12.18.22 – Watch What You’re Cooking

I am here to complain, that is nothing new. I’m just saying I did not appreciate having an exciting morning. There was nothing more annoying than a fire alarm disturbing a super lazy Sunday – because someone burned food, AGAIN. This happened a few times already in the last few weeks so yeah, I think I earned the right to complain a little bit. You know what could be a preventative solution? WATCH THE GODDAMN THING YOU’RE COOKING. It’s not hard for crying out loud. Compared to enduring this freaking embarrassment of disturbing your neighbors. I mean I don’t really know how the food got burned, but with the lack of ambulance this morning made me realize that this person did not suddenly have a health emergency. Okay – rant done. 

Anyway, it’s snowing right now. I mean, it was forecasted so I shouldn’t really be surprised. And it is pretty but damn, I really am not a fan of snow, regardless of how little it might be. I’m freezing right now and I have the heater on because I am stubborn and I refuse to bundle up. 

My hun and I got to hang out a little bit today. I mean we did technically hang out a little bit last night. He streamed while I watched and teased him for dying so often in the game. Anyway, he wasn’t feeling well today. So I was surprised that he was able to hang out today at all. Regardless, we were able to squeeze in a couple of episodes of Moriarty the Patriot and Castlevania.

Moriarty the Patriot. I really do love my hun’s reactions to this anime. I mean, it kept me on my toes so I am not surprised that the anime aslo is keeping him on his toes. He has a habit of calling out where a plot would go before it happens. So, he also did that as well in the episodes that we watched today. And surprise, his predictions were wrong. I mean of course. No surprise there. But I loved his reactions when the anime takes the story to a different route than expected. So yes, it is safe to say that he is loving this anime.

Castlevania. Nothing really new here, I am still annoyed that the twins are still in the picture with Adrian. And I just want them to just be gone already. I just know that they are plotting something and I just want them out of the picture already. I don’t care if you call distrust or jealously, they need to be gone. I think the priory is unhinged. I mean hello, they are keeping a living night creature in the the basement of their church! Like what the actual fuck. And there is something fishy with the judge. Sus for sure, with the profuse sweating and shaky hands. Yeah. SUS!

Anyway, tomorrow is Monday once more. And I’m going to have to take a sleeping pill later just to ensure that I actually fall asleep at a decent hour. I mean, the reason why I’m even going to try to get some sleep is because I don’t to snap at the people onsite because of the lack of sleep.

12.17.22 – That Sushi Though…

Well, the mall was interesting. I mean, we got there early enough so it was not that crowded yet. But it still got crowded pretty quickly. I am not a fan of malls in general, well I hate crowds, so the mall is definitely one of those that I can’t stand being in for an extended amount of time. Regardless, we got there a little bit after 10 AM, then left at 11 AM. Basically, we just got what we need, done in like 15 minutes, and we just got distracted by things that we want to buy but decided against buying. 

After the mall, we decided to get some sushi. Because we have been craving some sushi. The food was really good. I couldn’t stop eating because why would I? I just had cup pho and cup ramen all day yesterday, so I really needed the meal. And the food was so awesome that I really did not want to stop.

It started snowing a little bit on the way home. Yes, we have some snow advisories again for the next few days. So that is that. I am not a fan of snow, I definitely prefer the rain. But since we get some snow here and there, I cannot really complain much. It comes with the State that I moved to.

We got home and the first thing I did was finish my laundry. I also started watching Trese. Pretty short season 1 with only 6 episodes. Anyway, I wanted to finish my laundry first so that is done and all I really need to do tomorrow is just throw the trash. But after folding my clothes, my bed tempted me, and I succumbed to a food coma. Yes, I took a nap.

Trese. What did I think about it? I watched the Tagalog version because this is a Filipino comic series. I did consider watching it in English since the casts are mainly of Filipino heritage. But I really just needed to watch it in Tagalog, it just made sense in my head. Anyway, it took a while to get used to the cadence of the voice actor playing Alexandra Trese. I had issues with how unnatural it flowed. I also didn’t like that she mispronounced a few words, but not a lot. As I said, the main issue was the cadence. Chris was telling me I was being nitpicky. And I said, well, I cannot help it, I will be more critical since the voice actress is actually from the Philippines and actually speak Tagalog on a daily basis. But the artwork, the story, the folklore, I enjoyed them all. The darkness of the theme was definitely a big plus for me.

Tomorrow, the plan – throw trash, approve timecards, and then hang out with my love. 

12.16.22 – I’m Just too Exhausted

Yeah, it has been a while. 3 days. I’ve just been having a hard time lately. I’m in a weird mindset. I’ve been feeling detached from everything – zero motivation. And I’m tired. I’m tired of putting on a smiling face all the time. Tired of putting up a front that I’m okay. When all I really wanted to do was just curl up into a ball and wallow in my depression for a bit.

Anyway, I’ve been having sleepless nights. Or if I do sleep, the quality will be horrible. Tuesday night, I was wide awake, and my anxiety was very much kicking my ass. And I brain was nagging me that I need to sleep, and I kept looking at the time, which resulted in my anxiety being fueled more. So – all I could do was not go to work on Wednesday. Because I had no sleep, my head was splitting in two. And I could barely open my eyes because the light was making the headache worse.

Thursday – what did I do yesterday? I mean I went to work, but pretty much was antisocial the whole day. I was in the office with my door closed because I need to not be around people. But it was Chris’ birthday so I put up a good face and watched some movies with her. We had some Korean fried chicken, spicy dduckboki, pizza corn cheese, with a side of extra spicy sauce. That was some dinner. We watched a couple of movies.

Single All the Way. It’s about Peter and him asking his best friend, Nick, to pose as his boyfriend on a Christmas visit home. It’s very heartwarming. Peter’s family was great, a bit meddling, but great. It was not a dream family for sure, but they seemed really close and genuinely love each other. Of course, this won’t be complete without a love triangle. It’s definitely not a new trope, you know. It’s been done before but that did not change the way I enjoyed the movie. I mean, it made me realize that I want to really live in a small town and own a bar. All in all, the movie is cute and definitely a feel-good one. I mean it’s about falling in love with your best friend and honestly realizing that he is your person. What’s not to love about that?

Friendsgiving. It’s a quiet thanksgiving among friends that escalated to a chaotic night when uninvited guests crash the party. Definitely chaotic, and cringy at times. I enjoyed the fact that the dialogues were improvised at times. And you know, I think it was and that made the movie for me, to be honest. It was almost raw in the delivery and I appreciated that. Life is definitely raw and this movie was that. From heartache, to being broken, to being high, to making out with one of your friends, the random conversations…Yeah, it was real. 

Friday – well, I also had a rough night Thursday night. Interrupted sleep all the way for me. So I was pretty tired when I woke up. Normally, I would dress up a bit when I go to work. You know, look decent at least. I was having none of that when I woke up this morning. My outfit? An oversized sweater, a pair of sweatpants, my hair in a very messy bun, and just moisturizer and SPF. I didn’t give a shit today. My team was down two people, and we were busy sample-size-wise. So I was just in the lab the whole day. Didn’t even look at any of my emails, that could wait. 

I got a surprise when I got home though. My hun sent me a package. I mean he misspelled my last name but what can I do? He got me a book – Heaven’s Official Blessing book 1. The cover is just so pretty! The book is heavier than I was expecting. I mean it’s heavier than the hardbound book that I am currently reading. It’s so dense! He also got me a game – Spiritfarer. I’m not a huge gamer, and I definitely enjoy games more when I play with him. So he got this one since he also wants to check out. And he wants to play it together. It came with some postcards (not sure how much, since they’re wrapped) and stickers! Which are so cute. And the last items in the box are a notebook and a pencil. An etched stone paper journal and an infinity pencil. The paper is so pretty, so smooth. From what I gather, it’s mixed media paper, I would need to test it out. I’m excited.

I actually might start reading Heaven’s Official Blessing already. Although I shouldn’t since I am already juggling a few books already. But I don’t want it to just be sitting next to my bed! We shall see.

12.12.22 – I was Seething with Annoyance

I was pretty disconnected at work today. My hun asked if I was scatterbrained. I teased him of course and said, Me? Scatterbrained? The nerve. And I think I got him flustered because he started explaining that he only meant to say that my brain is everywhere. Not that I can’t formulate a thought. And tonight, he mentioned it again that he really hoped that I didn’t take offense. I just smiled and told him I was teasing. Honestly, I have no idea how to describe how I was at work earlier today. The closest I can get to a description is that I was disconnected.

Anyway, we got to watch some anime again today. Same three that we are consuming. 

Moriarty the Patriot. We were finally on episode 18 – The Merchant of London. I’ve been waiting for him to see this episode. Because it was…something. And I was delighted to watch his reactions to the episode. The gasps, the disbelief, the amazement. Yes. It was worth the wait. This also showed how ruthless William can be even as a kid. So smart, that he knows how to play the game.

Castlevania. My hun called me out. He said I was feeling super protective over Adrian. And definitely feeling some jealousy. I mean I admit it. I was not happy seeing the twins all over him. Laughing with him. Oh My God, the subtle flirting. My ears were red with annoyance. I want to reach over the screen and just grab them off of him. But of course, I cannot so I just sat here seething. My prediction remains, the twins will TRY to kill Adrian. Especially now that he has been letting his walls down. My hun says they are not twins apparently, he just calls them twins. And I was like, I will just call them twins ’cause what else would I call them? Snakes?  Anyway, Lenore is doing a good job of manipulating Hector. I only hope that Hector is just playing the part, just doing this to make the best out of a bad situation kind of thing. Because from where I am standing, I feel like she has him eating at the palm of her hand. 

The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting. Did I say that this anime is just so wholesome? If not, well, let me say it – THIS ANIME IS WHOLESOME. It’s just the sweetest thing. I teared up when Aoi left the Sakuragi family to protect his new family. It was nice seeing how Toru has changed so much. I love how gentle he is with Yaeka. He is such a sweetheart. And I love the fact that Yaeka is starting to open up to other kids. Sure, she will never be as extroverted as her friend, Sara, and that’s fine. She can enjoy being introverted with her other friend Kaede, who also feels like an introverted kid. I still think that Sugihara is precious. He could be a softie but damn he can switch to someone so ruthless as well. But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised, he works with Toru directly. 

I’m thinking of cooking some beef nilaga tomorrow after work. It’s been really cold here so something warm and hearty would be nice.

12.11.22 – Oh Adrian, You Break My Heart

Well, Sunday was still definitely a lazy day. I am not complaining though. I love lazy days. Those are the ideal days off. Regardless, I still did some minimal chores like throwing away the trash and washing the dishes. But aside from those two, I refused to do much of anything else. 

I was making fun of my love earlier. He was rehashing the Video Game Awards 2022 with a friend of his this morning. I was teasing him and by extension, his friend as well. Of course, I don’t really mean anything by it. It was made in good fun. I personally find it adorable when he gets excited talking about video games. But I just couldn’t help myself. My hun was so happy that Elden Ring won the game of the year award. And really, all I could do was smile at him!

Anyway, we watched some anime. No surprise there. We are going through three animes right now – Moriarty the Patriot, Castlevania, and The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting.

Moriarty the Patriot. I couldn’t help but smile at him when the character called James Bonde joined the team. His reaction of “Wow!” was enough for me to laugh. Hey, it was definitely a bit on the cringe side. I am not going to say lame, but it did make me laugh. And this character is just so gorgeous, and I am shipping him with Moran. My love is currently simping over Fred. I cannot blame him, that character, though very quiet, is also a master of disguise. I think my hun is intrigued by him.

Castlevania. So we started watching Season Three. We consumed 4 episodes. One thing – I am happy that I don’t see Carmilla in every freaking episode. I really do not like that character. So poorly imagined. Anyway, Sypha is definitely a treat when the scene is on her and Trevor. I just like the fact that she is having so much fun. Trevor, of course, is a welcome sight. He seems happier now although he pretends to only follow Sypha’s lead begrudgingly. 

I feel for Adrian, I just feel like he is so lost. I don’t blame him whatsoever. He is a teenager without a purpose. And being alone in that fortress, having conversations with the dolls of Trevor and Sypha, it breaks my heart. Then the twins. I am not going to remember the names – or I should say, I refuse to remember their names. Why? I don’t trust them. They showed up in the forest where Adrian is and say that they are looking for the Alucard. They were lurking in the forest! They came out of nowhere to ask for his help on how to kill vampires. Yeah – sure. Obviously, Adrian being lonely and without a purpose, he will jump on that opportunity just so he can have interactions. Opportunistic twins. I am calling it now, they will try to kill my ever so gorgeous brooding dampyr. 

Let’s talk about the forgemasters. Hector. Hmmm, well, I do want to see some character development from him. I want him to be smart and use the vampires to survive. I guess to make the best of the situation that he put himself in. He is just so easily manipulated and I want that to stop. He is just so pure. Let’s see how he plays his cards with Lenore. I am enjoying Isaac’s arc right now. He is trying to figure things out and his struggle between “kill all the humans” and “not all of them are bad” is just something to watch. I don’t blame him though, for every kind man he meets, a bunch of unreasonable people cancel it out. I mean Isaac literally says “We mean no harm, we will just pass through” but these men are just “No.” I don’t blame him. He needs to be somewhere and these people are in the way.

The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting. I already said this yesterday, but this anime is just wholesome. For the most part. I mean, of course, there will be some violence. That’s not surprising, we are dealing with Yakuza here. But they adopted a cat! Yaeka is just adorable. And she made a friend! I think Sugihara is just so precious. And Kirishima is just a sweetheart. He practiced cooking for Yaeka’s birthday! How sweet is that?! We love this anime as a whole. And honestly, the anime is such a nice ending to our hangouts. It’s just so freaking wholesome and overloaded with good things that my hun and I can’t help but smile.

12.10.22 – Kirishima is so Wholesome

Today has been really chilly again. Not snowing though, just rainy. Which I appreciate, I will always prefer rain over snow any day. Rain over the sun any day. Costco was busy this morning. I replenished my food supply for this month. Sure I spent some significant $$ but hey, I won’t really need to do grocery shopping for weeks so win-win.

I got to hang out with my hun today. We watched some episodes of Moriarty the Patriot and Castlevania, and we started watching The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting

I’m glad that my hun continues to enjoy Moriarty the Patriot. This was one of my fave anime this year. It was dark, it was a mystery, and the MC is an antihero. And he will do what it takes to reach his goals. His ideal society, I should say. It’s getting really good.

Now, having watched two seasons of Castlevania, what do I really think? The anime is definitely gory. Well, graphic. I expected the violence. I don’t mind it. What gets me really is the piercing of the eyes and the back slashing. I cannot deal with those. The action sequences were good. I enjoyed them a lot. The trio of Trevor, Adrian, and Sypha was awesome. Sypha was really enjoyable. Such a strong female protagonist. And then you have Carmilla. I understand wanting to create an unlikable antagonist but I think it could have been done better. They could’ve gone with another strong female antagonist. That one was just annoying the shit out of me. I want her to trip and fall on a freaking stake. That would be satisfying.

Since we wanted a slice-of-life anime, we decided to watch The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting. Two episodes in, we enjoyed it. Despite the title, the anime is wholesome. There are some sad moments for sure, but for the most part, the anime is very heartwarming. We will continue watching this one for sure.