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Category: Diary

05.23.22 – I’m Running on Zero

I was in meetings all morning. To say that I met my quota for forced socialization for the next two months is a huge understatement. And the meetings are just getting ridiculous now. Every single freaking day – meetings all morning. I’m exhausted to be honest. I have no time to recharge. My energy is drained. Work was busy. We had our largest number of samples yet. We got it done though. No backlog. I’ll take that.

I had a good time hanging out with my hun tonight. We watched some episodes of Battle Starts 5 seconds after Meeting. I’m getting invested just because the protagonist Akira is very intriguing. I like how his mind works. So I’m going to continue watching that anime just because he is carrying this anime for me.

We also watched an episode of House. That was a very surprising turn. As long as the show keeps up with this kind of flow, and no more unnecessary annoying side stories, then there shouldn’t be any reason why I would stop watching this show.

I didn’t realize that this will be short post, but I guess this is it for today.

05.21.22 – When Anxiety Strikes = Short Date Night

I do feel bad when my anxiety gets triggered and I had to cut our date nights short. I think it was because I have been in front of the computer for most the day. I get antsy. I am like this at work as well, I have trouble just sitting or standing front of a computer for the whole shift. I had to move around for the most part. And I had to cut our date night short. I would normally power through and sometimes standing up would help but tonight was a bit difficult. My skin started breaking in hives. I was itchy and I could not stop scratching. I’m now sitting on my bed and I’m feeling slightly better. I am still scratching but it calmed down a bit.

I had a pretty busy morning. I shaved Paco, and that was interesting. This boy was squirming away from me after a while. But for the most part, it went well I think. His shave was pretty even except for his legs and paws…I also gave both dogs baths, and of course my breathing got labored a bit. Nothing too bad though.

I’ve been reading Forrest Gump today as well.

Spoiler Alert

The spaceship crashed. He lived in the jungle with cannibals for four years. Almost got cooked by said cannibals. Almost got killed by the pygmies. And now, he is a professional wrestler. When I say that this man has been through a lot, I mean he really has.

End of Spoiler

Planning to read some more. I think I have 50 to 60 pages left. But also I am feeling a bit tired. We shall see.

My hun and I just watched a couple of episodes of House. We tried looking for Soul Eater but it seems like it’s getting taken out of streaming services right now. So we will have to wait till we can watch it. So we decided to check out Battle Starts 5 Seconds After Meeting – horrible English title by the way! Then that was the end of it. Hopefully tomorrow we can hang out a bit longer.

05.20.22 – Did I Ever Say I Hate Mornings?

I think I have been pretty open about me not liking mornings. Not at all. Not even a little bit. Period. Even if I had coffee or anything with caffeine, it does not change my mood. I mean, I might not be snarky with people, but it does not change the fact that I hate mornings. What I hate even more? Having to wake up and get ready quick so I can make it to an early morning meeting, only to find out that the meeting got canceled last minute. Yeah.

Busy day at work, we had a lot more samples today than usual. But we finished processing. I honestly thought that we would have some backlog but yeah, we did all of them.

My love and I decided to watch You’ve Got Mail. Still one of my favorites, I tend to watch this movie over and over when it’s available. And I am glad that I got to share it with him. To be honest, I’m actually surprised that he liked it. But yay! I’m not complaining about it.

We also watched a couple of episodes of Fairy Tail. I’m still on defense on this one. It seems fun, but I’m not invested in it yet. Artwork reminds me of some other animes. We’ll see, if my hun wants to watch it, I’ll watch it.

Then we just watched a bunch of House episodes. I cannot believe House and Stacy tried to rekindle their relationship. I really think that House and Cuddy should be together. I feel like they would make a couple. I love Wilson. He is such the perfect work hubby for House. I’m still PMS-ing so I was triggered by Foreman this time. I think everything he did in all of the episodes tonight annoyed the crap out of me.

Planning on reading a bit before I sleep today. I have not been able to read in a couple of days I think. So I kind of want to read a bit. But yeah, tomorrow might be busy. Planning on shaving Paco a little bit before giving him a bath. Phoebe also needs a bath. Baths might happen on Sunday though.

05.18.22 – The Moment When I Feel Like Meh

Disclaimer: This will be a short post. Like really short.

I’m feeling a bit off. And my brain seems like its telling me that it wants to shut down. I think I’m kind of tired of being in meetings. Everyday meetings. It’s very exhausting. My brain feels empty at the moment.

The only time that I felt alive today was when I was watching some House episodes with my love. Cameron was annoying me in the last episodes. I feel like she was very judgmental on that one episode. And kept complaining why she wasn’t even asked if she wanted to lead the diagnostics team. First off, I understand that we are all human and we all pass judgment, but damn she was just very righteous in that one episode with the cyclist. It was grating on my nerves. Then the last episode, what does she really think Cuddy will do? Ask her to lead a team where she went on a date with her boss, and slept with another member of that team… Really? It’s not because you’re a woman Cameron, but your judgment is kind of questionable.

Also, I’m PMS-ing and I think I’m going to nitpick at anything right now. And I guess today, I nitpick at Cameron.

05.17.22 – I am Not a Morning Person

I mean, I think I’ve been pretty open about my hate for mornings. And what I hate even more about mornings? Having to be at work an hour earlier because people decided that a meeting should be scheduled that early. I hate going to the office knowing that I would need to be in a meeting minutes after I turn off the security alarm. And that’s a normal day! This morning was rough. And tomorrow morning will be rough as well.

I was tired most of the day. Tomorrow, I will need to stop by to get coffee.

I went to the MD after work today. It was just a check up with my allergy/asthma doctor. I did tell her that my allergies have been really flaring up lately…And she said she was not surprised. My environmental allergies. She said tree pollen is bad right now. She also said, that my biggest environmental allergens are dog and cat dander. And then she asked if I have dogs. Of course I do! She just told me to keep the dogs away from my face. I just smiled. Because that may be a bit difficult.

My hun and I watched Leap Year with Amy Adams and Matthew Goode. It was charming. And my love said that I like my cheesy rom coms. And I was like, yes I do! We then watched another episode of Bob’s Burgers. We just finished season 11 episode 4. We are catching up albeit slowly. I think there are only 12 seasons, so we almost there.

I’m planning on reading a bit before sleeping if I don’t pass out first. I feel like I might be too tired. My head is feeling heavy. But this book is very fast paced. I feel like there is always something happening to Forrest in every chapter.

Spoiler Alert

Forrest is now in space…With a male ape and a woman named Major Fritch.

End of Spoiler

I think that’s it for today.

05.15.22 – Weekends End Way Too Soon

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only who feels this right? RIGHT? I’m done complaining, I think the last few posts made it clear how much I hate weekdays.

Today has been lazy. Well I’ve been lazy. I did not want to do anything but I did force myself to do the stuff that I needed to do. Folded laundry. Washed dishes. Threw away trash. It has been raining all day as well which I love. One of the real reasons why I moved to the Pacific Northwest, Southern California is just too damn hot and dry.

Remember when I said that my brain has been plagued with thoughts of fried eggs? Yeah, I gave in this morning. I scrambled some egg yolks. I’m allergic to egg whites. It was different. It’s definitely flatter compared to I decided to leave the egg whites in there. But I’ll take it. I’ll probably have some more again when I get the craving for eggs again.

My hun and I hung out again today. Just got off a while ago. We watched John Wick. Well, rewatch for the both us. I remember loving the movie but I did forget what the movie was about. I did remember some parts but not the full movie. So I’m glad I got to watch it again, this time enjoying the movie with him. He says it’s one of his favorite movies so I’m really happy that we got to enjoy the movie together.

We also watched episodes 2 and 3 of The Dropout. I will never forgive the decisions made by the CEO of the company. I’m sorry. I just cannot on principle. I will never accept it. There was no excuse. I know we are still pretty early on the series but I read the book, watched the documentaries about it. I just cannot.

We watched episodes 3 to 5 of House MD season two. I really love the show. I mean, as long as there are no unnecessary story arcs, I would be okay. My hun said we can skip some episodes if I get annoyed like what we did with the Vogler episodes.

I feel like this is a short post. Not really surprised, nothing was really going on today. Just regular lazy weekend things. My allergies are also pretty bad. It’s been pretty bad lately to be honest. My throat has been itchy, my neck, my scalp and sometimes my chest. My eyes have been swollen for a few weeks now. And my T-zone is red. I have an appointment with my asthma/allergy MD this week so hopefully she can suggest something.