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Category: QT with Love

02.18.23 – I was Somewhat Productive

I have been somewhat productive the last couple of mornings. I mean, I was productive at work yesterday. I honestly get more done when I feel like my day is full. I mean I knew leaving work Thursday afternoon that my day would be full of dealing with specimens but I was able to squeeze in making some flowcharts for my replacement. Yes, replacement. Since the company decided to push us out. Isn’t it so nice of them? “We’re getting rid of you, but transfer your knowledge to your replacement.” What a load of bullshit. I hate them. And I am hating that I am doing this.

Anyway, I was also quite productive this morning. Did groceries, cleared the pantry, reorganized the counters, yeah, I was busy. And I am currently doing laundry. So yeah, I think I have been really productive. I mean granted, I am procrastinating on things that I should be doing like last week. The goal is to do that next week, while I am on PTO and not dealing with work.

I was able to hang out with my love. A bit later than I wanted but it was okay. At least we were able to spend time even for a bit. And yes, we watched anime.

Chainsaw Man. There will always be a character in an anime that annoys me. And guess what? This anime has two characters that I want to yeet to the demons so they get eaten. Because they are useless. The whole time episode six was playing, I just kept on saying “die already” on those two annoying demon hunters. I cannot. I really just cannot deal with them. They were so aggravating.

Haikyu!! Well, this anime on the other hand makes my heart beat with excitement. I was pretty heated after Chainsaw Man, but Haikyu!! just put me back in such a good mood. Again, I love the dynamic between the members of the Karasuno team. I mean when Tsukki finally got his moment, the moment when volleyball becomes more than just a club for him. It was nice. My hun said that he needed this arc to fully push that development for him, and yes, I agree with him. This arc was his catalyst. And it was beautiful to watch. Okay, the other team, I mean they are impressive, don’t get me wrong. But after the match with Johsai, I would like to say Shiratorizawa was okay. I mean Johsai was an amazing team, the way they constantly move as a team, not to mention the captain – Oikawa. That captain is impressive to watch on the court, Ushijima is boring. He is so stiff. The fact that my favorite person to watch on their team is Tendo, the middle blocker, is saying a lot. Now, he is an interesting character. He is very animated and villainous, I love him.

Souleater. We skipped some episodes. And I am happy about the skip that we did. I am still not a fan of Maka and now that Death said that she might have the power to actually eliminate the Kishin made me roll my eyes. I mean, she’s the chosen one now? How convenient. Whatever.

I was supposed to read last night but I passed out. I mean alcohol will do that. So I did not get to read. I will tonight though. Well, that is the plan anyway.

02.16.23 – When Motivation Goes Out the Window

I could have been more productive at work today. It was a light day and today should have been the best day to get some things done. Unfortunately, I found myself staring at a blank document and struggling to start whatever it was I needed to do. To sum it up, I did not end up doing anything today. It was so bad. Yeah, I just lazied it up today. I did get some work done. But I was not as productive as I wanted. I was on YT and TikTok pretty much the whole day. It was not my proudest moment.

My hun and I got to hang out tonight. We watched anime. No surprise there. We love our anime.

Chainsaw Man. We watched episodes three and four. So far so good. This anime was a bit overhyped. My hun agrees with me. I am not saying it’s bad. It’s just that at this time, nothing stands out for us. My hun thinks that Denji needs a more serious goal – “cop a feel” is too shallow. But I disagree. At this moment, Denji already reached his dream – eating, bathing, a decent place to sleep, a job. And right now he is living his dream for Pochita. I think it is very refreshing to see an MC do just that. And ultimately, living his dream is his goal. Stacking on that, regardless of how shallow it might be, is fine by me. He is after all only a teenager (16) from a difficult life. If “cop a feel” is his goal at the moment, that makes sense to me.

Haikyu!! We watched episodes one and two. And I was already on the edge of my seat. I mean it is the finals after all. And I cannot wait to see how Karasuno will play against Shiratorizawa. I mean, they already had a difficult time during the first set. I want to see Karasuno will bounce back. Or if they can. We shall see. We got introduced to some new characters and the one that stood out for me was Satori Tendo, with his red hair and tall stature. He looks like some villain from a shounen anime. I was intrigued by him off the bat.

Disgaea. We watched episode two of this one. And it was fine. There were moments when I forgot to read the subtitles because I was distracted by how cute and feisty Laharl is. We got introduced to Mid-Boss. The Dark Adonis. I do not know, but this anime just makes me smile. It was definitely something nice to end with.

I did read quite a bit last night. I did pick up Heaven Official’s Blessing book 1 as planned and I like it. I mean I already watched the anime on Netflix and I enjoyed it a lot. So I am not surprised that I am also enjoying the book. I heard this series also got a webseries, so I am planning on scouring the internet for that. Because that is the kind of person I am when I get obsessed about something. So far I like the details in the book. The anime did not deviate too much from the parts that I read, which I appreciate. But of course, the book has more details which I really enjoy. The book so far is making me laugh, making me annoyed with some characters, and intriguing me at the same time. So, I cannot complain. I cannot wait to finish the book so I can buy the second book.

02.14.23 – OMG! Karasuno is Going to the Finals!

I feel so exhausted today. I mean like seriously, what is it about the sample size lately? We are getting more and more samples daily and it’s getting tiring. On top of all the BS going on at work, yeah, the increased number of samples is annoying.

My hun and I were able to hang out tonight, which was nice. We watched some anime as per usual. We are not big on movies. We like our anime.

Chainsaw Man. No complaints. The MC is interesting. I mean so far, he does not follow the regular MC shounen trope. He has no big dreams and his drive is not fueled by revenge. His main focus is self-preservation, I mean that is one of the main reasons why he is working for the Public Safety group. For someone coming from nothing, he is living the dream right now. He has a job, he eats food regularly, he can take a bath. Yeah, you cannot beat that. I would love to see where Denji can go. We met Hanikawa and Power. So far, I am intrigued by Hanikawa. Sure we know his reasons for joining the Public Safety group – revenge. I do not blame him, his family was killed by demons in front of him. So yeah. Power seems to be crazy. We shall see.

Haikyu!! We finished season 2. And oh boy, the last three episodes had me at the edge of my seat. I mean what the heck! Why is this anime so good??? Oikawa is just amazing as a setter and a captain. I am not a fan of him when he is off the court, with his fangirls. But damn, he is a monster while playing volleyball. The ace for Johsai, Iwaizumi, is pretty amazing too. That save. Jesus. That last set in general is something. I know I am talking about Johsai right now, but I think the Karasuno win was definitely unexpected for everyone. But damn, that was just amazing. The drive coming from both teams was commendable. And I need to stop using amazing now. I cannot wait for the game between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa. And since this anime was my pick, I need to pick another anime to watch. And I already chose Haikyu!! season three. No point in delaying the finals.

Souleater. It was the train express episode! A Death the Kid episode. And it was chaotic. Definitely the total opposite of Kid, who is all about symmetry and organization. I could not stop laughing when he was doing skateboard tricks while chasing the train with enemies around. Adorable. Out of the three meisters, I like him the best. Followed really closely by Blackstar. I really do not like Maka. Sad, because I like Soul and it would have been nice if he is being wielded by someone else. So far so good though, I still want to continue to with the anime.

I am planning to read tonight before I sleep. And I am also planning on waking up at a decent hour tomorrow to cook again. I liked cooking this morning. I was able to wake up early-ish to cook rice and some Japanese sausage for my packed lunch.

02.12.23 – When Fanservice Ruins Potential

Today was lazy for me. I woke up late – by that I mean I overslept. And it was glorious. I did some chores, my regular Sunday chores so that was fine. I have no complaints about that. I just wished sometimes that there could be a weekend where I do not do anything. Just nothing. But that is never going to happen because why? Adulting.

My hun and I cooked again today! It was his turn to choose what dish, and he chose chicken parmesan. Nothing fancy of course. It was pretty easy. I just had to make mine allergy free as I can. I did not use milk, eggs, and regular breadcrumbs. The only thing that I really refused to substitute was the cheese. I cannot do vegan cheese. And not for the lack of trying. It just changes the taste of the dish so drastically that I really do not want to deal with it. Regardless, the finished product on my end was pretty good. And my hun enjoyed what he cooked as well.

Then we watched some anime.

Haikyu!! Running at the risk of sounding like a broken record, this anime is really good. We are on the episodes where Karasuno is playing against Johsai. And oh my goodness – intense. I just like seeing the team come up with a strategy on the spot to counter the other team. And yes, I was at the edge of my seat the whole time we were watching those episodes.

Plunderer. Since my love decided to drop Fullmetal, he decided to try this one out. He did watch the first episode a while back and got uncomfortable. So I told him, I will watch it with him. And yes, the first episode was just – wtf? It was fanservice heavy. Not just the regular big boobs jiggle physics BS. No. There were some unconsented things happening in that episode that made it difficult to watch. But we powered through and watched the second episode. And we both thought that okay – we can deal with this. The second episode was so good. Then the third episode came and it reverted back to freaking in-your-face fanservice. And I had to put a stop to it halfway through the episode. Because why? why? This was disappointing, the premise was good. The heavy fanservice killed it.

Souleater. Still one of the best opening songs I have ever heard. The fight between Blackstar and Mifune was really good. That was a really enjoyable sequence. And I love Mifune. I still do not like Maka. And then there was that disturbing sequence with Medusa taking over the kid.

Chainsaw Man. This has been on my watchlist since it came out. I know it would be violent and quite graphic and I was right. There is definitely some hype around this one and I just hope that it will not be one of those overrated crap. It was a really good episode. So far, the violence was fine. I mean MC was fighting demons so that was to be expected. There was a scene that was a bit difficult to watch, but we are willing to definitely give this one a shot. And we better see Pochita again. He was the goodest of boys.

Disgaea. Cute and funny. Team Rocket was there for some reason. But it was pretty light and a really good last watch after watching Chainsaw Man. I have nothing much to say about this right now. It was a good palate cleanser for sure. I think Laharl is cute. I want a keychain or something.

I do not want to sleep since I do not want to be at work tomorrow. But I would need to – soon. So yes, I will be in bed soon, begrudgingly.

02.07.23 – Low Energy Tomato

I have not been keeping up with my daily posts lately. For that, I am not happy with myself. Let’s just say that I have been distracted lately. I just feel like my life is a mess. And we will leave it at that.

You what I cannot stand? People not reading the room. I mean you have coworkers losing their jobs in a couple of months, and you are out there partying in whatever conference and posting your stupid videos and photos where the people impacted are seeing it. I’m not saying not to party, I’m just saying not to rub it in. Whatever. They suck.

My hun and I got to hang out today. We watched two episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and three episodes of Haikyu!!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. This anime has lulls in it. I think that is my main complaint. I mean, the anime is good. I understand why it is one of the mainstream anime in the West. It has action scenes, comedic breaks, and the storyline is pretty solid. But damn, when it hits a downtime on the anime, it gets difficult to go through. Do I think it is overrated? Yeah, but then again, like my hun said, he can say that about Bleach. And that is fair. But if this is one of the first anime that people had watched, I do understand why people hyped it so much.

Haikyu!! Now this anime is just soooo good. Even their low-energy episodes are not low-energy at all. Something is always happening. The individuals on the team just kept on wanting to improve. I mean granted from the start, I am rooting for Karasuno since they are the underdog, but seeing them strive to be better individually, and seeing those improvements adapted to the team was just awesome to watch. My hun said that we should watch this anime first. So even if we are moods are down at the beginning of our hangout, if we start with this anime, we will still enjoy it and most likely will get our moods up right away.

I had a rough night last night, I was having issues sleeping. My allergies were all over the place. I did not get to sleep until 3:30 AM. I was reading last night, and then I stopped when the time hit midnight but I was just tossing and turning. It was not good. I had no energy the whole day. I mean nothing new there, I was just more tired than usual.

02.05.23 – I Have No Title for This.

Alright. I have been MIA for quite a few days. I have no excuse. I was just in a weird funk. No. It’s not weird. I just received some bad news over the week that left me bitter and annoyed. Anyway, I really do not want to talk about that.

I finally finished Bloody Bones. It took me two weeks to finish reading it. Not because I did not enjoy the book, on the contrary, this is my favorite of the series so far. The problem was, I was distracted. And I could not focus. I really appreciated getting some backstory about Jean-Claude. It was pretty heartbreaking. I did pick up the next book, The Killing Dance. And I got to say, any chapters with Anita and Richard together are draining. God, in every single chapter they fight. It’s tiring.

Anyway, my hun had been sick the whole week. He finally got covid. I am not surprised. No one cares about it anymore where he’s at. At least here, people still wear masks in public. Not all, but there are still people who care enough. I mean, I am not surprised him getting it, despite the environment of the state he lives in, it really is just a matter of time before everyone gets it. Like flu. He definitely had a hard week.

We were able to watch some anime today, which was nice.

Kotaro Lives Alone. I love this anime. It’s heartwarming. And Karuno is the best guardian ever. I mean he did not need to take on that job, but he did. I would protect Kotaro forever. He is just precious. He is far more mature for his age, forced to be mature for his age to be honest. And it broke my heart. I am just glad that he found a group of people who cares about him.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I am still enjoying this anime. There are some slow moments, and I do find myself and my hun finds himself yawning. Not to say that it’s bad, not at all. The anime is actually pretty good. Overhyped? I think so. But the recognition from anime viewers, I think, is deserved. I would not put this as one of my favorites, but it’s enjoyable.

Haikyu! We picked up season 2. And just pretty much like the first season, there are no lulls in this anime. I like the fact that the Karasuno team is still growing and evolving. Each player is trying to be the best at their craft and hone his skill to help the team. I mean sure, the motivation might be self-driven, but it’s really fine. At the end of the day, those honed skills will be for the betterment of the team.

Tomorrow is another work day. I do not want to go. All of us on site have no motivation anymore. I mean, to us, what’s the point?