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Category: QT with Love

09.05.22 – I Say We had a Productive Weekend

This weekend was lazy. I can say that much at least. I know I did laundry on Friday, shaved Paco, gave the dogs a bath, finished laundry on Saturday, and went to the grocery store and cooked spaghetti with meatballs on Sunday. Those were all done in the mornings. And the rest of the time, I was hanging out with my hun. 

We finished Collections 5 and 6 of The Great British Baking Show. Collection 5: what did we think about it? Obviously, we had our favorites. Liam was our favorite during this season. He got eliminated on episode 8: Forgotten Bakes. The last three bakers were Sophie, Steven, and Kate. Kate was I think a wild card among the three. She was in so much danger the weeks prior before the semi-finals. So I was not expecting her to be among the finalists. Steven was pretty good. He was pretty consistent at the beginning, but I think the stress got to him in the later episodes. His bakes became a bit unpredictable. And then Sophie, the most consistent throughout the season. She always did an excellent job with her bakes. So there was no surprise to us really that Sophie won. Not that the other bakers didn’t do a good job. It’s just that Sophie’s final bakes were better.

Collection 6: what did we think about it? First impression of the contestants: we felt like they were so random. I don’t know how to describe it. Regardless, we picked our favorites right from the beginning. I picked Rahul right away. I found him so endearing. His ability to talk non-stop without realizing it made me smile the whole season. My hun’s favorite was Dan and Jon. Both good bakers, both dads, and the fact that many of their bakes were dedicated to their kids made them a favorite for my hun. Well, mine too to be honest. Kim-Joy kind of squeezed in there for us. She was not scared to be herself. She was marching to her tune and we loved it. And her bakes were adorable! We were sad when Dan and Jon got eliminated. Dan had it rough during Pastry Week, while Jon got eliminated during Vegan Week. The top three finalists were Rahul, Kim-Joy, and Ruby. All good bakers but it really came down to the showstopper. Kim-Joy’s was a bit disappointing. We thought it was too simple. Ruby’s looked good, but it came down to her bake. And Rahul’s showstopper not being the most enticing to eat, but the elements were good bakes and the flavors were good. Rahul won in the end despite a rocky couple of episodes.

We did end up watching three episodes of Tokyo Ghoul. That anime can be intense sometimes and I can only watch a few episodes at a time. But despite so much blood and killing in that series, the anime definitely has a heart which I appreciate. I really would love to see Kaneki’s development. I still don’t like Touka. I’m pretty sure there is a background to her that made her the way she is but I just don’t get her yet. I find it hard to like a character who is unnecessarily difficult to begin with. I’m glad that the story right now revolves around Kaneki since I really want his progress and I want to follow his journey of finding himself again as a hybrid.

Then we also watched some episodes of Futurama and Bob’s Burgers. I really don’t know what it is with Futurama, but that cartoon makes me tired and sleepy. My limit on that series is definitely a couple of episodes. My hun and I decided that we should watch Futurama at the beginning of our night. Bob’s Burgers does the same to me but not to the extent as Futurama.

All in all, this weekend was good. Lazy but good. I really enjoyed that my hun and I got to spend a lot of time. We talked, we messaged, we video-called, and we watched a lot of things. It was great. I do wish that we are closer to each other, but right now we’ll make due and do our best to make time for each other. 

09.02.22 – I Really Wish I Can Bake Pastry

Okay, so it’s been a while here. By a while, I mean a couple of days really. Not bad since I have been gone for more days than that before. What did I do for the last couple of days?

Let me see, Wednesday. Yeah! I decided to wear contacts that day. And what happened? My left eye got really irritated. And it was as if I was not wearing contacts at all on that eye. It was hurting and it was really red. So what did I do? I took the contacts out and threw them away. I’d rather work blind compared to having a red irritated left eye. Right after I took the contacts out, I felt relief. Granted I had to move my monitors close to me, maximize the view, and still move my face close to the monitors to actually manage the blurriness, but the shift ended with no incidents, so I take that as a win!

Thursday – yeah. The big announcement from my boss. She is leaving the company and her last day is Friday next week. I should’ve known that the reason why there were two people from the mother company visiting this week is because of the fact that the announcement had to be made. Was pissed? In a way, yes. I was promised a position that she was supposed to be making…And she never did it and now this. It’s okay – sort of – just because I wasn’t planning on actively looking for another job until after this project that I’m working on. But I just think that the position was dangled in front of me with no follow-through. There will be a few bosses coming onsite next week for the purposes of “helping with the transition”. I don’t know. Whatever. Moving on.

Today, again, nothing spectacular happened. I went to work, finished the shift, and went home. My hun and I got to hang out today. We watched a movie and two episodes of the Great British Baking Show. 

The move: Grandma’s Boy. A movie from 2006. Not going to say what it was about. Google it if you need to. But it was a pretty solid funny movie. There were definitely some annoyances, some questionable decisions, and some inappropriateness. I was telling my love that I don’t get why he can’t buy a TV to use for work while he was staying at his grandma’s house since grandma and her friends like to watch TV. I don’t get why he can’t shed a couple of hundred for a TV since he actually needs it for work as well as his side project. The sexual harassment this consultant experienced from this “game developer prodigy”. That will not fly. And it shouldn’t. And speaking of the “game developer prodigy”, why were his scenes just so cringy, and honestly, I just cannot stand him. I cannot with that character. He is such an a-hole.

The two episodes of the Great British Baking Show we watched were Pastry Week and Italian Week. We just love that show so much. Relaxing in a very weird way since it can really get stressful just watching them bake within a time limit. Can’t wait to finish this season and start the next one. 

08.30.22 – I Found Venom Endearing

So the fire alarm testing thingy went fine. The fire alarm was going off for about 30 minutes or so. Good thing I decided to just take a PTO. It was loud. And my dogs were very agitated. But it went fine. They were pretty quick with the apartment. The Fire Marshall really just needed to check if he can hear the alarm. So that was that.

I was able to hang out with my love today. We watched three movies today. And also watched someone’s stream for a bit after that.

We watched Venom and Venom: Let There Be Carnage. Both were really good movies. I preferred Venom compared to the second installment. I said that I was not expecting a symbiote to endear itself to me. But that first movie was just amazing. The interaction between Venom and Brock was one of my favorite things in the movie hands down. The villain in the first movie, Carlton Drake, was a good villain for sure. Not to say that Cletus Kassidy was not. The actors did an amazing job putting these characters to life. Tom Hardy was great. But then again, it’s Tom Hardy.

We also watched Vacation Friends. It was funny. My hun and I enjoyed the movie a lot. Sure there were some cringe moments there but funny nonetheless. I really like John Cena. He is not scared to take on roles for sure. I saw him in Blockers and I thought his comedic timing was good. So I was not surprised that he also did a good job on this one. 

My hun is now streaming for me. He is playing DBD, playing the new killer – The Mastermind. He says he will try to play this killer the correct way. 

It’s hot again today. I cannot with this heat. It really needs to be fall already. Like now. It needs to be colder. I cannot with this heat. Also, apparently, big honchos will be on site tomorrow, so I would need to wear actual pants again. I am not amused.

08.28.22 – I Still Think Howl is a Pig

I finished reading Howl’s Moving Castle last night. Did I enjoy it? Yes. I am quite surprised by this. Why? I did not like Howl at all. His character was very flawed. But then again, all the characters in the book were all flawed – even Sophie. And I appreciated that. Sophie and Howl from the movie were softer. Good but a lot softer than their book counterparts. The plot in itself was also darker – way darker than the film. Understandable. The Miyazaki version did feel more childlike. The book has a very sinister undertone to it. I really liked it a lot. And yes, I also just found out that there were three books in the series. Well, more like there were two companion novels out to Howl’s Moving Castle so I want to buy them and read them all.

I did sleep pretty late last night just because I couldn’t put the book down on the last 150 pages. There were certain things that I wished were adapted into the film – like the magic fight scene between Howl and the Witch of the Waste. I wished I could have really seen that visually. But I mean, it’s all good. I enjoyed the film as it is. As I did the book.

My hun and I decided to hang out earlier today so he can hang out with his friend and play some video games. We were able to play some Stardew Valley. It was fun. I really enjoyed the relaxing nature of the game. And I appreciate the fact that my hun enjoys playing it with me as well. We did end up watching a couple of episodes of The Great British Baking Show and an episode of Bob’s Burgers. That episode of Bob’s relaxed me quite a bit and I started feeling quite sleepy.

I did end up taking a couple of hours of nap after that. And now, I am cooking some beef with veggies and white rice. I wish it would turn out well. My allergies have been pretty bad since yesterday, even when I woke up this morning my arms and thighs were full of welts. So I want to indulge in some Roma-proof food in the next few days.

Since I finished reading a book last night, I need to find a new read. Or maybe I should pick up Lamb again. I don’t know. I’m actually not sure what genre I am in the mood for right now. It could be fantasy since Howl’s Moving Castle is technically a fantasy novel. Not sure. I’ll give Lamb another go though. I hate having unfinished books on my bedside.

08.27.22 – I Cannot Have Costo Chicken Bake

This morning was busy for me. I had quite an early start – for a weekend anyway. I had an at 8 AM today with Discount Tire. I am not going to explain why, I think you can deduce from the place of appointment the reason why I made an appointment there. The fix finished earlier than expected. I ended up waiting outside of Costco for an hour since the store was not open yet. I was at that store for less than an hour, went directly to a grocery store, and then went to Joann. By 10:30 AM, I was home from errands. I cannot complain. The fact that the big errands were done that early on a Saturday – yeah. I think I did well on time.

I did hang out with my hun today. We played Stardew Valley for a bit. It started storming where he is at, so we decided to stop. We feared that our newly started game save will get corrupted if somehow the power goes out on his end. We definitely do no want a repeat of last time. 

We then took a few minutes break and then watched a couple episodes of The Great British Baking Show. There is just something about that show – relaxing and stressful at the same time. However, it is always a breath of fresh air seeing them help each other out when needed. For a competition such as this, it’s very rare to not have a mentality of “every man for himself”. 

We then decided to continue watching Tokyo Ghoul. Three episodes to be exact. I like the show enough. However, I quickly realize that this is not an anime that I can just binge watch. I would need a break. There are some scenes that can get too gruesome for my liking. It stresses me out. So I told my hun that I would love to watch the anime for sure. It is interesting but I just cannot sit and binge on episodes. My cap would be three episodes in one sitting and I would need to a different anime or show.

We ended date night there. My hun was feeling tired. And my allergies were pretty bad so I had to take Benadryl. What triggered it? I think the cold brew coffee and chicken bake I had this morning. I was feeling the drowsiness by the time we decided to call it a night. I was just in bed for almost three hours before I decided to start typing this post. 

My hun and I planned on hanging out again tomorrow. No time set though. I know he wants to hang out with his friend as well. I do have a couple of things that I plan on doing tomorrow. So we shall see.

08.25.22 – Over Burnt Popcorn

Today was another meh for me at work. I just worked on a project presentation that I have been neglecting for a good month. Not my fault. Well, I did procrastinate a bit. But for the most part, I’m just too damn busy and working on multiple projects at the moment. And I have been having issues with prioritizing and actually making time while at work to do them.

Hun and I did spend time earlier today. We talked for a bit. We found out that we have some differing views on a certain political thing. Well, I’m not sure if I can consider that political. I think more like a social topic. Honestly though, statistically, that was bound to happen. And as long as we are not pushing our opinions and beliefs in each other’s throats, then we should be fine.

We did end up watching an episode of The Great British Baking Show. It was fun. I like being able to talk to my hun and enjoy watching the show at the same time without worrying about missing anything. 

I’m pretty amped up right now. I just got back from being outside. The fire alarm went off earlier. Grabbed the dogs and vacated the building. There was no visible smoke from outside the building, no distinct smell. What was it? Over a burnt popcorn, apparently. I knew something burned when we were walking down the hallway towards the emergency exit. There was a distinct smell of burned food. I was thinking, that was it. And I was right. Burnt bag of popcorn that someone opened and then triggered the alarms. I cannot complain though. It was good to know that the newly installed fire alarm system works. 

The dogs are pretty amped right now too. Phoebe is doing her rounds. Paco wants to play. They did pretty well during the whole fire alarm fiasco. Paco was curious as to what was happening outside. Watching people. Watching the fire truck. And Phoebe stayed put. Didn’t squirm from being carried by Chris. I need to put together emergency bags for this kind of thing. Just a grab-and-go kind of thing. 

My hun will be doing a double tomorrow. So no hangout for us. But I do need to do a python class tomorrow. So that should be fine – I say this begrudgingly since I am so lazy to do it.