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Category: Loner Chronicles

06.01.22 – Thank God for a Short Work Week

I feel off today. Not that I’m feeling antisocial or anything but I just want the office to not be so crowded. But that’s the thing, the office will never be not crowded anymore. Why? They hired two more lab people and of course they will be onsite as well… So yeah, boo.

Anyway, there really is nothing new happening with me. Just the same thing. I’ve been getting obsessed watching daily journaling videos again. I am that type of person who tends to cycle through my interests. Before this, I was obsessed with watching commentary videos. And since I’ve been trying to get back into bullet journaling, I’ve been consuming a lot of these planning videos. I’ve also been thinking of having a reading journal. But that one I don’t know yet. Because when I start posting book reviews here, I know I won’t be able to post spoilers. At least with a reading journal, I can write whatever since the journal is just for me. And you know, maybe if my hun wants to read it, for him as well.

Anyway, I have no plans today. Hun is doing a double shift today. So, I’m just going to read after this.

05.26.22 – The Deceiving Overcast Weather

I love an overcast weather. Not that I hate the sun, I just prefer a more cloudy weather is all. And I was glad that today was overcast…It was feeling a bit stuffy inside the office earlier so I decided to step out to get some cool air. And the moment I stepped out to the terrace, bam – not so cool air. Yuck. I was so deceived. I mean granted if you ask people maybe they will say that it was cooler out, but not to me. It was definitely not cold enough. At least not what I was expecting for such an overcast.

Work was busy – with meetings. I was drained. There really is no point of me rehashing my day. I just do not want to think about it anymore. There really is nothing interesting happening there to be honest. Just me being exhausted every single day.

Tonight I will read. I did read some last night but I fell asleep at some point. I woke up with the book on top of Paco, closed, with the bookmark right next to my head. And all I could think of was “Great, I’m going to need to figure out where I stopped.” So far the book is interesting enough. I feel like I already know who the protagonist will end up with if the book goes there.

I couldn’t decide on what to play in the background right now. I pretended to browse through Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, and Amazon Prime…But I already knew what I wanted to play. It was between You or You’ve Got Mail. I know I know, why even bother when I always on the same things. I just wanted to know if there was anything that might pique my interest aside from my usual go-to’s. But to no one’s surprise, I picked You, starting on season 1 again.

Sometimes I wish my days are not so repetitive. I feel so bored with my life at times. I don’t know. Of course people will say if you want change, you need to make the change. I know that. I should really start making something out of my life. I think I feel I’ve been stuck in such a rut and I’m getting bored. Not just about my job, but my daily activities.

05.24.22 – I Just Want to be in Bed

“I just want to be in bed” was my mantra ALL DAY. Not good. I almost feel annoyed with myself since all I can think of after that is “Damn, you’re one lazy ass.”

On top of me wanting to be in bed the whole day, I just did not want to deal with people. Not interact with anybody at all. It was bad. It’s so difficult to pretend to be an sociable when my body is refusing to act like one.

I have a meeting scheduled at 7 AM tomorrow and I’m not going. Honestly, I’m a bit tired and not feeling well. I’ve been having cramps, headache, and low back pain the whole day. And now add nausea to that. Yeah, definitely not ideal. So they can go ahead and forget that meeting.

I had to take a rain check again with hanging out my hun. I went straight to bed when I got home from work and only stood up to feed the dogs, take my meds, and get ready for bed. Because there really nothing more I want to do today but curl in bed.

I started reading How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days. We’ll see how far along I can get into this book. So far, so good. I don’t feel the urge to stop reading it, currently in chapter three. I normally off the bat if I won’t ever like the book on the first few chapters of the book. I was only in chapter three of The Love Hypothesis when I put that book down and told myself, “No, I will not force myself to read this book.”

Hopefully tomorrow I feel better. I’ve been feeling antisocial lately and I need to be extroverted for Friday’s happy hour. I was fine when I said yes to that shindig two weeks ago…But with how the past few days have been going for me, I really am feeling drained and do not feel like socializing. We’ll see.

05.22.22 – I Slightly Hate Myself Today

Just slightly. My self loathing go overboard at times to be honest. And those days make me bound to bed, very emotional. Today my self loathing was at functional level. I may have moved slower than usual but I was still able to do things around the apartment. Well some things that needed to be done that did not involve me having to get out of the apartment.

On top of that, I’m very irritable. Why? Because I will be riding the crimson tide in the next couple days if not tomorrow. So my mood is very stretched thin. My allergies being in an all time high today is also a contributing factor.

My hun was very gracious and letting me take a rain check again today. I personally do not want to subject him to my foul mood. Yes, I would like to keep shielding him on days that I might be very difficult to handle. I can get really snappy when I’m like this. So he is better off hanging out with his friends today. I was lurking on his stream today, and he did seem to be having fun playing some DBD with his friends. So that’s a good thing.

I finished Forrest Gump. And that book was really heartwarming. That is the best adjective I can describe that book. He definitely lived his life, full of experiences that most of us would not ever get to experience in one lifetime. And I admired his resilience in everything. Next plan now is to watch the movie soon.

Scouring my bookshelf for my next read now. I’m debating if I want some romance next. I’m not sure. I’m debating if I want to give The Love Hypothesis another chance. I had to stop reading it because I cannot stand the incessant need to emphasize how tall the male love interest is. But I also feel like I want to read some more nonfiction to be honest. I have a few in my bookshelf right now. But I am also wanting some fantasy as well. I hate being a mood reader to be honest. I wish I can just stick to a to be read list like other readers out there. But I cannot.

I am currently watching You’ve Got Mail…again. I did say it’s one of my favorite movies.

05.16.22 – Puddle on the Floor

It has been raining the whole weekend. And I love it. Like I said on a previous post, this is one of the reasons why I moved here. So every single time it’s raining, I’m happy! But when the lab your working at has leak in the ceiling, all rain weekend has it’s disadvantages. Yes, I walked into a mess.

Yucky Puddle on the Floor

First thing that came to mind was, “Shit! The fridges!!” But thank God, not the fridges but good ol’ regular ceiling leak! The thing that really frustrates me is the fact the we have been dealing with this bullshit for three years now. And regardless of how many times this has been brought up with management and then to the building manager, it’s still not been resolved.

A couple of weeks ago, they changed the ceiling tiles, that was a Wednesday. Thursday, it rained. Friday, new tiles have water damage. I mean, it’s very logical to say that having new ceiling tiles to replace the old ones due to water damage is useless when the leak itself has not been fixed!

I was pretty busy at work today, which was nice for a change. And not a lot of meetings either! Also the office seems crowded. Site leader was there, and the new lab supervisor started today. So yeah, crowded. Tomorrow though I have an early morning meeting and same on Wednesday. Both days my meeting starts at 7 AM, so I have to be onsite before that. Gross. Again, whoever schedules these meetings suck.

My love is having boy’s night right now. Which is okay. I’ll be reading after I post this. And also, playing You on the background again. Season 2, episode 2 currently playing right now. I still do prefer Season 1 hands down.

Okay, I think that’s it for today. Reading time.

05.13.22 – Here is the Day that I’ve Been Waiting for Since Monday

I know I’ve been really annoyed about this week. And honestly, you can’t really blame me. I have to be onsite and deal with a bunch of bullshit. So yeah, I think I earned the right to talk shit about this week. I don’t air out the grievances of my job – at least not in detail, because for the most part I do like working there. I get bored here and there and I’m in a meeting for the most part, but I still like being in healthcare and I love the environment of that company.

My brain has been plagued by egg the last few days…Well, fried egg on toast to be exact. It doesn’t help that most of the reading vlogs I’ve watched lately all showed them cooking and eating fried egg for breakfast. That was torture! Normally, I just think of fried chicken so when fried egg decided to invade my head, I was a bit surprised.

I’m very sleepy right now so I know that this will be a short post. I’m so relaxed and my eyes are pretty heavy. I did want to read but I don’t think that will happen. Also, for some reason, I’m freezing. I now have a heater on to warm up my space. But my hands and feet are still pretty cold.

Tomorrow might be a busy day for me…Going to the store, then USPS, and car wash. The latter might depend on the weather. I don’t know. I might still get a car wash if it’s raining tomorrow. Enzo, my green monster, is in desperate need of an actual car wash. This is what I miss from California. The place where I took Enzo for service always wash the car, since they have a car was on premises.