10.25.22 – I Hate When the Office is Crowded.

The office was crowded today. And it will be until Thursday. I don’t want to talk about it. But I will however vent because someone decided to take my office and use it for a meeting while I was in an onsite meeting this morning. I came out of that meeting to find my office occupied and I had to wait for quite a while before I could use it again. I think my annoyance really stemmed from the fact my office keys were in there and my vape. 2 hours without nicotine, yeah, I was irritated by the time I got to it. Then I just kind of hid in my office the whole day since I had work to do. Tomorrow will be crazy since my team will be down two people. And their responsibilities will be on top of mine. I am not looking forward to it.

My hun and I didn’t hang out today. I was not feeling good and now my throat is hurting. So I just had ramen for dinner, and then Chris and I decided to watch an episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. And it was good. Heartwarming for sure. The only thing that I was surprised about was the fact that an episode is an hour long! So this is a show that is not for a weeknight marathon. Possibly something to marathon on a weekend though. We also watched two episodes of Carole & Tuesday. Feel-good anime, musically oriented sci-fi. And we enjoyed it. We love the artwork, definitely digital. But good nonetheless.

I was not able to read a lot of webtoons today at work, because I was busy. I did manage to squeeze in some readings though. I will continue to read some chapters tonight. Wake up tomorrow again at around 3 AM, like I did this morning. I was fully awake by 3:30. One thing that I need to change though, I really should not lie back down at 5:30 AM after my allotted study time. Just sit in front of the computer and do whatever. I decided to go back to bed this morning, fully awake, reading, and Paco decided to join me and go underneath the blanket. Next thing I knew it was freaking 6:45 AM. Yeah, not doing that tomorrow morning. Too risky especially with management onsite.

10.24.22 – I was Distracted by BL Webtoons All Day. I Cannot Complain.

Work was meh. I mean nothing really exciting happened. Like always. Same shit different day. However, I had fun at work. How did I manage to do that? I work for 15 minutes straight, I read webtoons for 10 to 15 minutes, work again for 15 minutes, and so on. You get the idea.

It was freezing at work though. In my office? Yeah, I was having issues typing since my hands were freezing. Of course, my love said to wear gloves while working. But I don’t know how that will work. I wear gloves in the lab and that in itself makes it hard to type already. How will that work if I actually wear winter gloves? Yeah, I don’t know. 

I did stop by a Filipino store on the way home this afternoon. Got me some kopiko coffee. 1 bag for home, 1 bag for work. Grabbed some menudo and kare kare for dinner and lunch tomorrow. As well as some salted duck eggs and tomatoes. Because I love having it with warm white rice.

Got to hang out with my love for a little bit after doing some chores. We watched an episode of The Great British Baking Show – 1980’s week. The bakers made some quiche, fried finger donuts, and ice cream cake. I really want Peter to win this season. He has been doing so well. We thought that Dave will go home after the disastrous technical and lackluster signature. But he was able to save himself with his showstopper tiramisu ice cream cake. Lottie ended up going home because that cassette tape ice cream cake was a disaster.

We also watch a couple of episodes of Ouran High School Host Club. We enjoyed it. He liked the Haruhi in Wonderland episode. Haruhi got to see her mom in her dream. I was telling my hun that if I went to Ouran High School and I have the money, and I can visit the Host Club, I would be requesting the twins – Hikaru and Kaoru. And what did he say? IT MAKES SENSE just because of my preference for BL. What the heck? The twins or Mori-senpai. I told him I probably won’t be requesting Tamaki just because he is too much and I would be laughing so hard with the lines he tends to spew out. 

Tomorrow will be busy. I think more people will be onsite tomorrow. One from Finland already arrived this morning. So they will just slowly trickle in throughout the week.

10.23.22 – I’m Way too Lazy to Do Anything but Read BL

Well, today was definitely lazy. I’ve just been sitting in front of my computer and reading some webtoons. Yeah, I’ve been pretty open with what I read manga or manhwa or webtoon-wise. I prefer BLs, but no surprise there, I am a fujoshi after all.

I still don’t get why we cannot just be a 4-day work week kind of company. Seriously why not. I feel like everything can be done in 4 days. Sure, the shift might be a bit longer, 10 hrs, but at least we have a 3-day weekend. It still does not make sense to me. And if we still need to be working from Monday to Friday, then some people will work M-Th and some will work T-F. But yeah. That would be nice right?

I’ve also been playing Seven Deadly Sins in the background. I’ve watched all the seasons aside from season 5. My love and I are currently not in the mood to watch it, to be honest. So we are holding off. There’s no rush anyway, it’s a Netflix series so it will be available for a bit. Anyway, my favorite character is still Gowther, his psychological magic abilities are pretty scary. It really does show how fragile the human psyche is. 

Anyway, I have not read any pages of Darling Girl. Since I have been stuck reading webtoons. And yes I actually found a site/app that lets me do an unlimited subscription compared to me buying one chapter at a time, I will spend more money that way. No bueno. I found Manta and their collection is pretty decent. So I cannot complain. I’ve consumed a few already. And some of the ones that I read are still ongoing and I would have to wait for the weekly release but at least I don’t have to pay for it. I do wish that I’m able to count this in my reading log. And technically I can if I want to. I just don’t know how to log it. Since it does not have pages. It’s just a continuous scroll. 

Anyway, tomorrow is Monday and I’m already hating this coming week. Work will be busy. We have bosses coming onsite. People from Finland visiting. Yeah, I cannot deal. This week will be a nightmare.

10.22.22 – Javi was Flawless

I don’t why I was feeling anxious today. I felt uncomfortable practically the whole day. Not sure if it was because it was a bit colder and my feet were freezing. I was wearing a sweater earlier and I had to take it off because I felt suffocated. I really have no idea what triggered it today. It was not pleasant.

I watched more episodes of the Cowboy Bebop live-action series. And I’m really enjoying it. I know there were some complaints about it, and I don’t care. I am enjoying it and that’s all that matters right? I think the acting was spot on. Spike and Jet portrayals were great. I am still debating about Faye. Although I like the banter between her and Spike. I am still not sure about Vicious either. He was so calm and collected in the anime, which made him sinister, so seeing him with so much emotion and basically making decisions based on it was a bit weird for me. I still think Julia was meh on both versions. 

My hun and I were able to spend some time today. I didn’t realize that he was feeling neglected. I didn’t mean to, to be honest. We ended up watching a movie and some episodes of an anime. Let me see, the movie we decided to watch was The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent with Nicholas Cage playing Nicholas Cage. I saw the trailer a while back and it for sure piqued my interest. I think the last movie I watched with Nicholas Cage was National Treasure. So I was happy to see this new movie. And it did not disappoint. It was actually a pretty solid action-comedy movie. Nicholas Cage’s comedic timing here was good. And oh boy, Pedro Pascal’s portrayal of the fanboy Javi, CHEF’S KISS. I mean he made the movie for me. He was so flawless in the movie. My hun and I laughed, cringed, and laughed some more. 

And of course, the anime of choice was Ouran High School Host Club. We watched seven episodes. My hun is starting to get into it now. He enjoys the episodes pertaining to a host member. He liked when the twins changed the color of their hair, and he wished that they stayed pink and blue. He also liked the fact that Honey was a martial arts champion, as well as Mori. He was happy that there was something more to him. And I started laughing since I couldn’t really say anything about the characters without spoiling their arcs. He still enjoyed Tamaki and his animatedness.

Tomorrow is Sunday once again. The only errand I have planned was to go to the store. I might do some python in the morning before doing that though. We shall see though. I’ve just been really tired lately.

10.21.22 – Ein is the Goodest of Boys

I was sort of busy at work. I mean I had to update all of the training modules as well as the training and competency templates for each module. My team has seven modules in total. No joke. The deadline is next week but I want it off my plate since next week will be a nightmare.

You know what? It’s been raining the whole day! Thank goodness. This is the weather that I signed up for when I moved to the PNW. Also, air quality is still pretty bad but not definitely better than the last few days. The rain was definitely welcomed. A few people were complaining since they don’t like the gloom and the rain, and all I can say to that is, then freaking move to somewhere dry and hot.

I read a few chapters of Darling Girl yesterday. Oh boy, you know that thing about the book that I was uncomfortable with? The one that I was wondering how the author will justify. Yeah, well, the author tried. And I was not happy about it. It was so vague. “He looks older than how he was described”, yeah as if that would satisfy me. However, a new character got introduced. A PI named Christopher Cooke, with a hook for a right hand. And oh boy, his physical appearance was not emphasized but the description was enough for me to swoon…just a little bit. Yeah, we shall see though if this will turn into a full-on book crush.

My hun has a double shift today, so I ended up watching Cowboy Bebop with Chris. And yes, we finally finished it. And oh boy, I did enjoy that show. My favorite character? I think it’s cliche but I really did like Spike. He is a very flawed character. Fighting the demons of his past and pinning over a woman for years. Ed was definitely enjoyable. I feel like she’s such a random character but still makes sense. And Ein is definitely in his own category. He is the goodest of boys. Especially when he hacked the game on that episode where they were looking for this cult leader who killed his members. 

We also watched one episode of the live-action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop. I know this adaption gathered some mixed reviews. But that really is what I know about it. I don’t tend to listen to a lot of reviews just because of the fact that enjoyment of a media is subjective. For the first episode though, I think it’s pretty solid. We’ll see.

10.20.22 – I Will Definitely Not Look at Meat Pies the Same Way Ever Again

I’m not going to talk about work today. However, I did wake up late this morning hence I started work a little bit later. I wasn’t rushing to get on site so that was fine. The air quality today was much better than yesterday, although there was still a bit of haziness. It made the surroundings foggy. 

I did get to hang out with my love today. We watched four episodes of Dorohedoro. Like I said before, this anime can get a bit violent and intense. It got to me. Well, just a little bit. I started getting anxious watching the episodes. I think what triggered it was the meat pie magic. And the fact that Ebisu and GuraGura ate it. Yeah. I continued watching because I was enjoying the anime. And I really do want to know what happens. We have an episode left and an OVA. So I think we will be able to finish this over the weekend.

We also watched a couple of episodes of Ouran High School Host Club. And my hun said that he prefers the dub more. I mean, not surprised, the dub for this anime is one of the best. Really spot on. I think he enjoyed what episodes we watched today. However, he also stated that he wants to have more substance soon. Like, the Hitachi twins should add more to their schtick. But then again, I told him that is what sells for them. He wants Honey to change. For Mori to not be in the background too much. He enjoys Tamaki since he is very animated. I mean, I can’t really say much to him, so I just nodded. I have really nothing bad to say about the anime, I enjoyed this anime all those times I watched it. 

Planning on reading Darling Girl a little bit before sleeping. I did read a few pages while waiting for my on Discord. So I kind of want to continue the chapter. Goal before I sleep? Finish at least one chapter.