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Category: Diary

07.21.23 – What Can I Say?

I just marathon’d the 1st season of Temptation Island. By first season, I meant the season that came out in 2019. I did watch the original airing of this show in 2001. Anyway, I enjoy trashy reality TV shows. It makes me laugh and cringe. I like to react to situations that these people put themselves in. And I find it entertaining to see them squirm on the decisions that they made…on TV…where people can see. I am now watching season 2 and these singles both men and women are just on a whole new level. So much drama and toxicity for sure. So much pushing and pressure I feel like, it’s great.

Anyway, I finished reading a series last night! So I crossed out that reading goal for the year. Yay! Progress, regardless of how slow it is. Progress is progress. Anyway, I did enjoy this series a lot. I am not one to talk about the romances that I really enjoy so I think I might do that for this series and make a post about it. Not going to do a post for each book, but as a series, I might create a post for it. We’ll see. I’m still debating.

Now I want to continue on with Lolita. Cross out the “read a classic” goal for this year. I’m not saying that I will push myself to read the book if I found it a lot more difficult to go through it. But we shall see. Reading this book might definitely trigger some things. And that’s okay. I mean, I normally don’t shy away from triggers in the story, I just need to know what I’m getting into. And in this case, I somewhat have an idea of what I might be getting into once I really start diving into this book. Let’s see.

No really big plans tonight. Like I said, I might just read a book since I’ve been really enjoying reading a lot lately. It was a nice escape from my head.

07.20.23 – Cherry on Top.

This week was tough. Someone decided that it was fine to steal my dog’s food that got delivered this morning. Who the heck steals dog food? Like what the actual fuck? I’m just not having a good week – well, weeks really. I am in a really bad headspace. With some things going on in my life, I felt like the stolen package was just the cherry on top of a very rough week. Whatever.

I caved in and had pizza for dinner. I had no appetite the whole day. Dealing with the stolen package and that. I just didn’t want to think about what to cook. On top of that, it’s freaking hot here. So my temper was not really in a good place either. So I just ended up getting some pizza delivered. And I had no regrets. I threw calorie counting out the window today. Nope. I needed comfort food. And pizza was comfort food. It was worth it.

Yesterday, I had a girls’ night with Chris and we watched a couple of movies.

Harriet the Spy (1996). I never watched this movie. Apparently, this is one of Chris’ favorite movies. It was good. I had fun with it. I mean I had some very intense reactions to certain things – like Harriet’s parents taking away the one thing that she is passionate about, the bullying, how her parents reacted to her retaliation. But other than that, it was a lot of fun. I really liked the piece that she wrote at the end. She learned some lessons. And she apologized to the kids that she hurt with the original burn book.

Take the Lead (2006). I’m not sure why I never watched this movie. It was right up my alley. This would have been one of the movies in rotation for me to watch if ever. Also, I have no idea why I keep on mistaking this movie for Shall We Dance? Yeah, that other Jennifer Lopez movie. Anyway, this was also a really fun movie, obviously for a different reason than Harriet. It’s always nice seeing someone championing teens who were born without many resources. And for educators to go out of their way to give them those resources, creative resources. When it all comes down to it, I really do believe that there are other avenues for success. These things are not exclusive to sciences and mathematics. I sometimes wished that the arts were also given importance when I was in high school. Anyway, this movie was good. We enjoyed it. The Dungeon Kids were good. Dante Basco was Dante Basco.

No huge plans tonight. I just want to finish reading book 3 of this series that I’m enjoying. I just want to get lost in the pages for a little bit more. I just want to not think of anything else but this story right now.

07.19.23 – Rough Week. Yeah, One of Those.

I am not having a good week. I’ve been feeling really off lately. What I mean to say is that I have been feeling sick since Monday. On top of that, I just have no motivation whatsoever. My anxiety is also over the place. I’m feeling restless, but also I don’t want to move. So yeah, what a combo. I think the only thing silver lining for me right now is the fact that I don’t have hives or welts yet. Which normally would show if I’m having a really bad mental breakdown. I will take that as a win for now.

I’ve been reading a lot, which is good. I have not been able to read a book lately. So anything that would put me in the mood to actually read, I am all for it. I finished a novel the other day. And I am halfway done with this novel that I am reading. I am currently reading the 3rd and last book in a romance series. So if I finish reading this one, that would check my “finish a series” reading goal for this year.

I also started reading Lolita the other day. This book has been on my TBR for years. I just never had the energy to pick it up. Now why would I pick up this book considering the setting and the theme? The answer is simple. I’m interested. I’ve seen a lot of YouTube videos regarding this book. So I want to see for myself. Apparently, there were a lot of interpretations of this book and honestly, I would like to see why there were people who thought that the narrator was the victim in this.

I also started rewatching How I Met Your Mother. I mean, 30 min shows are my jam. This is contradictory since I love watching long-form YouTube videos. I prefer my YT video essays that range from over an hour to almost six hours. But for produced shows, over 30 minutes is an overkill for me.

Anyway, no big plans for me today. Just stay in bed and read. Sure chores will always be there, but for the most part, I won’t be doing anything.

07.16.23 – And The Melting Continues.

We’ve been melting for the last few days. It was just too hot. Well, for us, it was too hot. It was even more of a struggle for me since I was in the kitchen cooking. I tried cooking a creamy chicken with spinach dish, and it was good! But the process of prepping and cooking was not fun. Goodness, tomorrow is not going to be any better.

Aside from the cooking, my day was pretty much spent glued to the chair in front of my computer. Because I just really refused to move. And honestly, if I didn’t need to cook, I wouldn’t have. For the most part, I was watching Phineas and Ferb. Yes, that Disney Channel show from back in the day. Because why? I didn’t have to process what the hell was playing. It was a brainless activity. Which was what I needed today.

The patio set that I ordered finally got delivered yesterday. And yes, I already set it up. However, when I was about to try and use it earlier today, I decided against it right when I stepped outside. All I could think of was “Fuck this. No way in hell I would be staying out here in 80-degree weather”. So, I hid inside the apartment. With the electric fan focused on me. And yes, I wish that this complex has AC.

No big plans tonight. Just read. I’ve been doing that everyday, which I am grateful. So I will be doing the same thing tonight. I just need to make sure to sleep at a decent hour. I didn’t sleep until 4 AM last night.

07.13.23 – When I Decided to Walk Outside!

Another lazy day? For sure. I was supposed to be out of the apartment today, but that didn’t happen. Apparently, the only trees being maintained are the ones in the front of the complex. Wow. I mean, what? But oh well, I’m happy that I didn’t have to go anywhere. I mean, I did walk Paco around the neighborhood. So that was something.

BF and I were able to hang out today and watched a few anime.

Bungo Stray Dogs. We started season 3! And it was a flashback to when Dazai and Chuuya met, back when they were both 15 y/o. How adorable. Obviously, the two of them were already butting heads when they met. Cannot wait to see more of these two together. Can you tell I’m shipping them?

Parasyte. This is progressing nicely. Migi and Izumi compromise more with each other. I mean, we already saw the teamwork between them, but they would still hold on to their beliefs without budging. This time they compromised. Well, Migi compromised to not default to “kill this human”. And I really wanted to see what the outcome of the fight that’s coming up – Izumi vs Miki, who is pretty animated and also a hybrid with having 3 parasites in him.

Naruto. Honestly, I’m just annoyed with how people just underestimate Naruto a lot. But I like seeing him strive to prove himself over and over. Also, there is a difference between underestimating him and just plain insulting the kid. These guys just get a boner in telling this kid that he is nothing. I cannot sometimes.

No big plans tonight. I am feeling a bit tired honestly. I blame my decision to walk outside during a sunny hot day.

07.12.23 – Core Workout is a Pain.

Did I tell you that I hate core workouts? Like seriously. But I also know that I need to work out the core. And strengthen it. That doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it. These are the only exercises that I have on my log that I really don’t like doing.

My man and I hung out today! And yes, we did watch some anime.

Bungo Stray Dogs. We finished season 2. We definitely enjoyed the last fight between Fitzgerald, Akutagawa, and Atsushi. And you know what, Akutagawa and Atsushi should be on the same team. Honestly, as Dazai said, their powers complement each other. And we saw how powerful Rashomon was when paired with Atsushi’s white tiger. It was great. I cannot wait to watch season 3.

Parasyte. Well, I was sad about what happened to Kana. I mean, it was definitely carelessness on her part. Izumi kept on warning her about her sensitivity to parasytes, but she did not listen. It was still sad though. I still don’t like Murano. However, I do understand why she was in the story as the love interest. Doesn’t mean I can stand her.

Naruto. Oh boy. I was getting a bit nervous there regarding Tsunade’s decision about healing Orochimaru’s arms. Which we are baffled about. How do you even heal a sealed soul like that? That should be irreversible. Or the 3rd Hokage’s sacrifice could go to waste if there was even a small possibility of reversing that injury.

Anyway, no big plans tonight. Just sleep. I am feeling tired afterall.