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Category: QT with Love

05.13.23 – I Do Not Like Summer.

I know a lot of people prefer the summer, especially if you live in places where it snows or places that are just cold all year round. But I grew up in a pretty warm country and having lived in a State that has practically summer all year long, I am not a fan of the season. I am not saying that today was the hottest that I have experienced, but it was still pretty hot for my liking.

Just because of the weather, I had the lights off in the apartment the whole day. And it was nice for a bit. And tomorrow is another hot day, so I need to wake up early to get some chores done so I wouldn’t need to move the rest of the day.

I was able to hang out with the boyfriend for a little bit. We both were not feeling well, so we had to stop early today. Which was fine, we got to squeeze in quite a number of anime episodes.

Naruto. I love Shikamaru. I just think he never felt challenged with his stuff and that was why he seemed to be unmotivated. Sure, granted, he kept saying “What a pain” and all that. But I really think that he just needed a more challenging environment so that he could use his brain a bit more. Sasuke finally showed his ass. And I am pumped about this fight with Gaara. I would’ve been fine not seeing Sakura whatsoever in the four episodes that we watched. But alas, I had to see her face. Bleh.

Inuyasha. Oh god, the angst in these two romance episodes annoyed the shit out of me. I refused to rehash it. It was just annoying.

Bungo Stray Dogs. This was my original pick! And we got to watch two episodes. And so far, it was enjoyable. My hun enjoyed it as well. We both love the artwork. Those dark lines were amazing. We would continue on, I feel like this anime will be chaotically funny. I already love Dazai. He seems carefree, but obviously, there is more to him.

Anyway, I’m gonna try and read tonight. Not planning to read for a long time though. I just want to read a bit. At least as much as my headache will permit.

05.11.23 – I Have Been Craving Sushi.

Man, sushi has been invading my brain for the last few days! Maybe a couple of weeks at the most. I just want some sushi. I think my craving started when my roommate decided to play the Yakuza series. I blame that one anyway.

Anyway, what did I do today? I cleared out some more space in the closet. Which was nice and productive! So now, I have space for blankets and bedsheets in there. Of course, I had to throw away 3 bags of stuff that I don’t wear anymore. But that was fine. Like I said, I don’t use them anymore. So bye-bye.

I guess I was in the mood to watch some movies today. So that was what my hun and I did. We watched Scream 2 and Scream 3. I knew I watched the second installment but for some reason, I did not remember anything from that movie. So I totally forgot the killers in that movie. The third installment I watched for the first time today. And I did not realize who the killer was in that movie. Although, I should’ve known looking back. Anyway, I am pretty partial to the first movie of course. I tend to not enjoy the installments after that. But this trilogy proved me wrong. I enjoyed all of them. I think the execution was better in the second movie. But like I said, I will always prefer the first movie. And I know, that there are a couple more Scream movies available in Paramount+ but I am considering these first 3 movies a trilogy. It has a clear ending and everything. And I’m pretty sure that even if I watch the other two films, these three will stand on their own.

I decided to put Peter Pan on hold. And decided to pick up The Lord of the Flies for the classic pick. And I also decided to start reading Know My Name, which is a memoir. I don’t know, I started reading Peter Pan and I was struggling, I was not in the mood for it. We shall see about how I do with The Lord of the Flies though. Know My Name has been on my TBR for quite a bit, and I think it’s time to pick it up now.

05.09.23 – Laziness Ensues

I have nothing to show for today. I did not do a thing. And honestly, that was totally fine by me. I decided to be a couch potato today and I loved every minute of it. No complaints whatsoever. Sure, I should be doing some things but I would do them tomorrow. I was just too lazy to move my ass today.

Anyway, my hun and I got to watch some anime today. Both of us were feeling under the weather yesterday so we didn’t get to spend time together. Good that we were feeling up for it today.

Naruto. We finally saw the conclusion of the Neji-Naruto fight. And honestly, what was up with all these backstories? They were so good. And then you have Sakura’s backstory and how shallow that was. Seriously. I swear this anime just did that character so dirty. Anyway, Naruto really did so well in that fight. He knew how to use that shadow clone jutsu so well. He was able to tap into that nine-tail fox’s chakra without issue and he was able to stay like himself. He really did come a long way. And honestly, I really did not appreciate how these people in Konoha just kept on underestimating him.

Inuyasha. I was just happy that I got to see Sesshomaru and Koga in the episodes that we watched today. I got a glimpse of the demon Inuyasha once again, and apparently, that made Sesshomaru tremble with fear. Like what? And why do we have to keep seeing Kagura in every freaking episode? Sure he was trying to kill Naraku to be free, but another character that was not needed. Useless side plot. Not needed.

Hiromiya. We finished this anime today. And it was fun. We really liked it. Personally, I enjoyed Miyamura’s inner monologues. It was the culmination of how much he had grown since the beginning of the anime. I liked the fact that after he and Hori got together, the anime focused on the side characters. Aside from Miyamura, I really loved Tooru Ishikawa. The anime was real, the situations were real, and the anime did a good job without making them over the top like an anime tends to do. And I appreciated that. I gave it 9 out of 10, my hun gave it 8 out of 10.

All Saints Street. This could potentially replace Hiromiya. The anime was set up as a skit type, it has multiple mini-episodes in an episode. We watched one episode tonight. We don’t know how we feel about it yet. It looks interesting for sure. The animation was good. We shall see after we watch the second episode. I wanted to see Bungo Stray Dogs but I wanted another slice of life, so we shall see how this anime satisfies that.

I am planning on reading tonight. I started reading Peter Pan but I was only able to read a paragraph. I am not feeling it. But we shall see. I wanted to read two classics this year, but I might pick up The Catcher in the Rye but I don’t yet. I might give Peter Pan another go.

05.05.23 – I’m Not Sure If I Was Tired or Just Lazy.

I was not sure what happened to me today. I was hit with a big “I don’t want to leave the bed” mood. I was not sure what to call it. I guess I could call it laziness. But I also felt tired. Exhausted almost. I was just underneath the covers the whole day. I woke up, fed the dogs, cooked breakfast, had coffee, I tried to sit in front of my computer. But I decided to go back to bed. Granted I read some but it was not the capacity I would’ve liked. After maybe an hour, I stood up, went to the kitchen, made my second mug of coffee, sat in front of my computer, and then decided to go back to bed. Then repeated the motions, without the coffee this time. But honestly, it was a struggle.

I was able to hang out with my hun today though. Which was nice, since I was feeling really unproductive the whole day.

Naruto. Well, finally the final stage of the Chunin Exam started. The first fight was between Naruto and Neji, which I was very excited to see. Aside from major things and the outcome of something, I really do not remember many of the details of this anime. So for the most part, it felt like I am watching the anime for the first time. I just remember that I really did not like Sakura, which I still don’t. I told my hun to just form his own opinions on her and her character since I’m really biased in my thoughts about her. I mean right now, she has not done anything. She could’ve been taken out of the anime at this point and the plot would’ve moved forward.

Inuyasha. I really refuse to comment on Kagome at this point. I saw the demon Inuyasha, and boy, he was something. And the black-haired Inuyasha showed up in this episode too! Tetsusaiga broke! And now, after the repair, it was heavier. But I am excited to see what this sword can do now that Inuyasha’s fang was used for the binding. I got to see Sesshomaru a little bit. So that was nice.

Horimiya. We were enjoying this anime. I liked the fact that we got to see some of Miyamori’s struggle, I guess a more in-depth one. And honestly, I came to the conclusion that people just suck. I mean who would bully and isolate a kid like Miyamori? Just because he was shy? Because he was awkward? I never saw this happening firsthand when I was in school, but I know it happens in real life. And that was just horrible! Also, Hori has some kink. I personally have no issues seeing that, however, this display happened in a public setting which made it a tad uncomfortable. It was one of those things that you don’t really show the public because of the fact that the kink should be between you and your partner. If it happened in a private place, sure. But the fact that classmates and people on the street were subjected to it was the issue. It all boils down to consent for me.

Anyway, I currently doing laundry because why not? I personally do not want to deal with it tomorrow so I just decided to get it over with. I am kind of itching to fix my computer station tonight. But I will just do that tomorrow morning after I come back from the store. I would be reading tonight as well. But I would be reading webtoons tonight instead of a novel. I want to take a break from reading novels for one more day.

05.04.23 – This Time, It Was Not Worth It.

I, a person with sensitivities to some food, tend to eat some allergens from time to time and will say “Worth it” if I suffered some consequences later. Well, yesterday was definitely not worth it. To say that I had a rough night was a huge understatement. I’m just going to say that I did not get enough sleep. I know, you would think I would be okay considering I have been staying up all night for quite a few days. But it’s just not the same. Last night was horrible and I couldn’t do anything else but be in bed and suffer. Yeah, definitely not worth it.

Regardless, I was able to go to Costco this morning despite the tiredness. And got totally annoyed since it was still crowded despite the store being barely open and on a weekday. But I was able to get what I need and stock up on some protein, and snacks. I might still go to a regular grocery store over the weekend just for produce since I don’t like buying bulk on those.

I did not really make any big plans for today. Good thing too because I was too tired to pretty much do anything. I was able to hang out with my love and got to watch some anime.

Naruto. Well, Naruto successfully tapped into that nine-tail chakra and was able to summon the chief toad, Gamabunta! I was glad about that. But of course, he was KO’d for three days and three nights but that was to be expected. We got to see a glimpse of Gaara’s past and it was heartbreaking. Not to excuse his behavior but his was a very lonely existence. He was hardened by what happened to him, he was exposed to such horrible training, to the point that he seems to have no emotions left, no more humanity. He had no choice but to accept that he was created to be a weapon. I was just saying that his character has depth.

Horimiya. This anime was too cute for words. My favorite character for sure was Tooru Ishikawa. He was such a good friend. Such a resilient person. He was such a supportive character and I love him. I think the best thing I could say about this anime was the fact that sure the main storyline was Hori and Miyamura, but they manage to give the others some solid storyline to follow. And Miyamura was such a gem. He always knew the right thing to say to Hori when she was feeling a little bit insecure. I love him too.

Inuyasha. I do not have much comment about this. Just that Miroku was such a character. He makes me laugh. And he was also gross. Dude! She was only 14 and already wanted to carry your child. Horrible! Infatuation at its finest. You should only have eyes for Sango. Cause both of you getting together made sense to me. We will not talk about Kagome.

I was planning to read HOB tonight, but we shall see. I have been yawning nonstop for the last 15 minutes. So I might just end up passing out. Which is okay by me.

05.03.23 – And He’s Back!!!

Another lazy day for moi! Why is it? Because depression is a bitch and I really just find myself not wanting to do anything. Not because I have nothing to do. I do. I just find myself not having the motivation to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, I still do function, I still do the daily chores and all that. I just don’t have the motivation to do what I need to do. I mean, my morale is just shot right now. The only thing that I can do right now is read. And watch anime. Anything. Escapism and all that. But I really need to do something with my life now. This is the third week.

I started reading Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 3. I am still a few pages in. So nothing happening yet. Except that I am back in the world three years after Xie Lian ascended. I’m glad that I get to be back in this world this soon. And I get to be with them again. I really like Feng Xin. And how pure Xie Lian is.

My hun and I watched some anime today.

Horimiya. Why I’m loving this anime? The anime was too real. I mean it was about young love and the anime did a good depicting that. The awkwardness. The insecurities. The confusion. Without having them be over the top. They also made the characters so hard to hate. Sure, I do not care about Remi at all but I don’t hate her. I might not care too much about her, but I do not hate her whatsoever. Well, my favorite of course is Izumi Miyamura. But Tooru Ishikawa is definitely up there. He is such a trooper. Such a character. I love him.

Naruto. AHHHH Jiraiya!!!! I was so happy to see him. I cried a little bit at the conclusion of the Rock Lee fight. It was just so heartbreaking. I was expecting the outcome of the Choji fight. He was not ready for something like this yet. He needed a catalyst, and I was pretty sure that his loss would push him to actually train more. Anyway, my hun really likes Kabuto. I mean, what not to like? He was mysterious and he seemed like to be as strong as Kakashi. I am excited to see more of Naruto’s training with Jiraiya.

Inuyasha. For the most part, I do enjoy the anime. The only sad part is the fact that I get bored with the main storyline. It was just the fact that the conflict gets so repetitive. Was Naraku not creative enough to actually plot something else to get someone to kill Inuyasha? Will it always be the frame Inuyasha and get this character to kill him? Really? The side stories were nice. Those were enjoyable. I love them.

No big plans tonight. I might read a little bit more. But we shall see.