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Category: QT with Love

05.02.23 – I Did Nothing Today. And It was Great.

I woke up late. I guess, my body was just like, “You need to sleep in. You decided to not sleep the day before. So you’re going to sleep today.” Fine. I really need to go back to my regular scheduled things. Have the actual discipline to wake up at my regular time. But who knows? I mean I say a lot of things but I have an issue following through with some things. And me sleeping early and me waking up on time is one of those things that I really struggle with.

I was really lazy the whole day. But I managed to finish Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 2. Oh boy, this book was good. The story sucked me in right away. From the trip to the Ghost City, the drama of the State Preceptor Fangxin, then the Qi Rong mess, and the second arc. I enjoyed the backstory. I’ve been waiting for it. Anyway, the book definitely broke my heart in some parts, some parts made me smile, and some parts made me laugh. I got frustrated about certain things. But most importantly, I swooned over the interactions between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.

My hun and I did get to hang out later in the day. His original plan was to hang out with his friends. But I guess that did not pan out real well so we got to squeeze in a couple of episodes of Naruto before he went to work.

Naruto. The fight between Gaara and Rock Lee was amazing. Rock Lee was that underdog that you really root for. The efforts he had done to overcome his shortcomings as a shinobi were commendable. That was one solid background though. It was hard watching Lee break down and question his self-worth because it seemed like no matter how much he works hard he still could not win against Neji Hyuga. Anyway, Gaara was scary but I still like him.

05.01.23 – I Know, I’m Wild.

I live my life on the edge apparently. Because what the heck did I do last night?

This old hag pulled an all-nighter. My dog got sick on my bedsheets last night, so I had to do some last-minute laundry. And for some reason, it took way too long for the dryer to do its job. Regardless, it was fine since I was just up reading all night. And I enjoyed it.

I have over 100 pages left on HOB Book 2 because I just couldn’t put it down last night. I was that engaged with the story. The book made me smile. It got me annoyed. It made me giggle. It made my heart flutter. And it made me sad and teary-eyed. One of the backstories really cut deep and I felt that. I was determined to just continue on and power through. But once 8 AM hit, my brain was fried and I found myself reading the same sentence multiple times. I decided to take a 2hr nap.

Other than that, I was lazy pretty much the whole day. Like what happened before, I suffer when I do this. So my energy was just nonexistent today. I was too lazy. Aside from the regular daily chores, I did nothing. I practically just sat on my chair and rocked it the rest of the day. It was nice and relaxing. And yes, I have not picked up the book yet. I will do that tonight.

My hun and I were able to start hanging out earlier today. And we got to watch some anime episodes.

Horimiya. Three episodes in and so far so good. I found it charmingly funny. Seems like my hun was enjoying it as well. I love Miyamura was just so cute, with his piercings and tattoo, and then being a totally meek and shy student in school. I love Kyoko Hori as well. With her being a homebody. I mean sure for the most part she did not have a choice but be home and take care of his younger brother. These two characters slowly got closer to each other once they discovered each other’s secret and decided to keep hanging out after school, to just be themselves.

Naruto. OMG. This two-episode fight between Hinata and Neji was so satisfying. Granted since the beginning, we already knew who would win the fight, it was powerful seeing Hinata stand up on her own. And slowly become the shinobi she wanted to be. Her backstory was solid. We saw her actually fight Neji with all her might. Now, my hun compared that to the Sakura-Ino fight/backstory, and that one does not even compare. These Hinata episodes were done so well!

Inuyasha. Oh! New intro! It was a lot better than the first intro. A turning point for Sesshomaru! He saved a girl. A human girl! He even tried to blame it on Tensaiga, saying his sword made him do it. Sure. Of course, Kagome got kidnapped. Whatever. I cannot with that girl. If she is not losing the sacred jewel fragments, then she is getting kidnapped or taken as a hostage. Again whatever. Also, she didn’t use her bow and arrow in the two episodes that we watched.

04.29.23 – NANI? We Actually Watched Movies?

We were never a movie-watching couple. We were more inclined to choose to watch a series or an anime in lieu of a movie. Not that we do not like watching movies, we just prefer the other formats. But today, we decided to watch two movies, two episodes of Naruto, and two movies of Inuyasha.

Scream (1996). This was a rewatch for both of us. I watched it a long time ago, and this was actually one of my favorite slasher movies, if not my favorite. How was the rewatch for us? I enjoyed it. I think the acting was pretty good. Sure there were some questionable physics, but I still appreciated it. The twist was still pretty good. I love Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard in this movie. They were awesome. It was just funny how I forgot some of the actors who were in this movie – Jamie Kennedy, Rose McGowan, Liev Schreiber. Anyway, Ghostface was actually one of my favorites. I wanted to watch the rest of the movies in the franchise. I watched the 2nd and 3rd movies, I don’t remember much though. I just remember bits and pieces.

Tower Heist (2011). After watching Scream, I was in the mood for another movie. I was thinking of another thriller. But my hun found this movie on Netflix! He was surprised that I have not watched it yet. I love heist movies. And this one has “heist” on the title. Anyway, we enjoyed this movie. It was fun. We laughed and we got stressed. There were moments when my hands were sweating because I was getting into the movie so much. Overall, I would most likely watch this again.

Naruto. Oh, the fight between Naruto and Kiba was good. Those two episodes were deserved. For a while there, Kiba was really good. My hun loved him. And Akamaru. We love that doggo. But I mean, Naruto’s clench game was strong on this one, and that really became Kiba’s downfall because of his heightened sense of smell. Hinata was adorable. I mean, she was always adorable. But she was special, she saw Naruto when no one could. By that I mean, she was always watching him. What an adorable little creeper.

Inuyasha. I really do not like Kagome. Not one bit. Anyway, I was glad I got to see some Sesshomaru in one of the episodes. But, this anime did so many subplots. There was too much going on. I was pretty happy that there was a brother conflict between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Because I do need a break from the Sacred Jewel storyline. Because Kagome. Right now, I think there were three plots. The Naraku one. The Kikyo one. And the Sesshomaru one.

Plans tonight? Well, I need to finish my laundry. And I think read while I am waiting for the third load to be done. On a side note, the sun has been out the past couple of days. Clear skies. But also, getting hotter. I do not like it.

04.27.23 – I Stayed Up Until 5 AM, So Now I am Suffering.

Well, there was nothing more annoying than waking up with a headache. Why oh why? Lack of sleep. I have no one else to blame but myself. I decided to stay up because I want to read. The problem is, since I am older, staying up until early in the morning has consequences. Let’s just say that I was sporting a headache the whole day. From the moment I woke up until now.

This was the question that came to mind: Was it worth it?

Yeah. It was. It was really something that I have not done in a long time. It was nice to actually stay up doing something I enjoy. I used to read like this in my 20’s. Stay up all night to read. Sleep at 4 AM. Then wake up at 6 AM to get ready for work. Of course, I could not do that anymore. My body wouldn’t let me be that crazy. So once in a while, I would love to do this. And I would like to take advantage of the fact that I have no job right now. So… Yeah.

I mean, I did have a nice nap yesterday though. A couple of hours was enough to derail my actual sleep schedule so I just went ahead and took advantage of that. And my brain was actually nice to me. I remember the beginning of a dream during my nap. I was back to working at the lab I used to work at. This was not the first time that I dreamed of this scenario and my sleeping self would just ride the stress out for the duration of that dream. But my brain was actually decent yesterday and forced me to wake up. As if to say, “You need to wake up. You are going through so much shit right now. You don’t need this bullshit.” I appreciated it.

My Company Last Night

Anyway, I finished The Lies I Tell last night or I should say this morning. Technicalities. Does not matter. The novel was decent. I liked it enough to continue. I enjoyed the friendship that blossomed between the two MCs. I appreciated how everything unfolded – the MCs’ motivations on why they do the things they do, and how that came into play with the whole plot. The twist was fine. It was not hard to see that the story was going that way. However, I did not want to believe it. I was blinded because I did like that character because of the three quotes that this person said that stuck with me.

I have not been able to do some reorg the past couple of days. I was in a really terrible headspace for a couple of days. But the project would resume tomorrow. I needed to finish this project in the next few days. At least that was what I want to happen. But would it happen that way? Most likely not. But if I could power through, then I would. So much to do, so little time.

Well, I was able to hang out with my love today. I was pretty much off the whole time. I was just tired I think. But I still had fun. Just a bit tired.

Naruto. The preliminaries started. We already some of the characters who won. No surprise on some. The next episode would be the Naruto vs Kiba fight. We both did not care about the Sakura vs Ino episodes, I still don’t get why there had to be two episodes for Sakura. Bleh. Ino should’ve won. She made Sakura fall for her hysterics and trapped her with her hair. It was a pretty good strategy. And yes, I had to skip the flashbacks. I just don’t like Sakura and she could be eliminated from the series and it will still be good.

Inuyasha. It was alright. Kikyo showed herself again in the last episode that we watched. It was fine. That stupid sacred jewel fragment snapped out of the chain around Kagome’s neck. I’m just so done with her.

I still had to find a new anime to watch since we finished Sk8 the Infinity since that was my pick. Maybe tomorrow or tonight, I can browse for one. I honestly just want something fun right now. My patience was a bit thin today and I got really worked up with seeing Sakura and Kagome on the screen.

Plans tonight? Most likely read until I pass out. Because I will. Tomorrow, reorganize another part of the apartment. LOL

04.25.23 – When Panic Sets In.

After only a week and a half of not having a job, I’m already feeling the pressure and I’m starting to panic a little bit. The job I recently lost was not something easy to replace. That position was not easily replaceable. Not because it was that great but because a position like that rarely becomes available. So I am stuck. I feel I might need to withdraw my 401K to survive. I might not have a choice.

Anyway, I was feeling out of sorts. I was not really in the mood to do much of anything. But I think my anxiety is just off the roof right now. Especially today. I’ve just been browsing the internet the whole day. Yeah, productive right?

I was able to hang out with love today. We finished Sk8 the Infinity and watched an episode of Naruto.

Sk8 the Infinity. Mu hun enjoyed this one. He gave this anime 7.5 to 8 rating over 10. I loved this anime. As weird as it may sound, I think it’s 9 or 9.5 for me. Why? It’s so easy to get caught up in the slice-of-life part of this anime and enjoy it that way. Enjoy the theatrics of Adam. Enjoy the fast-paced skateboarding races. But when you look deeper into each character, there’s loneliness, there’s wanting to be strong for another person, isolation, and depression. Seeing the characters overcome that, to open themselves up to other people, was amazing to see. And when it all comes down to it, that was the hook of this anime for me. The interpersonal relationships of these skaters with each other was the one that kept me watching. Well, that and the soundtrack was good.

Naruto. Nothing really happened in the episode that we watched. The trio just passed the second Chunin exam. So hopefully the next episode will have more.

I am planning on reading tonight. Not sure if I want to read a book or some webtoons. I am leaning toward more webtoon reading. I am just so out of it today. And I don’t know if I will be able to focus on a book. I don’t know. I am just winging it right now. I’m pretty sure I’m just in a funk today because of the vet bill that I had to pay. I am hoping tomorrow I will be in a much better mental state.

04.23.23 – And The Laziness Continues.

Do you know what I hate the most? Waking up in a bad mood. Why? Let’s see, you would think I would be in a better mood this morning. I slept for 9 hours. But that was not the case. Let’s just say my dream was stressful and I woke in a really shitty mood.

Anyway, despite my sluggish start and laziness creeping in, I think I still had a pretty productive day. I cleaned the kitchen counter and freed some space, threw trash, cooked beef caldereta and rice. So productive.


My hun and I watched some anime today. It was fun like always.

Sk8 the Infinity. My hun likes Adam and he said that it was his character that made the anime. I mean, I understood though. Adam was definitely theatrical. Adam was fun to watch for sure, but the hook for me was the relationship between Reki and Langa. And of course, the shallow part of me just like seeing Cherry on screen.

Inuyasha. For the most part, the episodes were fun and I was enjoying watching the anime. Then it would a female-centric episode and it annoyed me. I would forever have issues with female characters from older anime. I just could not stand how they were written. And this anime was no exception. The last two episodes that we watched focused on Sangu. I was happy when she got introduced and joined the group because finally an actual female character that I would see regularly who could actually fight along with Inuyasha and Miroku. But of course, they just had to put these episodes on how she got easily manipulated by Naraku. I cannot.

Naruto. This show was just getting better and better. As predicted, after that hair-cutting scene, Sakura remained useless. USELESS. Whatever. Kabuto’s real allegiance got revealed. And Sasuke got a taste of power and bloodlust. That was something. My hun enjoyed that a lot. He was also surprised that this anime could be pretty violent. And it was. This anime was just good and I really enjoyed it the first time I watched it. And I’m glad that my love seems to be enjoying it as well.

I did not get to read last night. I passed out. I planned to resume reading The Lies I Tell or honestly, I really just want to start reading Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 2. We shall see though. Either way, I would be reading tonight.