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Category: Diary

08.28.23 – As the Weather Cools.

Today was okay. I did laundry. I changed my sheets. So, productive-ish. I mean, I cannot complain. Sure, I could have been more productive but honestly, I’m glad I did the bare minimum. Like I have been doing every day of the week. Trust me, just doing those little chores is a win for me. At least right now, it is.

I have been stuck watching S.W.A.T. since yesterday! The series has been on my watchlist for the longest time, I just had to wait for myself to be in the mood for it. And I guess yesterday was that day! Finally. I have 4 episodes left and I would be done with Season 1. I mean, I am enjoying it. I like the action. I like the interpersonal relationships between the division members, but I am mainly here for the action. Technically, I am not surprised that I am liking the show since I liked the movie of the same name. There are currently five seasons available for streaming, season 6 will be available soon, and season 7 is about to come out. So, yeah, I have some major catching up to do.

And say, Scream movies were still played in the morning while I was doing chores and all that. As I said, this franchise calms my brain and helps me focus on the tasks at hand. I will take advantage while I can. My brain tends to change its preferences from time to time.

No major plans tonight. I just want to relax. Most likely read. I didn’t read at all today, which was weird. It’s all good though. Not sweating about it. Just weirded out.

08.26.23 – Food Coma Hits

Random thought: Why is it called spaghetti western? No, I have not looked it up yet. I heard a booktuber mention it again to describe classic Western movies. I just wanted to put it here so I remember to look it up later. Also, he was talking about Joe Abercrombie and I really need to get to reading his books. Well, there are a lot of authors I need to check out. I mean I have not read any Brandon Sanderson yet and I have the Mistborn trilogy sitting on my shelf.

I’m sluggish today. I want to blame it on food coma. You know what, I’m blaming it on a food coma. Had some tapsilog for brunch before doing some grocery shopping. Got a blended espresso drink before going home. Then passed out when I got home. yeah, definitely food coma. The fact that I didn’t get to sleep until 3 a.m. had nothing to do with it. Purely food coma. And honestly, so much for drinking an espresso drink to keep me awake.

Nothing really planned today. Most likely read. Because I just want to read right now. And write. Those are the only activities that I have energy for at the moment. It’s okay. I’m not complaining.

08.18.23 – My Week of Napping.

Napping is my best friend. I love it. Although, I really did not have a choice this week. My brain just wanted to shut down and minimize my energy expenditure and focused on just breathing. The temperature was pretty high for my liking the whole week. Some people wonder how could I even take a nap in the heat. I have no choice in this matter. It’s my brain that takes control of these things. Anyway, I wouldn’t end up choosing to do anything anyway. For the whole week, even just sitting and doing nothing made me sweat.

The weather today was a bit better for sure. A lot cooler. Thank goodness. I still took a nap because last night was still rough. A bit cooler than the previous night, for sure. But I still ended up sleeping pretty late. Which was fine. I don’t have a job to wake up for anyway. I am in my unemployed era currently, which I have not been in since I was a mere teenager. Let’s just say that I was pretty busy last night doing some much-needed computer time since I refused to sit in front of it the whole week.

There was really nothing substantial that I did. Like I said, I just refused to move. So I just ended up reading a book, rewatching the Scream franchise over and over, and also started The Vampire Diaries. A lot of that I chose to “watch” was really for background noise for the most part. I wanted to focus on reading and journaling. And I needed to focus on what I wanted to do, the background noise helps a lot with that. I’ve always been like this, by the way. I just cannot focus in a quiet environment.

Any plans tonight? Just read more. Continue with the series that I’m reading. I just started on book 4 of 5. And I just want to continue reading the genre because it seems like I am in the mood for it. Yeah, the curse of a mood reader folks. And also the reason why I tend to read multiple books at a time.

08.14.23 – Melted on the Mattress.

Yesterday and today were tough. The whole day, I found myself melting on the mattress because my body refused to move and spend energy on doing things. I mean sure, I did the regular ol’ daily chores. But other than that, my body decided just to hibernate. This was nothing new by the way. My brain tends to reserve whatever energy I have for necessary functions – like breathing. My energy tends to be so low that my body just wants to shut down and sleep. And that was what I did! I spent the day napping. And it was great.

It was a rough night yesterday. I did not get enough sleep since I kept on waking up because of the heat. And it seems like tonight is not going to be any better. I already feel myself burning up with the heat. I really wish that the apartment has AC. I understand that ACs were not needed a few years ago. But now, yeah, AC is a must in every complex. An electric fan is not cutting it. I mean, I know that me having some low energy today might be a consequence of having a restless sleep the night before. But I really just want to blame to heat. I mean, the reason why I barely slept was because of the heat anyway.

Anyway, short post today. My brain really does feel like goo right now. Melting in this heat. And just sitting here in front of the computer is also not a good feeling.

08.11.23 – Another TV Show Invades the Silence

Ah, this is what happens when you have a lot of time on your hands. What? I was stuck in bed the whole day nursing a headache. And spent the entire day in a browsing loop on whatever streaming service I have on the TV. And landed on a new show that surprisingly is actually making me laugh.

Not Dead Yet. I mean what is not to enjoy about a writer getting her life together, assigned writing obituaries…Catch? She sees and talks to the people she writes about. It’s a riot. The show is called Not Dead Yet. And it’s based on a novel called Confessions of a Forty-Something F*ck Up. Yeah. I had to stop myself from buying the book right now. I need to wait. I have way too many books to read right now.

How I Met Your Father. I also finished watching How I Met Your Father. Yes, I also marathon’d the two seasons. Because you know, why not. Robin and Barney did cameos. Honestly, I enjoyed it. It was not the same as the original but I’m okay with this spin-off. It made me laugh. It still has the classic will they won’t they trope.

I finished a book last night. And I think that was the reason why I had a headache the whole day. Whatever. The book was fine. A lot of typos for sure. It could have benefited with some minor editing but I enjoyed this story. I definitely think it was better than book one. I just started reading book three, we shall see how I get to enjoy that one. Hopefully, it would be good. I mean like I said, I enjoyed the second book compared to the first one.

Any big plans tonight? Read some more. What else can I do? Not like I have a job to wake up for right now.

08.08.23 – Consumed by Trashy Reality TV Shows

You know, I spent today doing nothing productive. Well, technically I did things. Like daily chores and throwing the trash. But that was it. This is what happens when you’re ass is unemployed. Sure, there are minutes in a day that where you wallow in self pity and some self doubt, but the rest of time? You don’t do shit.

I know, I should be doing something productive and for the most part I did well during the beginning of this situation. But right now, my brain decided that it wants to do nothing. So, I decided to indulge it. Who am I to deny the organ that makes this body run of what it really craves to do?

Anyway, besides melting on my bed, I have been really into rewatching movies right now. I rewatched the Scream franchise because why not. I mean I always have some logistical questions about the movie. You know, this killer is too short to that, not enough leverage kind of thing. However, these “mistakes” do not take my enjoyment out of the movies. Ghostface is still my favorite slasher villain. Perfect who-done-it.

Also, I have been consumed by reality TV shows. Well, just one right now – Love Island. A reality TV show that brings me back to when I was forbidden to watch them by a controlling exboyfriend. I get the glee on watching how these people ruin their relationships by going to an island to meet with singles. “Oh my boyfriend cheated on me multiple times, I’ll take him to temptation island.” This goes vice versa of course. Boyfriends sometimes choose to bring their girlfriends on there.

The reasons were always “oh we want to make sure that we want to be with each other” or “I want to make sure that I can trust him/her” or “I want to make sure we’re taking the correct next step”. Some couples choose boundaries, some people don’t. But once the couples separate to their own respective villas to party it up with the singles, that is when the real entertainment starts. Well that and the bonfires and the reactions of these people seeing their significant others flirting it up. It’s great.

What is the actual pull though? I mean, I would never do it. So I am living vicariously through these people who are in a beautiful island (it’s Hawaii) and partying it up. Sure it’s at the expense of their relationship but I love seeing how these people make decisions after decisions that would incriminate themselves at the bonfire.

That make me sounds like I’m bored with my life. Well, right now I am. I am for the most part not doing anything. So yeah, picture me bored and enjoying the streaming services that I have available to me.