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Category: Diary

08.21.22 – Movie Time with My Love

Since I went to the mall yesterday and my hun was too tired, we didn’t get the chance to do our date night. So we ended up just hanging out slightly earlier today. 

So what did we end up watching?

M:I-4 Ghost Protocol. Well, we wanted to watch the 3rd installment first, but it’s currently unavailable on any of the streaming services we subscribe to. So we just decided to jump to the 4th movie. This is the last movie I watched from this franchise and is also my favorite. My hun preferred this movie as well. Why? Personally, I just like the fact that there were a lot more edge-of-your-seat sequences in this movie compared to the first and second. Don’t ask me about the 3rd movie. I don’t really remember much of that movie to make an informed decision. So for now, we are taking that installment out of the comparison. 

Toy Story. We are always down for an animated movie. And my hun’s pick was Toy Story. He hasn’t watched it in years and that goes for me as well. It was a pretty cute movie. But I have questions about this Syd kid. Why in the hell was he allowed to have all those tools and dangerous things in his room to play with? Also, why the hell was a kid allowed to order a rocket? Why in hell was their dog allowed to sleep on the porch without supervision? It’s so dangerous for the dog. The dog could get hit by a car. Almost happened while the dog was running after Buzz and Woody. And yes, I am criticizing the parents of this kid. They don’t care. And I’m annoyed.

My hun and I decided to cut it short today. He was having a bit of a headache and to be honest, I was feeling the beginnings of anxiety just because it’s too hot. And I was melting on my seat. Well, still melting on my seat. My anxiety is also stemming on the fact that tomorrow is the beginning of another work week.

08.21.22 – Mall Shenanigans – Yes, I Finally Visited Jollibee

Yesterday was…interesting. Chris and I decided to go to the Southcenter Mall. Why? Well, we were going to the mall anyway to shop for some clothes, but we also needed to go to the grocery store to get some food for the week. So we decided to just kill two birds with 1 stone. Southcenter Mall has a grocery store in it, specifically, Seafood City. We haven’t been there since we moved to Washington. And since Jollibee is also there…Yeah, it was an easy choice.

The drive was horrible. I hate driving south. Why? You hit the downtown traffic. Didn’t help that the Emerald City Comic Con was this weekend, and there was construction going on resulting in having 4 of 5 freeway lanes being closed. Was I annoyed? Yes. I am not really a fan of driving on the Seattle downtown freeway in general and add these things and I hate it even more.

Anyway, we still got there early enough. Maybe twenty minutes after the mall opened. It was a regular Westfield mall. Something that is all over in SoCal so nothing really different about it. But the surprise was there was already a line formed outside of Jollibee! It was very interesting. But then again I was not surprised. This is the only location in the whole of Washington. So yeah. The line was expected. 

What surprised me more was the fact that the mall got crowded so fast. We went to H&M first and got what we needed from there. I needed some shirts for work so I got that. Chris got a button-down shirt for a wedding she will be going to in September. After that, we went to JC Penny to see if there were some dress pants. Then we went to a cellphone place since I have been wanting to change my carrier for a while now. That process took a lot longer than I wanted but it got done.

We got some sushi for lunch. We haven’t had sushi in a while so that hit the spot. I had a sashimi plate combo – it had 6 pieces each of salmon, tuna, and yellowtail. It also came with cucumber salad and miso soup, as well as fresh seaweed salad with octopus. It was so good. After that, we went to Seafood City to get some groceries, then to Valerio’s Bakery to get some bread, and of course Jollibee. 

Driving home was not too bad. It was a bit of traffic in the downtown area but it was not too bad compared to driving to the mall. The rest of the day was spent just relaxing. Why? It was too hot to really do anything. And honestly, I do not like being at the mall for hours. So I was tired. I practically just spent the rest of the day in front of the fan and ate a lot of treats from Valerio’s Bakery.

08.18.22 – When the Lazy-itis Hits Hard

Damn, it’s been eight days. I’ve been lazy…I think. Or at least I’m going with that. I could pretend and say that I just want to collect my thoughts, but no. All I’ve been thinking about lately is fried chicken. And you know, ice cream. It has been too hot again recently and I really do feel like anything than not doing anything is work.

Anyway, just minor updates: I went to a concert last Saturday, OPM Summer Fest US Tour 2022. It featured my favorite artists growing up – IntroVoys, True Faith, Gloc-9, and Rivermaya. Did I have fun? Yes. I will make a separate entry about it. It deserves its own entry. I still have to go through the photos I took. 

My hun and I finished Miira no Kaikata (How to Keep a Mummy). And we loved it. We’ve been into feel-good anime lately. We just started watching Spy*Family. As in the title, it’s a spy anime, but with some comedy, and adorable-ness sprinkled in it. We were trying to find something similar to Miira no Kaikata but the suggestions were less than interesting. We’ve had our eyes on Spy*Family so we just said, what the hell.

I’ve been also making good progress on Howl’s Moving Castle. And all I can say is, Howl is a very unlikeable character. I am halfway through the book and I’m still not finding any redeeming qualities. I won’t lie though that I still have movie Howl in my head and I can’t keep comparing him to book Howl. And they’re just different. I had a very short moment where I felt the pull of book Howl – he was an academic, got a doctorate, and studied charms and spells for his thesis. And that lasted about two seconds. Because when it all comes down to it, I really think he’s horrible and a pig. I did enjoy that chapter when I was introduced to his niece. I wanted to learn more about his background and seeing how he was with his niece made me smile for a while. And his name is Howell Jenkins. I mean I didn’t think that Howl was his real name but Howell…I guess it made sense.

God, it’s so hot in my apartment right now. I cannot even think straight. But then again I have a reading light that is actually shining on me right now since I was reading. I just decided to take a break because I wanted to write something before I got lazy again. Remember, typing is too much work right now. 

I also had a couple of movies played while I was reading. Drive Me Crazy, Saved, and now, The Lost City. All these movies I’ve watched multiple times already. But I do like having background noise. I have issues focusing when it’s too quiet. I’ve always been this way, and I don’t think I’ll ever change. 

Anyway, I think this is it for today. Hopefully, I get to keep this up again. Well, I just need to not be too lazy.

08.11.22 – My Hun and I Need More Anime to Watch

I haven’t posted anything about what my hun and I watched the last few days:

Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara (Ride Your Wave). This is a Japanese animated film about a surf-loving student Hinako who must find a way to move on after a tragedy that caused the death of her boyfriend Minato. The movie started cute of course, the sequences of Hinako and Minato falling in love were adorable. I was smiling the whole time watching them fall in love. It was so real. But of course, the happiness didn’t last. This movie pulled at our heartstrings as we watched Hinako deal with grief and at what length she will hold on to the memory of her lost love. It was definitely very real. I haven’t dealt with a loss like this so I cannot even imagine if I would be the same way but watching her slowly stand on her own and find her happiness again was admirable. I loved it. From the story, artwork, and animation. I have no complaints. It made us laugh, giddy, and cry. 

Howl’s Moving Castle. This was a rewatch for me but the first time for my love. I remember liking this film when I watched it before so I wanted to share it with my love. And of course to expand his Studio Ghibli films watched. I enjoyed it hands down – the reason why I’m reading the book. Sophie was so spirited – she was courageous, took that spell, and tackled the obstacle with gusto. Howl was funny, I mean he was a tad dramatic. Both of them balance each other out. We loved Turnip Head. Best support in the movie. He was the good-est of boys. There were a bunch of colorful characters, Markl, Heen, and of course, Calcifer. 

Miira no Kaikata (How to Keep a Mummy). We’ve been into animes lately. Easy watching anime. Since we just finished the first season of Attack on Titan, which was intense and action-packed, we wanted to watch something a little bit more relaxing. This anime was just so cute. We love Mii-kun! Isao is adorable. Mukumuku is fluffy. And Conny, it took a while. The last episode was a very good Conny episode. Both of us were having allergies that episode. We have three more episodes before we are done with the anime. So we had to find another anime soon.

Toshokan Senso (Library War). This was about fighting censorship and protecting the rights of people to enjoy the media content that they want. This was surprisingly very military-like with some action sequences. But for the most part light-hearted and comedic in nature. It was definitely enjoyable and I loved it. Except for the last episode. That was such a weird end to the anime. It didn’t make sense to me and it was very uncomfortable to watch. So that last episode did not exist. But aside from that, the anime was pretty solid.

08.09.22 – I Cannot Think of a Title, Oh Well

So, there will be an EHS audit at work tomorrow. Am I nervous? Not really. I am more annoyed that I have to wear actual pants tomorrow and not my usual tights and shorts combo. Damn. But other than that, I would really like to hear their recommendations on improving the lab.

Anyway, I started reading Howl’s Moving Castle the other day. This book has been sitting on my bookshelf, and I tried reading it before but I wasn’t in the mood for it at that time. My hun and I watched the movie last weekend and I decided that now is the time to pick it up. So I did.

I am still pretty early in the book but there are already some differences between the two mediums. That’s okay though. Creative liberties and all that. These differences don’t really turn me off in the slightest. So I will continue reading.

In line with me starting a different book, I had to put down Lamb. My attention is waning from that book. I know I’ll get back to it at some point. But not right now. I have a few books on my nightstand at the moment that I have started reading but have not picked up again. Yeah, that pile is getting larger.

I feel a bit tired right now though. My eyes want to close for some reason. I am sitting in front of the computer right now and I really shouldn’t be feeling this tired. It’s only 7:30 pm for crying out loud. I am such an old lady.

08.08.22 – Which One is Our Favorite? Part 1

So for this weekend’s date, my hun and I watched some movies. Just to give a disclaimer, my hun and I decided to watch the first movies of the Spider-man versions created. The Tobey Maguire one, the Andrew Garfield one, and the Tom Holland one. 

I guess the challenge started when my boyfriend told me that his favorite one is the Tom Holland one. I gave that movie a chance. I wanted to see what my boyfriend saw in the movie that made him declare that Spider-man: Homecoming was his favorite. After I watched it, I very passionately said “bullshit”. No way in hell. I asked him if he remembers Spider-man and The Amazing Spider-man. He said he haven’t watched the Andrew Garfield one. And he does not remember the Tobey Maguire one. So we decided to watch the other two movies.

We watched Andrew Garfield’s The Amazing Spider-man on 07.24. And the other day, we watched Tobey Maguire’s Spider-man. Thoughts? This 2002 version will always have a special place. Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker was very endearing. The storyline was pretty solid. I love the Green Goblin, but that was because Willem Dafoe’s portrayal was phenomenal. 

But after watching all three first Spider-man movies, which one is my favorite? The top one for me is definitely The Amazing Spider-man with Andrew Garfield. I think the revenge arc his spider-man had was pretty good and definitely legit. The way he had the character shift from revenge-focused to being a hero was really good. The second one for me is Spider-man with Tobey Maguire. And then, of course, the last one is Spider-man: Homecoming. For the last version, I was looking for character depth that I got from the other two versions. It didn’t deliver, that Peter Parker/Spider-man version felt a lot more kid-ish. 

My love has the same rankings as well. He preferred The Amazing Spider-man, followed closely by Spider-man, and then the third one is Spider-man: Homecoming.

Anyway, that is the end of that. We are now planning on doing the same thing with Batman movies.