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Category: Diary

12.23.22 – What PTO?

Well, my PTO sucked today. Why? Because I was still in and out of work. Like what the fuck. I was annoyed for the most part. But it also wore me down. So much for downtime right?

Anyway, I was able to read some chapters of Darling Girl. I was able to play I Love You, Colonel Sanders. I read some BL webtoons. And watched some episodes of Love in the Air. 

Darling Girl. I’ve been wanting to know how this author will justify a sexual situation between an adult and someone perceived as a boy. And I kid you not this is the answer that I got “The story never says he can’t grow older. Only that he can’t grow up”. I mean the book alluded that he looks older than we thought. But it’s just so vague to me that I am still uncomfortable. What exactly is older? What does it look like? I don’t know, maybe I’m focusing on the wrong thing. But I can’t stop thinking about it. Anyway, now that is out of my system, I feel like Peter in this story is a very dark character. I mean, hello, we are apparently dealing with a man (or someone who looks older than the boy we perceive him to be) who thinks like a child with a hint of psychosis. The way he thinks is very black and white. I don’t know I am very interested though. I want to see what happens. I mean there are some morality questions I have here. And there are decisions made by Holly that just make me say “WTF is wrong with you woman?”.

I Love You, Colonel Sanders. A dating sim visual novel that I decided to pick up the other day. Um, I mean it was a very sexy Colonel Sanders for sure. The setting is I am in a cooking school Colonel Sanders, and basically, I try to romance him. The enjoyed the few minutes I played. I mean the artworks for the bucket of chicken and mashed potato and gravy are so good that it made me crave them. 

Love in the Air. This Thai BL series came to my radar via YouTube shorts. And I keep on seeing clips of it that I just got interested in it. I had to find the series is what I’m saying. I mean I found it, along with all the other BL series now that I want to see now. Anyway, I’m currently four episodes in and well, I mean it made me laugh, made me tear up a little bit, made my heart flutter, and smile the whole time. It’s cute. It’s a love story. How else can a love story be retold you know? And I just found out that this series was adapted from two novels, BL: Storm and BL: Sky. I mean they are available on Kindle. We shall see. But I do want to buy them.

And still working on some BL webtoons. More on the fact that a lot of the ones I’m reading release 1 episode a week.

I feel tired. Drained. And now I’m feeling dizzy. I think I’m just exhausted.

12.22.22 – Another Vampire Anime. What a Surprise.

The only thing out of the ordinary that happened at work was that I ran the daily huddle for the first time in over a year I should say. And how did that go? Record speed of 3 minutes. Honestly, I think daily huddles shouldn’t be any longer than that. I got a message afterward saying “You’re the best speed huddle human ever”. And I shall take that as a compliment.

I went home to experience heavy traffic and stupid drivers. So that was annoying. I hate driving. Well, not the act of driving but rather I do not want to deal with reckless drivers. 

I was able to hang out with my love tonight even though we had a very rough beginning. I mean, my discord was being a dumdum. His discord was being a dumdum. A lot of pauses and disconnections. Yeah, rough but we managed. Crunchyroll was down so we could not watch Sk8 the Infinity and I had to pick a different anime available on Hulu instead, The Case Study of Vanitas. We did watch Castlevania as well.

Castlevania. We finally got to see Isaac. And boy he had changed. And I think it was a good development for him. I mean we saw him struggle with his ideals – to kill every human alive. But now, it seems like he is leaning more toward justified killing. And this is definitely his. Not just following Dracula’s. Which is refreshing. 

Adrian, again, will be used it seems like. By whom this time? Fucking Saint Germain. God, I knew this person cannot be trusted. I cannot with all the people trying to use my Adrian for whatever it is he doing. It’s like come on! Can this guy get a fucking break? And now another female got introduced… And I’m already annoyed because I have a feeling that Adrian will latch on to her because she will give him a purpose – to help them save the people in that village that freaking Saint Germain set up to be attacked by night creatures. Uggghhh Saint Germain needs to die in the most anti-climactic way – like tripping and hitting his head on something and never waking up OR maybe my hun’s idea, choking on a bun.

The Case Study of Vanitas. So far we only watched the first episode. But I am interested. I mean it’s too early to tell. We watched the dubbed version, but I think we will try watching the subbed version next time. I need to check out the first episode in subbed and see how the subtitles are on that. The font size on Hulu was a tad tiny. Anyway, the reason why I chose this one is because it is about vampires. Well, it’s about a young vampire named Noe who meets a human doctor named Vanitas who wants to cure all vampires. I mean we shall see how this turns out. 

I am on PTO tomorrow. Thank goodness because I’m tired. I just need time to just be with myself. Actually read for the day. That is all that I had planned for tomorrow. But I might squeeze in some visual novel games as breaks. We shall see.

12.21.22 – Chillin’ with TMG

I promised myself that I will not talk about the shit show happening at work right now. So I will not. Because I am done with that crap.

We had some holiday lunch thingy with the onsite people, which was really nice. We did a white elephant gift thingy. That was fun. And then nothing. 

I went home, and just kind of been browsing all the streaming services we’re subscribed to just to find something to watch. And guess what? Nothing caught my eye. We have four streaming services… And nothing to watch! How is that even possible?! 

Whatever. I just decided to watch TMG podcast on YouTube. They released their latest episode an hour ago. So I’m really just chilling. Because why not? 

My hun is doing a double today. So no hangout tonight. I have to figure out what anime to watch next since we just finished Moriarty the Patriot. I’ve been leaning towards Sk8 the Infinity. I mean, I also have a lot of vampire anime on my watchlist. But since we are still watching Castlevania, I do not want to overload us with vampire content. I mean, I guess it will depend on my mood when the time comes. Hopefully, that time is tomorrow.

So what are my plans for the rest of the night?

Honestly, just chill. Read most likely. I really have nothing else going on. Not planning on taking any sleeping pills tonight as well. I might do it over the weekend when I can afford to actually pass out and sleep in.

12.20.22 – Get Rid of this Karen Already

Aside from the weather being annoying, my day went pretty okay. No hiccups aside from having to drive slowly because of icy roads. But honestly, despite that, there were still drivers on the road who just kept on speeding. Such recklessness to be honest. Anyway, I did go home early just because with the snow, I really did not want to risk it. I got home though and continued working and lost track of time. I ended up working a lot longer than I wanted. A lot of excel sheets to make and reformat for 2023.

Anyway, my hun and I ended up hanging out a bit earlier today since I did not have to drive home after work. We finished Moriarty the Patriot and we watched two episodes of Castlevania season 4.

Moriarty the Patriot. I mean I really do not need to say how much I loved this anime. But I really love the fact that my hun enjoyed the anime as well. He gave it a 9/10 and said that it was one of the best anime he watched this year. I personally just loved the Moriarty brothers. Sure that William might be the heart of the group but to be honest, for his ideals to go to fruition, he needed his brothers and what they have to offer. Not to mention the side characters were also really likable. I know that this is not a BL anime and there really is nothing in this anime that suggests otherwise, but just because I am me, I am shipping Liam and Sherly. They make sense together. 

Castlevania. Well, we see Sypha and Trevor grinding. Power couple! And Sypha is just OP. I am actually really thankful that her character just doesn’t stand there and wave her hands. Watching her fight sequences has always been a delight. But I do think that this power couple needs some well-deserved sleep and rest. 

Adrian now is known as The Alucard of the castle. He also has more lawn decorations this time! In all honesty though, I want him to break this cycle. Reminds me too much of how his father instilled fear among the people. I do not think that’s a good route. I do think that he is a teenager still looking for his purpose, and I think this letter that he received would give him the instructions he needs.

Well, let’s see Hector seems to be doing well. I mean sure, he is imprisoned in the castle, but can freely roam around even in the daylight. I was correct to assume that whatever Lenore did to him at the end of season three was the best outcome for his situation at the moment. But he seems to be plotting something. I mean he is smart and if chose to, he can play this game with the vampires as well.

No Isaac these two episodes. I wonder what happened to him.

And then there’s Carmilla. That is a vampire Karen with her entitlement. I cannot. At the expense of sounding like a broken player – she needs to slip and fall on a stake already.

I’ve been sleeping soundly these past couple of nights because of the sleeping pills that I’m trying. My problem? I am having issues waking up. And I really do not like that. I feel heavy. So tonight, I am not planning on taking anything. We shall see if tonight will be rough. I plan on reading a bit before going to sleep since I did not get to read last night.

12.19.22 – I was Right!!!

How was work today? Well, I found out that the company is laying off some people. We are a small team as it is so the news was a shock to me. But is it weird to say that it was also not a surprise? I don’t know. I really don’t know how I feel about it, to be honest. Anyway, aside from that – business as usual.

Anyway, my hun and I got the chance to hang out today. Not long as I would like, but it’s okay. Getting home took a lot longer than I anticipated. It started snowing and traffic was terrible. But regardless, we were able to watch an episode of Moriarty the Patriot and two final episodes of season three of Castlevania.

Nothing really worthy to note on Moriarty the Patriot. I consider this episode a filler, to connect Sherlock to Milverton. My hun did not like Watson’s fiancee, he thinks that she is SUS. Fair. I mean she went to Sherlock Holmes to actually obtain the treasure. But apparently, she was getting blackmailed by Milverton. I guess, if she does not give the treasure to Milverton, he will ruin her and Watson’s wedding. As I said, I actually think that this was just an episode to connect Sherlock to Milverton. I mean Moriarty is already connected to him…

And then OMG – the last two episodes of Castlevania season three were intense. Trevor and Sypha are a power couple. I mean seriously, these two were just amazing. Their action sequences were awesome. Sypha is definitely scary. And then finding out what the Judge was doing…Damn. The darkness on Trevor’s face. 

Lenore – is definitely someone to watch out for. She is manipulative sure. I guess you can call what she did to Hector as a manipulation. But as someone looking for an exchange of service, you need insurance. I think what she did was smart and calculated. And what happened to Hector, in my opinion, is the best outcome for his situation. He will be taken care of, he will be somewhat free, and he will be comfortable. But Lenore, damn. That vampire is something.

And Carmilla is a waste of space. “Genius” my ass. She can trip, fall on a stake, and die already.

Isaac is a badass. I mean, I cannot stress that enough. This man struggled with his ideals – kill men, not kill men, kill men, not kill men. But damn, his last battle sequences were epic. And that scene with him sitting on the stairs looking at the village with all the villager’s dead bodies…I mean wow.

And I was right about the twins. Untrustworthy. My hun said that my dislike stemmed from me being a little bit jealous of them getting close to Adrian. But that is beside the point. I was correct not to trust them. Because when it all comes down to it, they took advantage of a very lonely Adrian, and tried to kill him when he was at his most vulnerable. And now, my dampyr has new decorations on his front lawn. I do worry though how his mental state will be in season 4.

I’m actually pretty excited to continue with Season 4.

12.18.22 – Watch What You’re Cooking

I am here to complain, that is nothing new. I’m just saying I did not appreciate having an exciting morning. There was nothing more annoying than a fire alarm disturbing a super lazy Sunday – because someone burned food, AGAIN. This happened a few times already in the last few weeks so yeah, I think I earned the right to complain a little bit. You know what could be a preventative solution? WATCH THE GODDAMN THING YOU’RE COOKING. It’s not hard for crying out loud. Compared to enduring this freaking embarrassment of disturbing your neighbors. I mean I don’t really know how the food got burned, but with the lack of ambulance this morning made me realize that this person did not suddenly have a health emergency. Okay – rant done. 

Anyway, it’s snowing right now. I mean, it was forecasted so I shouldn’t really be surprised. And it is pretty but damn, I really am not a fan of snow, regardless of how little it might be. I’m freezing right now and I have the heater on because I am stubborn and I refuse to bundle up. 

My hun and I got to hang out a little bit today. I mean we did technically hang out a little bit last night. He streamed while I watched and teased him for dying so often in the game. Anyway, he wasn’t feeling well today. So I was surprised that he was able to hang out today at all. Regardless, we were able to squeeze in a couple of episodes of Moriarty the Patriot and Castlevania.

Moriarty the Patriot. I really do love my hun’s reactions to this anime. I mean, it kept me on my toes so I am not surprised that the anime aslo is keeping him on his toes. He has a habit of calling out where a plot would go before it happens. So, he also did that as well in the episodes that we watched today. And surprise, his predictions were wrong. I mean of course. No surprise there. But I loved his reactions when the anime takes the story to a different route than expected. So yes, it is safe to say that he is loving this anime.

Castlevania. Nothing really new here, I am still annoyed that the twins are still in the picture with Adrian. And I just want them to just be gone already. I just know that they are plotting something and I just want them out of the picture already. I don’t care if you call distrust or jealously, they need to be gone. I think the priory is unhinged. I mean hello, they are keeping a living night creature in the the basement of their church! Like what the actual fuck. And there is something fishy with the judge. Sus for sure, with the profuse sweating and shaky hands. Yeah. SUS!

Anyway, tomorrow is Monday once more. And I’m going to have to take a sleeping pill later just to ensure that I actually fall asleep at a decent hour. I mean, the reason why I’m even going to try to get some sleep is because I don’t to snap at the people onsite because of the lack of sleep.