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Category: Diary

10.10.22 – I’m Sick

Typing this via my phone. Why? I’ve been in bed since I got home. Ate a little bit so I can drink medicine and if ever I fall asleep, then so be it.

I’m not goin to make this long. I just want to post something tonight. Work was meh. I just hid in my office practically the whole day since I don’t feel good. I did some work since I have no choice. But other than that, I was just tolerating the headache and the chest tightness.

We’ll see if I feel better tomorrow.

10.09.22 – I Just Feel Bleh

Nothing really eventful happened today. Same thing. I was pretty much in bed the whole day. Lazy all day. Not complaining whatsoever. It was nice not really doing anything. 

I did have a few chores today – daily stuff and throwing away the trash but nothing huge. Chris and I just ended up watching some Southpark movies during the morning. Watched three episodes of Sasaki and Miyano. I have Aggretsuko playing in the background right now. Something that I can just sometimes pay attention to and not at times. 

I took naps throughout the day. Which were not unwelcomed. To be honest, it was nice. Paco had a lot to do with that. I mean why? He is such a cuddlebug. Who can say no to cuddling with that doggie. I mean I sure can’t. Chris can’t say no either. Yes – she was also taking naps throughout the day.

Tomorrow is the start of another work week. And bleh. I am trying hard not to think about it. But it’s hard. The thought of being there fills my whole body with anxiety.

I was able to read a couple of chapters today. Which was good. I am still having some cramps. And to be honest, I just don’t really want to move. I am not irritable, thankfully. But let me see how I feel tomorrow. 

I have not been able to hangout with my hun at all. Thursday night was cut short for personal reasons, Friday I was feeling bleh with all the cramps and low back pain and I was irritable, Saturday I was still feeling bleh and my hun was feeling sick, and today, he worked and I was also feeling bleh. Yeah. I’m not sure tomorrow. Hopefully.

10.08.22 – I Have No Title Today

Well, so much for going back to posting everyday. 

Let’s just say that yesterday was rough. How? Well, aside from the fact that I did not get enough rest the night before, I was having low back pain and cramps. Yeah, PMS-ing already. I feel like this will be a rough visit this month.

I am still suffering from cramps today. Pain reliever was really only able to make the pain tolerable. I was able to go to the store this morning, wash the dishes, cook rice, and do my laundry (I still have to fold the clothes though, they are still currently in the dryer).

I was in bed the whole day to be honest. Watching animes with Chris. We watched Kotaro wa Hitori Gurashi (Kotaro Lives Alone). We finished season 1. That slice of life anime was a surprise. It definitely dealt with a lot more serious topics. Heartbreaking topics. Sad topics. Did I cry? Oh yeah. Did I laugh? Yes. The anime did not shy away with uncomfortable topics and I appreciated that. 

The other anime we watched was Gokushufudo (The Way of a Househusband). This one was pretty funny, to be honest. Dramatic. The animation was manga like. It showed the anime more as a skit? Does that make sense. There were multiple “chapters” in an episode. It shows the scene with an almost panel like feel to it. The “chapters” were random, like I said skits of some sort. It gives us a glimpse of the life of Tatsu, a former yakuza leader turned into a househusband.

I was also in and out of sleep today. I was just tired for the most part. Not sure how I will feel tomorrow though. I am still having pretty bad cramps, and if this month is the same as a couple of months ago, then I will have a rough few days. Yesterday, I only got rest because of the heating pad, and I will be doing the same thing tonight. Planning on reading Darling Girl for a little bit.

10.05.22 – Furi Kuri was a Trip.

Work was meh. I mean that is nothing new. That’s pretty much how I feel about it all the time. I was so happy this morning because yesterday I had no meetings scheduled today. But then I get in and then bam! Meeting at 11 AM that sent to me by Headache (we will call my boss Headache) early this morning with some third party company that works with the courier that we use. Headache was also supposed to be in that meeting. She came in 15 minutes late, and then left after listening to the presentation after 10 minutes. The fuck. What a freaking joke of a boss. And yes, as you can tell, I do not have much respect for this person. She has not earned it in the last 3 years that we have worked in the same company. 

Moving on.

The company where I work has this reward system program. I can give points, I can be given points. Anyway, I can exchange those points for an item. It could be a physical item or I can exchange it for giftcards. I decided to just redeem giftcards. $40 giftcard from Amazon. And $15 giftcard from Starbucks. Since the other choices were meh. So you know what I did? Shopped while I was cooking when I got home. I mean that’s $40 free money. I got something that’s needed and I also got myself a bag that I’ve been eyeing on for quite a while now. Obviously nothing expensive but useful. And of course the Sbucks gift care will just have to wait until the next time I go – so maybe tomorrow or Friday. 

Chris and I finished FLCL Season 1. I am still digesting the last episode. This was definitely a coming of age story. With a huge sci-fi storyline. Definitely trippy. I enjoyed it a lot. I still don’t know how I feel about the last episode, because until now all I can say is “WTF”. However, the soundtrack for this anime was top notch. Chef’s kiss. We will be watching FLCL:Progressive and FLCL:Alternative soon. 

My hun and I will be hanging out tomorrow. Not sure what we will be watching tomorrow. Depends on what we feel like watching I guess. We shall see.

I was able to journal today at work. Which was great. And I was also able to read my book! A little bit. Not terribly excessive. But it was something. Headache left the office today so there was no one disturbing me about nonsense stuff. Thank goodness.

10.04.22 – My Brain Feels Tired…If that is Possible.

This will be a really short post. Not feeling well right now. Had some issues breathing earlier. So I am now in bed. Just trying to get some rest. I hate having to use my inhaler.

I discovered a new BL anime today. Sasaki and Miyano. I was listening to the English dub at work earlier today. And watched it subbed with Chris today. We watched four episodes. The anime captured teenage angst for sure. One is still figuring himself out and definitely confused. And the other one is trying not to scare the other one away.

Chris and I also watched FLCL. Now that anime was interesting. I love the artwork. I love the action sequences. We only watched two episodes but so far, I am enjoying it. Not going to lie though, there were some randomness in it. But it did not take away from the episodes that I watched. So we good there.

Finished reading given volume 2. I was going to read it one chapter a day but I could not help myself. I was enjoying it too much to stop. I need to get the next volumes for both FANGS and given.

I am feeling tired right now. I had an early start. Woke up at 2 AM to do some lectures. My original plan was to actually do some classes for about 4 hours. But 2.5 hours in, I was not retaining any information. I was having to repeat the video multiple times. I had to stop. Because aside from not retaining information, I was having issues with focus. My hun and I found out that my limit is 2 hours to be productive on these things. Which did not surprise me. My classes when I was doing my classes were only 2 hours long. And that one class I had that kept going over 3 hours, I often found myself fiddling with my phone.

Anyway, I’m going to do this again tomorrow. This time waking up at 3:30 AM.

10.03.22 – When My Brain is too Sleepy to Function

Today was a meh. Well, everyday is a meh for me. Especially lately. Nothing really happened at work. Which was fine. I prefer it that way despite of being bored out of my mind. I finally finished given volume 1. And yes, I could’ve finished that faster but I was rationing the chapters, to be honest. 

Anyway, I was able to journal earlier today. It was nice since the last time I opened my journal was in July. Yes, I was slacking on that end too. Not good. I mean journaling has been an outlet for me. But in line with how unmotivated I have been lately, it makes sense that I have not been able to pick up a pen and write. I need to change that. Journaling has been a very therapeutic activity for me. So I need to do it more.

Same with reading. I need to do it more. The fact that I have not been able to make time to actually pick up a book and just read is depressing. The last time that I actually read for more than an hour was when I was visiting my love. And we were both reading before bed. Reading to me is an escape. There is nothing more I would like to do than get lost in the stories I read. And hopefully I can get back to it.

My hun and I did not get to hang out today. No power in his area. I was planning on reading tonight but that did not happen. Chris heard me play the movie Hook and she sat next to me. So we just ended up watching together. It was all good though. I enjoyed rewatching the movie. I would like to read a few pages before sleeping tonight. 

I was annoyed at myself this morning. Why? I planned of waking up at 2 AM and do some certification classes but alas, my sleep fogged brain just did not want to wake up. And yes, I had an alarm set for 2 AM and then again at 3 AM. But yeah, it did not happen for me. I will try again tomorrow early morning. I might need coffee to function at work though. But we shall see. My hun is definitely worried about me being too tired to drive. And I did promise him that if I feel like I am too tired to drive to and from work because of the early morning start, I will have to adjust my wake up time.