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Category: Diary

06.09.22 – Happy Thursday…This Week Felt so Long For Some Reason

I won’t bore you with the mundane BS that happened at work. It was really nothing exciting. I did however manage to read a few pages of A Dirty Job at work during my lunch break. And you know what, I find the book interesting. I am only in chapter four but the pages I read were dripping with dark humor. And I love it.

I’m glad this work week is almost over. I’ve been pretty done with this week early on. Well, I’m always done with any work week before it even starts so we can just leave it at that.

I’m glad I get to hang out with my love tonight. We did not get to spend time together yesterday – an emergency on his end. And he is working a double shift tomorrow. Not going to lie, I was a bit worried earlier when he said he would be playing some video games with his friends. I got a little scared that he would tell me that he will have boys’ night instead. That sounds horrible, I know. And I am not the type to stop him from hanging out with his friends either, I just miss him is all.

We got to watch Monsters, Inc. It was a rewatch for both of us. But we got to enjoy the movie together this time. And we both got an allergy attack when Sulli brought Boo back to her room. Him more than me though. 

We also watched an episode of House. And it was torture every single time that that policeman was on screen. And yes, I took my headphones off and I did not look at the screen. Yeah, can you tell I do not like that storyline? I said that I get annoyed with unnecessary storylines. Doesn’t help that I can’t stand his voice, and the way he always chews a freaking gum. Yeah no. Huge pass. I let my hun summarize what he says, although I really don’t care.

We also watched an episode of Rosario + Vampire. And my hun enjoys guessing what monster the villain is on the episode. And he was right most of the time. What a nerd. I love it. 

06.08.22 – Well, I am Lazy. That is All There is to It.

I missed a post. Yes – I missed last night. It’s okay. I’m not going to sweat it. I was just having a rough day yesterday, with the fiasco of the lab being shut down for about two hours because of exhaust fumes from an idle truck getting into the building. One of the reasons I hate the location of the lab I work at. I mean seriously. On top of how unsafe this building is located, and then this…Yeah. I was actually pretty disappointed that management decided to renew the lease. I mean seriously? After everything that happened in the past year? Yeah. Sure.

Today was okay. It’s a meh day again for me. I was getting annoyed that I was being kept away from my lunch because of this and that…Yeah…not fun. I was getting hangry and was about to snap at people around me, and at people who kept on adding meetings to my schedule at the last minute. I would not want to have been around me during that time.

I am now at home, cooking some chicken adobo. I’m getting hungry now too. It should be done in a few minutes. Not planning on anything tonight but just read Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. I started a paragraph last night before I passed out. Yeah – I have been passing out lately and I do not like it. I wanted to stay up damn it. But then understandable. I had a headache last night and my chest was a bit tight – I think it was because of being exposed to exhaust fumes at work yesterday.

I am craving for fried chicken…That is nothing new, when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed I tend to crave my comfort food. Not that I actually go out of my way to buy some. But I’m just craving for it. Maybe I should get some chicken thighs to fry this weekend…Maybe. I am not sure yet. 

06.06.22 – Today is a Meh Day.

I will not rehash my day at work. Nothing really exciting happened there. Same shit different day. It’s Monday. How good my day could really be?

Anyway, I have been itching to watch MTV Siesta Key. But I don’t have cable TV and it seems like this show is not available on any of the streaming platforms I have. The show is available on Paramount+ unfortunately. So when my hun told me that apparently he has Paramount+ and we can watch Invader Zim, I was so excited because I CAN WATCH THE SHOW!

So we ended up watching three episodes of Invader Zim and I already have a favorite character – Gir! He is so adorable!!! So cute!!! And when he wears his disguise…OMG! My heart. The show is interesting. I liked how Zim was sent to a planet they don’t know (Earth) to die. And I would like to see how he plans to invade Earth – since that was his directive. 

We also watched an episode of KenIchi. Personally, I’m enjoying it. I really like a person’s journey to reach a goal – in Kenchan’s story, his journey to be strong. 

I am planning to read tonight. I was not able to read last night…I passed out as usual. So tonight, I will read before sleeping.

06.05.22 – The End is Here Again. Send Help.

Ah. We have come to the end of Sunday once again. Great. And you already know how I feel about that. Today was somewhat productive. I did what I had scheduled to do chores-wise. So I am happy about that.

I also finished reading How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 days b K.M. Jackson. I found it enjoyable. There were cameos of celebrities along the journey/adventure of finding The One, Keanu. Not surprising. It was refreshing to read a romance novel about people around my age. Although, I wished that the inner monologues of the two protagonists read more on the mature end. Regardless of their age, I felt like I was reading characters in their early twenties. However, this did not hinder my enjoyment of the book and the romance. I just end up being reminded that the characters were in fact older than I am. I did prefer the male love interest’s perspective compared to his counterpart despite the fact that this book mainly focused on her perspective. 

What did I eat today? Spam and rice. Well white rice with a little bit of rice vinegar, topped with furikake and egg yolk. It was very tasty. And I loved it. Yeah, I ate that for both lunch and dinner. It was very satisfying. Well, spam and rice always hit the spot but adding those toppings on the rice…Yum! Chef’s kiss.

I got to hang out with my love again today. We watched the same shows as yesterday – House MD, KenIchi, and Rosario+Vampire. My hun kept on saying panties when they are shown in Rosario+Vampire. The fan service on that anime I swear. All good though, not as bad as some animes that we watched. 

We also ended up watching a movie – The Devil Wears Prada. I’m so proud of my hun actually watching it with me. Honestly, he could have said no. I remember watching that movie (and also reading the book) a long time ago and enjoying it. Well, to say that I may have different opinions now is an understatement. I might consider re-reading the book and also read the sequel. I mean I still could not believe that I missed so many red flags.

Well, tomorrow is Monday again. And I hate it. I’ll be reading tonight before I sleep. My next reads are A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore and Know My Name by Chanel Miller. The latter book is a memoir, which I feel like in a mood for. 

06.04.22 – I was back in a Movie Theater

After a few years, I watched a movie in a theater for the first time. If I recall correctly, the last time I was in a movie theater was when “It Chapter Two” came out. So it has been a while. That was pre-pandemic I believe. I mean granted that I am not the type of person to watch a movie regularly in theaters, but once in a while I’ve been known to willingly go out and watch a movie. Let’s just say that I’m only very picky with movies.

I watched “Everything Everywhere All at Once” with a friend. That movie was actually pretty good. To say that I am surprised was an understatement. It’s definitely a very niche movie and if you don’t like science fiction then this movie is not for you. The movie is mainly science fiction, fantasy, and action, sprinkled with dark humor and drama. CHEF’S KISS. It made me laugh, it made me cringe, it made me cry. Yeah. I think all the elements of the movie were executed amazingly.

Before the movie, since we were early, we decided to check out the mall. And for a dying culture, the mall was still pretty crowded. Also, it felt like there was no pandemic with how much people got together. There was an event earlier today and a huge crowd of people (adults and kids) were congregated in a certain part of the mall. I mean I have thoughts on that but at this point, it’s up to the people now on how to properly protect themselves against covid. We were given the tools, and it’s up to us to utilize them.

My date night with hun started a bit later today. I got home late from the movie. But we ended up watching a couple of episodes of House, two episodes of KenIchi, and an episode of Rosario+Vampire. I mean granted it was a bit short than I would have preferred. But I’ll take what I can get, I mean I did have some prior engagements today. Hopefully, we get to hang out more tomorrow. 

06.01.22 – Thank God for a Short Work Week

I feel off today. Not that I’m feeling antisocial or anything but I just want the office to not be so crowded. But that’s the thing, the office will never be not crowded anymore. Why? They hired two more lab people and of course they will be onsite as well… So yeah, boo.

Anyway, there really is nothing new happening with me. Just the same thing. I’ve been getting obsessed watching daily journaling videos again. I am that type of person who tends to cycle through my interests. Before this, I was obsessed with watching commentary videos. And since I’ve been trying to get back into bullet journaling, I’ve been consuming a lot of these planning videos. I’ve also been thinking of having a reading journal. But that one I don’t know yet. Because when I start posting book reviews here, I know I won’t be able to post spoilers. At least with a reading journal, I can write whatever since the journal is just for me. And you know, maybe if my hun wants to read it, for him as well.

Anyway, I have no plans today. Hun is doing a double shift today. So, I’m just going to read after this.