06.19.22 – My Bed was Calling My Name the Whole Day

Today was rough. I woke up late again. What can I say? My bed was really comfortable and I would always choose to stay in bed over doing anything else. On top of that, I woke up very irritable. I was getting very irritated over the littlest things. My low back was hurting, and my left leg was aching. Yeah, I was in a mood and my bed was my only refuge.

I was supposed to hang out with my hun today but it was my turn to take a raincheck. I miss him for sure but I was in such a funk. I really did not want to subject him to my irritability today. It was worse than usual. 

After throwing the trash this morning, all I did was lie in bed and read. I am now currently on the third part of the book, with about 130+ pages left before I’m done with the book. I find my limit with reading for sure. I need to take a break from reading about every two hours. By break, I mean do something else. I will read again once I post this. 

I did journal a little bit today, which was good. I really do need to do that more often. Every single day to be honest. I often say that journaling is therapeutic and it is. I often advise people to keep one. And I need to follow that advice myself. I used to journal often before. So I need to pick up that habit again. 

06.18.22 – Beastars is to Blame

So…I woke up late today. I had errands, since you know, it’s the weekend. I went to USPS and picked up my Book of the Month delivery. Then went to the grocery and got some food for this week. And you know what? The store was having a sale on bone-in ribeye steaks. Of course, I got a couple! Guess what I had for dinner? Damn right, medium-rare ribeye steak served with potatoes and asparagus…So good. 

I blame Beastars for me waking up late this morning. I marathon’d the first season last night. I could not stop watching it. The characters were fleshed out. The conflicts were intense. Not going to lie though, there was a pretty intense scene that made me really uncomfortable but I pushed through it. I was glad about that. Yeah, and I did watch 4 episodes during dinner. But I had to be very strict, I do not want another late night. 

I did read some today. Planning on reading some more after this post. The book is getting interesting more and more. I told my hun what it was about and he seems to be interested in reading the book himself. So I told him I will stop telling him anything about the book, I don’t want to spoil it for him if he decides to pick it up.

Tomorrow, the only plan I have is to throw the trash. Cook some ground beef for nachos tomorrow. And fry some pork chops. Other than that, I want to spend time with my love. We did not get to hang out today. He wanted to spend time with a friend who he has not heard from in a while. 

06.17.22 – My Neurons Were Bored.

Oh god. I was so bored today. Not going to lie, with my job right now, working from home is not possible. It’s mind-numbingly boring. Normally, if I’m onsite, I would be in the lab helping with samples a little bit and do office work either in the afternoon. My mornings are always booked for meetings so I do admin stuff in the afternoon. But I finished my admin too early in the morning, and since I can’t really help physically push samples, I was stuck helping with orders remotely. It does not really do much, to be honest.

Anyway, work is done now, and I am just waiting for a package to get delivered. I hate that there is so minimal information on where your package is. I don’t get why until now, you are not able to see where your package is on the map. It’s so stupid.

Anyway, I have no plans tonight. Just relax. I need to see if my friend to watch some more movies. But that is up in the air. We shall see. I currently have Bob’s Burgers playing in the background. I would read but I’m not in the mood to read right now. Bad, I know. But honestly, I just want to curl in bed and do nothing. 

I feel so sleepy. This workday really took a toll on my brain. My neurons deteriorated and want to recharge. OR it might be because I’m PMS-ing. Who knows. I also want some Mexican food. Some Al Pastor burrito or something. Or maybe buffalo chicken wings. Ugghhh. And soda. Yeah. Great.

06.16.22 – I Finally Get the Swingline Red Stapler Reference

Working from home is a dream. Yeah, I wish I can do this every day. But after tomorrow, I’m back onsite. Not planning on rehashing my workday. I just want to share that I prefer working from home.

I meant to post yesterday, but I passed out – no surprise there. But my love and I watched an episode of Invader Zim and the movie The Switch. I still cannot believe how dark Invader Zim was. There were episodes that went there and all I could think of was this marketed to kids…That show was dark. And I like it. 

The Switch was okay. I mean I enjoyed it, I think Sebastian was adorable in that movie. And sure, he might have issues fitting in with “regular” kids, but then again, I like characters that do not fit the mold. I also like Jason Bateman’s character, again, a little bit rough around the edges but I appreciate having a leading man who was not the typical prince. My hun did not consider it a rom-com. I did. 

I was not able to hang out with him today. I ended up hanging out with a friend. And just watched some stuff on Paramount+. We watched The Lost City. Yes, I watched it again, and I still enjoyed it. Then we watched this skit special called Goatface: A Comedy Special. And I finally watched Office Space.

Goatface was funny. No surprise there. We saw Hasan Minhaj on the thumbnail, and we were like, yeah we should watch this. Some of their skits were dark and it was funny. They went there, there were very bold, and we appreciated it. From the opening skit to the Gun of the Year award skit, yeah… DARK.

Also, I cannot believe that I never watched Office Space. Yeah, that movie hits. I mean the fact that people just work to work and most people do not really enjoy what they do. The first scene of him looking at his watch and seeing that it was only Monday – yeah that hit hard. I understand why this movie became such a cult classic. It was so real and relatable. People were not being motivated and challenged enough. And true, why would you work hard when you do not really get anything out of it. No monetary gain. Nothing. So yeah, people will only give just enough to get the job done. 

I think my hun is working a double tomorrow. So I will get to hang out with him on Saturday. Tomorrow, planning on watching some more movies with a friend. We’re planning maybe Southpark movies. Or Mean Girls. We’ll see, depends on tomorrow’s mood. 

06.14.22 – I am too Lazy Today

I decided not to go to work. Aside from the fact that maintenance needed to fix something in the apartment this morning, I was just lazy. So when the apartment office called me yesterday to say that maintenance will stop over this morning, I just went for it, why would I let an opportunity not be at work pass? 

So…my hun and I decided to hang out early. I asked him if we could watch this anime called Library Wars. I like it. What’s not to like? It’s about protecting books from censorship, it has a military feel to it, and it has action. Again, what’s not to like? Not to mention the artwork is definitely good. I mean sure it’s anime, but the artwork is different compared to regular anime we are used to watching. I was worried about suggesting the anime to my love, to be honest. But he seems to be enjoying it. So that was nice. I get to enjoy this anime with hun instead of me watching it alone.

We also watched John Wick 2. It was good. I mean, I preferred the first installment over this one but that is okay. I am not saying that the second one was awful, I just liked the first one better. I personally feel like the rule that John Wick broke at the end of the movie was just done so that a third installment can be made. Aside from that, I pretty much enjoyed the movie, I mean it’s freaking Keanu Reeves. 

I’m going to try and read today. I read 50 pages last night, so I am hoping to do that again. I mean, I have nothing planned at this point anymore since my hun will be hanging out with the boys until he goes to work later. 

I also added two new pages on the website – Foodie and Books. To help at least navigate the blogs. 

My Friend Anna by Rachel DeLoache Williams

  • Title: My Friend Anna: The True Story of a Fake Heiress
  • Author: Rachel DeLoache Williams
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Pages: 304
  • Publisher: Gallery Books
  • Published: 2019

I remember being interested in this book when I first heard about Anna Delvey maybe a couple of years ago. Then I forgot about it. The next thing I knew, Netflix released a show called Inventing Anna. And of course, I devoured that show – marathon’d it one Sunday. What do I specifically remember about it? I did not like Rachel. And you cannot blame me for that, just watch the show, and tell me how Netflix did Rachel dirty.

“You are here to read about Anna Delvey, and I don’t blame you” is the first sentence in the Preface of the book. And Rachel was right. I bought the book and read it because of Anna Delvey. I did not buy the book to like Rachel but instead to know what she experienced. The show did not really expand on who Rachel is despite having an episode titled “Rachel”. But then what do you expect, Inventing Anna is a show about Anna, not everyone else.

The book was really easy to read. It was nonlinear at times – starting with the Marrakesh trip, then inserted with tidbits of who Rachel is, and the story of Anna’s and Rachel’s friendship. I liked how the book was set up. Starting with THE trip was a good strategy, with the later parts of the book dealing with the aftermath.

The book says it’s “The True Story of a Fake Heiress”. It wasn’t. Sure the book was about the Marrakesh trip and the aftermath. But I think it’s about the friendship of two people that soured and ended because one person decided to put one friend in such a horrible situation.

Anna’s and Rachel’s friendship read as superficial. At least to me. However, it does not make it any less real. The friendship was there, it was just a bit focused on having fun.

The conflict mainly focused on Rachel having to chase Anna down for the payment that she was owed for the Marrakesh trip. Rachel had to struggle financially in order to barely make ends meet. It was a very stressful situation that I do not wish on anyone. With Rachel not having any other choice but to get authorities involved.

Rachel was relatable. Her journey from being this timid person just letting things happen to standing up for herself and taking control of a very dicey situation is very commendable. The book humanized Rachel for me. Sharing tidbits of her life made her relatable to me. From her childhood, her love of The Great British Bake Off, and her tendency to box up her emotions and deal with problems on her own. I swore I was reading about myself – I mean, you know, aside from this traumatizing fiasco, mingling with people, and working in a magazine. I even made a note in the book “We are almost the same person. We could be friends in real life”.

I liked this book. I came in expecting a rundown of what happened in Marrakesh and what happened afterward, which I did. But what I got was so much more. I saw a friendship that had a very dysfunctional power dynamic that ultimately lead to its end. I saw a person who stood up for herself and took control of her life. Would I recommend this book? Yes. I would. Like I said, this book humanized Rachel for me. And after reading this, I could definitely say, that the show did not do her justice whatsoever.