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Category: Loner Chronicles

05.11.22 – It Really Does Not Matter That It’s Hump Day

When I woke up this morning, all I could think of is that “Damn, it’s not Thursday yet”. And it was again reiterated on my drive to work. A friend said “It’s only Wednesday?” When I answered, “Yes, unfortunately”; she sighed and said, “I was happy for a little bit. Now I’m sad.” Yeah, me too.

The only good thing that happened at work today was the fact that I had no meetings! Yay!

The only excitement for today was the fact that I had to look for a blood sample that was thought to be missing. That was not fun – the logistics of finding the blood sample was stress inducing. We found it though. I was already thinking of what to write on the non-compliance report, since I exhausted the avenues of where the sample could’ve been if it was actually lost. “It vanished into thin air – you know, like magic!” Yeah, that will definitely be accepted.

I tried listening to Forrest Gump at work…That didn’t go well. Not the audiobook’s fault as all. Here’s the thing, when I am doing something – could be homework, studying, reading or as mundane as doing chores – I always have to have something in the background playing. It could either be a show, music, or YouTube videos. This helps me focus on what I’m doing. So with audiobooks, I tend to listen at the beginning then it just slowly fades into the background. I am envious of people who listens to audiobooks while working or something! Today, I had to repeat chapter 6 of Forrest Gump about five or six times before I finally gave up.

I took a nap when I got home without really meaning to. I had Paco cuddling with me. We both had a really good power nap. Although I’m pretty sure that he slept intermittently throughout the day. And right now, he is currently sleeping right next to me.

Hopefully I get to hangout with my hun tomorrow. We still have no idea what to watch though. At least I don’t. I’m not sure if he has any idea on what to watch next.

I’m rewatching You on Netflix again. This is the nth time I watched this series. And yes, I do not remember the exact number anymore. Let’s just say that I watched it so many times now. I think season one is still my favorite of the three that is currently out. I cannot wait for season four.

05.10.22 – Tuesdays are No Better

Did I tell you I hate Tuesdays too? You know what, might as well just say I hate weekdays. Period. Why do we have to work five days a week? I’ve been hearing about companies that changed to a four-day work week. Am I jealous? Yes. Yes I am. Why am I still working five days a week??? WHHYYYYYY???

Also this will be a short post. I feel like my brain is empty.

I was in meetings today. We had too much samples. And I was just not happy to be at work today. Granted I’m never happy when I’m at work, but DUUUDE, I got frustrated with one of my meetings that I just kind of shut down the whole afternoon. I was not the only who frustrated, but other people in the meeting too.

I read one page of Forrest Gump. ONE PAGE.

So what do I do when I’m feeling off? Have something familiar playing in the background. So, Bob’s Burgers is currently playing.

Hun is also feeling slight off today. But since we are currently doing this long distance thing, we cannot just cuddle in bed and just feel off together. No, instead we are both sulking in our own beds, thousands of miles apart.

05.09.22 – Did I Ever Tell You that I Hate Mondays?

I’ve been pretty transparent that I think Mondays suck. And regardless of how I’m feeling, does not matter if I had enough sleep, does not matter if I had fun over the weekend, I will always hate Mondays. The thing that I find funny is the fact that I never really hated the start of work week this much until I started working days. I mean I was working overnight for the longest time but I never had this kind of problem. Weird how that happened. But then again, I should not really be surprised, I always considered myself a nightowl. The only reason why I sleep at night now is because I have to be at work in the morning.

I did have a rough night last night – well a slight rough night. I woke up at midnight with a sharp stomachache. I’m okay though. That sudden awakeness kind of messed up my rhythm. I do not think I have to describe how my morning went. Yes, I dragged my ass out of bed. I do not have a choice. I needed to be at work by 7:30 AM for a meeting. Came in five minutes late, but oh well. They can deal, they should feel lucky I was even there.

Work was busy-ish enough. Actually, pretty busy for a Monday. The fact that I ate my lunch at almost 1:30 PM should be an indication. My team was also understaffed. For a hot minute, I thought I only had one person onsite to run the team. But another person decided to come in – BOO, I really rather have the team be super understaffed than see this person’s face. Especially on the day that I have zero patience. Okay, that made it sound like I just do not like this person. I mean, you’re not wrong but I just do not like the way this person works and the work ethic, uggghhh. Yeah. Enough said.

I got home, and pretty much just did the regular things I do when I get home. Chores. After that, I just sat in front of the computer and decided to start making my spreads for my bullet journal. But then quickly realized that I’m kind of done with manual bullet journaling. So I am stuck. I do not want to bring my chromebook to work everyday to access the Notion website, since I am not a fan of the mobile app. But I also cannot stand setting up a page for a manual bullet journal. Yeah. I guess I can try to use my tablet and see if I can use the Notion app better on a bigger screen compared to using my phone. I guess all I can do is try.

I also really need to workout. I need to squeeze it when I get home. I did the early morning workouts before and that schedule did not really work for me. I found that my body prefers the afternoon workouts. Again, I am not a morning person, and consider myself a night owl. Working out just kind of gotten shifted to the side when I went back to school since my classes were scheduled after work. But I have no excuse now. I just need to start. I plan on losing 60 lbs. Pretty hefty and with my age, I would need to work harder to get there.

Hopefully I get to hangout with my hun tomorrow. Probably a good time to think what to watch since for some reason we do not have any show lined up. Well, we do. But we do not have any preference of what to watch lately. We’ll see.

05.06.22 – Thank God It’s Friday

Total cliche but you know what, it’s true. Those of us who work a 9-5 job, a job that is not stimulating, yeah, thank god it’s finally Friday. But no, I’m not going to complain about work. The only good thing right now at work is the fact that the person who I can’t stand has not been onsite for two weeks. And seems like I won’t see her for the most part of next week either. Fingers crossed.

Decided to get out of the office for lunch today. A friend and I went to Shinya Shokudo, a Japanese restaurant. I got rice with curry donburi – really good. There is just something about Japanese curry that always hit the spot. But I think there might be allergen in there, cause now my throat is itchy, my eyelids are again swollen, and I have runny nose. I took allergy pills so I am hoping that takes effect soon.

Almost done with My Friend Anna, I have about 60 pages left. So this book will be done tonight. I’m currently looking for my next read. I have some books from Book of the Month, but I’m very tempted to read Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I’m still on defense with that book just book it’s a chunker. The edition I have has 817 pages. I get easily intimated by big books, what can I say. It doesn’t stop me from buying them though. We’ll see. I’m definitely not feeling romance right now. Or I’m not feeling a story where romance is the main plot. Again we’ll see.

My hun had a boys’ night. I do miss him but I know how important boys’ night to him. And when I say boys’ night, it means talking in PS party chat, either they are playing some co-op game or doing their own thing. I’m hoping he had fun. They hadn’t been really able to hang out lately because of schedule conflict I think. I personally not had the need for something like friend’s night or something. Like I said, I’ve always been a loner. But I love that my hun has something like this setup with his friends. Friendships are important.

But tomorrow is date night. And I’m thinking that we should go back to playing some stardew valley or it takes two. I personally think I need a break from animes. Nothing really interests me at the moment. My hun do still have a bunch of animes and shows that we need to continue and finish. But I think I have an anime hangover with Trigun, Persona5, and Yuri on Ice.

05.05.22 – Today is the Last Day of Interviews

I didn’t to get to post last night. Broke my streak on that one. Feeling a little bit under the weather. Headache and all that. I was in three back to back interviews yesterday, That drained the energy out of me. I get really tired when I’m in social situations so back to back meetings are definitely not good for me. Yeah. Introvert to the core. I know. I need to have a recharge.

I started rewatching The Hills yesterday. It was the reality show of when I was in my early twenties. Definitely nostalgia. With the headbands. The make up. The clothes. And the drama in this show. THE DRAMA! The show is definitely problematic. But then what can I really expect on a show about a bunch of twenty somethings. The only thing that I ever had in common with these girls was that I went out to clubs too. And I had a job. Other than that my life was never this full of drama. But hey, I ate their drama up! And apparently I still do even though I know pretty much all of the situations in this show were fabricated by the producers,

All I did today was lay in bed. Take naps. And eat. And take more naps. When I said I need to recharge, I need to recharge. Granted, I was also experiencing some headache, but I think it’s really more on the fact that my energy was really depleted from yesterday.

I also had two back to back meetings today, about 45 minutes each. And as you can guess, my energy is also drained right now. I am currently watching The Hills. I will read a bit later for sure. I need to be back in bed again. Sometimes I hate feeling like this. I feel like I should be having more energy than this to be honest. I mean I’m not young but I’m not that old! Well, you know what, yeah I think I’m that old. But I want to sit in front my computer for a little bit.

I need to buy a good webcam. For what? No idea. I used my friend’s webcam for the interviews today and it was so clear. So I need to invest one. I didn’t realize how bad the webcam is in this laptop until yesterday, when I saw myself pixelated the whole time.

I need to line up my next read after I’m finished with My Friend Anna. I more than half way through the book so this will be done quick. I think I don’t have any nonfiction book lined up or on hand…We’ll see. Well, I have a lot of books to read so I really should not be thinking of buying more books. We’ll see. I have time to decide.

04.27.22 – My Brain is just a Blank Space

I’m feeling a bit meh at the moment. I’ve been staring at this screen and I am struggling to get some words out. You know? Like my brain is blank and there is really nothing in my head but blank space? This bothers me. Since my brain is pretty active. Always running. May it be full of nonsensical stuff like thinking about fried chicken or chocolate, or thinking about starting a project and practicing my data science skills so it can remain sharp.

But today, it’s just blank.

I am not going to say how I felt when I woke up, I’m pretty sure you can deduce how my waking hour went. I’m just feeling off today. Way off. I’m also very irritable. I was annoyed at anyone who talked to me. And I had to force some friendliness out of me. Normally, that is pretty easy for me since I had to pretend to be friendly and approachable all the time. But today, that was very difficult.

Right now, I have the movie She’s All That playing in the background. I think the next movie I will play is Austenland. When I’m feeling like this, I tend to turn to the familiars. My go-to’s. Something I know that I will enjoy, even if I do not put my full attention to it. Hoping that it will make mood slightly better.

Tomorrow, I will have to go to the store to get some stuff for the potluck on Friday. Thinking of just getting the frozen lasagna and cooking it. I highly debated if I wanted to cook spaghetti but I just didn’t feel like putting that much effort into it. So frozen lasagna it is.

Tomorrow is blue day in the lab. Not sure what to wear since my wardrobe consisted of mainly black…and maybe some gray. So I will have to rummage my closet to see. I’m pretty sure I have a blue somewhere.

Haven’t been able to pick up a book and just read too. Not sure what is wrong with me. I do not like forcing myself either. I tend to not enjoy a book if I force myself to read. I just want to lie down and drown myself with YouTube videos. You know, reading vlogs and reading journal videos. I’m not sure really. Even that feels like a chore today.

Hopefully tomorrow is better. Yeah right – I would need to make a quick presentation about PPE (personal protective equipment) for lab people. Yay. Forced again to do something that I do not feel like doing. So pointless. They can read that in our SOP. Oh well.