06.05.23 – I Have No Title.

As I said in my previous post, I needed a break. Because my body just gave up on me. I don’t think I was sick. But my body said otherwise. My throat has been hurting. I was congested, and still am actually. The only thing that I was happy about was that I was not coughing. I would take that as a win. I still had no idea how I could’ve gotten sick. I’ve been in this apartment since I got laid off. The only time I go outside was to do errands. And even then it was for less than two hours early in the morning because you know, minimum people interaction.

I was able to read a bit the last few days, just not at the momentum that I wanted to. Which was okay. I was not able to do anything today. I was just relaxing in bed since I was not really feeling well. I did spend time laying out in the sun again with Paco. It was nice until Paco decided that he wanted to come back inside the apartment.

My boyfriend and I had not been able to hang out for a bit. Hopefully, I would feel better tomorrow. He has been busy as well with double shifts and all that. So it was also very important for him to get some rest.

I had a bit of reorganization to do tomorrow and on Wednesday. I really need to finish the bathroom and the closet. Then the next would be bookshelves. I think I got all the bins and shelves I need for this. Well, hopefully anyway.

No big plans tonight. I might read a little bit but that’s about it. Just taking it easy.

06.02.23 – I Needed a Break.

I was not feeling the best yesterday. With the allergies and the throat hurting and congestion. With all of those going on, I was not really up to posting last night. I needed rest. Well, I wanted to be in bed. Which for the most part, I was. So thank goodness for that.

I was able to start organizing the closet yesterday. However, I did not finish it. Why? I was not expecting to find a lot of things that either needed to be thrown away or kept. I ordered some bins from Amazon, and boy, I messed up. I ordered the wrong-sized bins. They were smaller than I thought and I could not use them for this reorganization project. I mean, the bins would not go to waste for sure. I have a lot of tiny things that needed to be in bins. So these bins would be used. Waiting for the new bins that I ordered. So I would be continuing with this reorganization next week.

Today was a slow day for me. I made no plans on doing some reorganization stuff. Which was totally fine. My throat was still hurting and congestion was still pretty bad. However, I did lay out under the sun for a bit with my dog Paco. Cause I needed some sun. I’ve been cooped up in this apartment and only went out to run errands. I read for a bit but for the most part, I was just listening to a podcast, Podcrushed. Being out was relaxing. And feeling the sun against my skin was nice. But it was still hot. And I could never be a fan of heat.

Paco sunbathing with me today.

My hun and I were able to hang out today for a bit. He only did a few hours on his first shift and then went home to chill before going to his second shift. We watched a few episodes of anime.

Naruto. A huge Gaara backstory. It was good. And I loved seeing what he went through to be who he was at this time of the anime. However, I had to limit it to one episode today. It was going a bit slow for me. It was making me tired.

High Card. That was an intense episode. Nice to see that Finn was starting to remember some parts of his past – well, at least the fire that killed his parents anyway. He knew now that they were attacked.

Bungo Stray Dogs. We finally got to see Kenji in action. He was just so…pleasant. He was just so honest and cheerful. But then his ability was a surprise! It was a pleasant surprise! That was an interesting limitation though, he could use it while he’s hungry. He just sleeps when he’s full. Classic definition of food coma right there. The league has been introduced and I wonder what kind of shenanigans this group is up to.

No big plans tonight. I really just want to finish reading the novel that I have not been able to read for the last couple of days. Less than 100 pages! Come on! Tomorrow, Chris and I planned on watching the Scream franchise. She hasn’t watched it apparently.

05.31.23 – Fried Chicken for Dinner? Yes Please.

I wasn’t planning on posting tonight but here I am. I was just in such an off mood. I put together a small fabric drawer for the hallway. I organized some stuff a little bit. After that, I just felt tired. So I just relaxed a lot and started rewatching You. I wanted to watch the latest season since I am behind on that but I wanted to indulge myself and watched the whole series again.

Other than that, I was just in bed the whole day. Browsing through Amazon and Door Dash. I couldn’t stop thinking about burgers and fried chicken. Why? I was craving some comfort food. So, I just ordered some KFC for dinner. And it was satisfying. My stomach was very happy.

Anyway, Chris and I watched some more episodes of You while eating dinner, and continued after that. We stopped at episode 2 of the second season. Then I was just browsing on Netflix for whatever and watching trailers.

I might read before sleeping tonight. I have 100 pages left on a novel that I’m currently reading. I kind of inhaled the story and couldn’t put it down since yesterday. So I just want to finish it soon.

05.30.23 – I Did Things Today!

Hey! I felt slightly productive today. Hey, but you know what? Two hours of just doing chores and errands were productive in my books. Well, I accomplished what I planned on doing today. And that was that! Organized the shoe rack the best I could. We have an abundance of shoes. I did throw away some, like slippers and a pair of ballet flats. I debated if I wanted to throw up a pair of my booties but opted for keeping them for now. I wanted to think it over more.

hoping we keep this up.

Next spot to organize: closet in the hallway. I’m not looking forward to it. I have no idea what I will find in there. However, I am looking forward to fishing out some of my journals hiding in one of those boxes. Would I read through them? Maybe. It would be nice to read what the heck was in my head back in my late teens/early twenties. We shall see though. The goal is really to just organize that closet and see what can be tossed out. Not to peruse and read my journals. We are in desperate need of more storage space.

I was able to hang out with my love today. We were able to watch some anime today, which was nice. But was also sad since I got tired pretty early today. Despite having two mugs of coffee today, with one mug consumed right before we started hanging out.

Naruto. Don’t get me wrong, I love this anime, but damn, the story drags. I would never recommend this anime to someone new to watching anime. On top of the number of filler episodes, the story took its sweet ass time to progress. We still have not seen the conclusion of the Orochimaru vs Sarutobi fight. Naruto and company just caught up with Sasuke. And these events started about five episodes ago, I think.

Bungo Stray Dogs. Love Dasai. We got introduced to Chuuya. And I’m intrigued about him already. And I would like to unravel that rivalry between Chuuya and Dasai. It was nice to see Atsushi getting comfortable using his ability. Loved that he never gave up on Kyoka. And he took her out on a “date”.

High Card. We enjoyed that little Chris episode. We saw him in such a different light – being a loving older brother. I love layered characters. And he is one.

No big plans tonight. Just going to bed early. Because apparently, I’m freaking sleepy.

05.29.23 – Tired and Irritable – My Drama the Whole Day.

I was a mess when I woke up this morning. Why? I had no idea. All I knew was that I was irritated and felt like I did not get any sleep at all. Little things irritated me. The dogs being on the way. My roommate eating her breakfast. Looking at my computer. Yeah, little things that generally would not have bothered me. It was not fun. I did feel a little less irritated after I had breakfast. And my roommate as well as my boyfriend concluded that I was just hangry. Maybe. I was still tired though. That didn’t go away the whole day.

My hun and I decided to take a raincheck today. He slept practically the whole day. And I just chilled in bed. I watched I Know What You Did Last Summer, My Girl, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (still having this play in the background right now).

Short post, even now, being in front of the computer is annoying me. But I am planning on reading a little bit tonight. I was going to read today, but I was just not in the mood – not for the lack of trying.

05.28.23 – When Exhaustion Takes Over.

I could not explain why I was so tired today. Yawning and leaning my chair back while I watched movies with my boyfriend. Not even going to try even evaluate what I did the whole day. Because I did nothing strenuous to warrant the exhaustion. We did manage to watch two more movies today.

Scream IV (2011). We were finally able to watch it. I mean, we had to rent it but we just decided to for it. The story was good. It fitted right in with the whole franchise. It was unhinged. We enjoyed the story. However, the film and sound qualities were questionable. No, not questionable, it was not good. I had to tell my hun to mute himself because all I could hear was his AC and not the movie says a lot about how shitty the sound was. The picture quality was just…interesting. Apparently, it was purposeful. Something about the filter that the production used. But they totally missed the mark on that one. Watching all of them, I decided to consider the 5th and the 6th movies as totally different and not at all connected to the original installments since the last two have different legacy characters. On the four movies, here is my ranking with number 1 as my favorite: (1) Scream, (2) Scream 2, (3) Scream 4, and (4) Scream 3. My hun’s ranking: (1) Scream, (2) Scream 4, (3) Scream 2 and (4) Scream 3. We disagreed on the 2nd and 3rd place of course, and it all came down to preference.

Shutter Island (2010). No complaints about this movie. It was a good psychological thriller. My hun enjoyed it as well, and that was all I wanted. He said that he thought it was a horror movie at first that was why he never watched it. Let’s just say that the movie made me want to read the book. So that was good. The story was good. The twist was great. And we had no complaints about it. I did remember watching this for the first years ago, and for some reason, I remembered it to be more intense than my rewatch. Which was understandable. I mean this was a psychological thriller mystery, there was no way that I could enjoy it the same way I enjoyed it the first time I saw the movie. Still really good though.

No big plans tonight. Just chill and relax. As I said, I am feeling exhausted. So I just want to take it easy tonight. I just need to journal real quick and then I should be done for the night.