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Category: Date Night

11.26.22 – All Things Anime for Date Night

I had a late start today. Why? Well, I slept late last night. But then again, why would I sleep early when it’s the weekend? I think I slept at 2 am. Who knows? I’m not really sure. Regardless, I think I still did well chores-wise. Sure I was still somewhat lazy to do stuff but at least I folded my clothes the same day I washed them. I think that’s a vast improvement. I hate doing laundry.

My hun and I did hang out today. I wasn’t sure if will be able to when I woke up this morning since I know he has some cleaning to do. But I’m glad we did. We watched anime today.

Sasaki and Miyano. We finished the anime today. And it is safe to say that my love enjoyed it. He begrudgingly gave it an 8/10 biased rating – just because this is not his genre of preference. He ranked it higher than Yuri on Ice. But he gave it 10/10 unbiased rating – he really thinks that the anime was well done. I was a bit nervous watching this anime with him. Time and time again, I kept saying that this is the best anime I saw this year. But I’m grateful that I did share this with him, and he got to enjoy it too. 

Angels of Death. We are almost done with this anime as well. I honestly thought we would finish it today but no. It’s all good though, we have four episodes left. Hmm, what do I really feel about this anime? I mean, it’s not great. But I do like the “escape room” setup of this anime. It kept me interested enough for me to continue on. The anime almost lost me when Zack and Rachel got to B2, with the priest as the floor master. Oh god, those episodes were just so boring, especially the witch-hunt trial episodes. The anime did get interesting again once they entered B1. And the first thing that I told my hun was “This is Rachel’s floor”. And I am known to watch the openings of anime, and I noticed that it only showed six people. Rachel is a floor master, well that is what I’m alleging anyway. I guess we’ll see if I’m correct. The main issue I have with this anime is the fact that it makes me so uncomfortable at times. Danny’s obsession with Rachel’s eyes got borderline sexual, I didn’t see the need to have this adult on top of this girl. Edward’s voice seemed to be coming from everywhere. Cathy’s torture floor. And that weird romance undertone between Zack and Rachel. I am not a fan of the underlying romance between an adult-looking man and a girl. See that I didn’t mention the priest – it was because I didn’t care about the floor master enough to nitpick.

Ouran High School Host Club. We watched a Halloween episode. My hun was definitely enjoying the character development for the Hitachin twins. I mean they have a more flushed-out background, and the anime showed more character development for them, at least from the episodes that we watched. Kaoru especially has a bit more understanding and a bit more perspective on how his relationship with Hikaru will change if Hikaru decides to move forward without him, especially now that they opened their world a lot more to let people in. So far, we have only heard snippets of Tamaki’s life. The anime has not given him a background episode. Any information about him was relayed by the other members of the host club.

I’m planning on creating some yearly tracker pages for my reading journal before I sleep. And then read after. Not planning on taking too much time creating the pages but I just want to add more before I go to bed. I do want to read though. I borrowed an audiobook of Bridgerton from Libby. We’ll see if I like the narrator. So planning on listening to that while doing my yearly pages. Am I also taking advantage that it’s Saturday night? Of course!

10.22.22 – Javi was Flawless

I don’t why I was feeling anxious today. I felt uncomfortable practically the whole day. Not sure if it was because it was a bit colder and my feet were freezing. I was wearing a sweater earlier and I had to take it off because I felt suffocated. I really have no idea what triggered it today. It was not pleasant.

I watched more episodes of the Cowboy Bebop live-action series. And I’m really enjoying it. I know there were some complaints about it, and I don’t care. I am enjoying it and that’s all that matters right? I think the acting was spot on. Spike and Jet portrayals were great. I am still debating about Faye. Although I like the banter between her and Spike. I am still not sure about Vicious either. He was so calm and collected in the anime, which made him sinister, so seeing him with so much emotion and basically making decisions based on it was a bit weird for me. I still think Julia was meh on both versions. 

My hun and I were able to spend some time today. I didn’t realize that he was feeling neglected. I didn’t mean to, to be honest. We ended up watching a movie and some episodes of an anime. Let me see, the movie we decided to watch was The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent with Nicholas Cage playing Nicholas Cage. I saw the trailer a while back and it for sure piqued my interest. I think the last movie I watched with Nicholas Cage was National Treasure. So I was happy to see this new movie. And it did not disappoint. It was actually a pretty solid action-comedy movie. Nicholas Cage’s comedic timing here was good. And oh boy, Pedro Pascal’s portrayal of the fanboy Javi, CHEF’S KISS. I mean he made the movie for me. He was so flawless in the movie. My hun and I laughed, cringed, and laughed some more. 

And of course, the anime of choice was Ouran High School Host Club. We watched seven episodes. My hun is starting to get into it now. He enjoys the episodes pertaining to a host member. He liked when the twins changed the color of their hair, and he wished that they stayed pink and blue. He also liked the fact that Honey was a martial arts champion, as well as Mori. He was happy that there was something more to him. And I started laughing since I couldn’t really say anything about the characters without spoiling their arcs. He still enjoyed Tamaki and his animatedness.

Tomorrow is Sunday once again. The only errand I have planned was to go to the store. I might do some python in the morning before doing that though. We shall see though. I’ve just been really tired lately.

08.27.22 – I Cannot Have Costo Chicken Bake

This morning was busy for me. I had quite an early start – for a weekend anyway. I had an at 8 AM today with Discount Tire. I am not going to explain why, I think you can deduce from the place of appointment the reason why I made an appointment there. The fix finished earlier than expected. I ended up waiting outside of Costco for an hour since the store was not open yet. I was at that store for less than an hour, went directly to a grocery store, and then went to Joann. By 10:30 AM, I was home from errands. I cannot complain. The fact that the big errands were done that early on a Saturday – yeah. I think I did well on time.

I did hang out with my hun today. We played Stardew Valley for a bit. It started storming where he is at, so we decided to stop. We feared that our newly started game save will get corrupted if somehow the power goes out on his end. We definitely do no want a repeat of last time. 

We then took a few minutes break and then watched a couple episodes of The Great British Baking Show. There is just something about that show – relaxing and stressful at the same time. However, it is always a breath of fresh air seeing them help each other out when needed. For a competition such as this, it’s very rare to not have a mentality of “every man for himself”. 

We then decided to continue watching Tokyo Ghoul. Three episodes to be exact. I like the show enough. However, I quickly realize that this is not an anime that I can just binge watch. I would need a break. There are some scenes that can get too gruesome for my liking. It stresses me out. So I told my hun that I would love to watch the anime for sure. It is interesting but I just cannot sit and binge on episodes. My cap would be three episodes in one sitting and I would need to a different anime or show.

We ended date night there. My hun was feeling tired. And my allergies were pretty bad so I had to take Benadryl. What triggered it? I think the cold brew coffee and chicken bake I had this morning. I was feeling the drowsiness by the time we decided to call it a night. I was just in bed for almost three hours before I decided to start typing this post. 

My hun and I planned on hanging out again tomorrow. No time set though. I know he wants to hang out with his friend as well. I do have a couple of things that I plan on doing tomorrow. So we shall see.

07.16.22 – Today is One Lazy Day

Today was lazy. Sure I was up at 5 am, fed the dogs on time, left the apartment at about 7:30 am to get gas and indulge myself with a venti iced brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso – my favorite. After that, I went home, stayed in bed and cuddled with my dog. I didn’t start doing my chores until maybe 11:30-ish.

I ended up cooking braised pork belly today. This dish is starting to be one of my favorite pork belly dishes to cook. I mean, adobo is still my first choice. But this dish is new and I’m still trying to perfect it. I guess I can start cooking it by taste. No more exact measurements. I can start pushing the flavors out the way I want to.

I already finished my laundry today. The only chores I have left tomorrow is just throw trash, cook rice, and most likely cook some porkchops. But that is about it. Hopefully, I get to hang out with my hun tomorrow.

We played so much Stardew Valley today. I really do love playing this game with him. We also watched a couple of episodes of Bob’s Burgers while he was eating dinner. I really had fun today. 

07.09.22 – The Booster Kicked My Butt!

So, remember when I said that I felt like the booster was kicking my butt? It did! That Thursday night, I was feeling tired but I started feeling the beginnings of fever once I was going to bed. And guess what happened throughout the night? Yeah, I got a fever. I still went to work Friday morning though. The team was understaffed, and I cannot afford not to be onsite. Regardless, I went to work with a low-grade fever. Trust me, if it were higher than 100F, I would stay home and would not be able to work. But since it was a low-grade fever in the morning, I just went onsite and decided to take it easy. 

For the most part, I was fine all day Friday at work. My head was a bit fuzzy but the fever went away. Granted that my body temp was still hotter than my normal temperature, I still survived without any incidents. When I got home was a different story though. Why? The fever went back. I practically passed out when I got home. 

I woke up this morning fine. Like the past two nights didn’t happen. I went to the store – did some grocery shopping. I went to USPS and picked up my Book of the Month package. I got gas. I went to Costco to get my bottle of Vitamin D and Zertec, and also found myself a new pair of work pants. I went to Autozone and finally got rid of my used car battery sitting in the trunk of my car. I also got windshield wiper fluid. Then the last stop was Mudbay to get a food tray for Phoebe. I was pretty much productive. I did all the errands. 

I got to hangout with my hun today. We watched some episodes of Soul Eater. I forgot how packed each episode was in that anime. I love the artwork, fighting sequences are good too. We also watched a movie! Cloudy with a Side of Meatballs. I did watch this movie before. And honestly, the only things that I remember were the giant meatballs and the “baby”. And I’m glad I watched it, and actually enjoyed it with my love.

We did end date night pretty early. But that is fine. I’m still doing laundry. I guess I could read tonight too. I’ve been slacking off in that department. 

07.03.22 – The Bed was Calling My Name All Day

No post for two days? Yeah. I’ve been feeling sick. I am still not good right now either. I have been super tired for the last couple of nights. Like actually falling on the bed and passing out exhausted. No idea what’s happening really. My throat started hurting yesterday. So I just increased my vitamin C intake because I haven’t really been getting much of that. 

I haven’t been able to read either. I was just having a really rough few days. I haven’t been able to hang out with my hun lately. He was also having a rough few days too. I’ve been watching Daria and watching movies. Something that I really don’t have to pay attention to. Just so drone out the silence. 

My hun and I did hang out today for a few hours. We were able to squeeze in a couple of movies before we called it quits for date night. We watched Sing 2, which enjoyed a lot. I mean I was not surprised, to be honest. We enjoyed the first one. And yes, I did tear up a little bit in the last scene of the musical in the movie. The second movie we watched was Because I Said So. A Mother-daughter movie with underlying romance. I enjoyed it. Not sure how my hun felt about that movie. I made him watch it. He said he has no preference, so I picked it.

I am still currently doing laundry right now. I had a late start today. I was just in bed the whole morning. Normally I would care a lot and get annoyed at myself if I started chores too late on a weekend. But not today. I just wanted to be in bed, watch movies, and not do anything. While laundry is spinning, I am planning on reading Lamb. Maybe a couple of chapters or more. We’ll see. I have no idea how long I can focus at the moment. Not the book’s fault. Just myself being super unfocused lately.