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Category: Loner Chronicles

November Reading Wrap Up

My November reading has taken a backseat for sure. I got a new job this month. And I am finding a rhythm with things. I mean, I still think that my reading was decent. However, I have not been able to read a novel, which is shameful. And turned to the instant gratification of reading some webtoons.

The only novel I finished this month was Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6. I did start reading volume 7 in November but have not been able to continue. My focus kept on wavering. Anyway, I love Vol 6. I mean, I love all the books that I have read so far. I am pretty hyped since the last volume (Vol 8) has been released and I got my copy. And I am excited to get a satisfying ending on one of the best series that I have ever read.

Of course, a lot of manhwa and manga in November. There were a few favorites for sure.

You Get Me Going (manhwa, webtoon). I finished reading the manhwa – this should be the second/last season for this one. And I still think this was a gem. I loved seeing MC and ML navigating their relationship from fuck buddies to actually having a full-on relationship. I was smiling, I was giddy. The communication between the two was top-notch. Green flags all over the place. Yeah, again, love it.

How My Daddies Became Mates (manga, webtoon). This is just adorable. I tend to not enjoy omegaverse too much, the genre itself has a lot of red flags, but this one was really fun. From enemies to lovers to being fated mates and to being dads. It was nice seeing the progression of their relationship. The angst – I mean, they met in high school – so the angst was high! But I love the journey of the main characters realizing what they meant to each other. But then again, I realized that I really enjoy reading some enemies to lovers stories.

Hetakuso Love Step (manga, webtoon). This was just cute. MC and ML in college, ML was a playboy – scared of being hurt. MC was the awkward smart boy that ML found himself falling for. I think what I enjoyed in this one was how organic the relationship was. It was young love. With a lot confusion and a lot of realizations. The first chapter was rough, but not too much to deter me from seeing where these characters would go. And I’m glad I decided to continue on. Again, this was just cute.

Honorable mentions were Walk on Water, Love Plan, and Like a Tidal Wave (manhwa, webtoon). These were enjoyable. At least, I enjoyed the reading experience. They’re not the best but they were worth the time.

07.06.22 – I Need to Read

I really have nothing to say…All I know is that I feel tired. And I want to curl in bed. But that will not happen since I still have some stuff I need to finish doing. Like, you know, finish cooking? I am making chicken curry and it’s currently simmering, so I can’t pass out in bed until that is done.

Work was sort of busy. Hopefully, it won’t be too bad tomorrow sample number-wise. We had a lot today and with more than half the team out, the push to finish samples was a bit slower. The only lucky thing was the fact that I didn’t really have any meetings today. The one meeting I had was rescheduled for Friday. So my Friday calendar was a bit full of meetings.

I finished the Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich documentary. And I was right, I got annoyed and very much triggered by what happened to these women – girls at the time of the incidents. Not to mention the special treatments this guy got when he was in “jail”. And yes, quotation marks are needed. Because he was never really in jail now was he? 

I wasn’t able to read last night. Not sure what really happened, but I passed out. I mean that is nothing new really. But I wasn’t expecting to pass out. I remember having my phone on because I was watching YT videos and then I woke up this morning with my phone drained of battery. I’m pretty you can guess that I overslept and had to rush getting ready this morning since my alarms didn’t go off. 

I was having an allergic reaction before I left work this afternoon. My left arm and left hand were itchy. My back, my neck, and my stomach were itchy as well. I had to take two Zertecs. Not sure what triggered it but it did and it was horrible.

I am currently watching You’ve Got Mail. Surprise! Well, technically it was already on my browser and I just decided to play it. This movie just makes me feel better! Don’t judge me for how much I overplay this movie.

I am hoping I get to read tonight. I am torn between wanting to stay up to read and wanting to not do anything. That is the dilemma as of right now.

07.05.22 – I Need It to be Friday Already

Last night was rough. Fireworks. I was never a fan of fireworks even more now since I have pets. The dogs get scared when they hear fireworks. And that is what I was expecting to happen last night. I was ready to comfort Paco, our over-anxious dog. I was expecting a lot of shaking. But that did not happen. Our Paco turned into a protector. When the fireworks started, he became alert. Looking everywhere, trying to figure out where the loud sound was coming from. He decided that he would be lying on top of me. Not moving but very alert. Then he proceeded to run to the bedroom to check on my friend, his other mom. He stayed there for a bit and then came back running and again lay on top of me. Alert. That went on for hours. From my calculation until almost midnight. 

To say that I didn’t really get much sleep was a huge understatement. I pretty much had interrupted sleep. And woke up fully at 5 this morning. Too early for my liking. I was dragging the whole day at work. It was fine. Nothing new on that end. I didn’t end up going to my early morning meeting. Because I just didn’t feel like it. Horrible, I know. But I was just so tired of that meeting to be honest.

I just finished watching the documentary Keep Sweet Pray and Obey. This documentary was definitely about the rise and fall of Warren Jeffs. I am not one to judge religion. We are entitled to our own beliefs. However, I am against treating girls, women, females as second class citizens. And the more I get invested in this documentary, the more I feel sick to stomach. I was nauseated. What these females had gone through, I cannot. I just cannot fathom the fact that this exist. I commend the females, people who were actually brave enough to leave the compounds and start fresh. 

I am now jumping to the documentary about Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich. Because apparently I am not annoyed enough right now. I am however planning on reading more of Lamb tonight. I just want to see an episode of this documentary then I am most likely moving on to reading. I do need to give my brain a break from these horrible people you know.

I didn’t get to hang out with my love tonight. He was hanging out with his friends and playing video games. He was doing his own thing so I decided to do my own thing as well. And that was chores, cooking dinner, and just watching documentaries that would definitely annoy me apparently.

06.19.22 – My Bed was Calling My Name the Whole Day

Today was rough. I woke up late again. What can I say? My bed was really comfortable and I would always choose to stay in bed over doing anything else. On top of that, I woke up very irritable. I was getting very irritated over the littlest things. My low back was hurting, and my left leg was aching. Yeah, I was in a mood and my bed was my only refuge.

I was supposed to hang out with my hun today but it was my turn to take a raincheck. I miss him for sure but I was in such a funk. I really did not want to subject him to my irritability today. It was worse than usual. 

After throwing the trash this morning, all I did was lie in bed and read. I am now currently on the third part of the book, with about 130+ pages left before I’m done with the book. I find my limit with reading for sure. I need to take a break from reading about every two hours. By break, I mean do something else. I will read again once I post this. 

I did journal a little bit today, which was good. I really do need to do that more often. Every single day to be honest. I often say that journaling is therapeutic and it is. I often advise people to keep one. And I need to follow that advice myself. I used to journal often before. So I need to pick up that habit again. 

06.10.22 – Can I Have Some Iced Coffee Please?

Same as yesterday, I do not feel like recounting my moments at work again today. It was the same old thing. Meetings and samples. And audits. So exactly – same BS.

Chris and I found a good Thai food restaurant close to where we work. And it was some good food. We wanted to try that place for a while now but for some reason when we try to go there it’s always closed. So when we saw that it was today for lunch, we grabbed the chance. And it was worth it.

I am drinking coffee right now. I am also doing laundry. I have every plan to read tonight and make a dent on A Dirty Job. I would have loved to hang out with my hun but he is working today – a double shift I might add. So tonight is me time. And I just want to relax and do some chores so I would not have to do a lot of chores over the weekend. Just cooking and the regular washing of the dishes. 

I am also having some romcoms play in the background. Cause you know, why not?

Tomorrow’s plan? Hang out with my love. We are planning on playing some video games – maybe some It Takes Two or some Stardew Valley. Maybe watch some House episodes and some anime. We’ll see. But definitely playing some video games.

06.03.22 – The Days when I Just Want to be Alone

You know, I am not the most sociable person. I am not very open, I’m not approachable. I am friendly, but only to a point. I can be engaged in a conversation, but once the exchanges get too long, I get tired and I retreat. I put on my headphones and just close off the world. I guess my friendliness to people tends to be superficial. I’m guarded as a person, and I’m very picky about who I call friends.

The thing that I find really tiring is the fact that I have to pretend to be sociable. Being in a leadership position, I need to be. And it sucks. The moment I leave the lab, the moment I hear the door closed behind me, my mask falls off. That is one of my favorite things that happens every day. When I can just be myself; when I do not have to pretend anymore.

I guess I am missing my alone time. When I was younger, I can be alone and I would be okay. But I feel like wanting to be alone and quiet now that I am an adult, someone will always make it a point to psychoanalyze me. Unfortunately, this was a lesson learned. I just could not fathom why it was such a big deal that I wanted to eat alone in my car. Or be quiet. Apparently, my not wanting to interact meant that there was something wrong. That was the last time I did not wear my extrovert mask in public.

Why am I rambling about this? 

Because it is detrimental to my mental health having to pretend every day. There is a reason why I love the weekends. Because I am just at home and I can be a loner as much as I want. I can be quiet. I can get lost in my head. I can just be me. And after years of perfecting this mask, I feel like I am losing myself more and more. 

Well, this post turned personal really quickly. I did not mean to. I just did not feel like rehashing my day when all that really happens are forced interactions.