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Category: Diary

09.10.23 – Lazy Sunday? Always.

I often find myself staring at the ceiling when I wake up. You know why? Because I wanted to keep sleeping and not do anything. But I needed to feed the dogs of course. Then I had to go downtown for something. Well, technically I didn’t have to go but you know, I haven’t been downtown for how many months and I miss the food. So I tagged along.

It was a pretty okay day I guess. I did some grocery shopping and then gave Phoebe a bath. And now, I am cooking chicken. I am winging the recipe. I just used whatever we had in the pantry for the cause. A little bit of vegan oyster sauce, with some Shaoxing wine, a little bit of dark soy sauce. Planning on adding some broccoli once it gets closer to getting cooked. It’s simmering right now.

I finished a book 5 of 10 of Haven City last night. I read it in just a few hours. So I cannot complain. I just started reading book 6. Tomorrow, I’m going to read Craig & Fred. I didn’t end up picking it up on Friday. But I will definitely continue that tomorrow. No big plans tonight either. just continue reading and relaxing. I mean, it’s still pretty hot right this moment. So I just want to minimize my movements as much as possible.

09.08.23 – The Struggle Was Real.

I was struggling this week. I found myself sleepy, tired, and exhausted. I was fighting to stay awake. It didn’t matter if I was sitting or standing. I was fighting to keep my eyes open. All I did was yawn all day. That was frustrating, to be honest. Why? Well, I was getting some decent hours of sleep on a daily. I had no excuse. I had no reason to be this tired. The thing that sucked though was that once it was time to go to bed and sleep, I would be wide awake regardless of whether I took a nap during the day. Yeah, my sleep schedule has been nonexistent lately. Not that a schedule was necessary at the moment. I had nothing going on in the daytime anyway.

I was finally able to finish Lolita. It took a while. And I did take a break from it. Not the book’s fault. I was having some focus issues last month and I had to put the reading of this novel on hold for a bit. But it was done. I was glad that I read it. It was a good, solid read. My main complaint really was having to look for translations of a lot of French phrases sprinkled on the pages. It really did take me out of the reading experience. The next one that I was planning on reading would be Craig & Fred. Again, I had to put reading this nonfiction on hold as well. Focus issues. So I will be continuing with this one. I read a couple of chapters already before I placed this one on hold, so I would just be picking up where I left off. Not going to lie though, the daily reading schedule and goal that I made for myself helped a lot with my finishing Lolita.

Not planning on doing anything today. I just want to chill and read. I don’t have a social life really. My hobbies are pretty solitary, which reflects my personality really well. Besides, I am in a constant bubble of tiredness and sleepiness. So I would be fighting to not stay awake as well.

09.03.23 – Late Start Day.

I didn’t wake up until 11 AM. You would think that was me sleeping in. But no. I didn’t really sleep until 5:30 AM. So, as much as I want to say I had a good night’s rest, I did not. I really need to stop taking naps in the afternoons. It messes up my “sleep schedule”. It’s practically nonexistent at this point. I don’t need to ruin it even more.

I did finish reading book 3 of the Haven City series early today. So my nonexistent sleep schedule came in clutch with my “one more chapter” mantra last night. I barely started the 4th book today. All good. All good. To help me finish my other books, I had to schedule them on my reading calendar. I mean, technically, I am not sure if penciling them in would help me go through the books. But I need to get on with them. They are just currently sitting on my bed. Staring at me accusingly.

And no big plans tonight. I really just want to read tonight. However, I need to make sure that I sleep at a decent time! I am going back to my regular schedule activities starting tomorrow after a couple of months of just being a potato. So just read a little tonight, sleep before midnight, and then wake up at a decent hour tomorrow.

09.01.23 – Just Chillin’.

Guess what happened? I had another restless sleep. This would not be a surprise at this point. However, I do understand why it happened. I mean, I was basically sleeping the whole day yesterday. So of course, my sleep last night would be disrupted. I just want to have a good night’s sleep. I don’t think I’ve had one in a while.

I finished the 2nd book in a 10-book urban fantasy I was reading last night. I barely started the 3rd book. I do need to continue on with Lolita and Craig & Fred. I had to put them aside for a bit since my brain wanted some fast reads. But I think I had put them off long enough and I feel like I am ready to pick them back up. We shall see though. I do take my moods on a day-to-day basis.

Today was a “watch some YT videos” kind of day. I found myself finally catching up on some of the booktubers that I follow. Apparently, I missed a lot since I got so into S.W.A.T. lately. I finally took a break yesterday and today to catch up on some other mediums. And that was so worth it. As I said before, I get consumed by that show and I tend to not do anything else while it plays.

No big plans tonight. Right now, I am currently watching a 6-hour-long video of him reading every horror story by Junji Ito. I mean, I only watch this kind of video (with spoilers) because of the fact that I probably won’t read his entire bibliography. I read Tomie last year which I enjoyed but I never really thought of consuming more of his manga. We’ll see. Right now, this video will have to do.

08.31.23 – Allergies Ruined Another Day.

I mean, it was my fault. I was craving for Chinese food last night and decided to get some delivered. However, the usual place I normally get it food from was closed yesterday, so I had to order from a different place. I assumed there was some kind of cross-contamination with shellfish leading to some really bad allergic reactions. Don’t get me wrong, I got some mild allergic reactions from the place I normally get it from. But if I try a different restaurant, I always get horrible reactions. And last night was no different. I had to use my inhaler, wipe myself with cold wipes, and knock myself out with some allergy medicine. And I found myself dragging myself all day. I was too exhausted and I was just in and out of sleep.

I was not complaining by any means. It just reminded me that living with allergies could be a bitch sometimes. Well, all the time. I already have a complicated relationship with food and having allergies makes it even more frustrating. Honestly, the only way I could stay out of allergens is if I cook my own food. But sometimes – well, most of the time – I really crave food that I have no business putting in my body. I have no discipline whatsoever. Like I said, complicated.

Moving on, I found that the movie Stuck in Love (2013) was available on streaming services again. I just need to buy this movie so I can watch it as much as I want. I keep forgetting how much I love this movie. And I’m just reminded of my enjoyment when I see the title when I browse streaming services. And that was pretty much I found this movie the first time. Just browsing casually in hopes of finding a movie that I could play in the background. But I got hooked. Since then, this movie has been one of my go-to movies.

I have no big plans today. I mean, I am still suffering from the aftereffects of an allergic reaction-filled night and morning. So, I just really want to bundle myself with a blanket and just sleep this day away. I might try to read but honestly, that might be a bit tough – I could barely keep my eyes open.

08.29.23 – Jump Scare Triggered Anxiety.

This is what happens when I decide to watch a different movie. I got engaged and invested in the movie, then a jump scare came on, I jumped, hit my hand on a table, and then the rash manifested. Then came the itchiness. The itchiness took over my body. To my back, to both my arms, face, and scalp. Let’s just say it was a very rough morning.

The movie in question? The Lost World: Jurassic Park. I think I watched this movie before, but of course, I have no recollection whatsoever. Hence, the jump scare. Not going to lie, I liked Jurassic Park but I enjoyed the sequel more. Not that the first movie was not fun to watch. It was interesting. It introduced genetics and cloning. But the second movie explored human greediness more. And I found that more interesting. Anyway, I plan on watching the third movie, I’m just not sure when.

I have been stuck watching S.W.A.T. the whole afternoon. I am about halfway done with Season 2. I am enjoying the show a lot. I am at the edge of my seat for some episodes. Sweaty palms and all that. Some episodes are definitely more intense than others. It is safe to say that I am going to marathon this show until I’m done with all the episodes available.

And since I have been stuck watching this show, I have not been able to read this afternoon. So much for plans to finish book 2 of the series that I’m reading. Still plan on finishing the book tonight or tomorrow. But I need to make sure that I am actually taking the time to read and not just glued in bed getting lost