12.08.22 – I Need to Recharge

Work is stressful. I am exhausted. I am mentally drained. And I have not been sleeping well. So what is not to like about my days right now? 

The launch was a mess. There were a lot of cleanups – which I honestly expected since this was a massive project. It was not surprising that some things might not be working. And honestly, the launch went better than I was expecting. There were some kinks but it was just tiring. I mean weeks prior to this live date, I was super busy. Then the software tests and then the smoke testing over the weekend. I am at the end of my energy. Sure I may not be physically tired, but my energy is depleted. And I feel it. 

But the thing that sucks is the fact that no matter how much my energy is just nonexistent, I cannot fall asleep. I stay awake. I am practically getting 3 hours of sleep each night. Not that my brain won’t shut up either. Because it’s not. Sleep just escapes me. And it’s annoying me.

Anyway, I got to spend time with my love tonight. My internet was being weird, so we only got to watch two episodes of Moriarty the Patriot and an episode of Castlevania. My hun got to meet Detective Sherlock Holmes! And honestly, he just makes me swoon. And I really don’t care what other people say, I ship William and Sherlock. I am loving the banter between Trevor and Alucard. I am starting to get annoyed with that female vampire, and yes, I don’t remember her name because I don’t care about her too much. I am not saying that she is manipulative per se, I just don’t like that she is doing things behind Dracula’s back and making the men do the work. I don’t know. Very untrustworthy. 

Tomorrow is Friday. And all I can think of is just I don’t want to do anything. I just want to be lazy and not care. But the weekend is around the corner so I have to do chores. Whatever.

12.04.22 – Patience is Not for Me.

I finished FANGS volume 2 last night…And I was annoyed since there is no volume 3 out yet. And the cliffhanger on this volume was just wow! Yeah, there is a reason why I stay away from unfinished series. Because I have no patience to wait for the next installment. Anyway, regardless of the wait, it’s fine. I mean I will wait of course. Not like there is anything I can do about it. Except to scour Amazon for the next manga. I have been saving a lot on my shopping list.

I went to work again this morning to do some smoke testing. It was so messy. And I do not want to get involved in it next time. Fuck that.

Anyway, I was pretty much lazy the whole day – it took me hours to finish folding my clean clothes. HOURS! I did not have that much laundry. Was I disappointed in myself? Not at all. I mean, aside from folding clothes, all I really did was watch yaoi. So I cannot complain.

12.03.22 – Ooooohhhh, A Vampire!

I went to work this morning. Why? I had to do some smoke testing for software updates that will be launched on Monday. I left the apartment at around 6:45 AM. Since we had snow the day and night before, I needed to de-snow my car. Then I drove to work. Testing was planned for 8 AM. So when I got to work at 7:30, I didn’t even think to check my email. Anyway, just to get to the point, the smoke testing was canceled and the only reason why I found out was that I checked my email at 8 AM. They canceled the testing at 7 AM when I was clearing my car of snow. Was I pissed? Yes since no one decided to put a message in the testing channel…So they wasted my time. Mine and Chris’ time since we were both onsite. We were able to test 4 items since we were already onsite. I cleaned my car longer than the time we spent onsite. It was a waste of time. So we would need to go onsite again tomorrow at 7 AM. Yay.

Anyway, I did all my planned chores today. So that was productive at least. I was craving some buffalo chicken wings, so I made some. My cramps were still bad so I was in a very meh mood. And the situation this morning did not help.

I got to hang out with my love today. I think about seven hours. So that was good! We watched a movie, finished another anime, and started a couple of anime.

Bullet Train (2022). Well, it was funny. Very actiony. It was not great by any means. But it was entertaining. I liked it enough. We did enjoy the banter between The Twins – Tangerine and Lemon. I liked the cameos for sure. The only character that I did not care for was The Prince. Why? The kid got away with too much shit on that train because she was a girl pretending to be helpless, and these guys wanted to be her hero. It annoyed the shit out of me. I mean come on. But whatever. It was enjoyable enough.

Ouran High School Host Club. Well, the last two episodes were wow. I teared up. Tamaki’s life was just heartbreaking. The Kyoya episode was pretty good too. And I just hate Tamaki’s grandma and Kyoya’s father with a passion. Like I cannot. My hun gave the anime a 6.5 to 7 out of 10. I was annoyed at first since he really enjoyed the show. He explained it but harsh! 

Moriarty the Patriot. Obviously, this is a rewatch for me but I wanted my hun to see it. We watched three episodes. And my hun got hooked. And I would like to keep it that way. I was not sure if he will like anime, to be honest. But I loved this anime too. So I want to see his reaction to it. This is on top of the list of my favorite anime. So far, my hun likes the trio – the Moriarty brothers. 

Castlevania. We rewatched the first season today. So four episodes. We were going to start with season two but I forgot season one. So when he suggested rewatching it, I said yes. Yeah, that anime is very graphic. I can take it though, as long as there are no torture scenes, I should be okay. I am liking the trio here as well – Trevor, Sypha, and Adrian. My ears perked up when Adrian got out of his coffin. Yeah – I like vampire characters. Action sequences are good. And I love the fact that Sypha is not some damsel. We shall see though, I would definitely like to continue with this one.

12.02.22 – Training All Day

I worked from home today. With the systems down, there was no point in being onsite. So what did I do today for work? My morning was busy. I was in a meeting, then finished the last SOP for this coming launch. I also did a lot of sex check fail tasks. And then just did a bunch of training online. Was I bored? You bet. While the training videos were playing, I was reading some webtoons. Because who has the attention span for training?

After work, all I did was lie down in bed. Because I was having some really bad cramps. And to be honest, I am still having cramps. At least I’m not irritable. Just crampy and very tired.

Short post today. I am working tomorrow. And will be on call on Sunday. Yay me.

12.01.22 – I Say It’s a Romance. Fight Me.

I will skip complaining about work today. Nothing really happened there that annoyed me. I know shocker! 

I stopped by Alibertos Jr to get me some carne asada fries and al pastor quesadilla. I did half the dishes with Chris but regardless, it was still a lot of food that I inhaled. I mean, you can say I binged again since I didn’t eat anything the whole day. Anyway, they were good and definitely hit the spot.

My hun and I watched a couple of anime today. 

Satsuriku no Tenshi (Angels of Death). We finally finished this anime. Let me just say that they dragged this anime for sure, especially the last episodes. It’s not bad. But it’s not great. It was interesting at times, and I did enjoy the backstories of Zack and Rachel. Those flashbacks were intense, but I liked knowing why they are who they are. I think this anime was classified as psychological horror. But I really think it was romance. Not your regular fluffy romance, but a dark twisted romance. Hello, the two main characters made a vow to each other, a vow that grew their relationship. They protected each other because of that vow. You cannot tell me otherwise. 

Ouran High School Host Club. My hun hasn’t realized that Tamaki does not know how he actually feels for Haruhi. Like he actually does not understand it. The host members were really trying to make him understand but so far to no avail. I think the episode next is about Kyoya and Tamaki, we shall see.

I am feeling a slight headache right now and cramps. So I took Tylenol and I’ve been drinking water because I don’t think I had water today. Which was bad. I need to drink more water.

11.30.22 – People can be a Pain

The drive today to work was stressful. First, I had to clear the snow off my car. It took a while. But you know, safety for other drivers out there. I don’t want any snow/ice flying from my room to hit their windshields. Then once that is cleared, the next hurdle was the branches that were in the middle of the parking lot. That wasn’t too bad since someone tried to put them on the side already. Then on the right of the parking lot, a tree fell on top of three cars. Once my car was out of the apartment complex, I had to drive slowly to the main road, where again a tree fell. Apparently, it was pretty windy the night before. Anyway, as I got to the main road, I got to deal with people driving fast on icy ground, no traffic lights, drivers not stopping for crossing pedestrians, and people who apparently forgot how to do a 4-way stop when the lights are not working. It was stupid. And I was annoyed.

Anyway, work was pretty chill. Nothing too much happened there. I was in a 2-hr meeting earlier today but that was about it. So that was nice. We left early just because I was very scared of driving in a very bad weather forecast. And I just feel safer if we go home with the light still out. The traffic was fine, and was able to get gas on the way home. 

After that, Chris and I just settled to watch the last two episodes of Wednesday. Have I raved about this series already? If not, YES – this show was just really good. From the story, to the acting, to the curve balls. It kept us guessing who is doing what. We would have a theory and the show just always threw us off track! Netflix better releases a Season 2. This series was very well received by consumers and critically acclaimed as well. I was not happy that there were only eight episodes! 

Then we tried to watch an episode of Let’s Eat, a Thai comedy – I think – about Thai food. Well, we didn’t finish the first episode. Because we just don’t know how to feel about it. It definitely was nothing like the Korean Let’s Eat. Now that one was worth it. There was just so much going on in the first episode already. It was like there was no coherent storyline. Not to mention, I got annoyed with the calorie-counting female MC. I cannot. I thought she was rude. Chris said that she was just hungry. And I said, well that was her fault! She was one of those annoying neighbors – who will knock on your door three different times in one night because that’s just how petty she is. I’m sorry but knocking on your neighbor’s door to tell him to move his car because one of the rear wheels of his car was on the line, then him fixing his parking for her car, only for her to say that she does not have a car. The fuck. I cannot. After that, I was just like, yeah no.

Chris and I also watched the first two episodes of Dead to Me. This series has been on my radar so I’m happy that I got to start watching it. It definitely deals with grief and how people deal with it differently. But this show is just crazy. And I am enjoying it. From a stalker ex-girlfriend, to a widow taking note of every car with front damage so she can give it to the police to check. Yeah – will definitely continue with this one.

The weather tomorrow will decide if I will come onsite to work or just work from home. We shall see. We are still on the winter weather advisory. Looks like we have snow showers early tomorrow morning. But we shall see how bad it is when I check my car tomorrow morning.