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Category: QT with Love

10.22.22 – Javi was Flawless

I don’t why I was feeling anxious today. I felt uncomfortable practically the whole day. Not sure if it was because it was a bit colder and my feet were freezing. I was wearing a sweater earlier and I had to take it off because I felt suffocated. I really have no idea what triggered it today. It was not pleasant.

I watched more episodes of the Cowboy Bebop live-action series. And I’m really enjoying it. I know there were some complaints about it, and I don’t care. I am enjoying it and that’s all that matters right? I think the acting was spot on. Spike and Jet portrayals were great. I am still debating about Faye. Although I like the banter between her and Spike. I am still not sure about Vicious either. He was so calm and collected in the anime, which made him sinister, so seeing him with so much emotion and basically making decisions based on it was a bit weird for me. I still think Julia was meh on both versions. 

My hun and I were able to spend some time today. I didn’t realize that he was feeling neglected. I didn’t mean to, to be honest. We ended up watching a movie and some episodes of an anime. Let me see, the movie we decided to watch was The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent with Nicholas Cage playing Nicholas Cage. I saw the trailer a while back and it for sure piqued my interest. I think the last movie I watched with Nicholas Cage was National Treasure. So I was happy to see this new movie. And it did not disappoint. It was actually a pretty solid action-comedy movie. Nicholas Cage’s comedic timing here was good. And oh boy, Pedro Pascal’s portrayal of the fanboy Javi, CHEF’S KISS. I mean he made the movie for me. He was so flawless in the movie. My hun and I laughed, cringed, and laughed some more. 

And of course, the anime of choice was Ouran High School Host Club. We watched seven episodes. My hun is starting to get into it now. He enjoys the episodes pertaining to a host member. He liked when the twins changed the color of their hair, and he wished that they stayed pink and blue. He also liked the fact that Honey was a martial arts champion, as well as Mori. He was happy that there was something more to him. And I started laughing since I couldn’t really say anything about the characters without spoiling their arcs. He still enjoyed Tamaki and his animatedness.

Tomorrow is Sunday once again. The only errand I have planned was to go to the store. I might do some python in the morning before doing that though. We shall see though. I’ve just been really tired lately.

10.20.22 – I Will Definitely Not Look at Meat Pies the Same Way Ever Again

I’m not going to talk about work today. However, I did wake up late this morning hence I started work a little bit later. I wasn’t rushing to get on site so that was fine. The air quality today was much better than yesterday, although there was still a bit of haziness. It made the surroundings foggy. 

I did get to hang out with my love today. We watched four episodes of Dorohedoro. Like I said before, this anime can get a bit violent and intense. It got to me. Well, just a little bit. I started getting anxious watching the episodes. I think what triggered it was the meat pie magic. And the fact that Ebisu and GuraGura ate it. Yeah. I continued watching because I was enjoying the anime. And I really do want to know what happens. We have an episode left and an OVA. So I think we will be able to finish this over the weekend.

We also watched a couple of episodes of Ouran High School Host Club. And my hun said that he prefers the dub more. I mean, not surprised, the dub for this anime is one of the best. Really spot on. I think he enjoyed what episodes we watched today. However, he also stated that he wants to have more substance soon. Like, the Hitachi twins should add more to their schtick. But then again, I told him that is what sells for them. He wants Honey to change. For Mori to not be in the background too much. He enjoys Tamaki since he is very animated. I mean, I can’t really say much to him, so I just nodded. I have really nothing bad to say about the anime, I enjoyed this anime all those times I watched it. 

Planning on reading Darling Girl a little bit before sleeping. I did read a few pages while waiting for my on Discord. So I kind of want to continue the chapter. Goal before I sleep? Finish at least one chapter.

10.16.22 – Yesterday was Emotional. Today was Meh.

Air quality today and yesterday was awful. It was so heavy with smoke that I’ve been having some difficulty breathing. Definitely not fun when I had to be outside to do errands. Regardless, I did get some things done. Regular errands you know. Adult things. I swear. I hate it. I work on weekdays then the weekend comes just for me to catch up with errands. Bleh.

Hun and I got to hangout yesterday. We watched Logan. Rewatch for him, first time watching the movie for me. I never watched the other two Wolverine movies so I have no point of comparison. But as a stand alone, I think it’l was a good movie. It was definitely slow at times, definitely intense on the action scenes, but I liked the movie nonetheless. And yes, I did cry at the ending.

We also finished given. I really have nothing to say about the anime as it is one of my favorites. Seems like my hun enjoyed it but not as much as he liked Yuri on Ice. He does appreciate the fact that this one also does not have the romance aspect as the primary story line. So I will count this a success for his yaoi journey. I do want to push his limit a little bit, I do want to see his threshold on what he can handle. The reason why I suggested Yuri on Ice and given was because the BL aspect of the anime was not prominent. We shall see though.

We did watch Dorohedoro as well. I’m enjoying the anime enough. Violent at times. But I really want to see how Caiman got his lizard head. And I want to follow his journey to discover his identity. I’m interested in Nikaido’s backstory for sure. A sorcerer living in the Hole as a non-magic person. And considering she has a very top grade smoke and not practicing sorcery, yeah, I’m interested as to why.

I’ve been listening to Ouran High School Host Club in the background since Friday. I did enjoy the anime before and I am enjoying it now. Currently watching Cowboy Bebop. Also enjoying it. I tried watching this one before but I remember dropping it. So far, now that I’m actually playing attention to it, I’m liking it.

10.13.22 – I Don’t Want Her Face in Dreams

What happened today? I went back to work. It was fine. And Headache still ruined my day despite the fact that she’s off for the rest of the week. She is such a waste of space. I cannot stand her. 

Anyway, my hun and I were able to hang out today, which was nice. We haven’t been able to. We watched a couple of episodes of given. And an episode of the Great British Baking Show. I mean, I have nothing much to say about the episodes we watched of given. I love each episode of that anime. So did I enjoy them? Yes. And I like seeing my hun’s reactions to that anime.

For the Great British Baking Show, we watched Japanese Week. And yeah, I mean I remember the show getting backlash on this episode. And I saw why. The signature challenge was to make some steamed buns, which are of Chinese origin. The technical challenge was to make matcha Mille crepe cake. This was very French to me, to be honest. But fair enough. And for the showstopper, the bakers were asked to make a “kawaii” cake. Which of course is not a thing. They basically asked the bakers to make a cake and decorate it with a cute character. I think the major backlash was the fact that they could have focused on actual Japanese bakes. I guess this missed a mark here. Putting the criticisms aside, we enjoyed the episode.

I didn’t get to read today, I was catching up with work. I was gone for two days and my emails were out of control. Ridiculous. Planning on reading a bit before going to sleep. I did read Tomie by Junji Ito. And oh boy, that manga is…something. I had to stop reading because Tomie’s face is ingrained in my brain and I don’t want her face showing up in my dreams, which can definitely happen knowing how my imagination works. Tonight I will try to read Darling Girl.

10.02.22 – Hanging Out with My Love Lessens My Anxiety

So let me see? What has been happening the last few days? My hun and I really were not able to hang out. He was having some connection issues. That was fine. I was definitely feeling a bit antisocial lately. And for good reason. I have been feeling very so-so lately. I really did not want to deal with other people.

Regardless – I was able to squeeze in some watch times with Chris.

Shiriusu (Sirius the Jaeger). The story revolves around a young man named Yuliy and his journey to seek revenge against vampires who destroyed his home village. He joined a group called the Jaegers – basically a vampire hunter group. This is the first anime I watched that was not based on any manga, which was surprising. Chris and I did enjoy the anime. I mean, it has action sequences, it was about vampires and werewolves, it has mystery, and some sibling conflict. What’s not to like? My love said that there was something missing, I didn’t think so. I feel like the story was pretty solid and it was executed well. I really appreciated the fact that there was no love trope. It was very refreshing. I thought there was when they introduced Ryoko. I was pissed at the beginning because it was not needed. But alas, the anime surprised me! Anyway, I loved the back story of the Sirius, and the need to protect something that was called “The Ark of Sirius”. I appreciated the relationship between the brothers Mikhail and Yuliy. The last fight was poetic. The anime was good.

Hocus Pocus 2 (2022). 29 years after the first one came out, the sequel was finally here. It was enjoyable. And familiar. I loved the fact that it took this long to release a sequel. I appreciated the reaction of the Sanderson sisters’ first trip to Walgreens and their encounter with the roomba. That was a riot. The story was still a classic. We enjoyed it. Let’s just say that it was a good sendoff for the Sanderson Sisters.

Lou (2022). Well, what did we decide to top off our marathon? A thriller. This movie started with a kid being kidnapped during a powerful storm. The mother and their neighbor teamed up to pursue the kidnapper. I cannot disclose a lot since this is a thriller, but the thing that I enjoyed the most was the relationships in the movie. The twists were good as well. The movie was definitely a good watch. Why did we even watch this? Chris and I were watching some trailers and I was exclaimed “That’s Bren!” And that was the beginning of it. No regrets in picking this movie up. Story was solid, the acting was phenomenal. It was good ride!

My hun and I did hangout for a few hours today. We watched an episode of The Great British Baking Show, we started a couple of animes – Dorohedoro and finally given. Both my hun’s recommendations. I was surprised when he said given, to be honest. I mean, I wanted to watch it with him but I honestly was not pushing for it too much. But he suggested it! And I was so happy.

The Great British Baking Show. Pastry week. Mark L. had a rough showstopper. His cage broke so he presented his pastry tart without the cage. Peter was still awesome. Linda went home for this week. She presented samosas instead of pasties. She did not present eclairs for the technical, making her the bottom of the group. And like Mark L., her cage broke.

Dorohedoro. Not going to lie, the premise was interesting. And the plot definitely was intriguing. However, the anime was very violent for liking. I will continue watching it with my hun though. With the stipulation that, I would need a break every episode. Just because of the violence in it.

given. Well, I really loved this anime. Reason why I was so happy and excited when my hun suggested it. I mean granted he just suggested it because we have not been able to hangout recently. But that is okay. He loves the intro. Because what is not to love about that intro. He appreciated the fact that the main characters were introduced in the first episode and the BL was not forced down his throat. He did laugh during the interaction between Haruki and Akihiko. And I laugh at him and counter, you would not be laughing if Haruki’s internal monologue was directed towards a female character. But it seems like he is enjoying the anime currently. And that is really all I could ask for. I mean I would not even suggest it to him if the BL was front and center.

We have plans of hanging out again tomorrow. But we shall see, I think his internet is down again. I did listen to some lectures on Udemy today. Planning again on doing it before work tomorrow. We shall see though. I was having some anxiety and some laziness all weekend. Very unmotivated. I was glad that my hun and I were able to at least squeeze in time today. Kept my mind from getting lost in thought and the struggle I have when I know I have to go to work again.

09.28.22 – I Guess This is Another Post without a Title

Another exhausting day. I was in meetings for four hours. That is all I’m going to say about that. I have not been able to read the last few days since I’ve been busy trying to create my resume. I still need to finish some certification classes to put them on my resume.

Anyway, I’ve just been watching YT vods. I watched this video by Emirichu. Nothing exciting. It was about her visiting some popup and permanent anime themed cafes in Japan. It was really good. Yesterday, my hun and I squeezed one episode of The Greatest British Baking Show. Chocolate Week! Peter did well this week as well as Mark L (I mean he got star baker). And I was so glad that Sura went home. Not that she was not a good baker, she just had a bad week. The reason why I was glad that she got eliminated was because of that accident that happened during that first week. It was just too careless for me. And I will not apologize for that.

My hun and I were able to hang out a little bit today. We just watched one random episode of Bob’s Burgers. And also watched a couple of episodes of Futurama. I would say they were random episodes as well, but not technically. My hun specifically picked them. One episode was titled The Day the Earth Stood Stupid. I enjoyed that Nibbler episode. Everyone on earth became stupid because of evil brains. The only one who can save them? Fry. The other episode was Leela’s Homeworld. That episode was really good. Definitely something heartwarming Leela episode. It was about Leela finally knowing the truth about her parents and identity. My hun got “allergies” during the episode. 

I would have enjoyed it a little bit more if I were not having a mini anxiety attack on top of my back and my wrist hurting. I am just out of it. Stressed. And just over it.