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Category: Date Night

06.25.22 – Stardew Valley, Oh How I Missed You

So, I did not post yesterday – obviously. Very bad headache. By the time I got home from work, I just went to bed and slept. There was only one thing that happened yesterday, to be honest. It was all over the news. Let’s just say that I am saddened and disappointed about what happened. I felt like it was a huge step back for women’s rights. That’s all I’m going to say about it. I do not want this post to get all political. My love already heard my opinions and where I stand on this topic. And honestly, that is enough for me.

Today was hot. I do not like it. It was too hot for my liking. I ran away from this when I left SoCal. So I am definitely not a happy camper today about the weather. And it will only get hotter. At least I know that Monday will be around 90F. Not looking forward to it.

I did errands early today just to beat the heat. And even then, it was already warm. I did like going to the grocery store as they opened just because the crowd was pretty much nonexistent. I appreciated that a lot. I was able to get a carwash. And even a strawberry-banana smoothie. Thank goodness that the smoothie place opens early. Despite the heat though, today was pretty relaxing. I journaled while Daria was playing in the background. Daria is currently playing in the background while I type this. 

My hun and I were able to hang out today. Thank goodness. The last time we actually spent time together was Wednesday. Yeah. I do not like it when we go this long without spending time together even for just a couple of hours. We watched an episode of Bob’s Burgers. But we decided that today was game night. We ended up playing Stardew Valley. It has been so long since we played this game. And I forgot how much I enjoyed it. My hun kept on teasing me about how much I suck at fishing. I mean, he is definitely better at it but I do not think I am that much of a potato at it.

Tomorrow, I just need to throw the trash, and maybe cook. But that’s about it. I do not have anything planned really. So hopefully, my hun and I get to spend more time together. Despite how often we try to hang out, we do message a lot and talk on the phone, I do miss him a lot. Sometimes, I just feel the distance between a lot.

06.11.22 – Lazy Weekends are My Jam

I mean, by the title alone, you can already tell how my day went. Granted, I was still productive and did what I planned to do which is good. But really the rest of the morning was spent in bed. With my dog. I also made some carne asada fries at home. I really need to a lot more cooking at home. It’s just cheaper.

Date night was good! I really enjoyed the two movies we watched.

First movie was Tropic Thunder. I have not seen this movie in years. My hun said he wanted to watch a bad comedy and this movie was suggested. But a certain word was used in that movie that I have not heard in years, and it made me uncomfortable just a little bit. The movie made me laugh. And honestly, that movie would not fly anymore. A lot of people do not understand satirical comedy nowadays and a lot more sensitivities now too.

Second movie was Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Ah, we really enjoyed this movie. Tails is just so cute, Knuckles is just broody and naive, and Sonic is just full of energy! I love it. My hun nerded out a little bit – by that, I mean a lot – when something happened to Sonic, and when he saw the end credit scene. My love is just too adorable when he’s nerding out.

We also got to squeeze in an episode of House. And honestly, I’m getting tired of this Tritter arc. I really have issues with story arcs that is not needed! I just cannot. And yes, I debated of skipping the episodes, but at where we are at right now episode-wise, we will be missing a lot. My love said that Tritter arc has 16 more episodes to go. And I was like damn it! There is just no way we will be skipping 16 episodes! We will be missing a lot! I hate it. I hate it.

Tomorrow, we have a movie lined up – The Lost City with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum. We watched the trailer earlier and it seemed interesting. I’m pretty sure we would enjoy that movie. But then again, a Sandra Bullock movie is always good.

06.04.22 – I was back in a Movie Theater

After a few years, I watched a movie in a theater for the first time. If I recall correctly, the last time I was in a movie theater was when “It Chapter Two” came out. So it has been a while. That was pre-pandemic I believe. I mean granted that I am not the type of person to watch a movie regularly in theaters, but once in a while I’ve been known to willingly go out and watch a movie. Let’s just say that I’m only very picky with movies.

I watched “Everything Everywhere All at Once” with a friend. That movie was actually pretty good. To say that I am surprised was an understatement. It’s definitely a very niche movie and if you don’t like science fiction then this movie is not for you. The movie is mainly science fiction, fantasy, and action, sprinkled with dark humor and drama. CHEF’S KISS. It made me laugh, it made me cringe, it made me cry. Yeah. I think all the elements of the movie were executed amazingly.

Before the movie, since we were early, we decided to check out the mall. And for a dying culture, the mall was still pretty crowded. Also, it felt like there was no pandemic with how much people got together. There was an event earlier today and a huge crowd of people (adults and kids) were congregated in a certain part of the mall. I mean I have thoughts on that but at this point, it’s up to the people now on how to properly protect themselves against covid. We were given the tools, and it’s up to us to utilize them.

My date night with hun started a bit later today. I got home late from the movie. But we ended up watching a couple of episodes of House, two episodes of KenIchi, and an episode of Rosario+Vampire. I mean granted it was a bit short than I would have preferred. But I’ll take what I can get, I mean I did have some prior engagements today. Hopefully, we get to hang out more tomorrow. 

05.21.22 – When Anxiety Strikes = Short Date Night

I do feel bad when my anxiety gets triggered and I had to cut our date nights short. I think it was because I have been in front of the computer for most the day. I get antsy. I am like this at work as well, I have trouble just sitting or standing front of a computer for the whole shift. I had to move around for the most part. And I had to cut our date night short. I would normally power through and sometimes standing up would help but tonight was a bit difficult. My skin started breaking in hives. I was itchy and I could not stop scratching. I’m now sitting on my bed and I’m feeling slightly better. I am still scratching but it calmed down a bit.

I had a pretty busy morning. I shaved Paco, and that was interesting. This boy was squirming away from me after a while. But for the most part, it went well I think. His shave was pretty even except for his legs and paws…I also gave both dogs baths, and of course my breathing got labored a bit. Nothing too bad though.

I’ve been reading Forrest Gump today as well.

Spoiler Alert

The spaceship crashed. He lived in the jungle with cannibals for four years. Almost got cooked by said cannibals. Almost got killed by the pygmies. And now, he is a professional wrestler. When I say that this man has been through a lot, I mean he really has.

End of Spoiler

Planning to read some more. I think I have 50 to 60 pages left. But also I am feeling a bit tired. We shall see.

My hun and I just watched a couple of episodes of House. We tried looking for Soul Eater but it seems like it’s getting taken out of streaming services right now. So we will have to wait till we can watch it. So we decided to check out Battle Starts 5 Seconds After Meeting – horrible English title by the way! Then that was the end of it. Hopefully tomorrow we can hang out a bit longer.

05.15.22 – Weekends End Way Too Soon

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only who feels this right? RIGHT? I’m done complaining, I think the last few posts made it clear how much I hate weekdays.

Today has been lazy. Well I’ve been lazy. I did not want to do anything but I did force myself to do the stuff that I needed to do. Folded laundry. Washed dishes. Threw away trash. It has been raining all day as well which I love. One of the real reasons why I moved to the Pacific Northwest, Southern California is just too damn hot and dry.

Remember when I said that my brain has been plagued with thoughts of fried eggs? Yeah, I gave in this morning. I scrambled some egg yolks. I’m allergic to egg whites. It was different. It’s definitely flatter compared to I decided to leave the egg whites in there. But I’ll take it. I’ll probably have some more again when I get the craving for eggs again.

My hun and I hung out again today. Just got off a while ago. We watched John Wick. Well, rewatch for the both us. I remember loving the movie but I did forget what the movie was about. I did remember some parts but not the full movie. So I’m glad I got to watch it again, this time enjoying the movie with him. He says it’s one of his favorite movies so I’m really happy that we got to enjoy the movie together.

We also watched episodes 2 and 3 of The Dropout. I will never forgive the decisions made by the CEO of the company. I’m sorry. I just cannot on principle. I will never accept it. There was no excuse. I know we are still pretty early on the series but I read the book, watched the documentaries about it. I just cannot.

We watched episodes 3 to 5 of House MD season two. I really love the show. I mean, as long as there are no unnecessary story arcs, I would be okay. My hun said we can skip some episodes if I get annoyed like what we did with the Vogler episodes.

I feel like this is a short post. Not really surprised, nothing was really going on today. Just regular lazy weekend things. My allergies are also pretty bad. It’s been pretty bad lately to be honest. My throat has been itchy, my neck, my scalp and sometimes my chest. My eyes have been swollen for a few weeks now. And my T-zone is red. I have an appointment with my asthma/allergy MD this week so hopefully she can suggest something.

05.14.22 – When Weekends are Dedicated for Chores

I know. I KNOW. This is what adulthood looks like. You go to work on weekdays. Then you do chores on weekends. And if you want to really unwind, you take your PTO days to either go somewhere else or just do a staycation. And come back to work with a shiton of catching up and messes to deal with. This makes this the vacation not even worth it. Yeah. I know, I’m just bitching to be honest.

As planned, I went to the store to do some grocery shopping. I stopped by USPS to pick up a box from Book of the Month. And I got a carwash – about time too. I just finished cooking rice and ground beef cooked in tomato sauce with potatoes, peas, and carrots. Don’t know what’s the name of it. I just kind of put together something. And it worked.

I have been making steady progress in reading Forrest Gump. Thank you. About halfway through the book which is good. I must say, Forrest is an interesting character. This character had experienced more than what a regular person might experience in a lifetime. Definitely colorful experiences.

Like I said earlier, my Book of the Month got delivered – well I picked the package up, but you know what I mean. I got two books for May. Darling Girl by Liz Michalski, a fantasy book, which is a reimagining of Peter Pan; and Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner, a memoir. I might pick up the memoir after I finish Forrest Gump. Hard to commit on it though, being a mood reader has its disadvantages for sure. I was leaning towards non fiction after reading Bad Blood and My Friend Anna. But Forrest Gump hasn’t disappointed yet. So I will continue reading this one until I’m done before I even think of what’s the next read.

My goal for next week is to definitely cook more. I enjoyed eating out and its nice, but when it all comes down to it, it’s $$$. Well I guess, the more accurate thing to say is I need to not be lazy to cook. That’s the thing that’s really stopping me from cooking. Laziness.

Tonight was date night. We started a little later than usual but it was okay. We still burned through a lot of House MD episodes. And yes, we had to skip the rest of the episodes in Season 1 where Vogler made an appearance. He annoyed the heck out of me to the point that I refused to even watch the show. It was such a useless addition. Unnecessary story arc. I don’t care what anyone else say, that kind of annoyance was needed on the show. My hun basically told me what happened in the episodes that we skipped.

It’s currently 11:30 pm and I’m still doing laundry. I had a late start this morning. And I had about an hour after all the errands that I just lazy’d it up. So, yeah. All good though. Almost done.