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Category: QT with Love

07.09.22 – The Booster Kicked My Butt!

So, remember when I said that I felt like the booster was kicking my butt? It did! That Thursday night, I was feeling tired but I started feeling the beginnings of fever once I was going to bed. And guess what happened throughout the night? Yeah, I got a fever. I still went to work Friday morning though. The team was understaffed, and I cannot afford not to be onsite. Regardless, I went to work with a low-grade fever. Trust me, if it were higher than 100F, I would stay home and would not be able to work. But since it was a low-grade fever in the morning, I just went onsite and decided to take it easy. 

For the most part, I was fine all day Friday at work. My head was a bit fuzzy but the fever went away. Granted that my body temp was still hotter than my normal temperature, I still survived without any incidents. When I got home was a different story though. Why? The fever went back. I practically passed out when I got home. 

I woke up this morning fine. Like the past two nights didn’t happen. I went to the store – did some grocery shopping. I went to USPS and picked up my Book of the Month package. I got gas. I went to Costco to get my bottle of Vitamin D and Zertec, and also found myself a new pair of work pants. I went to Autozone and finally got rid of my used car battery sitting in the trunk of my car. I also got windshield wiper fluid. Then the last stop was Mudbay to get a food tray for Phoebe. I was pretty much productive. I did all the errands. 

I got to hangout with my hun today. We watched some episodes of Soul Eater. I forgot how packed each episode was in that anime. I love the artwork, fighting sequences are good too. We also watched a movie! Cloudy with a Side of Meatballs. I did watch this movie before. And honestly, the only things that I remember were the giant meatballs and the “baby”. And I’m glad I watched it, and actually enjoyed it with my love.

We did end date night pretty early. But that is fine. I’m still doing laundry. I guess I could read tonight too. I’ve been slacking off in that department. 

07.04.22 – Can the Next Morning be Postponed?

Well, I just want to get this one out of the way – Happy July 4th to all of those who are celebrating the US Independence day. I do not. But not because I have anything against it. Not at all. But because I do not generally celebrate anything. Holidays or otherwise. But since there was a sale for ribs at my local grocery store, that is what I will be having for dinner. Barbeque ribs with garlic potatoes. 

I got to spend some time with my love today. We played some Stardew Valley again today. It was fun and relaxing. We also end up watching a couple of episodes of Futurama. That show is also enjoyable. But then again, I think the reason why enjoy them so much is that I share them with him. 

I do have a headache now. My hun says that it was because we played video games for way too long. And I told him that is not a thing. He insists. 

I did read last night. I loved it. Sure I stayed up way too late but that was the plan anyway. I would read all the time, all day if I can. I wish I could is what I’m saying. I often times think that I am in the wrong business. But would I really love it still if I do it for a job? Who knows right?

I am finally watching Sleepless in Seattle. What do I think of think as of right now? I just realized that they used the song Over the Rainbow in both Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail. I often thought that the song was out of place in You’ve Got Mail. It worked so much better in Sleepless in Seattle. And I really appreciate that this movie was actually filmed in Seattle. 

Am I excited to be back to work tomorrow? No. I like staying home. I often say that if there is a job where I get paid to sleep, I would take it. I think I’m just lazy. I’m always tempted to not go to sleep so that morning does not come so quickly.

07.03.22 – The Bed Calls My Name…Again

Today was a lazy day. But then again that does not really say much. I find myself lazy all the time so…Yeah. For the most part, I did what I planned to do. I changed my bedsheets, washed the used bedsheets, fried some honey garlic chicken, and spent time with my love. 

I did not end up reading last night but I did end up reading today, which was good. Planning on staying up late to read tonight. If I end up not sleeping so be it. But I really want to read tonight. So I will stay away from my bed and read while sitting down. 

My hun and I were able to hang out for about six hours today. I do not think we have been able to do that lately. We played Stardew Valley for quite a bit. I am not a big video game fan, to be honest. I mean there are games that I enjoyed playing – Sims, Diablo iii. But video games were never my thing. For someone who likes solitary hobbies, I never got into it. My hun, however, enjoys video games a lot and I am glad that I get to enjoy it with him from time to time.

We also watched the movie Death Race. I think it was a solid movie. I enjoyed it. It was intense at times, I did have to look away at certain scenes. I used to be okay with those scenes, I just cannot anymore. But I got the ending that I wanted and I also got the team-up that I wanted, granted it did not start that way. Like I said, solid movie.

We got to watch an episode of Rosario + Vampire. We have not been watching any animes lately. And there are some animes that we started that we need to actually continue watching. Not just animes, but we also have The Dropout on hold as well. And House, which I still have no interest in continuing. 

I am glad that I have no work tomorrow. Because as I stated earlier, I am planning on staying up late tonight. Tomorrow, my friend is planning on cooking some barbeque ribs, and I will be cooking some garlic potatoes. I say that would be our 4th of July food. 

07.03.22 – The Bed was Calling My Name All Day

No post for two days? Yeah. I’ve been feeling sick. I am still not good right now either. I have been super tired for the last couple of nights. Like actually falling on the bed and passing out exhausted. No idea what’s happening really. My throat started hurting yesterday. So I just increased my vitamin C intake because I haven’t really been getting much of that. 

I haven’t been able to read either. I was just having a really rough few days. I haven’t been able to hang out with my hun lately. He was also having a rough few days too. I’ve been watching Daria and watching movies. Something that I really don’t have to pay attention to. Just so drone out the silence. 

My hun and I did hang out today for a few hours. We were able to squeeze in a couple of movies before we called it quits for date night. We watched Sing 2, which enjoyed a lot. I mean I was not surprised, to be honest. We enjoyed the first one. And yes, I did tear up a little bit in the last scene of the musical in the movie. The second movie we watched was Because I Said So. A Mother-daughter movie with underlying romance. I enjoyed it. Not sure how my hun felt about that movie. I made him watch it. He said he has no preference, so I picked it.

I am still currently doing laundry right now. I had a late start today. I was just in bed the whole morning. Normally I would care a lot and get annoyed at myself if I started chores too late on a weekend. But not today. I just wanted to be in bed, watch movies, and not do anything. While laundry is spinning, I am planning on reading Lamb. Maybe a couple of chapters or more. We’ll see. I have no idea how long I can focus at the moment. Not the book’s fault. Just myself being super unfocused lately.

06.26.22 – The Heat Made Me Lazy

So today was hotter than yesterday. I had to drive to the office this morning to get my work laptop since I am working from home again for a few days. Unplanned. And the drive was…annoyingly warm. It only got hotter as the day went on. I was too lazy to move to be honest. But I had to throw away the trash, and wash dishes. So what happened after that? I took a cold shower! And then proceeded to turn off all the lights in the apartment. And had the fan going and focused on just me. And yeah, I had to make sure that I did minimal movements. Tomorrow will be hotter…I am not looking forward to it.

My hun and I were able to hang out for a bit. With his mom’s recommendation, I suggested we watch the movie Jersey Girl. I have heard of this movie before. I never watched it but I was under the impression that this was a romance movie. It was so not. Sure there was an underlying romance, but that was not the main focus of this movie. The movie was really about a dad and his daughter. Their relationship and how he needed to choose between a dad or getting his old life back. It was pretty good I think. My hun rated it 6 or 7. 

After that, we played a little bit of Stardew Valley. It was fun while it lasted. My hun was feeling meh. So we just ended early. It was fine. I mean I had been known to cancel when I’m feeling so off. Like what I’ve been telling him, I am happy just to hang out with even just for a bit. 

I ended up playing a game called Littlewood for a bit. It was interesting. It still has not caught my attention yet. But I’m pretty sure once I understand what the heck I need to do in that game, I would be able to enjoy that as well.

I am planning to read Lamb after posting this one. I have not read the whole weekend. I’m blaming the weather. Because I need to blame something for my laziness. A lot of reading really happens when I’m in bed so I’m not surprised that I am waiting until it’s nighttime until I pick up a book.

06.25.22 – Stardew Valley, Oh How I Missed You

So, I did not post yesterday – obviously. Very bad headache. By the time I got home from work, I just went to bed and slept. There was only one thing that happened yesterday, to be honest. It was all over the news. Let’s just say that I am saddened and disappointed about what happened. I felt like it was a huge step back for women’s rights. That’s all I’m going to say about it. I do not want this post to get all political. My love already heard my opinions and where I stand on this topic. And honestly, that is enough for me.

Today was hot. I do not like it. It was too hot for my liking. I ran away from this when I left SoCal. So I am definitely not a happy camper today about the weather. And it will only get hotter. At least I know that Monday will be around 90F. Not looking forward to it.

I did errands early today just to beat the heat. And even then, it was already warm. I did like going to the grocery store as they opened just because the crowd was pretty much nonexistent. I appreciated that a lot. I was able to get a carwash. And even a strawberry-banana smoothie. Thank goodness that the smoothie place opens early. Despite the heat though, today was pretty relaxing. I journaled while Daria was playing in the background. Daria is currently playing in the background while I type this. 

My hun and I were able to hang out today. Thank goodness. The last time we actually spent time together was Wednesday. Yeah. I do not like it when we go this long without spending time together even for just a couple of hours. We watched an episode of Bob’s Burgers. But we decided that today was game night. We ended up playing Stardew Valley. It has been so long since we played this game. And I forgot how much I enjoyed it. My hun kept on teasing me about how much I suck at fishing. I mean, he is definitely better at it but I do not think I am that much of a potato at it.

Tomorrow, I just need to throw the trash, and maybe cook. But that’s about it. I do not have anything planned really. So hopefully, my hun and I get to spend more time together. Despite how often we try to hang out, we do message a lot and talk on the phone, I do miss him a lot. Sometimes, I just feel the distance between a lot.