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Category: QT with Love

12.03.22 – Ooooohhhh, A Vampire!

I went to work this morning. Why? I had to do some smoke testing for software updates that will be launched on Monday. I left the apartment at around 6:45 AM. Since we had snow the day and night before, I needed to de-snow my car. Then I drove to work. Testing was planned for 8 AM. So when I got to work at 7:30, I didn’t even think to check my email. Anyway, just to get to the point, the smoke testing was canceled and the only reason why I found out was that I checked my email at 8 AM. They canceled the testing at 7 AM when I was clearing my car of snow. Was I pissed? Yes since no one decided to put a message in the testing channel…So they wasted my time. Mine and Chris’ time since we were both onsite. We were able to test 4 items since we were already onsite. I cleaned my car longer than the time we spent onsite. It was a waste of time. So we would need to go onsite again tomorrow at 7 AM. Yay.

Anyway, I did all my planned chores today. So that was productive at least. I was craving some buffalo chicken wings, so I made some. My cramps were still bad so I was in a very meh mood. And the situation this morning did not help.

I got to hang out with my love today. I think about seven hours. So that was good! We watched a movie, finished another anime, and started a couple of anime.

Bullet Train (2022). Well, it was funny. Very actiony. It was not great by any means. But it was entertaining. I liked it enough. We did enjoy the banter between The Twins – Tangerine and Lemon. I liked the cameos for sure. The only character that I did not care for was The Prince. Why? The kid got away with too much shit on that train because she was a girl pretending to be helpless, and these guys wanted to be her hero. It annoyed the shit out of me. I mean come on. But whatever. It was enjoyable enough.

Ouran High School Host Club. Well, the last two episodes were wow. I teared up. Tamaki’s life was just heartbreaking. The Kyoya episode was pretty good too. And I just hate Tamaki’s grandma and Kyoya’s father with a passion. Like I cannot. My hun gave the anime a 6.5 to 7 out of 10. I was annoyed at first since he really enjoyed the show. He explained it but harsh! 

Moriarty the Patriot. Obviously, this is a rewatch for me but I wanted my hun to see it. We watched three episodes. And my hun got hooked. And I would like to keep it that way. I was not sure if he will like anime, to be honest. But I loved this anime too. So I want to see his reaction to it. This is on top of the list of my favorite anime. So far, my hun likes the trio – the Moriarty brothers. 

Castlevania. We rewatched the first season today. So four episodes. We were going to start with season two but I forgot season one. So when he suggested rewatching it, I said yes. Yeah, that anime is very graphic. I can take it though, as long as there are no torture scenes, I should be okay. I am liking the trio here as well – Trevor, Sypha, and Adrian. My ears perked up when Adrian got out of his coffin. Yeah – I like vampire characters. Action sequences are good. And I love the fact that Sypha is not some damsel. We shall see though, I would definitely like to continue with this one.

12.01.22 – I Say It’s a Romance. Fight Me.

I will skip complaining about work today. Nothing really happened there that annoyed me. I know shocker! 

I stopped by Alibertos Jr to get me some carne asada fries and al pastor quesadilla. I did half the dishes with Chris but regardless, it was still a lot of food that I inhaled. I mean, you can say I binged again since I didn’t eat anything the whole day. Anyway, they were good and definitely hit the spot.

My hun and I watched a couple of anime today. 

Satsuriku no Tenshi (Angels of Death). We finally finished this anime. Let me just say that they dragged this anime for sure, especially the last episodes. It’s not bad. But it’s not great. It was interesting at times, and I did enjoy the backstories of Zack and Rachel. Those flashbacks were intense, but I liked knowing why they are who they are. I think this anime was classified as psychological horror. But I really think it was romance. Not your regular fluffy romance, but a dark twisted romance. Hello, the two main characters made a vow to each other, a vow that grew their relationship. They protected each other because of that vow. You cannot tell me otherwise. 

Ouran High School Host Club. My hun hasn’t realized that Tamaki does not know how he actually feels for Haruhi. Like he actually does not understand it. The host members were really trying to make him understand but so far to no avail. I think the episode next is about Kyoya and Tamaki, we shall see.

I am feeling a slight headache right now and cramps. So I took Tylenol and I’ve been drinking water because I don’t think I had water today. Which was bad. I need to drink more water.

11.29.22 – Anime Night for Me and My Hun

Today was just cold. Well still cold. Just the whole day. It was just freezing. It did snow today while I was driving to work. This morning while I was in a meeting. And this afternoon as I was driving home. It was also forecasted that it would be snowing tonight. We shall see what tomorrow looks like.

Anyway, my hun and I watched a few episodes of some anime today. We watched a couple of episodes of Cowboy Bebop. We watched these episodes in subbed this time. My hun wanted to try it so we did. They were the Jupiter Jazz episodes, the episodes that mentioned Julia. Yeah, I am not a massive fan of the Julia story arc but I also know that this is Spike’s story arc. So I’m kind of stuck.

We also watched an episode of Angels of Death. The episode finally revealed that B1 was in fact Rachel’s floor. And she was also a part of this escape building “angels”. And she was trying to kill Zack. It was a hard episode because of the domestic abuse happening in Rachel’s home. It was not uncomfortable or anything, just heavy and intense.

And then we watched an episode of Ouran High School Host Club. My hun liked this episode a lot. It was the episode where a son of a syndicate wanted to be Mori’s apprentice. And in the end, he found out that Haruhi is in fact a girl. The character was just pure and kind-hearted. I mean, he nursed a sparrow back to health so that it can fly again! He just wanted friends since he was just so misunderstood and judged because of his upbringing. But anyway, I enjoyed it as well. 

Planning on reading a bit tonight before sleeping – it could be a webtoon, a manga, or a book. Regardless, I will be reading.

11.26.22 – All Things Anime for Date Night

I had a late start today. Why? Well, I slept late last night. But then again, why would I sleep early when it’s the weekend? I think I slept at 2 am. Who knows? I’m not really sure. Regardless, I think I still did well chores-wise. Sure I was still somewhat lazy to do stuff but at least I folded my clothes the same day I washed them. I think that’s a vast improvement. I hate doing laundry.

My hun and I did hang out today. I wasn’t sure if will be able to when I woke up this morning since I know he has some cleaning to do. But I’m glad we did. We watched anime today.

Sasaki and Miyano. We finished the anime today. And it is safe to say that my love enjoyed it. He begrudgingly gave it an 8/10 biased rating – just because this is not his genre of preference. He ranked it higher than Yuri on Ice. But he gave it 10/10 unbiased rating – he really thinks that the anime was well done. I was a bit nervous watching this anime with him. Time and time again, I kept saying that this is the best anime I saw this year. But I’m grateful that I did share this with him, and he got to enjoy it too. 

Angels of Death. We are almost done with this anime as well. I honestly thought we would finish it today but no. It’s all good though, we have four episodes left. Hmm, what do I really feel about this anime? I mean, it’s not great. But I do like the “escape room” setup of this anime. It kept me interested enough for me to continue on. The anime almost lost me when Zack and Rachel got to B2, with the priest as the floor master. Oh god, those episodes were just so boring, especially the witch-hunt trial episodes. The anime did get interesting again once they entered B1. And the first thing that I told my hun was “This is Rachel’s floor”. And I am known to watch the openings of anime, and I noticed that it only showed six people. Rachel is a floor master, well that is what I’m alleging anyway. I guess we’ll see if I’m correct. The main issue I have with this anime is the fact that it makes me so uncomfortable at times. Danny’s obsession with Rachel’s eyes got borderline sexual, I didn’t see the need to have this adult on top of this girl. Edward’s voice seemed to be coming from everywhere. Cathy’s torture floor. And that weird romance undertone between Zack and Rachel. I am not a fan of the underlying romance between an adult-looking man and a girl. See that I didn’t mention the priest – it was because I didn’t care about the floor master enough to nitpick.

Ouran High School Host Club. We watched a Halloween episode. My hun was definitely enjoying the character development for the Hitachin twins. I mean they have a more flushed-out background, and the anime showed more character development for them, at least from the episodes that we watched. Kaoru especially has a bit more understanding and a bit more perspective on how his relationship with Hikaru will change if Hikaru decides to move forward without him, especially now that they opened their world a lot more to let people in. So far, we have only heard snippets of Tamaki’s life. The anime has not given him a background episode. Any information about him was relayed by the other members of the host club.

I’m planning on creating some yearly tracker pages for my reading journal before I sleep. And then read after. Not planning on taking too much time creating the pages but I just want to add more before I go to bed. I do want to read though. I borrowed an audiobook of Bridgerton from Libby. We’ll see if I like the narrator. So planning on listening to that while doing my yearly pages. Am I also taking advantage that it’s Saturday night? Of course!

11.25.22 – When the Whole Day was a Waste of Time

I truly believed that going to work on Black Friday was a waste of time. Time and time again I was proven correct. And today was no exception. I was bored the whole day. Not just me. The lab was slow since there were barely any specimens, no orders were getting placed electronically for us to check, no one was sending requisitions via fax or email. WE WERE BORED. Again, I will continue to believe this – working on Black Friday should not be a thing.

The whole day I was browsing the internet aimlessly. I was playing water connect and was on tiktok for hours. I even set up some yearly trackers for my 2023 reading journal. I was definitely on defense making one but I gave in. I do miss doing bullet journaling but I gave that up and went digital just because the system has not worked out for me. It got a bit tedious but I do miss having to create spreads, so I hope that having a reading journal helps with that. I mean I am not planning on creating calendars every month, it will really only be a journal. At least in my head, I don’t plan on overdoing it. 

My hun and I watched a couple of episodes of Sasaki and Miyano. I teased my hun that he likes this anime. I mean I think I might’ve said “be honest, you’re loving this anime”. Of course, he denies it. But I know the truth. Well, I think he appreciates the character development. And every episode shows character growth for both Sasaki and Miyano. And I personally love it. I mean of course on top of the ever-anticipated decision from Miyano. 

We also got to watch a couple of episodes of Angel of Death. Episode three was about Edward Mason. That kid creeped me out. I was never a fan of kids whispering and laughing and all that – reminds me too much of the AI in Resident Evil. We also watched episode four where Cathy Ward was introduced. And this was when my anxiety hit. I was getting very antsy. It was a bit of a torture floor so it was understandable that I was getting a bit triggered. Oh just for context, every floor has a killer, and the floors were set up ala escape room, but you know just with deadly consequences. So far so good. But I do need to get a move on from the Cathy floor. 

We also watched a couple of episodes of Cowboy Bebop. We finally got to a Jet backstory. And we found ourselves at a mercy of some kind of weird slime in Bebop because Spike forgot some kind of lobster he stored in the back fridge for a year. I say it again and again, I love characters who have some kind of character development, but I also appreciate a character that has layers. Cowboy Bebop characters have layers. And that is the tragedy of the Bebop crew. They were in some way or another living to get closure from their past. And I think that’s beautiful.

I am rewatching Yuri on Ice. Because I just really love this anime. I just loved Yuri’s journey, and how he perfected his routine throughout the anime. And in line with that, I cannot forget the blossoming relationship between Yuri and Viktor. I mean, it all started with Viktor being his coach, getting engaged, to skating together at the end. I mean chef’s kiss. The fact that the romance was not the main plot and was pretty much in the background, it was still pretty well done. It was still able to show throughout the whole anime. I mean seriously, what’s not to love?

11.21.22 – It was Nice to Hangout with My Love

Do you know what pisses me off? That Friday of this week is not observed as a holiday. Who wants to come to work on a Friday morning after a holiday? I don’t get it. I mean a lot of companies now are observing this coming Friday after a holiday, so I don’t know why this company I work for doesn’t. It’s so stupid.

Okay. Now that I’m done venting about that…

How was work? It was fine – nothing really noteworthy on that end. I was just working and willing the time to go faster. Of course, the latter didn’t happen. Cause why would it? 

My hun and I were able to hang out today. We started a bit later since I had to do some chores. But we were able to watch some things.

Cowboy Bebop. Episode 8 – Waltz for Venus. Pretty good Spike episode. It showed that he has a heart. Showed that he has a softer side despite his detached attitude. His interaction with Roco Bonnaro and his sister was something to take note of.

Sasaki and Miyano. Episode 3 – Senpai is… I really do appreciate this anime. I still think that this is one of the best anime I watched this year. The whole anime is just about building to this one moment and the anticipation is just killing me. (Yes, I watched this anime a few times now.) The characters were very well fleshed out. The angst, the build up – everything was palpable.

The Great British Baking Show. Episode 8 – Patisserie Week. The bakers were asked to make mini charlottes, vertical tarts, and Krokan showstoppers. Abdul got the star baker this week, which was well deserved. Janusz was sent home. I was not surprised but it was sad.

Ouran High School Host Club. The Door the Twins Opened. We always appreciate some backstories in this anime, especially the twins. I am still waiting for a Tamaki backstory episode.