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Category: QT with Love

06.05.22 – The End is Here Again. Send Help.

Ah. We have come to the end of Sunday once again. Great. And you already know how I feel about that. Today was somewhat productive. I did what I had scheduled to do chores-wise. So I am happy about that.

I also finished reading How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 days b K.M. Jackson. I found it enjoyable. There were cameos of celebrities along the journey/adventure of finding The One, Keanu. Not surprising. It was refreshing to read a romance novel about people around my age. Although, I wished that the inner monologues of the two protagonists read more on the mature end. Regardless of their age, I felt like I was reading characters in their early twenties. However, this did not hinder my enjoyment of the book and the romance. I just end up being reminded that the characters were in fact older than I am. I did prefer the male love interest’s perspective compared to his counterpart despite the fact that this book mainly focused on her perspective. 

What did I eat today? Spam and rice. Well white rice with a little bit of rice vinegar, topped with furikake and egg yolk. It was very tasty. And I loved it. Yeah, I ate that for both lunch and dinner. It was very satisfying. Well, spam and rice always hit the spot but adding those toppings on the rice…Yum! Chef’s kiss.

I got to hang out with my love again today. We watched the same shows as yesterday – House MD, KenIchi, and Rosario+Vampire. My hun kept on saying panties when they are shown in Rosario+Vampire. The fan service on that anime I swear. All good though, not as bad as some animes that we watched. 

We also ended up watching a movie – The Devil Wears Prada. I’m so proud of my hun actually watching it with me. Honestly, he could have said no. I remember watching that movie (and also reading the book) a long time ago and enjoying it. Well, to say that I may have different opinions now is an understatement. I might consider re-reading the book and also read the sequel. I mean I still could not believe that I missed so many red flags.

Well, tomorrow is Monday again. And I hate it. I’ll be reading tonight before I sleep. My next reads are A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore and Know My Name by Chanel Miller. The latter book is a memoir, which I feel like in a mood for. 

06.04.22 – I was back in a Movie Theater

After a few years, I watched a movie in a theater for the first time. If I recall correctly, the last time I was in a movie theater was when “It Chapter Two” came out. So it has been a while. That was pre-pandemic I believe. I mean granted that I am not the type of person to watch a movie regularly in theaters, but once in a while I’ve been known to willingly go out and watch a movie. Let’s just say that I’m only very picky with movies.

I watched “Everything Everywhere All at Once” with a friend. That movie was actually pretty good. To say that I am surprised was an understatement. It’s definitely a very niche movie and if you don’t like science fiction then this movie is not for you. The movie is mainly science fiction, fantasy, and action, sprinkled with dark humor and drama. CHEF’S KISS. It made me laugh, it made me cringe, it made me cry. Yeah. I think all the elements of the movie were executed amazingly.

Before the movie, since we were early, we decided to check out the mall. And for a dying culture, the mall was still pretty crowded. Also, it felt like there was no pandemic with how much people got together. There was an event earlier today and a huge crowd of people (adults and kids) were congregated in a certain part of the mall. I mean I have thoughts on that but at this point, it’s up to the people now on how to properly protect themselves against covid. We were given the tools, and it’s up to us to utilize them.

My date night with hun started a bit later today. I got home late from the movie. But we ended up watching a couple of episodes of House, two episodes of KenIchi, and an episode of Rosario+Vampire. I mean granted it was a bit short than I would have preferred. But I’ll take what I can get, I mean I did have some prior engagements today. Hopefully, we get to hang out more tomorrow. 

05.30.22 – This is the Only Time when I Don’t Hate Mondays

It’s really nice to sleep in on a Monday. We really need to have more three day weekends…OR you know, just make it a fucking four-day work week! I don’t get it. I mean personally I prefer a shorter work week. Knowing that I’m only working four days this week is awesome. I don’t dread it too much.

Aside from the usual chores, it’s trash day today. So I did that. And the rest of day was pretty much spent watching House and anime with my love.

So in every show or anime, I tend to not like one character. Decisions might annoy me, but there is always that one character that I cannot stand. House MD of course has one character that I cannot stand…Cameron. Her complaints on the episodes that we watched today annoyed the shit out of me.

We finished Battle in 5 seconds after Meeting. This is an anomaly for me. I didn’t outwardly hate any character on this anime. I really did enjoy it and I’m annoyed that the second season is still not out and no confirmed date of release yet. I think Akira Shironayagi is a very intriguing protagonist. And he kept me watching the show. I am not one to be impressed by pure strength, Akira has brains and he thinks first before making a move. Sure, he is manipulative but with a survival of the fittest kind of game, you need to strategic and let emotions be on the sidelines. My hun thought I would not like Rin Kashii. I think I surprised him when I said that I’m also intrigued by her. Same with Kuroiwa, I preferred him more that his brother for sure. Hands down.I’m also intrigued with the Blue Team’s leader, Iori.

We also watched some episodes of Rosario Vampire. Yes the fan service was definitely present in this anime, it’s still not as bad as some other ones. I remembered enjoying this anime a while back so I would like to see what my hun thinks about it.

05.29.22 – Everyday is Lazy Day

You know, for being lazy I feel like I was very productive today. Well, for the most part. I finished my laundry. I cooked fish. And practically washed dishes. The side of the kitchen where the dishwasher and the disposal still has no power. I did send a maintenance request to the office, and still have no reply. Understandable though. It’s Sunday and tomorrow is a holiday. So I am not expecting any communication from them until this coming Tuesday.

My hun and I decided to hangout early today. We haven’t really spent time online since Saturday last week. I was feeling sick last week, and his schedule was a bit off. We decided to watch a few movies and an episode of House.

First movie, Forrest Gump. There are definitely some differences between the movie and the book. I’m not mad about the difference. I like how Lt. Dan was given an actual reason to live. His story arc and character development was awesome in the movie. I hoped they kept Sue in the movie. But of course they did not since the whole Forrest was sent to space was not in the movie. I’m glad he got to keep his Medal of Honor in the movie. And he got to raise his son. My feelings for Jenny is the same – I am very neutral and maybe bordering not liking that character in both the movie and book.

Second movie, Senior Year. Cringe movie. It has funny parts. I enjoyed it enough. I was about to stop the movie since I was feeling the high school scene before Steph went into a coma. But after that, it was pretty smooth sailing. Definitely some cringe moments, but I appreciated the laughs.

Third movie, Hard Ball. Keanu Reeves. ‘Nuff said. Kidding aside, that movie was really good. I appreciate Keanu in romance movies, action movies, but this drama hits different. And I appreciate that he does not shy away from other roles. This one made me smile, and made me cry…But more importantly, this movie also annoyed me because of some decisions made by Keanu’s character.

Then we watched an episode of House. That show is such a gem.

My hun and I are planning to hangout again tomorrow.

05.23.22 – I’m Running on Zero

I was in meetings all morning. To say that I met my quota for forced socialization for the next two months is a huge understatement. And the meetings are just getting ridiculous now. Every single freaking day – meetings all morning. I’m exhausted to be honest. I have no time to recharge. My energy is drained. Work was busy. We had our largest number of samples yet. We got it done though. No backlog. I’ll take that.

I had a good time hanging out with my hun tonight. We watched some episodes of Battle Starts 5 seconds after Meeting. I’m getting invested just because the protagonist Akira is very intriguing. I like how his mind works. So I’m going to continue watching that anime just because he is carrying this anime for me.

We also watched an episode of House. That was a very surprising turn. As long as the show keeps up with this kind of flow, and no more unnecessary annoying side stories, then there shouldn’t be any reason why I would stop watching this show.

I didn’t realize that this will be short post, but I guess this is it for today.

05.21.22 – When Anxiety Strikes = Short Date Night

I do feel bad when my anxiety gets triggered and I had to cut our date nights short. I think it was because I have been in front of the computer for most the day. I get antsy. I am like this at work as well, I have trouble just sitting or standing front of a computer for the whole shift. I had to move around for the most part. And I had to cut our date night short. I would normally power through and sometimes standing up would help but tonight was a bit difficult. My skin started breaking in hives. I was itchy and I could not stop scratching. I’m now sitting on my bed and I’m feeling slightly better. I am still scratching but it calmed down a bit.

I had a pretty busy morning. I shaved Paco, and that was interesting. This boy was squirming away from me after a while. But for the most part, it went well I think. His shave was pretty even except for his legs and paws…I also gave both dogs baths, and of course my breathing got labored a bit. Nothing too bad though.

I’ve been reading Forrest Gump today as well.

Spoiler Alert

The spaceship crashed. He lived in the jungle with cannibals for four years. Almost got cooked by said cannibals. Almost got killed by the pygmies. And now, he is a professional wrestler. When I say that this man has been through a lot, I mean he really has.

End of Spoiler

Planning to read some more. I think I have 50 to 60 pages left. But also I am feeling a bit tired. We shall see.

My hun and I just watched a couple of episodes of House. We tried looking for Soul Eater but it seems like it’s getting taken out of streaming services right now. So we will have to wait till we can watch it. So we decided to check out Battle Starts 5 Seconds After Meeting – horrible English title by the way! Then that was the end of it. Hopefully tomorrow we can hang out a bit longer.