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Category: Diary

11.28.22 – No Shopping for Me, Just Wednesday Binge

Well, did I say Wednesday is an awesome show? If I have not, then let me say that yes, this show was just very well done. I mean, it definitely is no surprise that I love my mysteries and this show knew how to hit the mark. Sure it is still a teen show – since Wednesday just turned sixteen on the show – but the subject matter runs deeper. It deals with discrimination, oppression, and individualism. These teenagers fight the stigma of being different, not fitting the mold. Not just against society itself, but against their peers. And then you know, you have the love triangle there. This is a prerequisite for any teen show, however, I do appreciate the fact that this storyline is way in the background of everything else. Anyway, I do like Wednesday’s subtle character development in each episode. I like that it’s not an instant character change.

Anyway, work was meh. Nothing new there. We did stop by this pizza place called Round Table close to our apartment. And it was so good. 

Nothing really much went on today. I just really woke up at 5:30 AM, at work before 7:30 AM, then kind of just drifted the whole day – looking at orders and SOPs, answering emails, testing some BS IT things (again). So yeah. It was a pretty slow day for my team, no surprise since a lot of MD offices and clinics were closed on Friday and there was no way for them to send specimens. I am anticipating a busier day tomorrow though. 

I will be reading tonight. But not before I journal. I haven’t picked up a pen to just write for the last few weeks. It’s detrimental to my health. I need a brain dump soon. I think I might have an idea of what to do for the blank notebook I found – a media journal. Just write about what I watched and how I felt about it. Granted I do that here now, but I would like somewhere to dump these things without having to worry about spoilers.

11.27.22 – Adults Need Nap Times

I know that I planned on sleeping late last night. And I did. But it was not because I just me wanting to stay up. It was freezing last night. My hands and feet were so cold, that it was beyond uncomfortable. Wearing my regular long sleeve sleepwear and a pair of thigh-high socks did nothing to alleviate the freezing feeling on my limbs. Being under the covers was useless. I normally refuse to turn on my personal heater but I had no choice last night. I gave in and turned it on. It still took too long for the temperature to be at a comfortable level. But I definitely felt the sleepiness creep into me when my hands and feet were not hurting anymore because of the cold.

Anyway, I woke up feeling off, very irritable and had a headache. I did do the chores that I needed to accomplish today so I cannot complain. Paco was shaven unevenly but enough so that he is so no fluffy anymore. I gave him a bath and blow-dried him. Then after that, I basically just basically let my anxiety take over.

I took a nap and woke up because again, the weather is just so cold today. I should not be surprised, to be honest. I’ve been based in this State for four years now and I already know that winter here is nothing like SoCal. And I do prefer the weather where I’m at now. But damn, I just have issues dealing with it sometimes. I am not about to consider moving back to SoCal. No way.

I was watching this anime short in Crunchyroll called Obey Me! It is an anime adaptation of a romance simulation and RPG card mobile game. Yes, I used to play it. Maybe I should play it again. Yes, I will play it again. I have it still downloaded on my old phone that I still use but I might just download it on the new one that I’m using. There downloaded. Anyway, the anime was meh, I mean the episodes were only 5 minutes long, and features the brothers dealing with some kind of dilemma. Pretty mindless really. A commentary episode was playing when I fell into a nap.

Netflix was having issues earlier and it would not load so I ended up going to Crunchyroll and I watched four episodes of Samurai Champloo. And I think I found my favorite episode so far. Episode 11 – Gamblers and Gallantry. It was a Jin episode. He is normally very reserved but in this episode, he was shown outwardly liking and showing desire for someone. I love it.

Then after that, Netflix decided to work and I was able to watch two episodes of Wednesday, really the show that I planned to watch in the first place. This show is just so crazy. I love it. And the dress! The dress that Wednesday wore to the dance! Oh my god, definitely my aesthetic. Anyway, I am really liking the show was made, and how Wednesday was portrayed. It keeps me on my toes. It is a mystery after all. It keeps me guessing who is this monster in the woods that seemed to be killing people. And one of my favorite characters was hurt. Freaking cliffhanger. There are only eight episodes in this first season and I watched four already! Wednesday Addams is just so cool.

And during all the binge-watching that I did, I discovered that I have two empty A6 notebooks on my bookshelf. I decided to put them in my empty A6 notebook holder. Now I am trying to think what to do with them. Not sure what. I was thinking of using one as a food journal. Not to count calories per se, I did that before and it was stressful. I want to keep track of what I eat in a day and document if I get any allergic reactions. I could use it as a fitness journal, maybe that will cover more info. We shall see. I just want something easy to maintain. 

The other notebook, I have no idea yet. I was thinking like a daily log. Not a to-do list, whatever I need to remember excluding the daily things I have to do have been transferred digitally. I’ve been utilizing reminders and calendars on my phone now. As I said, I abandoned the bullet journal a while back, I got tired of manually creating the spread, just got tedious. But I am thinking more like what happened that day kind of thing. Maybe something will come to me to write about. Not sure. Still bouncing ideas off my head.

I am still debating if I want to read now before bed. I have a couple of webtoons that released new episodes a few minutes ago. So I might do that. Then if I fall asleep, then I will sleep, then if not then read a book. Not sure yet.

I am currently talking to my hun right now. He is working tonight and he is nerding out about DND. I want to play DND too but I don’t know how to even start. But I do want to start creating small models, or paint character models is more like it. I don’t know. I find the imagination of the people playing fantasy games like these so impressive.

11.26.22 – All Things Anime for Date Night

I had a late start today. Why? Well, I slept late last night. But then again, why would I sleep early when it’s the weekend? I think I slept at 2 am. Who knows? I’m not really sure. Regardless, I think I still did well chores-wise. Sure I was still somewhat lazy to do stuff but at least I folded my clothes the same day I washed them. I think that’s a vast improvement. I hate doing laundry.

My hun and I did hang out today. I wasn’t sure if will be able to when I woke up this morning since I know he has some cleaning to do. But I’m glad we did. We watched anime today.

Sasaki and Miyano. We finished the anime today. And it is safe to say that my love enjoyed it. He begrudgingly gave it an 8/10 biased rating – just because this is not his genre of preference. He ranked it higher than Yuri on Ice. But he gave it 10/10 unbiased rating – he really thinks that the anime was well done. I was a bit nervous watching this anime with him. Time and time again, I kept saying that this is the best anime I saw this year. But I’m grateful that I did share this with him, and he got to enjoy it too. 

Angels of Death. We are almost done with this anime as well. I honestly thought we would finish it today but no. It’s all good though, we have four episodes left. Hmm, what do I really feel about this anime? I mean, it’s not great. But I do like the “escape room” setup of this anime. It kept me interested enough for me to continue on. The anime almost lost me when Zack and Rachel got to B2, with the priest as the floor master. Oh god, those episodes were just so boring, especially the witch-hunt trial episodes. The anime did get interesting again once they entered B1. And the first thing that I told my hun was “This is Rachel’s floor”. And I am known to watch the openings of anime, and I noticed that it only showed six people. Rachel is a floor master, well that is what I’m alleging anyway. I guess we’ll see if I’m correct. The main issue I have with this anime is the fact that it makes me so uncomfortable at times. Danny’s obsession with Rachel’s eyes got borderline sexual, I didn’t see the need to have this adult on top of this girl. Edward’s voice seemed to be coming from everywhere. Cathy’s torture floor. And that weird romance undertone between Zack and Rachel. I am not a fan of the underlying romance between an adult-looking man and a girl. See that I didn’t mention the priest – it was because I didn’t care about the floor master enough to nitpick.

Ouran High School Host Club. We watched a Halloween episode. My hun was definitely enjoying the character development for the Hitachin twins. I mean they have a more flushed-out background, and the anime showed more character development for them, at least from the episodes that we watched. Kaoru especially has a bit more understanding and a bit more perspective on how his relationship with Hikaru will change if Hikaru decides to move forward without him, especially now that they opened their world a lot more to let people in. So far, we have only heard snippets of Tamaki’s life. The anime has not given him a background episode. Any information about him was relayed by the other members of the host club.

I’m planning on creating some yearly tracker pages for my reading journal before I sleep. And then read after. Not planning on taking too much time creating the pages but I just want to add more before I go to bed. I do want to read though. I borrowed an audiobook of Bridgerton from Libby. We’ll see if I like the narrator. So planning on listening to that while doing my yearly pages. Am I also taking advantage that it’s Saturday night? Of course!

11.25.22 – When the Whole Day was a Waste of Time

I truly believed that going to work on Black Friday was a waste of time. Time and time again I was proven correct. And today was no exception. I was bored the whole day. Not just me. The lab was slow since there were barely any specimens, no orders were getting placed electronically for us to check, no one was sending requisitions via fax or email. WE WERE BORED. Again, I will continue to believe this – working on Black Friday should not be a thing.

The whole day I was browsing the internet aimlessly. I was playing water connect and was on tiktok for hours. I even set up some yearly trackers for my 2023 reading journal. I was definitely on defense making one but I gave in. I do miss doing bullet journaling but I gave that up and went digital just because the system has not worked out for me. It got a bit tedious but I do miss having to create spreads, so I hope that having a reading journal helps with that. I mean I am not planning on creating calendars every month, it will really only be a journal. At least in my head, I don’t plan on overdoing it. 

My hun and I watched a couple of episodes of Sasaki and Miyano. I teased my hun that he likes this anime. I mean I think I might’ve said “be honest, you’re loving this anime”. Of course, he denies it. But I know the truth. Well, I think he appreciates the character development. And every episode shows character growth for both Sasaki and Miyano. And I personally love it. I mean of course on top of the ever-anticipated decision from Miyano. 

We also got to watch a couple of episodes of Angel of Death. Episode three was about Edward Mason. That kid creeped me out. I was never a fan of kids whispering and laughing and all that – reminds me too much of the AI in Resident Evil. We also watched episode four where Cathy Ward was introduced. And this was when my anxiety hit. I was getting very antsy. It was a bit of a torture floor so it was understandable that I was getting a bit triggered. Oh just for context, every floor has a killer, and the floors were set up ala escape room, but you know just with deadly consequences. So far so good. But I do need to get a move on from the Cathy floor. 

We also watched a couple of episodes of Cowboy Bebop. We finally got to a Jet backstory. And we found ourselves at a mercy of some kind of weird slime in Bebop because Spike forgot some kind of lobster he stored in the back fridge for a year. I say it again and again, I love characters who have some kind of character development, but I also appreciate a character that has layers. Cowboy Bebop characters have layers. And that is the tragedy of the Bebop crew. They were in some way or another living to get closure from their past. And I think that’s beautiful.

I am rewatching Yuri on Ice. Because I just really love this anime. I just loved Yuri’s journey, and how he perfected his routine throughout the anime. And in line with that, I cannot forget the blossoming relationship between Yuri and Viktor. I mean, it all started with Viktor being his coach, getting engaged, to skating together at the end. I mean chef’s kiss. The fact that the romance was not the main plot and was pretty much in the background, it was still pretty well done. It was still able to show throughout the whole anime. I mean seriously, what’s not to love?

11.24.22 – The Lazy Day that is Thanksgiving

First off – Happy Thanksgiving. What did I do? First, I changed my sheets and washed the old ones. Then cooked me some breakfast – hashbrown patties with corned beef topped with sriracha and Japanese mayo. Yeah, that was a pretty awesome breakfast. To an untrained eye, it might look and sound disgusting but yum. For dinner, I had some medium rare steaks, mashed potatoes with gravy, and some cornbread stuffing. Add a glass of whiskey with ginger ale, and let’s just say it was a bomb-ass dinner. I also got to video chat with family tonight, which was good and I feel like it was much needed.

Chris and I finished SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist. So what do I honestly think about this anime? I consider this as a sort of dystopian world. Why? Let’s just say that it is set in a world where not just dirty jokes were banned but everything that pertains to human sexuality. Now, this is not the best anime ever about censorship, but it managed to make the subject matter funny and lighthearted. There were some laughs there, some unexpected moments, and also some legit uncomfortable moments. Did I think it was ridiculous? Some parts of it, sure. But it makes you think about what could happen if this really does occur in real life. I mean a lot of people now are ignorant as it is. So thinking that this can happen in the future – yuck.

We also started watching Wednesday. I love how deadpan this character is. And I cannot complain. We watched two episodes and so far, so good. I think it was really on point as to what I was expecting of a Tim Burton series. It’s dark, it’s mysterious and funny. Perfect combo. Looking forward to watching more episodes over the weekend.

My hun and I were able to hang out today, which was nice. We finished The Great British Baking Show. We watched a couple of episodes of Sasaki and Miyano, also a couple of episodes of Angels of Death, and we finished with an episode of Cowboy Bebop.

The Great British Baking Show – Episode 10: Finals. The finalists were Syabira, Abdul, and Sandro. The bakers were asked to make a seasonal (summer) picnic for their signature challenge, a summer pudding bomb for technical, and a large planet-themed edible sculpture showstopper. Abdul did great. Syabira was great as well. Sandro fell a little bit with that uncooked pastry on his signature, being last on the technical, and a burnt cake for the showstopper. In the end, Syabira won. I was surprised but I wouldn’t have been mad if Abdul won either. I think out of all the seasons, you can’t really point to a baker on the finals and ask, why the fuck are you in the finals.

Sasaki and Miyano. So good! This anime is such a slow burn that any progress on these boys’ relationship is so satisfying. Sasaki holding back his feelings so as to not scare Miyano away. Miyano being confused as to what he feels for Sasaki really is. The struggle is just so palpable through the screen and all we can do is wait in anticipation. Yes, I still have the same reactions to each scene regardless of how many times I have watched this anime in the last month or so. I am not lying when I say that this is one of the best anime I watched this year.

Angel of Death. My hun suggested this anime after watching the fluffy romance anime that is Sasaki and Miyano. And I could not stop laughing. I was teasing him just because he suggested an anime that has blood and gore after watching a romance. Anyway, the first episode was definitely intense. There were some jump scares that made me scream. But I think the premise is very interesting, and I am liking Zack right now. The anime definitely has some creepy vibes but I think after the two episodes that we watched, I want to continue watching the rest of the episodes.

Cowboy Bebop. Ah, the episode where Radical Edward was introduced. Ed is one of my fave in the series. I think she is such an oddball and her randomness is so adorable. I should really make a post regarding this anime. I am thinking about it.

I’m back to work tomorrow. That’s just how cruel the world is. 

11.23.22 – Give Me a Hand Spank

So today was actually really boring at work. Why? No shit – a day before the holiday, yeah, I would be surprised if we were busy at all. The only thing that annoyed me today was the fact that I was in 2-hour meeting with IT to troubleshoot our print server. Why was I annoyed you ask? It’s not my job. We have an IT specialist for this and I do not understand why I got roped into this bullshit. Anyway, aside from that wasted time, the day was pretty smooth sailing.

I went to the store after work because why not? Just got some steaks, stuffing, soda, and other little grocery things. But really more for dinner tomorrow. I am not about holidays but I do tend to at least splurge on some steaks for dinner on those bigger holidays. I believe that having some steaks once in while is fine.

After that, went home and just did all my regular stuff – feed the dogs, eat dinner, watch some anime. I just embraced laziness today. From work to home. I just decided to be a potato. I mean why not. I’m already barely doing anything on a daily, I just needed to lessen it to below the minimum.

Anyway, we watched six episodes of Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist. That anime is just something. That chick Anna is crazy. That’s the only way to describe her. Depraved is another one, but that is just not an excuse for the actions she does on Okuma. I think that is the only thing that makes me squirm from discomfort with this anime. I guess that character could be classified as a yandere. She makes me so uncomfortable. However, the subject matter really does not. The anime is enjoyable. I definitely had some good laughs. And I learned another way so high-five. Yeah, definitely enjoying the dubbed version for this anime.

But since I am off tomorrow. I am planning to stay up a little later than I normally do. What the hell do I plan to do? I need to read tonight. Yes, need. I have not been reading at all lately – by that I mean a book. Sure granted I have been reading webtoons, and I should really count it as reading time, it’s just not trackable. I guess I just need to figure out how to track it. I could track how long I read in a day instead of pages. But I don’t know.