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Category: Diary

09.27.23 – Damn It. Sick Again.

Well, I am not sure yet if I’m sick or not. However, Tuesday just sucked. Chest tightness – check. 2 puffs of my inhaler – check. Tiredness – check. KO’d for about 4 hours in the afternoon – check. The fact that the 4-hour afternoon snoozefest was not enough to curb the fatigue is saying a lot.

Anyway, my partner and I watched some Ghosts and Twisted Metal over the weekend. We also watched a couple of anime that could be the next anime to watch after Tomodachi Game. We are enjoying Ghosts a lot. It’s funny for sure. It’s for sure a series and has some continuity in it. But I really love the fact that each episode has specific conflicts that get resolved by the end. Again, my hun loves Thorfinn. And I really enjoyed the DND episode.

We are almost done with the first season of Twisted Metal. This show is just a trip. I love Stu who I consider a teddy bear. He is just a softy. Sweet Tooth is just enjoyable to watch. There were some fun times in the ball pit. And Quiet is not so annoying in the episodes that we watched. I love the cameo of her brother trying to kick some sense into her. And I like the fact that she at least is willing to let go of some of the burden that she is carrying.

How about the two anime that we checked out? I really don’t want to put anything in here about Hell’s Paradise and Mashle: Magic and Muscles. I just feel like it’s not fair. My hun and I are both not in the mood for anime right now so it’s a bit difficult to be into any anime right now. So we decided to put anime on the side for a bit. We will revisit this in the future.

My reading has been good. I am still reading the novels that I am working on (Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 4 and Alpha Enchanted). But I also decided to read some manhwa, well at least catch up on some of the ones that I was reading. Some of my webtoons took a backseat with my reading some novels. But at least I am able to catch up on those series. I even finished a couple of them so I consider that as a win.

09.24.22 – Another Anime Done.

We recently just finished Tomodachi Game. Like I said to my partner, I swear, I should not have watched the last episode. It was needed. The only thing that solidified for me was my dislike for Kokorogi. I cannot with that character. Why was she even in this anime? Why was she created? Why? We felt like if she was not there, the storyline would not change. And I would stand by that. I honestly don’t care that this opinion is based on 12 episodes. And honestly, that was enough for me to not like this girl. I have no urge to continue with the story. Not committing to reading the manga right now regardless of how much I enjoyed the psychological aspects of the story.


So, I live in a pet-friendly apartment building, which is one of the reasons why I chose this place. Anyway, for the last few days, I have heard dog cries starting around lunchtime, then in the afternoons, and then at night. Of course, every single time that Paco hears it, he also becomes a bit agitated. So yesterday, I decided to be nosey. I really wanted to find out where the heck those cries were coming from. And I did! And I immediately got annoyed. Because it was a German shepherd puppy in a kennel. Out on the balcony. Now, our area is not the hottest place but it’s far from being chilly the past few days. And even yesterday, it was raining and the puppy was just outside! Honestly, if you’re freaking crate training, do it inside the fucking apartment. Don’t leave the puppy outside exposed to natural elements. Especially when the temperature here changes so often. I feel so bad for the puppy!

As of this time (10:02 PM Saturday 09.23), the puppy is still outside in a kennel. It has been raining all day. Swear, I cannot with some dog owners.


I managed to finish two books this weekend. Alpha’s Gamble, which is book 7 of the Haven City series. It was okay. I found that I was having issues connecting to the characters of this book. Like book 6, I really think I just preferred the Black Wolves arc characters and conflicts. Heist was a main thing for that arc too so that could be it. I am continuing on with book 8. I want to finish this series soon.

Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 3 was a trip. I really enjoyed it. I mean, not surprised because why wouldn’t it? There were parts that made me cry, there were parts that were difficult to read, there were parts that I was annoyed with, there were parts that made me giggle, and there were parts that made me laugh out loud. Of course, I was doing happy dances when Hua Cheng and Xie Lian’s first kiss happened. All I could think of was “AHHH!! Oh my god!!! Finally!!!” It was so good, and Xie Lian’s nervousness after that was adorable. It was so good! SOOOO GOOD. I was way too happy and excited to even put the book down after that. And yes, I started Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 4 already because I cannot stop. I was too invested to stop!

09.20.23 – Tired of Tiredness.

I swear. I am so tired of being tired. Of being exhausted all of the goddamn time. I have no excuse why I feel this way. But the struggle to stay awake on a daily basis is getting more and more difficult. Despite drinking coffee – sometimes a few times a day. Despite having some decent sleep the night before. I often find myself wanting to just sleep all day. Not that I do though. I fight the urge to do it every single time. It just gets tiring.

I was able to hang out with my man recently. It was nice. It has been a good while since we were able to actually sit in front of the computer, video call, and actually watch some shows together. I mean, it was my fault really. I was having some mental health issues for a bit and I still am, but at least now, I have the motivation to do some things aside from isolating myself.

Twisted Metal. I guess this was based on a video game of the same name. I mean, I am not familiar with the game, I am not a gamer, whatsoever. Which is good. I have nothing to compare this to. Not that I compare adaptations to their original source material anyway. Anyway, so far so good. Enjoying it. There were some good laughs for sure. Anthony Mackie as John Doe was funny and engaging in the few episodes that we watched. Sweet Tooth was an instant favorite. Agent Stone was also doing a good job of being the main villain. I mean, I was definitely annoyed by him so he is doing his job. And my partner and I think that Quiet’s inclusion in this story is debatable. We both think that she is not needed. But I don’t know, maybe the character would be redeemed in the later episodes? Who knows.

Ghosts. This show has been on my watchlist for a bit so it was nice to finally watch it. So far, the show is funny. It’s a trip. We are enjoying it for sure. Love the ghosts, Thor or Thorfinn being the instant favorite. All in all, the show is fun and we will continue on. It would be nice to see the progression of how things go with the couple in this mansion living with ghosts as they renovate the place to be a bed and breakfast.

Tomodachi Game. Not going to lie, I was a bit hesitant to start a new anime since we are still working on three of them. Granted that we haven’t watched anything in weeks, I feel like I need a palate cleanser from the three anime (Naruto, Bungo Stray Dogs, Parasyte). A break if you will. And it seems like my hun really wants me to watch this anime. So we checked out a couple of episodes last night. It’s interesting for sure. I like the intrigue and I like an anime where the protagonist is thrown into something or somewhere and to figure out how to survive. Well, this is not a survival game but it does have the premise of beating the game to clear out something (in this case, debt). In the first two episodes, we see the friend group already questioning their friendship and it seems like it’s up to Yuichi to find out who the traitor is. I like the intrigue of the anime. I am enjoying the power of deduction and finding the culprit premise. We will continue on.

No big plans today. Just having a girls’ night in with Chris. And possibly read a bit. I was not able to read a lot yesterday – remember, I was fighting off sleep all of the time? So I kind of want to make a dent in Heaven Official’s Blessing Volume 3.

09.17.23 – Sunday Once Again.

The weekend is just way too short. However, I really shouldn’t talk. I am in a “it’s the weekend every day” kind of state in life. So at the moment, the days of the week have no bearing on me at the moment. It’s honestly a surprise that I can still tell the days of the week at this point. It should’ve been jumbled in my brain by now.

Anyway, as planned, I finally finished reading Craig & Fred last Friday. And that book was just so heartwarming. Granted, I was on such an emotional roller coaster while reading the book, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I loved it really. I already put the second book by this author on my shopping list. I want to continue reading about him and Fred. I also finished book 6 of Haven City and just started book 7. It was okay. It took a while for me to get into the story. But I was glad that I was able to get into the flow of it this weekend. Not that the story was bad. I think I just preferred the previous characters and conflicts to the ones featured in Dragon & Flame. It was all good. I still enjoyed it enough.

I’ve been watching a lot of reading vlogs. I found a new booktuber (Jan Agaton) and I pretty much consumed her vlogs nonstop. The only thing that I have not watched are her recorded live streams. Maybe this week. Not sure yet. I’ll get to them for sure.

I also decided to take a break from morning pages. It did it for a couple of months. Cause at this point in time, I feel like it has turned into more of a chore. So I need to step away from it for now. I will go back to it. Just taking a little bit of a break. I did feel some positive effects from it. Mainly clarity to be honest. Especially the first 30 days that I was doing the exercise. But lately, I found myself constantly struggling to wake up and to find the energy to write a 3-page entry.

I’ve also been experiencing some major allergic reactions because of the changing season. It was not pretty. Of course, allergic reactions led to some anxiety attacks. I was having issues sleeping. And that pretty much led to me sleeping during the daytime. I mean, no surprise there. Rough night or not, I find myself being drawn to my bed on a daily basis to take naps.

No big plans for this week. I might get back to studying a few hours a day and also continue reading Heaven Official’s Blessing book 3. Book 7 just came out for this series and I am still on book 3. Shame on me. My goal is to marathon the books I have in this series in the next couple of weeks. And yes, I already have books 4 and 5 penciled in my schedule. I just need to buy books 6 and 7. Book 8 (the final volume) will be released on November 21, 2023. Yeah, I have a bit of catching up to do before the last book comes out.

09.12.23 – Please Be Fall Already.

Well, today is chilly. I wore a sweater this morning. And my feet are freezing as I am typing this, which is definitely a nice change of pace from the heat that we are experiencing. It really needs to be fall already. I want it to be fall already. Like tomorrow.

Anyway, I didn’t read the whole day. I mean, I did. Maybe a couple of paragraphs then allowed myself to be distracted by videos. I know. Horrible of me. Planning on reading tonight though so I am just a little disappointed in myself. I mean, what can I say? I was not in the mood to read earlier. I don’t really like to force myself to read when my brain doesn’t want to.

I was able to hang out a little bit with my man earlier until he lost power in their area. It has been a while. We didn’t watch anything because I was not in the mood to watch anything. So we just decided to catch up since it has been a while since we actually video chatted. My fault. It was good. We might try and watch something on Thursday. If my mood permits it.

Planning on reading tonight though. I’m going to try and read some pages of Craig & Fred. And if that doesn’t work, that means I am not in the mood to read nonfiction right now. And most likely, I would switch it to Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 3.

09.11.23 – Late Start Monday?

Well, today was a bust. I got absorbed in watching a streamer until about 2 AM-ish, woke up at 5 AM to go to the bathroom, and then went back to sleep until 10 AM. Yeah. It was rough. I did however end up being somewhat productive. I still did what I planned to do today – laundry, give Paco a haircut and a bath. So, my Monday was not totally wasted despite the late start this morning. The only thing that I had trouble with was writing my morning pages. Not sure why, but I felt like my brain was empty. Like no thoughts at all. Normally I would have something as mundane as “I want fried chicken” ingrained in my brain. But today, there was nothing.

I watched a few movies today. Mean Girls (2004) and Clueless (1995). Classics. At least to me, they are classics and definitely something that I have fun watching from time to time. Then I found this movie called Cursed (2004), a werewolf movie that flew under my radar. I feel like this movie was something that would’ve been right up my alley to enjoy. It was an okay movie. It was from the creators of Scream and it has a pretty star-studded cast which includes Christina Ricci, Joshua Jackson, Jesse Eisenberg, Judy Greer, Milo Ventimiglia. I don’t think it was a good movie, but it was fun. I mean, I had fun watching it. I mean, this was a horror comedy after all. There were some jump scares of course. And I appreciated it.

No big plans tonight. I just really want to read and chill. That’s it. I do have a headache right now so I just want to take it easy. Tomorrow is another day.