11.01.23 – This Year Went By Fast.

I cannot believe it’s already November. I don’t know where this year went. But it went by too fast for my liking. It seems like it was just yesterday when we were told that we would be laid off. And that was during the first quarter of 2023, so yeah. Too quick.

Anyway, today was still not a good day. I was feeling sick. My body is still recuperating from sleepless nights. Last night was a bit better. I was able to sleep at a somewhat decent time. I had a good six hours of sleep. However, something unfortunate happened this morning. My phone fell on my lips and now, it’s swollen. And it bled this morning. Oh well. As my hun said, I am dangerous.

I’m glad to say that Phoebe is a lot better now. She slept the whole night and was pretty much in her normal mood the whole day. Her naps throughout the day were also longer compared to the last few days. Thank goodness because I am at my wit’s end.

Any plans tonight? Not much. I do have a migraine so I might just curl in bed. And most likely read a bit since I have not really read in a hot minute. So I would like to read a few pages from Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6. I am enjoying the backstory right now, since it does reveal some connections on why Hua Cheng did the things he did and why his biggest fear is being unable to do anything but watch his beloved suffer. The backstory is breaking my heart of course. But I felt such satisfaction when Xie Lian started cursing. Because that is such a visceral reaction to something you can’t control. And yes, I am emotional reading these pages. And I still have a long way to go before this rollercoaster of a backstory is over.

10.31.23 – Exhaustion is a Thing.

Man, I’ve been really out of it today. I have been restless the last couple of nights. At least Phoebe has been really good today. She seems to be feeling a lot better. Which is a good thing. Hopefully, I can get some decent sleep tonight.

I did manage to do some chores this morning. So that was a win considering I have little to no energy. I did manage to sneak in a nap this afternoon while Phoebe was sleeping. So that was good but not nearly enough for the restlessness of the last couple of days. I’ve just been listening to podcasts the whole day since reading is not an option at the moment. My focus is just nonexistent at the moment. I will get back to it soon enough. Just not right now.

No big plans tonight. Just to get a few more hours of rest. Take advantage of the fact that my old dog is feeling better compared to the last few days. I am feeling a bit sick and my left eye is twitching like crazy because I am exhausted. But once I get some decent sleep, these things will go away.

10.30.23 – Running on Caffeine.

Rough night. Yeah. I was basically running on caffeine the whole day. I did manage to sneak a nap in the afternoon while Phoebe was napping as well. But I woke up to her walking around the apartment. I really do worry for my 18-year-old dog. She is healthy but there are times that she is just not having a good time. And the last two days fall on the latter. And now I’m feeling sick because I did not get a decent sleep. And I won’t tonight either. Not good.

Anyway, nothing planned for tonight. Just to stay vigilant with Phoebe. I am currently doing laundry just so I have something to do in case Phoebe has another rough night. I would read but I found it really difficult to focus when Phoebe wakes up every 10 minutes.

10.29.23 – Let’s Go To The Mall. Today.

Well, this weekend apparently involved me going to the mall. I went to the mall yesterday, and again, today. Both times, the place was crowded. And both times, I ended up buying myself pants. Because why not? I don’t have enough according to my brain. Or I should say, I see a sale, I buy. Not good. I did manage to stop myself from splurging too much – let’s say buying a pair of shoes or some more dresses that I wouldn’t know what to do with. So I exhibited some restraints. However, I did manage to find a gem by chance. And I just got to take her home with me.

The Gem: Daria Morgendorffer Keychain

Phoebe has not been feeling well for the last couple of days. She’s eating and drinking water, but for some reason, she is having an upset stomach. I’m pretty sure you know where this is going. I’m planning on staying up a little later tonight just to monitor and keep an eye on her. She has been pretty restless.

No big plans tonight really. I was supposed to hang out with my hun but I had to cut it short. I was pretty distracted because of my dog. So the plan is just to just play whatever in the background while I read for a bit. So I am not as preoccupied and can focus on Phoebe.

10.27.23 – Just Chillin’ All Day.

Last night was rough. I did not get a good rest. I woke up late, to a mess that I had to clean up. Then did some chores. My dog followed me around the apartment which made the tasks a bit difficult to complete. I did complete them, so that’s a win. Considering I was feeling rather off when I woke up.

I was able to just sit and relax after. I read some chapters of Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6. I definitely got emotional. And then got even more emotional as I was recounting the events of the book to my hun. Yeah, it was a lot. And I was sad. And my heart was broken.

And then I found a really nontoxic BL manhwa! It was just the cutest thing. And it was really fluffy and I was there for it. I was smiling, I was giddy. It was a great break from the heartbreak reading HOB. And when I shared the story to my hun, he was surprised that it was a manhwa and not a TV series or an anime. It was too good. And so fun. The communication between the main characters, the sweetness, the progression from being enemies to lovers. CHEF’S KISS!

Anyway, we finally finished Parasyte. It was okay. I won’t rewatch it again. It was fine. I was definitely expecting more from it. Honestly, I think the premise was great. The story progression was decent. But it was enough for me to keep watching. I love Migi. Definitely the best character in the anime. There were some questionable decisions. The ending of the conflict between Izumi and Gotou was a bit anti-climatic. I did not appreciate Izumi’s characterization back to humanity. I mean, again, it was decent. I enjoyed the anime for the most part.

Plans tonight? Nothing major. I just want to read tonight.

10.26.23 – Drunk Off Water.

I had a urine drug test today and drank a lot of water. And I had to time it perfectly so that I needed to go the bathroom when I did the deed. I timed it perfectly. And yes, I was playing with the timing throughout the day before my appointment. At least that was done and I don’t have to worry about it at all.

I decided to start reading Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6 because I wanted to continue with the story already. And I mean, it’s the book to read according to my schedule anyway. So I just went ahead and did it. And oh boy the revelations in the first two chapters of this volume. I mean, it revealed how obsessed our Hua Cheng is with our Xie Lian. And Feng Xin and Mu Qing do not approve. It was chaos reading through it. And someone who caused Xie Lian great suffering just showed himself. And my heart cannot take the blossoming relationship between HuaLian. Love it.

I was able to hang out with my partner. And we were able to watch some episodes of Parasyte, Ghosts, and Founder of Diabolism.

Parasyte. Almost done with this anime. Finally. I’m also just ready to finish this one. I really do not like Satomi. It’s like dude decide how you want him. He was different, you want him back, now he’s back, he’s still different. Izumi experienced a lot of things and saw a lot, no one would be the same after all those. And Izumi got his humanity back. And it annoyed the shit out of me because he is now back to his scared shitless self. And pretty useless at the moment. I cannot stand it. So, I am just done and we are planning on finishing this anime tomorrow. We have three episodes left.

Ghosts. Well, this one is just funny. We love it. However, I am just criticizing the fact that this couple should not be entertaining any potential business endeavors and hosting any kind of paid events until the renovations in that mansion are done and over with.

Founder of Diabolism. Well, this is just good. The animation is awesome. And the storyline is interesting. Wei Wuxiang is just a hoot to watch with his antics. Lang Wangji is perpetually annoyed. I just love them. And then you have Jiang Cheng who is just a tsundere. I love them.

Heaven Official’s Blessing. Yeah, I marathoned this one again. Because I just love this danmei. And I just love Hua Cheng and Xie Lian so much. This anime is just really well made. The characters are vibrant. I love it.

Plans tonight? Read some more Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6. That’s it.