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Category: Diary

11.22.22 – Did I Say I was Sleepy Today?

So what was my main issue today at work? I was so sleepy! I mean really really really sleepy. The whole day I was struggling. I stood up just to get some work done, but I went back to sitting since I wanted to be comfortable. I decided to just embrace the sleepiness. So that was me the whole day at work. I work for 10 minutes. Then I play a water connect game for 10 minutes. Then work again for 10. You get it. For the most part, work was chill, not surprised though technically a lot of places are taking a break. Most people are too.

Anyway, I went home and did chores. The regular stuff you know – wash dishes, feed the dogs, cook food. And also I bought some arm warmers. Yeah arm sleeves. Since I do not like wearing sweaters at work all the time, I am going to try this to see if it will work. 

Chris and I watched four episodes of Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist. Well, this was not hte first time I watched this anime. So for the most part I know what to expect going into it. We decided to watch it dubbed. I personally want to see how well the dub version is since I did enjoy the sub. And of course, sometimes, I’m just lazy and do not want to read subtitles. The dub version was actually not bad. But one thing that I was expecting was that the version on Crunchyroll is the mature version of the anime. So there was a scene on episode 4 that surprised us. If you know, you know. The anime is just a good laugh. 

My skin gone haywire earlier. Welts everywhere. I was so itchy. Arms, legs, back, neck, scalp, and butt cheeks. Red welts. I doused myself in hydrocortisone. Applying it to my skin like I’m applying lotion. And then drank allergy pills. I took a cold shower – cold shower during this cold ass weather. I hated it but my skin definitely appreciated the cold temperature against it. 

I am planning on reading a bit today. Granted, I have some BL webtoon series I need to catch up on, but I am planning no actually reading a book. It really is about time for me to actually pick one up and finish it. Since the novelty of BL webtoons has worn off, I think I am able to focus on an actual book now.

11.21.22 – It was Nice to Hangout with My Love

Do you know what pisses me off? That Friday of this week is not observed as a holiday. Who wants to come to work on a Friday morning after a holiday? I don’t get it. I mean a lot of companies now are observing this coming Friday after a holiday, so I don’t know why this company I work for doesn’t. It’s so stupid.

Okay. Now that I’m done venting about that…

How was work? It was fine – nothing really noteworthy on that end. I was just working and willing the time to go faster. Of course, the latter didn’t happen. Cause why would it? 

My hun and I were able to hang out today. We started a bit later since I had to do some chores. But we were able to watch some things.

Cowboy Bebop. Episode 8 – Waltz for Venus. Pretty good Spike episode. It showed that he has a heart. Showed that he has a softer side despite his detached attitude. His interaction with Roco Bonnaro and his sister was something to take note of.

Sasaki and Miyano. Episode 3 – Senpai is… I really do appreciate this anime. I still think that this is one of the best anime I watched this year. The whole anime is just about building to this one moment and the anticipation is just killing me. (Yes, I watched this anime a few times now.) The characters were very well fleshed out. The angst, the build up – everything was palpable.

The Great British Baking Show. Episode 8 – Patisserie Week. The bakers were asked to make mini charlottes, vertical tarts, and Krokan showstoppers. Abdul got the star baker this week, which was well deserved. Janusz was sent home. I was not surprised but it was sad.

Ouran High School Host Club. The Door the Twins Opened. We always appreciate some backstories in this anime, especially the twins. I am still waiting for a Tamaki backstory episode.

11.19.22 – Lazy-ing Up on a Saturday

I do not know what it is but I have been feeling sick all the time. Headaches. Exhaustion. But the sucky thing is out of this week, I took the sleep aide pills and it did not work as well as the first time. The first time, I was out within 30 minutes of taking the pill. The last two times…I think it took almost two hours. I need to see if it is safe to take two pills at a time instead of one. We’ll see. I am always scared of being dependent on such things. Anyway, I am saying this since yesterday I was also feeling off. I do not know what to make of it.

I am also feeling irritable. Really irritable. Even the littlest things. I am not going to make an example. Let’s just say, Paco knocking over a remote to the floor is an example. I am not a fan of a very irritable Roma. I cannot stand her. 

What have I been doing today? Well, like any other weekend, today is a day for chores. Went to Costco to get some dog pads. And I lazied around for hours before I actually stood up to do the things I do on the weekend. The laundry is already in the dryer at this time, rice is cooking, dishes are in the dishwasher, the kitchen counter is cleared and disinfected, and the kitchen floor is swept and mopped. Yeah, I mean I did a lot in two hours. I cannot complain since I was lazy the whole day. I did all this begrudgingly. I shall do it again next week. On another section of the apartment.

Waiting on my hun if we are hanging out today. I feel like we are since he has work tomorrow. But for now, I am reading some BL webtoons and I do have Darling Girl right next to me. Just in case I want to pick it up while I wait for my love.

11.17.22 – Unbelievably an Easy Day

What can I say, I am the queen of inconsistency. I skipped another day of posting. Why is that?

I took a sleeping pill last night. I had a horrible Tuesday night. I was tossing and turning in bed and did not get a good enough sleep. I finally dozed off at 2 AM on Wednesday morning only to wake up four hours later. That four hours of sleep was also interrupted. For no reason whatsoever, I kept on waking up. So yeah. I was pretty much having issues the whole day yesterday. Exhausted. Headache. Heavy head. Brain not functioning sharply. Yeah. So I decided to just take a sleeping pill last night to help me sleep. 

How was it? I was knocked out. Took the sleeping pill at around 7:30 PM and was asleep by 8. I cannot complain. I was sleeping until 6 AM this morning. And the only reason that I woke up was that my body was in desperate need to use the bathroom. So that was about 9 hours of sleep. I have not slept that long in months, maybe a year or so. I did not wake up with a feeling of hangover. But then again, I slept so long.

Work was pretty smooth sailing today. All of the documents that I needed to update are done. I just need to send them to the quality team to get them authorized. I was able to breathe at work and for once I was relaxed. I cannot say I had full energy – but then again, I was not one to have a lot of energy, to begin with. But I was awake, I was not annoyed, and I was okay. And I was fine with that.

What did I do when I got home? Well, just regular stuff. Washed dishes. Made some ramen and watched Moriarty the Patriot. Did I ever say that this anime is good? Because it is. And I only have two episodes left and I am not happy that I am about to finish season 1 without any season 2 to look forward to. I am now heavily debating buying the manga and continuing on that way. I mean why not. If I like it so much why not actually invest in it? And yes, this anime is not at all a yaoi or boys love anime. But by god, being a fujoshi, yes I see it. I do not think I need to say who I ship in this anime. 

My coworkers are planning to get some pizza for lunch tomorrow. And I am not sure if I want to go or not. I am not a fan of impromptu things. We shall see what my mood is tomorrow. I mean granted there are things that I’m impulsive about but socializing is not one of them. I need to be mentally prepared for that.

11.15.22 – I Love Me Some Mystery

Work was meh again. But at least I was able to finally clear some stuff on my task list. Which I consider as productive. 

Anyway, I didn’t get to hang out with my hun today. He was not feeling well. Which sucks. But I need him to get some rest. He said he was not feeling well this morning. Actually, it started last night. I ended up just watching anime with Chris. 

We are currently watching Moriarty the Patriot. This anime is just all kinds of goodness. Basically, it focuses on William James Moriarty, along with his brothers – Albert and Louis, and his journey to destroy the class system in British Empire. Of course, Sherlock Holmes and James Watson are also present. Makes sense, Holmes is the archnemesis of Moriarty. It has mystery, it has action, it has funny moments, and swoon-worthy men – I mean art. Art is what I meant. I need to buy the manga now since Season 2 for this anime has not been announced yet.

Anyway, planning on reading some BL again tonight. Cause I mean, why not?

11.14.22 – Sasaki is just Adorable

Please tell me there really is no one who likes Mondays, right? Anyway, it was fine today. Nothing too outrageous happened at work. Which was nice because I was definitely sleepy and I could barely pay attention to work.

Anyway, I cooked when I got home. I cook spare ribs adobo. But on top of the regular soy sauce, I added super dark soy sauce, some brown sugar, and yes, I used a little bit more vinegar than I would use normally use in a regular adobo. And it was so good. I just eyeballed the measurements. 

I got to hang out with my love today. And we watched some shows.

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. We watched one episode. Well, the last episode. And I was annoyed. I felt this way too with One Punch One. Like what the fuck? But regardless, I am glad that my love recommended this anime. I love how dark and creepy the anime could be. They could’ve pushed it but I think the anime got a good balance of lightness and darkness in the storyline. I love Hanako and Tsukasa. Kou was also up there. Nene, meh, I still did not like her toward the end. 

Romantic Killer. We tried. We stopped after a few minutes. Why? I am already not feeling the premise. We might give it another try at a later time. But I just did not like the fact that she has to give up what she loves to do just to find a guy. Bleh.

Durarara!! Let’s just say I’m intrigued. It’s a bit hard to actually know until I watch maybe a couple more episodes. 

Sasaki and Miyano. This one is just so good. I still think that this is one of the anime that captured the inner struggles of young love so well. Yes. It was Sasaki’s inner struggle that caught my heart and I mean he is cutie. So far, I think my hun is liking it. I am not hearing any objections as of yet. And the dub…It’s so good. Chef’s Kiss.

What am I going to do now? 

Read more BL webtoons. I am also planning to read a chapter of Darling Girl. This book really took a backseat for almost a month now. I am no proud of that.