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Category: Diary

05.08.22 – Sunday Morning and I’m Lazy

I was so lazy today! I woke up, fed the fur babies, and folded my laundry. And after that, I just lounged in bed while watching The Hills. I was supposed to hang out with my hun earlier today but they had some company so he chose to sleep instead.

I am definitely getting invested again with The Hills. I felt myself roll my eyes at unnecessary drama, get annoyed at questionable decisions, and get frustrated when these girls choose their boyfriends over careers. Like seriously, sneaking your friends to a work party, choosing to stay with your boyfriend for the summer instead of going to Paris to join your editor for a career opportunity, drinking and being smashed while on the job, and letting a great career opportunity pass by because the boyfriend does not want you to move to Las Vegas. SERIOUSLY! Or even forcing your two best friends to be friends despite them not having anything in common except being friends with you. Yeah. I was in my early 20s once and I know I wouldn’t have made the decision as these girls. And I don’t know what it is but none of these boys even go to work – at least it was not shown. One of the boyfriends – who I think was one of the main casts – was home all of the time. Just being a couch potato and just doing nothing but play games.

When 3:30 PM hit, I finally decided to drag my ass out of bed to actually do some cooking. Cooked some honey garlic chicken wings and chorizo with potatoes. The honey garlic chicken actually came out good. I was nervous for a hot minute. My hun messaged me that most of the people left their house and he can hang out.

We ended up watching the last two episodes of Inventing Anna on Netflix. I still like the show, still enjoyed it but now that I read My Friend Anna, I am able to see Rachel in a different light and I’m not as annoyed with the character from the series. I will not stop saying that the show did Rachel dirty. And honestly, I find myself feeling for Rachel – the real Rachel. I feel like we could’ve been friends if we are in the same circle.

We then watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I liked it. I mean what’s not to like about a composer trying to create a Dracula musical and using puppets! And my hun questioned why the movies we watched yesterday and today had cheating/affair in them. Coincidence. LOL

I didn’t read today. I tend to take a couple of days off from reading after I finish a book. Just to give myself time to digest the book that I just read. Internalize how I actually felt about the book. So most likely tomorrow I can start reading Forrest Gump.

Tomorrow is the start of the work week and all I remember is that I have a meeting at 7:30 AM. So I definitely can’t leave later that 7 am. I hate having 7:30 meetings, I feel like these people don’t realize that we technically don’t start our day until 8:00 AM!

05.07.22 – A Trip to the Craft Store

I woke up this morning wanting some Filipino Food. So I decided to get groceries first. Get some coffee. And go to a craft store while I wait for the only Filipino store in town to open at 11 am.

I love craft stores. It’s always a very dangerous trip when I go…I tend spend money there. For things like sketch books, art supplies, stickers…You get the idea. However, today, I let myself peruse the aisles. Grab something that I would normally buy, hold it for a bit, and actually decide if I need it or not. And I find myself putting it back on the shelf. Hooray for some self discipline! The three things that I decided to get today were a dot grid journal, a 12 inch ruler, and a 6 inch ruler. Why? Well the rulers, I really need new ones, the one I have is broken. Why two? One is for home use and the shorter one goes in my pen case that I bring everyday. The dot grid journal is because I am itching to go back to manual bullet journaling. Why? I already have some kind of version of this digitally through Notion but I find the mobile version and the view for the template I’m using is not something I find usable. And no way in hell I’m opening that on my work laptop. I just find it relaxing when I’m doing it by hand. Granted I don’t go crazy creative on my bullet journal, I just find comfort in using pen on paper.

My hun and I played It Takes Two today. Apparently for almost 3 hours. I thought it was shorter than that to be honest. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Time tends to move faster when you’re having fun. And I did have fun regardless of the fact that I am a potato gamer. I got frustrated at times, I cursed, and I died a lot. My hun had to constantly coach me. I do hope he doesn’t get tired of coaching me if we’re playing together. I enjoy playing video games with him. I like trying out things that he enjoys doing.

We watched a movie today…Crazy Stupid Love. There were cringe moments for sure but I enjoyed it. Obviously, there were some problematic parts that would not fly if that movie came out today. One of my favorite scenes was the Hannah’s and Jacob’s PG-13 one night stand. Why? Well instead of them actually having sex for that night, they just ended up talking until Jacob falls asleep with Hannah putting a blanket on him and kissing him on the cheek. Another one was when Emily called Cal and lied that there was something wrong with heater when in truth she just misses him.

We also finished Cells at Work Season 2. I still couldn’t believe that there were only 8 episodes. But it’s all good. That anime definitely is so precious to me. It really did a good job of explaining the functions of the cells in the body. And I appreciated that so much. The only thing that I really missed in the 2nd season is the lack of interaction between Red Blood Cell AE3803 and White Blood Cell U-1146. The relationship or interaction between these two cells was so pronounced in the 1st season and I felt like they barely interacted in the 2nd season.

Tomorrow, we’re planning on watching Bourne Identity. My love hasn’t watched it yet, and I watched it a long time ago so I really don’t remember much of the story. All I remember is that I loved that movie after watching it. So if we end up watching it tomorrow, it will feel like I’m watching it for the first time. I mean, even if I had watched something multiple times, I still have the same reaction anyway. So it’s not going to matter.

Also, I finished My Friend Anna. I went into that book because of Anna Delvey and the con. But to be honest that book is about Rachel’s and Anna’s relationship – the progression and downfall of their friendship. I liked the book and I recommend it. All I’m going to say is the show Inventing Anna did Rachel dirty. Reading Forrest Gump next.

05.06.22 – Thank God It’s Friday

Total cliche but you know what, it’s true. Those of us who work a 9-5 job, a job that is not stimulating, yeah, thank god it’s finally Friday. But no, I’m not going to complain about work. The only good thing right now at work is the fact that the person who I can’t stand has not been onsite for two weeks. And seems like I won’t see her for the most part of next week either. Fingers crossed.

Decided to get out of the office for lunch today. A friend and I went to Shinya Shokudo, a Japanese restaurant. I got rice with curry donburi – really good. There is just something about Japanese curry that always hit the spot. But I think there might be allergen in there, cause now my throat is itchy, my eyelids are again swollen, and I have runny nose. I took allergy pills so I am hoping that takes effect soon.

Almost done with My Friend Anna, I have about 60 pages left. So this book will be done tonight. I’m currently looking for my next read. I have some books from Book of the Month, but I’m very tempted to read Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I’m still on defense with that book just book it’s a chunker. The edition I have has 817 pages. I get easily intimated by big books, what can I say. It doesn’t stop me from buying them though. We’ll see. I’m definitely not feeling romance right now. Or I’m not feeling a story where romance is the main plot. Again we’ll see.

My hun had a boys’ night. I do miss him but I know how important boys’ night to him. And when I say boys’ night, it means talking in PS party chat, either they are playing some co-op game or doing their own thing. I’m hoping he had fun. They hadn’t been really able to hang out lately because of schedule conflict I think. I personally not had the need for something like friend’s night or something. Like I said, I’ve always been a loner. But I love that my hun has something like this setup with his friends. Friendships are important.

But tomorrow is date night. And I’m thinking that we should go back to playing some stardew valley or it takes two. I personally think I need a break from animes. Nothing really interests me at the moment. My hun do still have a bunch of animes and shows that we need to continue and finish. But I think I have an anime hangover with Trigun, Persona5, and Yuri on Ice.

05.05.22 – Today is the Last Day of Interviews

I didn’t to get to post last night. Broke my streak on that one. Feeling a little bit under the weather. Headache and all that. I was in three back to back interviews yesterday, That drained the energy out of me. I get really tired when I’m in social situations so back to back meetings are definitely not good for me. Yeah. Introvert to the core. I know. I need to have a recharge.

I started rewatching The Hills yesterday. It was the reality show of when I was in my early twenties. Definitely nostalgia. With the headbands. The make up. The clothes. And the drama in this show. THE DRAMA! The show is definitely problematic. But then what can I really expect on a show about a bunch of twenty somethings. The only thing that I ever had in common with these girls was that I went out to clubs too. And I had a job. Other than that my life was never this full of drama. But hey, I ate their drama up! And apparently I still do even though I know pretty much all of the situations in this show were fabricated by the producers,

All I did today was lay in bed. Take naps. And eat. And take more naps. When I said I need to recharge, I need to recharge. Granted, I was also experiencing some headache, but I think it’s really more on the fact that my energy was really depleted from yesterday.

I also had two back to back meetings today, about 45 minutes each. And as you can guess, my energy is also drained right now. I am currently watching The Hills. I will read a bit later for sure. I need to be back in bed again. Sometimes I hate feeling like this. I feel like I should be having more energy than this to be honest. I mean I’m not young but I’m not that old! Well, you know what, yeah I think I’m that old. But I want to sit in front my computer for a little bit.

I need to buy a good webcam. For what? No idea. I used my friend’s webcam for the interviews today and it was so clear. So I need to invest one. I didn’t realize how bad the webcam is in this laptop until yesterday, when I saw myself pixelated the whole time.

I need to line up my next read after I’m finished with My Friend Anna. I more than half way through the book so this will be done quick. I think I don’t have any nonfiction book lined up or on hand…We’ll see. Well, I have a lot of books to read so I really should not be thinking of buying more books. We’ll see. I have time to decide.

05.03.22 – I Want to Visit a Japanese Internet Cafe

The Anime Man – I Spent 48 hrs Locked Inside Japan’s Biggest Internet Cafe

Yes. I want to visit an internet cafe in Japan. I’ve been to internet cafes in the Philippines and it’s nothing like this. Well, back then. I don’t think it changed that much but then again it has been years! In this specific one that Joey visited, you can rent a private room, they have complimentary drinks, they have a full menu, and you have an array of things to do – rent movies, play games, and read manga. This site actually have a lot of mangas in their arsenal – if you can read Japanese of course.

I’m feeling slightly better today. My allergies are still flaring up but I’m not as irritable as yesterday. But then again, there were barely any people onsite today. I love it. I had no meetings today, which is a rare occurrence. And I appreciate it. I feel like I’ve been overly socialized lately with all these Teams meetings. So if I have an off day, I love it.

My love and I started watching House again. We just watched episode 16 of season 1. Heavy is the title of the episode and the episode annoyed the shit out of me! Well most of the characters in that episode annoyed me except for House and Foreman.

Watched some more Blue Exorcist. So far so good. Shiemi is annoyingly innocent. I say annoyingly because she has this need to belong and she gets taken advantage of. Well at least on the couple of episodes we watched, she was taken advantage of. Kamiki is just meh. I don’t like her and some of her backstory I had to skip because I just can’t stand her. So I wasn’t interested in her story. Suguru I find interesting. He’s your very standard hot head with a lot to prove very similar to Rin. But Suguru works hard to be at the top of his class. So I can’t fault him for that. Rin is still Rin. Loud.

I also don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I enjoyed hanging out with my hun regardless of what we’re watching but I was just not feeling the stuff that we watched today. I think Trigun and Persona5 were tough to beat. I think I still have an anime hangover.

05.02.22 – I Do Not Have the Energy to Adult Today

Sometimes I wish that I was still a kid. No care in the world. No responsibilities but to go school and be good at it. Ever since I started working, I haven’t stopped. Everything else became secondary priority. Earning money has been the most important thing. I don’t like it but you know bills. Even now, all I can think about is I need to find a job that pays better. Why? Because cost of living is getting worse. And salary increases don’t really take that into account. Oh well, I’m just venting. I know I’m not the only one feeling the inflation in cost of living. And I know that other people have it worse than I do.

What else do I miss? Oh yeah, nap time! I just wish that there is a paid designated nap time at work! I mean that would be great. Morale will be up because hey naps when you’re an adult is a luxury! And these kids just take it for granted. I remember fake napping when I was a kid and now, once noon hits, all I can think of is that I need a nap.

Work was a meh today. I was not in a good mood. I tried to avoid any conversations with anyone onsite. Of course, I could not do anything about the meetings I had. So I was a bit quiet on those meetings and only speaking when asked, which was not good since I always try my best to be engaged. But today was just not good.

My allergies were also off the chains. Well actually still are. My face is red, my eyelids are swollen and itchy, my neck is raw and red, my scalp is itchy and irritated, my lips are also itchy. So to say that this did not help my mood at all today is a huge understatement.

The lab director was also onsite today. On some days I feel okay when she’s there but today, it stressed me out. And she didn’t even do anything to trigger that emotion. She was just onsite. And I felt suffocated. Again – she didn’t really do anything. I think I just didn’t want to deal with people today. And she just so happened to be there.

I was only able to read 2 pages at work. Because I couldn’t focus. And also because the lab director was there, it was harder to bust a book out and read. But it was really more on the fact that I couldn’t focus. I think I had to read a few sentences two or three times because I felt like they didn’t register in my head. Yeah. It was tough. I will be reading a bit tonight though so hopefully my brain is in a better mood to absorb whatever I’m reading.

I went to Marshall’s today after work. And I had to actually stop myself from buying a Steve Madden backpack. Because I have way too many backpacks to be honest. I just like backpacks and I want a new one. It took all the energy I have to not grab it and pay for it. Yay for discipline! But that back is no nice though. It will not fit my laptop but it will fit my chromebook and some other things, like a book and a journal and all the other things that I tend to travel with. Oh and it will fit my 40 oz hydroflask. I guess I’ll stick to window shopping for now. I mean I’ve been perusing Amazon for backpacks. And I have my favorite ones in my shopping list. But hey, at least I haven’t bought anything yet. I think that’s a win.

Hope I feel better tomorrow. Or work will be unbearable.