some new books available in the store for a discounted price but with my Book of the Month subscription, I can get them cheaper. So if I feel the need to get more books, I will just peruse Book of the Month first and get it from there.

Paco was smelling me intensely when I got home…And all I can in his eyes was judgment for cheating on him with Murphy. He did not relent from sniffing my clothes until I changed. He is one adorable furbaby. Doing laundry now so I won’t have to do that tomorrow.

Planning on spending a lot of time with my love tomorrow and on Monday as well. I miss him.

nerdy bunch.

05.26.22 – The Deceiving Overcast Weather

I love an overcast weather. Not that I hate the sun, I just prefer a more cloudy weather is all. And I was glad that today was overcast…It was feeling a bit stuffy inside the office earlier so I decided to step out to get some cool air. And the moment I stepped out to the terrace, bam – not so cool air. Yuck. I was so deceived. I mean granted if you ask people maybe they will say that it was cooler out, but not to me. It was definitely not cold enough. At least not what I was expecting for such an overcast.

Work was busy – with meetings. I was drained. There really is no point of me rehashing my day. I just do not want to think about it anymore. There really is nothing interesting happening there to be honest. Just me being exhausted every single day.

Tonight I will read. I did read some last night but I fell asleep at some point. I woke up with the book on top of Paco, closed, with the bookmark right next to my head. And all I could think of was “Great, I’m going to need to figure out where I stopped.” So far the book is interesting enough. I feel like I already know who the protagonist will end up with if the book goes there.

I couldn’t decide on what to play in the background right now. I pretended to browse through Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, and Amazon Prime…But I already knew what I wanted to play. It was between You or You’ve Got Mail. I know I know, why even bother when I always on the same things. I just wanted to know if there was anything that might pique my interest aside from my usual go-to’s. But to no one’s surprise, I picked You, starting on season 1 again.

Sometimes I wish my days are not so repetitive. I feel so bored with my life at times. I don’t know. Of course people will say if you want change, you need to make the change. I know that. I should really start making something out of my life. I think I feel I’ve been stuck in such a rut and I’m getting bored. Not just about my job, but my daily activities.

05.25.22 – I Really Wish that Work Nap is a Thing

Remember when you were a kid and your mom always pressured you to take a nap at around noon? Yeah I wish that’s still still a thing when you’re an adult, without having to sacrifice your pay if you’re working an hourly job. All I can think of right now is that I want a nap.

Work was meh. But no surprise that there. I’ve been feeling meh about work for the last year or so. At this point I’m just really going with the motions. Just doing my day to day only willingly giving 80% of my energy. I’ve learned to never give work 100% of your energy? Why? Because it’s not worth it.

I will definitely read tonight. Because last night I passed out and totally did not even read a sentence off the book! How embarrassing. I’m itching to annotate the book. I only get the itch to annotate a book if I’m reading a nonfiction book. Annotating fiction reminds me of homework because that was all I did during my English writing class back in college. We’ll see.

Guess what’s playing in the background? You’ve Got Mail…again.

My hun is working double shifts for the next few days, so no hanging out for us until the weekend. And depending on when family wants to meet up over the weekend, our hangout time might even be cut short. I don’t like it.

I guess that’s it for today.

05.24.22 – I Just Want to be in Bed

“I just want to be in bed” was my mantra ALL DAY. Not good. I almost feel annoyed with myself since all I can think of after that is “Damn, you’re one lazy ass.”

On top of me wanting to be in bed the whole day, I just did not want to deal with people. Not interact with anybody at all. It was bad. It’s so difficult to pretend to be an sociable when my body is refusing to act like one.

I have a meeting scheduled at 7 AM tomorrow and I’m not going. Honestly, I’m a bit tired and not feeling well. I’ve been having cramps, headache, and low back pain the whole day. And now add nausea to that. Yeah, definitely not ideal. So they can go ahead and forget that meeting.

I had to take a rain check again with hanging out my hun. I went straight to bed when I got home from work and only stood up to feed the dogs, take my meds, and get ready for bed. Because there really nothing more I want to do today but curl in bed.

I started reading How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days. We’ll see how far along I can get into this book. So far, so good. I don’t feel the urge to stop reading it, currently in chapter three. I normally off the bat if I won’t ever like the book on the first few chapters of the book. I was only in chapter three of The Love Hypothesis when I put that book down and told myself, “No, I will not force myself to read this book.”

Hopefully tomorrow I feel better. I’ve been feeling antisocial lately and I need to be extroverted for Friday’s happy hour. I was fine when I said yes to that shindig two weeks ago…But with how the past few days have been going for me, I really am feeling drained and do not feel like socializing. We’ll see.

05.23.22 – I’m Running on Zero

I was in meetings all morning. To say that I met my quota for forced socialization for the next two months is a huge understatement. And the meetings are just getting ridiculous now. Every single freaking day – meetings all morning. I’m exhausted to be honest. I have no time to recharge. My energy is drained. Work was busy. We had our largest number of samples yet. We got it done though. No backlog. I’ll take that.

I had a good time hanging out with my hun tonight. We watched some episodes of Battle Starts 5 seconds after Meeting. I’m getting invested just because the protagonist Akira is very intriguing. I like how his mind works. So I’m going to continue watching that anime just because he is carrying this anime for me.

We also watched an episode of House. That was a very surprising turn. As long as the show keeps up with this kind of flow, and no more unnecessary annoying side stories, then there shouldn’t be any reason why I would stop watching this show.

I didn’t realize that this will be short post, but I guess this is it for today.