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Category: Diary

01.16.22 – Yeah Right. What Break?

Today was rough for me. I was, actually – still am, feeling a bit off. The whole was a blur, almost. Too many samples for me not to focus at work. But it was a struggle. 

I am trying to read at the moment, but I find my brain wandering all over the place. I want to curl up in bed, but I refused to. Because I do not want to wallow. Honestly, I just try to not get sucked into this weird mood that I am in. If I do, I would not do anything. That’s not good.

I finished Circus of the Damned last night. There were some parts that really annoyed me. I was tempted not to finish the book last night. But I know that if I do that, I would not pick it up. Chris is also reading the same series right now, and there are some parts that we agree on. But there are some parts that we do not see eye to eye on. She is definitely pro-MC, I’m on defense. As I said before, the MC is not a good character. But sometimes, her prejudices can distract me from the other aspects of the book that I enjoy. 

I did pick up the 4th book – The Lunatic Cafe – because apparently, I cannot get enough of the series. I just want to know what going to happen with the Master Vampire of the City. I love him. He is a dick. But I love him. I’m planning on reading this for about an hour then I’m switching to Heaven Official’s Blessing. I just do not want to burn myself out with the Anita Blake series.

I also have been just distracted by my notion dashboard. I am just trying to make it as me as possible. And making it as functional as I need it to be. So far, the reading pages are good. I think I am done with that. I just need to put all the books I have here around me in there and the home library database should be done. I am now trying to shift my focus to the content page. I am still trying to see if I want to change. Which, honestly, would be the case, I think.

01.15.23 – OH! That Kaname 180 Degree Switch. Love It!

I woke up late this morning. I cannot say that I slept in, that was not the case. I slept late hence waking up late. It was fine. I really did not have anywhere to go this morning. I just needed to do some daily home things – feed the dogs, wash the dishes, those kinds of things.

My hun and I decided to cook again today. We chose baked butter garlic tilapia. And no complaints here. I like to cook easy things. Something that does not require a lot of prep because it has the simplest ingredients possible. My hun likes it so that’s good.

We did watch some anime episodes today:

Bleach: The Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc. Well, everything is shaping up in this anime. Ichigo is now a fully pledged Fullbringer. Awesome. Tsukishima got busy. And some memories of this arc from when I watched it is coming back.

Darwin’s Game. Well, we finished this anime. And I was a bit disappointed that there was no season 2. But, all in all, the anime was decent. It’s not anything new. It’s a battle royale anime. How much can it really deviate from everything else when the base really is that it’s a survival game? Regardless, it was fun to watch. I enjoyed Kaname’s character development. I mean that 180 turn of his ideal was huge! I mean, I still think that it came too late but the subtle character developments throughout the anime were enough for me to continue watching.

Kotaro Lives Alone. I mean, this anime just gets me emotional. 4 episodes in and it seem like the anime is keeping my hun on his toes. We are starting to see some of Kotaro’s back story. And yeah, I love this anime.

I revamped my 2023 Notion reading page this morning. And I’m quite satisfied with it. I also started building my home library database there now too. But since I have quite a number of books, putting them all in there will take quite a bit of time.

I am planning on reading tonight, I have less than 100 pages left on Circus of the Damned so I want to finish it tonight.

01.14.22 – I Wanted to Be Lazy Today

Today was a bit of a lazy day for me. Well, sort of. I mean, I still got things done. I went to the store and bought some groceries. I got gas for Enzo, so I would not have to worry about it in the middle of the week. I finished my laundry. I threw away the trash. I washed the dishes. And I even cooked. So I felt pretty accomplished despite feeling lazy. And for the most part, I did a lot of these things begrudgingly. I mean, I did not have a choice. No one else will do them.

I did read a lot of Circus of the Damned last night. Okay, I said last night that I was having issues with the MC. Yes, because her flaws are annoying. But there were some chapters in the book that I enjoyed and I even found myself smiling. You cannot blame me, I enjoy meet-cutes for couples. And Anita meeting Richard was no different. I enjoyed their conversation in the car while Anita was dropping him and his friend off at his house after some “exciting” night at the circus. I liked how Richard asked her on a date – well, to go caving for a first date. And I like the phone call that Anita made to change the plans from caving to a Halloween party and then settling on doing the caving thing the weekend after that. I also like how Anita kept on denying that she never thinks of Jean-Claude yet he always seems to be in her head. So yeah. The action scenes were really good too. Sure, those scenes can get a bit graphic but I love them.

I also read today as well. But just webtoons, to be honest. I am planning to read some more of Circus of the Damned tonight. And if permitted, read some Heaven Official’s Blessing. I was not able to pick it up last night. I was pretty engrossed with Circus.

My hun and I got to hang out. We watched some anime and a movie (surprising).

Green Snake. I cannot complain really. This animated movie is pretty decent. It did not blow our minds or anything like that. But it was decent. The story flowed well, the premise was good, and the animation was top-notch. The thing that annoyed me though was the fact that we were about halfway through the movie and I realized that the movie is a sequel to another animated movie called White Snake. And I got annoyed because Netflix did not have any disclaimer about it being a sequel. After a simple search online, we found out that the original title of this movie was White Snake 2: The Tribulation of the Green Snake. But Netflix decided to just call it Green Snake. Regardless, it was still a solid animated film. Not sure if you need to watch the first movie to appreciate this one. But my hun and I are planning on watching White Snake soon.

Bleach: The Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc. I am so suspicious of Ginjo. I understand that the objective was to have Ichigo regain his shinigami powers back so that the Fullbringers can be normal people but why. And how does awakening Ichigo’s Fullbring help with regaining his shinigami powers? Also, I am still confused about Tsukishima. His motives are still unclear.

Darwin’s Game. Well, this anime is getting interesting for sure. I do enjoy Kaname’s subtle character development. I mean he is too soft anymore. Still not corrupted enough. But I am liking his support system in the game. The Analyst is OP. And they introduced Sui and Souta.

Kotaro Lives Alone. I’m glad my hun is liking this anime. He said that one episode seems to put you on an emotional rollercoaster. I mean, I cannot blame him. One of the reasons why I love this anime is the way it got emotions out of me.

01.13.22 – Time Stood Still Today

OMG. I felt like time stopped today. Or you know, it went by so slowly. I was struggling the whole time at work. It felt like the time did not move every single time I looked at the time. I gave up at around 2 PM. I closed my office door and did what I can to fill in the time. It was really difficult.

I’m doing some chores now so I won’t need to do much tomorrow. So I changed my sheets, laundry is in the washer now. So tomorrow, I just need to go to the store, get gas, and maybe throw the trash. If I don’t throw the trash tomorrow, then Sunday morning.

I am currently reading while waiting for the first load to be done. I am making some progress on Circus of the Damned. I am only in chapter 8 at the moment and I find myself struggling. Why? I am getting annoyed with the main character. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a very strong female character. She has principles, she has strength, she’s independent. But those characteristics are partnered with her being judgmental, stubborn, and closed-minded. I don’t remember being this annoyed with her when I read this book years ago. It just shows how much I changed I think. However, I do appreciate that she is a flawed character, that’s what makes her real in some ways. But my god. Her stubbornness just gets me. I always say that when you are thrown into a situation, you just accept and deal with it the best you can, ensuring the best outcome for yourself. Come on! Anyway, I am continuing with the series. As I said, aside from her obvious flaws, she is a very enjoyable character but the past few chapters were just a struggle.

I also started reading Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 1 last night. I might need to reread the prologue. I do not remember what I read before I slept. I decided to pick this up because like I need a break from the chapters in Circus of the Damned. A palate cleanser almost. But since I was too tired to really grasp what I was reading last night, I would need to reread the pages tonight.

01.12.23 – Lazy-itis was not Possible Today

I was in meetings practically the whole day. THE WHOLE DAY. And in between sessions, I was doing software testing, updating SOPs, checking out the new TRFs in draft, and whatever I needed to get done today. I was annoyed. Not because of how busy I was but more because I had no free time to lazy it up.

My hun and I were able to hang out tonight. I was feeling slightly off when we started but I felt a lot better after. We got to watch some anime – no surprise there. We are not big on movies honestly.

Bleach – The Lost Shinigami Arc. Okay, I remember now why I did not like this arc when I watched it years ago. It was too slow for me. At least compared to the other arcs, this one really is just slow. However, what I am appreciating about this arc now that I am rewatching it, was the fact that everything was somewhat explained. We know what Fullbring is. We know what’s needed and how to activate the power. For the most part, I already forgot this arc since it has been years, so I do not remember a lot of details but that is fine. I get to enjoy it with my love. I am definitely interested in this long-haired guy with a book all the time.

Darwin’s Game. Okay, this anime is starting to pick up. There were no repeats of the ending from the first episode. Thank goodness. The premise is definitely interesting and I would like to continue on. I am really interested in how Kaname will change in the later episodes. There really is no way for someone to be thrown into that kind of environment and not change. To me, with episodes in, I still feel like he is deluding himself into thinking that he can survive this world with not having to kill. It is a survival game after all.

Kotaro Lives Alone. My hun decided that he wants to watch the first episode of this anime. I mean I loved the anime when I watched it, so I do not mind watching it again. So far, my hun enjoyed it. Some questions arose as he watched the first episode and he was intrigued to continue on. So we will.

01.11.22 – I get Distracted by YT Shorts Constantly

Why are plane tickets so expensive? However, I booked my flight just because I need to see my parents. It’s been years and they are technically not that too far from me. It’s just so goshdarn expensive to go anywhere.

Work was meh. There was another exception that Sales wanted to do for a client. And I was ready to turn it down. But they made a case and it’s doable. As long as they go about the process I said and it gets approved. 

Also, did I ever complain about not wanting to look at any more SOPs? But alas, my job requires me to look at them and update them periodically. So I was doing that whole afternoon. And I am done. Why are SOPs so dry? Well, I guess our old SOPs suck. And they need a desperate revamp.

I am planning on reading tonight. I failed miserably last night. I got distracted by YouTube shorts. I was disappointed with myself since that was just mindless scrolling. I read a little bit while I was frying some lumpia earlier. But I want to read more tonight. I should really not look at my phone at all at night. It’s so distracting sometimes.