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Category: Diary

01.04.23 – I Want a Job that Pays Me for Sleeping

I really have nothing to say today. Work was a bitch – like always. And I was a bit busy in the morning but I just took it easy in the afternoon. Translation: I lazy’d it up in the afternoon. Cause why not.

I did read a few chapters of The Laughing Corpse last night, I could not help but laugh at how Anita begrudgingly tried on this pink puffy bridesmaid’s dress for her friend’s wedding. It did remind me of my bridesmaid phase. Jesus, I’m glad that’s over. I mean seriously shedding over $100 for a dress that you would never again, a dress that you do not even like. Yeah, it’s painful. But you do it anyway because the person who asked you to be part of the wedding is pretty special. Yeah, I’m glad those days are over. I keep forgetting how graphic this series is. We did get some graphic description in the first book. But barely three chapters into this second installment and I already got thrown into a murder scene – the gore. The description. And my imagination is pretty vivid. I was surprised that I did not throw up just picturing that scene.

Of course, I am planning on reading tonight before I go to sleep. I think there are some new episodes that came out for the webtoons that I am reading. So I want to knock those out, and then I would read some more of The Laughing Corpse. I would like to read a lot more chapters tonight compared to what I did last night but I do need to get some sleep too. We shall see, if the chapters are good, there is no way I will stop reading. I remember when I read this series the first time – years ago, I was up all night reading. I think I was up reading until 3 AM. I am not going to read that late though, I mean I am not young anymore. So there is no way I can stay up when I know I have work the next day – if I can help it anyway.

Tomorrow is already Thursday, thank goodness. I do not know why that place sucks the life out of me. Something is always broken or leaking! The roof in the corner of the lab where my station still leaks. There is still a leak in the kitchen. And now the water heater under the sink is leaking. And that roof leak in the kitchen and in the lab will be worse since it will be raining for the next six days. So yay. Eh whatever.

01.03.23 – My Brain Feels Like Goo

I was struggling the whole day today. The fact that I was in meetings the whole morning did not help my exhaustion. My boss came to my office for her to tell me “You look tired”. No shit. I am tired. So yeah, I figured I would look the part.

Anyway, just chilling tonight. The boyfriend is having a boys’ night. Which is fine, I have a feeling after eating dinner I will just be in bed. I really feel exhausted. I am also starting to feel the beginnings of a headache, which is something that I do not really want to deal with. Hopefully getting food in me helps it a little bit.

Okay, so I finally decided on what to do with The Case Study of Vanitas. I will push through it until the anime is done. Or at least the season that we’re on. I think there is only one season, to be honest. Why did I decide to do this? Simple, the premise is good and very interesting. Vanitas and Noe are interesting characters. I am still interested in how their relationship progresses. The little snippets of backstory we get for both of them are episodes that I look forward to. I will still complain about the fact that the anime has unnecessary fluff. But aside from that, when the anime delivers a good episode or two, they’re good – amazing even. 

I’m going to try and read The Laughing Corpse tonight. Even if it’s just for an hour or so. I started last night but I was only able to read one chapter until my sleeping pill kicked in. So my plan is to read a few pages and see how I feel as I go on. I hope that I am able to focus since I feel like my brain is so tired.

01.02.23 – I did not See any Fluff Today!

You know, I am so mad that I have to go back to work tomorrow. I just really don’t want to go to work is what I’m saying.

Anyway, today is another lazy day. I dilly-dallied the whole day. Or at least that’s what I thought I did. I woke up late-ish. Not too bad though. But it was still after 7 AM, which was fine. I had n pressing plans today. 

I did hang out with my love today. And we watched some anime episodes.

Tokyo Ghoul. We watched five episodes, finishing up the second season. This season was definitely less intense than the first season. The Kaneki torture episodes were still ingrained in my brain, trust me. The season was not dull by any means but mellow. Not slow, mellow. The season was more focused on characters this time. Backstories. Character development. And the like. So I understand why it needed to be less action-packed. We got introduced to new characters, which I am interested in. This anime, for sure, is incredible in showing struggling characters. Seeing Kaneki’s internal struggle will always be powerful. Seeing Juuzou Suzuya not give up on fighting the one-eyed owl. The Shuu Tsukiyama breakdown scene was also excellent. Nothing is more powerful than a normally composed character being so distraught trying to stop Kaneki from joining the fight between the doves and Anteiku. I’m still debating if Touka Kirishima was even necessary for this anime. I mean, I’m pretty sure that there is something that I’m missing, but I just do not like her. The budding romance between Kotaro Amon and Akira Mado is unnecessary. Bleh. Not sure why anime do this. Having a romance subplot when it’s not needed. However, it did not distract from the main story and it’s not as in your face so I’m not going to complain about it as much. We also got introduced to Kishou Arima, I am intrigued by this character. I mean, this one just came out of nowhere and started hammering on the one-eyed owl. My hun thinks it’s because he wears glasses. I did not deny it. 

Haikyu!! I have nothing much to say about this. By this time, I think I made it clear how much I love this sports anime. The Karasuno team’s drive to be better is amazing. They know they will be coming into the competition at a disadvantage but they are working hard to train skills that they are lacking. I love them. This anime is just so wholesome. And the fact that these characters show character development in every episode – granted this is more shown on Hinata and Kageyama – is amazing. They are so fluid and adjust to what is thrown at them. I really enjoyed the practice match between Karasuno and Nekoma was amazing. I liked how Nekoma – despite not having “geniuses” on their team – was able to showcase the fact that they work as a team, and are strong as a team. Especially now that the players on the court for Nekoma are not new players compared to Karasuno who has three new players in their lineup. But yeah, we love this anime.

We did not watch The Case Study of Vanitas today. I think I’m going to put that one on hold for now. Maybe even drop it at this point. We shall see though, I am still on defense, to be honest. I cannot seem to decide right now. I am still enjoying Vanitas and Noe and I want to see more character development from them. But the freaking fluff is too distracting.

01.01.23 – Stop with the Fluff!!

How was your New Year? Did you celebrate at midnight? I remember NY Eve celebration being such a huge thing when I was growing up. I just think that NY Eve celebrations were so huge in the Philippines. I do not know if this is still a thing though, most likely. Filipinos love to party. I kind of dialed down by a lot. I mean, even when I was still in SoCal, as I got older, I just found myself not really doing anything. So now, that I am far away from family, I literally just stayed home in my sweats. Just reading. I cannot complain, it was awesome.

I finished Guilty Pleasures last night. And my god, I forgot how much I enjoyed that book. It was a really good introduction to the world of Anita Blake. What she does, who will most likely be the repeat characters as the series goes along. I laughed, I smiled, I swooned, I cringed, I got annoyed, I got livid, I got my heart broken. Let’s just say that I enjoyed the first installment of the series. 

I do have a few books in mind that I want to start reading. But since I seem to be on a vampire kick right now, I plan on continuing with the Anita Blake series – The Laughing Corpse. Being a mood reader can be difficult. I have a few unfinished books on my bedside but those will need to wait. I need to ride the vampire wave right now.

Anyway, today was lazy. Since I did not go to bed until almost 4 in the morning, I was really sluggish when I woke up. It was fine. I did not really need to do anything today. I did manage to hang out with my hun to watch some anime. 

The Case Study of Vanitas. We watched episodes 9 and 10. Really good episodes. We got some action sequences, we got introduced to Roland, and we got to actually see some of Vanitas’ backstories. And the episodes connected pretty well with the premise of the anime. Awesome episodes. We enjoyed it and I loved them. And then episode 11 came, and 40 seconds in – I had to stop it. I mean granted, I really need to give the episode a chance since it might be important to the story. But come on when you open with “Vanitas, we should go on a date”, that raises red flags to me for unnecessary fluff that the anime does not need. And this is how I feel about this anime. IT DOES NOT NEED A ROMANTIC SIDE STORY. You give me amazing two episodes, action sequences, dark themes, and amazing characters, and then you give me fluff next? The anime is not even that dark and heavy for it to need a palate cleanser. I don’t know, I’m still debating if I just want to drop this anime.

Haikyu!! Yeah, we are really enjoying this. We just ended up watching six episodes of this anime. We love the Karasuno team. Most members are likable, granted we are only getting the main members of the team. That did not matter though, even the team members from opposing teams are likable. The character development in this anime is just so amazing. It is really enjoyable to see Hinata’s progress and how he adapts to hurdles on the court, with the help of his teammates. Honestly, the fact that even the members of an opposing team also cheer him on is really refreshing.

Tokyo Ghoul. We finally decided to continue on after a weird hiatus. We just rewatched season 2 episodes 6 and 7 for a refresher. I will probably have more to say once we actually watch some more episodes. One thing that really stands out to me with this anime is Kaneki’s internal struggle. It’s just so hard to watch since you know that he is trying so hard to not let the ghoul be in control. It’s hard to watch but honestly, it’s what draws me to the anime.

01.01.2023 – I Need More Time in a Day this Year

And just like that 2022 is done. The year went by fast. What was sad about it? Nothing spectacular happened to me. What the hell did I do this year?!

I’m not a big fan of resolutions. Historically, this never worked for me. So for 2023, I just want to set mini goals – fix certain areas that I feel like I need to work on personally.

I procrastinated a lot and it resulted in putting my career on hold. That needs to change. I know that I have plans for my team for Q1 in 2023, and I would still do that. I just need to fix mine as well while helping the team.

My reading has also not been the best. My slumps lasted way too long. I am not one to force myself to read since I don’t want to feel that it is an obligation. I just need to make sure that I am picking up smaller books or just re-read some favorites.

I watched a lot of anime, with my hun and with Chris. And you know what? I want to continue that. Discover new anime, and not be scared to give genres that I am not familiar with a chance. You know, watch one or two episodes and decide if an anime is for me or not.

I let go of myself even more. I need to eat healthier, stay away from my allergens, and really start doing some quick workouts. I need to find time sure, but it needs to be done. Baby steps. But I do miss weight training, and really, that’s the only workout that I really enjoy. So I really need to get back to it. 

A lot of these issues can be fixed by time management. I think once that is fixed and scheduled everything on my calendar, everything should fall into place. Well, this is a big hope. But at least, I want to try. I just don’t want to feel stagnant anymore.

12.30.22 – Suggestive Language Cracks Me Up

Work was no fun. It was so slow today. But also, I really should not complain. We had a lot of downtimes, which was fine. It was the last workday of the year. So, honestly, it was all good.

Anyway, I had to stop by McDonald’s on the way home. I was craving some fries and a quarter pounder with cheese. Sure I added some more salt to the fries, and I dipped the burger in buffalo sauce, but what can I say, it hit the spot. 

I got home and decided to watch Blown Away. It’s a glass-blowing competition. I remember watching Season 1 a while back and enjoyed it a lot. Then I think the series went on hiatus and I forgot about it. Then it came up on my recommendation recently and saw that they have 3 seasons available now so why not watch it? I rewatched season one and I forgot how suggestive glass-blowing can be. With my one-track mind and maybe a little bit of a cultured brain – yes I laugh every time the artists say “blow please” or “glory hole”. Yeah, I can be immature at times but it just cracks me up. I had a couple of favorites – Alexander and Janusz. Alex finished 3rd and Janusz got to the finals and lost to Deborah. My favorite creation from Alex? His “Disappointment in the Tropics” creation for the 8th challenge. My favorite creation from Janusz? His hairbrush creation for the pop art challenge. It was just so visually striking. So perfect.

After that, I was just browsing trailers for hours! And now I am about to read some more Guilty Pleasures. Yes, I am planning on staying up late tonight, I mean I have no work tomorrow. I just need to go to the store and then cook and do my laundry. But that’s about it.