01.25.23 – When Stress Gets To Me

Let’s just say that stress is getting to me and I cannot function properly. I have no motivation to do anything. My motivation is in the negatives. I have zero fucks to give now. All I want to do at this point is to move on with my life.

Something random: I was eating Toblerone in my office this afternoon. I had about four triangles left. I was on the phone with my hun. I remember having two pieces. Then I remember, “Oh! I still have two more triangles.” And I could not find them. Why? Because apparently, I ate them all. And I consumed those two triangles without my noticing. Yeah…That was interesting.

Another random thing: For some freaking reason I was having issues typing the date today. I have been entering it as “01/25/26” ALL DAY. So it made my work day even more time consuming since I have to keep editing the dates.

Also, why are people weird? I mean, why are people so sus? And shady? And annoying? Or maybe I am just that jaded and I see the worse in people. High possibility. But me getting a random message on LinkedIn, having a brief conversation with said person, then proceeded to tell me that we should connect via Whatsapp. That is sus and a half.

I have not been able to read a book these past few days. I’ve been struggling. I just think it is the stress. Granted I feel like it should not but it does. I do not let it run my life, but I am just human, and sometimes, it puts me in a crippling mood. My focus has been really all over the place.

I am planning on reading a little bit tonight. I think I owe that to myself.

01.23.23 – Zero Fucks to Give

Well, work was interesting. I had zero motivation. Actually, make that negative motivation. I had no fucks to give. And that is sad.

I’m just chillin’ tonight. I finished reading given volume 5 and now rewatching the anime, given. Because why not? I am planning on reading Heaven Official’s Blessing. I have not been able to pick it up since the other night. Not because I did not want to read it. I was distracted by the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series. 

I need to give my other books time. I cannot limit myself to one series for the whole year. I cannot do that. I do not want to be burnt out by the series either. It happened the first time I read Anita Blake. I stopped after book 6 and never picked it up again. So I do not want a repeat of that this time around.

Anyway, I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I am just not interested.

01.22.23 – Damn, Bleach Slaps.

Two days without a post. Yeah, I received some upsetting news Friday afternoon that I needed to process. I was mad but now I feel like my feelings are down to “it is what it is”. 

Anyway, I read the whole weekend – of course, this is an exaggeration. Not the whole weekend. Just some hours of the day. But it was nice. I needed the escape and nothing can really take me out of reality compared to being lost in an urban fantasy involving werecreatures, vampires, and a vampire hunter.

I did finish The Lunatic Cafe on Saturday and picked up the 5th book of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series right after. I am almost halfway done with Bloody Bones. I did not read today though. I felt like I needed a break.

I did hang out with hun today. We cooked again. We did some lazy cooking. We both used some premade Korean BBQ marinade and sauce to cook. I just wanted something that I do not need to do a lot of prep for. Yeah, I was having a bit of a lazy day. My hun and I did watch some anime today.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. OMG. I cannot believe they killed him! I love his character. He was such a good dad, a good hubby, and just an all-around awesome guy. And he died! And now, I’m sad. Regardless though, this became a catalyst for Mustang to get to the bottom of things in the military. He knows that his friend stumbled on something important that lead to his death. Again, this anime and the subject matter are dark. And I am finding it enjoyable to watch. 

Bleach: The Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc. We finished this arc. It was fine. It was not great. It did feel like a filler to me but not really. It was needed for Ichigo to regain his powers. I was pretty satisfied with the Tsukishima-Byakuya fight. My hun and I thought that the fight was very well-matched. We both agreed that no one probably would’ve been able to defeat Tsukishima except Byakuya, and maybe Ichigo. Those two really are the only ones that I think would’ve been able to adapt during the fight to find a way to win against Tsukishima. The conclusion of the arc was satisfying. No complaints there. 

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War. And since we finished the last arc, and it was my choice, I picked the next arc for Bleach. No surprise there, I have been itching to watch this since it came out. And OMG, the animation in this new arc. WOW. My hun said it feels like a different anime. I mean, it’s a different team altogether. Not to mention that the last arc came out in 2011. So years! But damn, yeah. YEAH. It’s definitely gorier than the pasts arcs. Which I like. Let’s just say that I’m excited about this one.

Kotaro Lives Alone. This one is just a nice ending to some intense anime binge. Not that this one does not cover some dark storylines. Because it does and definitely not some feel-good slice of life. And every episode just gives you a little glimpse of Kotaro’s past to help the viewer understand why he is how he is right now. And all the viewer can do is just be there for the ride. It definitely knows how to pull on the heartstrings.

01.19.23 – Yes, I Cry Watching Anime

I got work and all I could think of was, “I want this day to be over about it”. That was all I could think of the whole day. How horrible was that? Anyway, I did some metrics report I needed for a meeting on Monday. I finished that in the morning. The rest of the day, I was just lazy-ing it up. I mean sure, I did some work here and there but I just get so bored about my job that I hate it so much.

Anyway, I also found a reading app – Bookly. I’m trying it for now. I just like the fact that I can just scan the ISBN and it will upload my book and it can track my time reading it. And it can track a lot of other things. But we shall see. So far the only pull for me is the time tracking. And it logs it in real-time so I cannot complain.

My hun and I did watch some anime tonight. It was good. 

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. This anime is getting really interesting for me. I just really did not like that little girl episode from the beginning. It was just too hard for me to continue on after that. But so far it’s capturing my interest. I would like to where the brothers will go in search of the philosopher’s stone. I love the characters. Armstrong is becoming one of my favorite characters. He is such a teddy bear. The anime is definitely dark but the characters and the way the story is being told make the subject matter palatable.

Bleach: The Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc. I mean, I knew Ginjo was sus. Kenpachi got bored with his “fight”. That was not even a fight. I am excited about the Byakuya-Tsukishima fight. Toshiro is scary. He definitely became harder. And of course, there was a part in the episode where Inoue was doing that inner monologue BS, and I skipped that shit. I was not interested.

Kotaro Lives Alone. We only watched one episode but that episode hit. I mean, this anime is just so good. It pulls on our heartstrings and I love seeing my hun react to the anime. Since I watched this anime not too long ago, I knew what I was getting into. But the anime pretty much pulls the same emotions from me. I laugh, I smile, I tear up, and I cry. If you look at just the thumbnail, the looks like a very unassuming slice-of-life anime. But it takes you somewhere. And all you can do is feel.

I am planning on reading tonight. Going to continue with The Lunatic Cafe for now. 

01.18.23 – My Brain Cannot Come Up with a Title

Today was like always meh. Nothing notable happened…Unless you count me running into a glass window. I guess for the sake of sharing something interesting – yeah, I ran into a glass window like it just suddenly showed up there.

I was also feeling quite a bit tired today. But then again, I did not get any decent sleep last night. I think the shadiness of where I work was getting to me. To say I was annoyed was a huge understatement.

Planning on reading tonight. Even for just an hour or so. I’ve been pretty distracted for the last couple of days. I only read for a couple of hours each day. I do not like it.

Short post today I guess. Doing this on my phone. Not the most ideal.

01.17.23 – I got Heated with Bleach

Well, I hate how shady my workplace is. That is all that I’m going to say about that.

My hun and I watched some anime tonight. We picked up Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and we watched two episodes of that. Then we watched three episodes of Bleach.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. We decided to watch episodes 5 and 6. We did not want to rewatch from the beginning because I refuse to watch the episodes that turned me off the anime in the first place. We enjoyed the episodes enough that we can continue with the anime. We are watching in dubbed, and I kept on wondering who voiced Edward Elric in English. It was the same voice actor who played Tamaki Suoh. Now, I cannot unsee Tamaki when Edward talks and does his big reactions. Not a bad thing though.

Bleach: The Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc. We ended up watching three episodes of this one. And oh boy, I was annoyed! I swear Chad and Inoue are just – I can live without them. They can just go bye-bye and I would not even care.

Chad: I don’t want to fight you.

Yet he swings his fucking diablo arm at Ichigo. Dude, really? Ichigo did not want to fight either and he never did swing his sword at him or Inoue for that matter. I am not as annoyed with Inoue since all she did was heal and protected Tsukishima. She never attacked Ichigo directly. Such freaking weak characters with no character development. I understand that they were being manipulated by their memories but Ichigo was still their friend. Yeah, sure, let’s protect this other friend and forget about this other friend. Also, the fuck was that having Chad tell Ichigo that Tsukishima was there when he was fighting Aizen. YOU WERE NOT THERE. You were somewhere else during the battle at the fake Karakura town. Whatever.

Planning on reading tonight. I was able to read a little bit last night but not as much as I wanted. So doing that tonight with Heaven Official’s Blessing. I need a break from the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series.