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Category: Diary

01.10.23 – When an Anime Ruins the First Episode with that Last Scene

Work was again annoying. There will always be that customer who likes to demand exceptions OR ELSE they will take their business elsewhere. I hate them. And of course, our company cannot afford to lose any clients right now. So, what does that mean for my team? Yay flag more shit and do more manual work for this one account. An account that has so many exceptions already that I cannot even add any more notes in their parent account info section because it’s out of space. Other than this big fiasco, nothing else happened that got me annoyed.

My hun and I were able to hang out tonight, which was nice. We did watch some episodes of some anime – no surprise there.

Bleach – The Lost Shinigami Arc. So far, not much action going on but there is some kind of mystery going on. I mean what is this group called xcution? I mean why are Ichigo’s friends getting targeted? Or are they really getting targeted? Or is it just a ploy for Ichigo to feel helpless? To tempt him to get his soul reaper powers back? Hmmm. I do appreciate the explanation regarding the Fullbrings. That was a very interesting concept – all objects have souls and a human can control those souls to make them useful to the human controlling/wielding them. I mean, in a way, it makes sense. Zanpakutos have souls. And if a soul reaper bonds with the soul in a zanpakuto, both the reaper and the sword become powerful together.

Darwin’s Game. Interesting premise. I do not mind the violence too much. It is the nature of the game. Kill or be killed. First annoying scene: Friend says to not touch the app before he can explain what the game is. Touch the app and open it in the subway. Second annoying scene: The ending of the first episode. What the fuck was that? Guy collapses in the last fight. Then he wakes up on a bed with a naked girl on top of him. She says “Let’s make a family”. My hun confidently said before that scene that “no way he will wake up with a naked girl next to him”. And after the first episode, my first thought was “why does anime do this?” The premise is good and then you will give me an unnecessary panel. I mean, I am still willing to watch a couple of episodes. But if I get more BS like that, we shall see.

The Way of the Househusband. This is a rewatch for me. I told my hun that this is a panel anime. The animation is not something that we had watched. He was surprised by how random the anime is. He says the randomness makes sense, it’s daily life randomness. He says he is willing to continue for now.

Planning on reading before sleeping tonight. I plan on continuing with Circus of the Damned. I started reading it earlier while waiting for my hun to be ready to hang out. I’m also planning Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 1. I have been eyeing it lately.

01.09.23 – When a Headache Gets in the Way of Anime

I have been having headaches lately. Typically, this would be when I decide to go to the MD and ask what the fuck is going on. But you know, after my expensive trip to a neurologist, I decided never again unless I absolutely have to. Because healthcare sucks and I refuse to spend $$$ again for a visit where I did not even get a conclusive diagnosis. “You might have this. Take this when you feel it.” “You need more sleep.” “Let’s check back in when you are done with school.” No. And with the medication that I cannot even use because I cannot breathe when I take it, yeah, it’s a “no thank you, maybe next time” for me.

Anyway, we were a bit busy at work today. 84 samples were no joke. And then the never-ending software testings. I mean I do not know what it is but come on, hire people who can be actual stakeholders for these kinds of things. Do not take people out of production to do these, especially with the teams being short-staffed. Whatever. 

I am planning on reading tonight before I sleep. Not long. Maybe for an hour or two. We’ll see. I feel like when I actually lay down in bed and have my head on my pillow I will just pass out. I have been staying up over the weekend to read. And honestly, that could be why I am having really bad headaches. But I have been really liking the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series so I cannot even think of a reason why would I not stay up on days that I have no work.

No hangout today with my love. He is currently streaming though and I am watching him play this game called Crown Trick. It looks fun. Would I play it? Probably not. But then again, I really am not a big video game fanatic. I enjoy it more when I play with him. Hopefully, we get to hang out tomorrow. I think we have Bleach, Souleater, and another one that my man is assigned to pick. I think he has a couple of anime in mind but has not picked which one. We shall see.

01.08.23 – Again, What the Heck Happened to Tokyo Ghoul?!

My hun and I tried something new today. We cooked together – virtually. We cooked the same dish – almost. We started cooking at the same time and practically finished cooking at the same time. It was different but it was nice. We decided to cook adobo today. I cooked chicken adobo, he cooked pork belly adobo. All I am saying is that it was nice to actually be cooking with him though it was virtually. Next week, I’m debating garlic butter tilapia. But I’m not sure yet.

We did watch some anime today after cooking. We finished the first season of Haikyu!!! We watched three episodes of Bleach, and a couple of episodes of Tokyo Ghoul:re.

Tokyo Ghoul:re. Well, we are dropping this one. Six episodes in and we were just done with it. I do not know what happened in the time-lapse while Kaneki went with the CCG, but he lost his memory and locked away an integral part of himself. My theory is that the loss of memory is the doing of CCG. But that’s just me. Sasaki (Kaneki) is a shell of himself. Sasaki was talking about a huge void or emptiness in him, and I just kept on thinking, no shit – you keep rejecting the biggest part of you. Accept that, and you will be at your strongest. I honestly do not want to talk about this season 3 anymore. It’s not good. 

Bleach. We watched a couple of episodes of the Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc and we got introduced to Kugo Ginjo, who is definitely SUS. I mean he know Ichigo already during the first time they met. He went to where Ichigo works to “look” for Isshin Kurosaki, Ichigo’s dad. He also questioned Ichigo if he actually knows his dad at all. Well, we shall see where this arc goes. Ichigo is struggling with the loss of spiritual pressure. Ishida and Inoue feel that there is something dark and ominous surrounding Ichigo. Also, where the heck is Chad?

Haikyu!! Oh my god. This anime is awesome. I cannot stress enough how good the character development is in this anime. Not just with the members of the Karasuno team but with the opposing teams as well. Granted each member of the opposing team did not get their own character arc, but the main ones did. And each team was given the chance to deal with and adapt to each hurdle thrown their way. It was very refreshing. I gave this anime 9 to 9.5 out of 10. It was enjoyable. There were no lulls. The energy of the anime was always up there. The pacing was good. And the last game with Aoba Johsai, I was at the edge of my seat – all six episodes. That episode where Suga subbed for Kageyama was so refreshing! And he was a really good setter as well, knowing his teammates well and their strengths. Kageyama definitely learned a lot in that set while he was watching on the sidelines. I was crying with them as they were eating after the result of the game against Aoba. All I know is that this anime is great and I am excited to continue on.

01.07.23 – What the Heck Happened to Tokyo Ghoul?

Today was not busy for me. I finished my laundry last night so all I really needed to do was to the store to do some grocery shopping and then portion the meat and put them in the freezer. And that was what I did. 

My hun and I were able to hang out earlier today, which was nice. We got to watch some anime episodes. 

I finally made the decision. I decided that I do not want to watch The Case Study of Vanitas. I gave episode 11 a chance. I really did. But I had to stop it when the episode the 7:12 mark. I cannot. I was just done. I am not going to rehash my complaints about the anime. There was nothing wrong with it – the anime has a 4.9 rating on Crunchyroll for crying out loud. It just did not jive with me. So we decided to drop it.

Tokyo Ghoul:re. My hun and I decided to start with season 3. And I have thoughts. Obviously, there is a time jump from the end of season 2 and the beginning of season 3. There are some changes. The huge one is Kaneki. It tripped me out for a bit when he was introduced as Sasaki. And the only reason why I know he was Kaneki is because Sasaki is having internal struggles as well, with the other part of him – a very huge one, locked in his head. Some shuffling with where the characters are now kind of surprised the heck out of me – Hinami, Uta. I mean, the really annoying thing to me is the fact that they added pretty much unnecessary characters. They are not needed in the story. Or maybe they are but I highly doubt it. They were just there to make a point that CCG dabbled in artificially creating one-eyed ghouls like Kaneki to fight against ghouls. You have a moody guy obsessed with getting promoted, an airhead for a team captain, an overly weak one who needs to be freaking rescued, and a freakin child who has no work ethic. I cannot. The only thing that is really making me want to watch this is Ken Kaneki with his internal struggles and reconciling his human and ghoul sides, Shuu Tsukiyama with his depression of losing Ken Kaneki (yes, I am going to say losing Kaneki because he seems to be a man who lost his love), Juuzou Suzuya and his surprising maturity, and I am still waiting for Amon to freaking show up because I refuse to believe he is dead. There were no remains on the street, and I doubt freaking Kaneki ate him during their fight last season.

Haikyu!! I do not have to say anything about this anime. We keep enjoying each episode. Definitely really exciting, and we love seeing how the Karasuno volleyball team adapts to the hurdles especially now that it’s the inter-high competition arc.

And since I decided to drop Vanitas, I had to choose another anime to watch. I chose Mars Red. We watched the first episode and it was a bit slow and theatrical. So I just decided to drop that one and pick up Bleach again. Do not get me wrong, I might pick up Mars Red again but on my own and when I am in the mood for something like that. 

Bleach. We needed to watch The Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc before jumping into the The Thousand-Year Blood War Arc, which I have been itching to watch since it came out. But since we have not watched Bleach in a while, we decided to watch the last episode of The Arrancar Arc for a refresher. I’m really excited to continue on this anime. It has been a while.

01.06.22 – Time to Get Some Reading Done

I’m not going to complain about work today. It was pretty chill. I mean, no boss onsite. So I was pretty much doing whatever. And before you judge me, I did get my shit done before I started lazy-ing it up. My motto for work is to do the bare minimum to get the job done. I do not get anything from stressing myself out and adding so much to my plate. I do less but I do it well. I am done with going above and beyond. Been there done that. It is a waste of time. All it does is for the company to expect that kind of level of work from you and if you decide to stop doing it, you are branded as lazy. So, no thank you. I work within the limits of my pay. 

Anyway, I was busy this whole time playing with Notion. I am fully transitioning to digital now. For a while, I was lost as to what I would be doing for 2023. I have quite a few unused notebooks and I would like to use them. So I decided to partially set up a reading journal, but it hit me the other day, I did not want to do it. I do not want to keep drawing this and that, create this table and that. Sure going digital needs some kind of set up too, but everything is in a database. And can be linked together. My reading log and journal are connected to one calendar, and I am still trying to figure out if I can link my trackers to the same calendar. I’m pretty sure there is a way. I just need to figure it out.

I am planning on reading again tonight. I am feeling a lot better today compared to yesterday, so I should be able to read for a few hours. I have been reading sporadically the whole day so it’s not like I did not put in some reading today if I decide not to read at all tonight. But I do want to read some chapters of The Laughing Corpse. I cannot read a book freely at work, so I was mostly reading webtoons the whole day. But with novels, I prefer to read a physical copy. I was never a fan of eBooks. And audiobooks are a no-go for me. Anyway, I am having issues putting The Laughing Corpse down. I remember why inhaled these books back in the day. So fast-paced, and crazy, and there is just always happening in each chapter. This series is definitely a page-turner.

Anyway, nothing much going on tomorrow. Just stopping by Costco to get some stuff. I am already doing laundry tonight so I would not have to do it tomorrow. I do want to hang out with my man tomorrow – watch some anime since we are in that kick. We are not big movie people. Anime yes. Some series yes. But it is very rare that we watch movies, now that I think about it.

01.05.23 – I just Wanted to be in Bed the Whole Day

Unfortunately, that was not possible. I had to be at work despite having watery eyes that were sensitive to light, congestion, sneezefest galore, and itchy throat. All I really wanted to say is that I was feeling shitty the whole day. All I could think about was that I should have just stayed home. In bed. Underneath the covers.