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Category: QT with Love

04.21.23 – Counter Clean-Up. Check.

I did not do much today. Just cleared one side of the counter. It was not too bad. It was still somewhat productive for sure. The kitchen side of the counter will be for tomorrow. I like doing a reorganization this way – one area a day. I mean I have the time right now to do it this way so I am taking advantage.

Looks so nice. Tomorrow, the other side.

I read a lot last night. I was able to make a dent in Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 1. And I am enjoying it a lot. The banter for sure was fun. I kept laughing last night. I had to force myself to stop reading or else I would not get sleep. I know I know. I have no sleeping schedule at the moment, I have no need for it right now. And I could just have stayed up and finished the book. But I still need to function on a daily basis so, unfortunately, I still need sleep. Anyway, I like where the story is going so far. This definitely falls under some kind of historical fantasy genre with elements of Taoism, Buddhism, and Chinese mythology. It has its funny moments. As I said, I do enjoy the banter a lot between these gods and this ghost. And it has some kind of mystery mixed in there. This also falls under the danmei category. But I do not mind. That is my preference anyway.

I got to hang out with my hun today! Early too. We get to watch some anime. Cause what else can we be doing?

Sk8 the Infinity. So far, my hun was intrigued, and I would take that. So far Reki made a board for Langa. And we got introduced to Adam, which took this anime to the next level. I just loved this anime when I first watched it. It was so enjoyable. And I’m glad that I enjoying it with my hun right now.

Inuyasha. I starting to like the show a bit more now. That episode where the demon slayers were introduced was dark and I enjoyed that one. Sure, Kagome was on that episode but you know, for only a few minutes. For that, I was thankful. That episode with Kikyo and the kiss, and Kagome saw all of it, that one was good. I think it was nice to see how deeply Kikyo and Inuyasha feel for each other. I mean, I did understand why Kagome needed to be alone after that, I mean who could compete with a dead person? Then after that, I got annoyed again. Because the freaking Sacred Fragment was again stolen from Kagome – easily. I cannot with that plot.

Naruto. Orichimaru got introduced. You know, him shedding his disguise and everything. That introduction was so good. Sakura was annoying. She had the audacity to call Sasuke a coward. Bitch, you had no right to say that when all you did throughout this time was sit. She got a character arc with her hair-cutting scene. I know that was supposed to be a powerful scene, a character growth, but damn, I just cannot. Aside from that, rewatching these episodes was definitely enjoyable.

Plans tonight? Just finish reading Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 1. I have a hundred pages left so that would not be too difficult to be done tonight. I am planning of picking up the second book right after.

04.19.23 – Day Three of Doing Nothing

I was productive today! I mean hey, I gave myself a pat on the back. I organized my shit, and threw a lot of stuff away. I found a place for my watercolor paints. I found my lost watercolor brushes! I was happy about that. Tomorrow, I would be doing the same thing tomorrow – focusing on my craft cart, a mess I tell you. So I want to get that done tomorrow and reorganize.

Also, with all the cleaning that I did this morning, I found a bunch of blank notebooks! Yeah, I am a little bit obsessed with stationery. I am actually scared of my craft cart. It’s just overflowing right now and I have no idea what it contains at this point.

While doing some chores, I discovered this podcast called Chosen Family. I am on episode seven and so far, I am enjoying it. It’s funny and they talk about some queer stuff. And my demisexual heart is all for it.

Anime recap:

Inuyasha. Apparently, Inuyasha is stronger when Kagome is there with him. Why? Because he needs to protect her, so his full potential is in full force when she’s around. Like seriously? I think we are getting to the romance part of this anime, and I am not sure how I feel about it. Because I cannot stand Kagome whatsoever. We shall see though. I mean, for the most part, I am enjoying the anime when Kagome is not on the screen.

Naruto. The Chunin exams started! The first exam is done. And now the second exam just started and it’s getting good. I mean yeah. I am trying so hard not to spoil anything for my hun to be honest. And all I could say was “OMG, it’s getting good now!!”

Tomo-chan is a Girl. We finished this anime! And it was good. My hun did give it a 10/10. I am putting it on that scale as well. It was enjoyable for sure. The subject matter was executed well. And the animation was good. I was very hesitant to put it up there as Sasaki and Miyano since that anime was really top-tier for me. But I could see rewatching this anime multiple times. This is definitely a slow-burn one. But the anime is definitely worth it.

Sk8 the Infinity. One thing that I clarified before we started watching this anime was the fact that this is a yaoi anime. When my hun saw one episode, he was like, “You said there are no yaoi undertones.” I laughed and said, “I said it’s not yaoi.” He seems pretty interested in it but then again we are only on the first episode. He was watching me when Langa got introduced and he found it odd that I was not fawning over the character. Minutes later he realized why, they also introduced Cherry in this episode.

Time to read now. Planning on getting some dent on Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 1. I did read some earlier before I hung out with that guy across the country but I need to actually sit and read tonight.

04.18.23 – Day Two of Doing Nothing

I finally finished reading The Killing Dance last night! You have no idea how big of an accomplishment it was for me. I have been in a reading slump for an extended period of time so just me being able to sit through the 100 pages of this book last night was great. It was definitely not the book’s fault. I was having some focus issues. All in all, I was just not in a good place. Anyway, I did have some issues with this book. I was really not a fan of love triangles. I used to before, but not anymore. I cannot deal with the drama. But this book in the series also dealt with some werewolf politics. I found that a bit difficult to push through. It did not help that I was never a fan of Richard, to begin with. So that was that.

What baffles me really was the fact that I could not remember reading some parts of this book before. This was a re-read for me. I do not remember how this person and that person died in this book. But they did. And after reading those, all I could think of was “Wow, how anti-climatic”. Then the filthy bathwater sex. I guess, I actually repressed that memory because I really hated that scene. I was just too grossed out to actually enjoy the sexy time that I have been waiting for since book one.

Anyway, what’s next on my reading list? I need to continue reading Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 1. I was already caught up with the webtoon adaptation of the novels so I really need to get a move on with the books.

I cleaned some. I mean granted I could probably still have cleaned some more. But damn, my back started hurting and I was like nope. Not risking it. So tomorrow again after than 9 AM call that I have on the schedule. Let’s just say that I was making some major progress.

I also rewatched given today. And damn, it was just so good. I honestly don’t understand why I thought this was not a 5-star anime. I mean, of course, my hun has a differing opinion of it, but damn I just love this anime. I cried on episode 9 of the first arc, my heart broke for the people in the second arc. And now I am itching to reread the manga because why not?

My hun and I got to hang out today and watched some anime.

Inuyasha. The plot was moving forward. Kagome did not lose a fragment in this episode, so that was nice. We finally got to see Inuyasha’s older brother again – Sesshomaru.

Naruto. Well, my hun loves Rock Lee. Not surprised. Definitely an underdog. However, he worked hard to get to where he was. My hun also met Kabuto and he said he likes his aesthetic. I cannot wait for the Chunin examination to actually start.

Tomo-chan is a Girl. I swear Jun and Tomo need to be together already. We are definitely enjoying this anime. I understand that this is a slow-burn romance but damn, all they needed to do really was to talk and admit that they like each other. My hun can’t take it anymore. We have two episodes left for this season. Let’s see how this ends.

Also, since I finished given, I am now watching Dakaretai Otoko No. 1. And on the hunt for the manga. Since the anime does have a lot of cuts compared to the actual manga.

04.16.23 – Like Seriously? In Filthy Ass Water?

You know what kills me? Me doing a little bit of physical labor and getting hit by back pain afterward. I just put together a metal bedframe and put some storage stuff underneath my bed. Guess what I’m suffering from right now…YES! A freaking back pain. What the actual fuck?

Anyway, despite waking up a bit later today, I felt productive still. I mean, I put together a bedframe, organized the under-bed storage, I washed the dishes, I cooked. I cannot complain about that. I mean sure, my back hurts now, but I still did quite a few things.

I was able to read today too! Planning on finishing The Killing Dance tonight. I had a long hiatus from reading but I am glad I am able to finally read a bit before my hun and I hung out this afternoon. Anyway, Richard finally showed his werewolf form to Anita. I mean he changed in front of Anita. Well ON TOP OF HER. And all I could think of was “the fuck are you thinking Richard???” All she needed to do was touch you and ride the power. You did not need to be on top of her when this was happening. And poured all this clear fluid whatever thingy on her.

Another point, I don’t know where the thought of baths being sexy came from. Why? Hear me out. I have been waiting for this sexy moment between Anita and Jean-Claude since book one. I mean the sexual tension between these two is palpable and I am just waiting for it to happen. So now that it’s finally happening, I’m annoyed because this scene is happening in filthy bath water. The bath water that Anita was submerged in while she scrub herself off of that gooey gluey clear fluid on her. The clear fluid of werewolf thingy that fell on her while Richard was shifting on top of her. When this sex scene got introduced, I was like “EEEEEWWWWWW. No JC don’t lick the water. EEEEWWWW. Anita! Don’t lick the water. WTF.” I mean why???

Anyway, as I said earlier, my hun and I was able to watch some anime today.

Naruto. Chunin exam time! And oh boy, I am excited. Gaara got introduced. Neji and Rock Lee as well. Sure the episodes were more introductions on the key Genins who will be in the Chunin exam but I cannot wait for the exam to actually begin. We tried the dubbed version for a few minutes, well my hun wanted to hear it. He didn’t mind the kids’ voices, Kakashi’s voice however was no good. Personally, I didn’t even bother with the English dub version. I am always very iffy with dub versions of older anime.

Tomo-chan is a Girl. Awww, Jun really needs to snap out of it and just realize already that he likes Tomo. OR Tomo can just say that she likes him. Well, I guess she tried before but it did not go as planned since Jun really sees her as a best friend. But dude, these two just need to get together already. It’s a pretty slow-burn romance. We both are enjoying the anime.

Inuyasha. I have no complaints about the episode that we watched. I know surprising! Miroku makes me laugh. I mean, his ever-not-so-subtle way of wanting to continue his bloodline is funny. It’s so in your face. No shame whatsoever.

What are my plans tomorrow? Nothing. I think someone from the office will do an inspection of the apartment, either tomorrow or Tuesday. So I cannot leave the house until that is done. I need to throw the trash but the dumpsters are still full, so I would need to check tomorrow if those get cleared out. But other than that, just chill. My hun is doing a double tomorrow, so no hangout. So really, just chilling and relaxing.

04.15.23 – And It Came to an End

Well, yeah. I am not going to elaborate a lot on this. But I saw the lab empty in 2019. and I saw it empty again yesterday. It was challenging to put into words how I felt about it. It was definitely poetic. I should it was a full circle. As I surrendered my keys to the place yesterday, I did feel lonely. It was definitely bittersweet but oh well, what is done is done. This is what happens when you work for a corporation.

Anyway, I slept in this morning! It was nice. I felt relieved that everything came to a close finally. I was struggling for the past two weeks. Although I felt sad, I am also just glad that it’s done and I can move on. Anyway, I went to Costco today, got some necessities, ate a hotdog, and did chores with no rush!

My hun and I did hang out today. Which was nice. He had some doubles for this week so we did not get the chance to watch some anime. Glad that we were able to do that today. Sure, it was not as long as I wanted. But I felt tired.

Naruto. The Zabuza-Haku arc has now ended. Sakura was useless. Haku was amazing. And I was glad about the Zabuza redemption at the end there. I cried because I am not made of stone. Next is the chunin exam arc!

Tomo-chan is a Girl. My hun and I are definitely enjoying this anime – to my hun’s surprise. This anime is just funny and endearing. My hun definitely roots for Tomo and Jun to get together. I want them to be together too. But honestly, I want a different guy to actually pay her attention. I mean, I want Jun to get a competition. Maybe actually put some smoke on his ass so he can realize that he actually likes Tomo that way. I feel like he is in constant denial. I guess that is the charm of the anime, to be honest. I mean, you can see that he is aware of her. He definitely enjoys Tomo’s company. But damn, how clueless can you be?

Inuyasha. Okay, honestly, I am really getting tired of Kagome. I am so done with the damsel in distress storyline. How many times are you going to be kidnapped? How many times are the fragments going to get stolen from you? I mean, seriously? At this point, she is just a liability. Useless. At least with Sakura, I can just forget that she’s there – she does not get a lot of screen time. But damn, Kagome is in every frame! Anyway, I do enjoy the demons and the conflicts, I just do not like Kagome. At this point, I’m just ready for her to be yeeted back to her world and just get forgotten.

I have no plans tomorrow. And for the next couple of weeks. I just want to not do anything right now. I just want to chill and do nothing.

04.09.23 – Tomo-chan is Adorable

Nothing much happened today. I just pretty much lazy’d it up the whole day. Sure I did some chores but for the most part, I just read some webtoons and watched some YouTube videos. Because why not?

My hun and I got to hang out for a bit until his power went out. At least we were able to watch some anime.

Naruto. Sasuke’s sharingan has been awakened. My hun go introduced to Naruto’s latent chakra. Or should I say the nine tails’ locked up chakra within Naruto. And he now understands that Sakura was just there to do nothing but be an accessory. He likes Haku, I agree with him on this one. Haku was not a difficult guy to like. He seemed gentle but ruthless. But his backstory was dark.

Tomo-chan is a Girl. This anime is a gem. We are enjoying it a lot. And we are laughing a lot. There is nothing more adorable than navigating that first crush. Even more so if the first crush is the best friend. And it seems like the best friend is also quite smitten. One thing that I really like about this anime is the fact that the crush likes her for who is. Sure, Tomo wants Jun to see her as a girl. But he actually does and I like the fact that he is not even trying to change her at all. He likes her the way she is already.

We started watching Inuyasha but my hun’s power cut off. So we had to call it early. I am not back to watching some YT videos and reading webtoons.