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Category: Diary

02.05.23 – I Have No Title for This.

Alright. I have been MIA for quite a few days. I have no excuse. I was just in a weird funk. No. It’s not weird. I just received some bad news over the week that left me bitter and annoyed. Anyway, I really do not want to talk about that.

I finally finished Bloody Bones. It took me two weeks to finish reading it. Not because I did not enjoy the book, on the contrary, this is my favorite of the series so far. The problem was, I was distracted. And I could not focus. I really appreciated getting some backstory about Jean-Claude. It was pretty heartbreaking. I did pick up the next book, The Killing Dance. And I got to say, any chapters with Anita and Richard together are draining. God, in every single chapter they fight. It’s tiring.

Anyway, my hun had been sick the whole week. He finally got covid. I am not surprised. No one cares about it anymore where he’s at. At least here, people still wear masks in public. Not all, but there are still people who care enough. I mean, I am not surprised him getting it, despite the environment of the state he lives in, it really is just a matter of time before everyone gets it. Like flu. He definitely had a hard week.

We were able to watch some anime today, which was nice.

Kotaro Lives Alone. I love this anime. It’s heartwarming. And Karuno is the best guardian ever. I mean he did not need to take on that job, but he did. I would protect Kotaro forever. He is just precious. He is far more mature for his age, forced to be mature for his age to be honest. And it broke my heart. I am just glad that he found a group of people who cares about him.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I am still enjoying this anime. There are some slow moments, and I do find myself and my hun finds himself yawning. Not to say that it’s bad, not at all. The anime is actually pretty good. Overhyped? I think so. But the recognition from anime viewers, I think, is deserved. I would not put this as one of my favorites, but it’s enjoyable.

Haikyu! We picked up season 2. And just pretty much like the first season, there are no lulls in this anime. I like the fact that the Karasuno team is still growing and evolving. Each player is trying to be the best at their craft and hone his skill to help the team. I mean sure, the motivation might be self-driven, but it’s really fine. At the end of the day, those honed skills will be for the betterment of the team.

Tomorrow is another work day. I do not want to go. All of us on site have no motivation anymore. I mean, to us, what’s the point?

01.31.23 – When Everything Goes to Shit

Yeah, they announced it to the team. Finally. Signing an NDA sucks for sure. But what can you do? That’s Corporate America for you. Shady AF. They will be announcing this company-wide tomorrow. Some people might think I’m just bitter. You know what? They might be correct. And I think that’s a valid emotion. I never learn. The company will never have loyalty to you. But you’re expected to be loyal to them. As I said, I never learn. Whatever.

I’ve been reading since I got home. I finished a novella that I started last night. And then I picked up Bloody Bones. I did read a good chunk. Technically, I should’ve finished this over the weekend but I didn’t get the chance to read much during Saturday and Sunday. Not that I was slacking. My hun and I hung out on Saturday and I was just busy on Sunday with chores. Not to mention that I woke up late on both days.

Chris and I also watched a couple of episodes of Dead to Me. And yes. The situation is now getting more complicated. And Chris and I just look at each other and say “Oh no. Don’t.” Because why would you put yourself into an even more complicated situation? Why? Why? Why? We are definitely enjoying it though. It’s so difficult to find 30-min episode series nowadays. Every series now has hour-long episodes. Which I’m not really a fan of. It’s very rare that I choose a series with that long of an episode. The series needs to be that good or I need to be very invested in the characters that I won’t mind sitting for an hour episode.

Chris and I are also listening to Jetpens YT channel. We love stationery and pens so if makes sense for us to just have those videos playing in the background while we’re reading.

I am planning on reading more tonight. I mean why not? I still have energy and I really don’t feel like sleeping tonight. I mean I’m going to sleep. I just don’t want to. Oh well. Besides, I’m focused on reading right now. So might as well take advantage.

01.30.23 – Today Just Kicked My Ass

I was greeted this morning with my car’s rear bumper and back door dented. Someone from this apartment complex decided to back up from a parking spot and hit my car. And decided to leave it like that, like nothing happened. I hate people. I mean, I do not know why this person thought I would not figure out that she was the one who hit my car. Of course, her SUV was fine with maybe a few scratches. The thing that kills me about it is the fact that there was no accountability on her part. I mean if she had left me a note saying “Sorry, I hit your car, but I have no money to get it fixed”, I would have been a bit more forgiving. Now I’m just pissed. Like seriously. We live in the same complex. We see each other practically every day. What are you going to do? Avoid me when you see me? I hate people. I really really do.

I hate work too. Well, I guess more like I had no motivation to do anything. I was just so checked out and did not care for anything. I was just tired of the BS going on around there. OR I was just tired of today. I just did not have a good day.

Anyway, Chris and I got to watch some episodes of Dead to Me. And stand by my original statement about this show. It gets messier with every episode. We love it.

I did not get the chance to read last night. Well I did, I started re-reading a romance novella that I enjoyed a couple of years ago. But I’m planning on reading books at my bedside tonight. I need an escape right now.

01.29.23 – When Clothes Refused to Dry

Ah, I was feeling a little meh today. I blame the person who burned their food again this morning setting off the fire alarms. Again, I’m going to rant about this, watch the shit you’re cooking. It’s not fucking complicated.

My day has been lazy. I cooked with my love. Threw trash. Washed dishes. Did Laundry. Well, some of my clothes are still in the dryer since they refused to dry entirely for some reason. But for the most part, my fully dry clothes are folded and put away.

I did not get to read today. Well, I read a webtoon episode that came out today. But not my book. Yeah – I was not in the mood I think.

I watched a movie and marathoned a series with Chris.

The Hunger Games. Yeah, honestly, I liked this movie. I enjoyed the novels as well. I mean, it was refreshing having a strong female character. I am not saying that Katniss has no issues. She is far from perfect but it is nice to actually have a heroine who is not a damsel in distress. Sure this is a YA dystopian movie, so there are some teenage things going on but I can forgive that.

Dead to Me. This one was dark. And the comedy sprinkled in there was genius. Each episode just made the situation messier and messier each time. There were definitely some questionable decisions made but without those, the story would not have worked. The cast was just phenomenal. The story hooked us from the very fist episode. And the cliffhangers. Oh god. Yeah. This show was great. We finished the first season and I just had to watch a couple of episodes from the second season. Because why not?

It’s getting late now, and technically I should be sleeping. Or at least trying to. But I am wide awake, I think. So if I don’t pass out the moment my head hits the pillow, I would be reading. That is the plan anyway. I mean, I am still waiting for the rest of my clothes to dry so I can fold them.

01.28.23 – Bleach! All Those Reveals!!

Nothing really much happened today. Did some groceries. Then I was lazy. My anxiety was triggered. I had a dizzy spell. You know, regular stuff.

My hun and I did hang out today. Watched some anime.

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War. We finished this season. It ended too soon. But it’s okay. I was very satisfied with this comeback. Top-notch animation. The action sequences were so good. Soundtrack slaps. I cannot complain. There were some big reveals for this arc. From who Ichigo really is. To Unohana’s background. And to Byakuya being yeeted. We loved it. Of course, a lot of the big reveals I already know, just because I did research on Bleach when the original anime stopped. But I don’t mind. I still love the reveals and I enjoyed them. I particularly like seeing my hun’s reactions for sure.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. No complaints on this one too. It’s a dark anime with some comedic breaks. And sure, I do sometimes get whiplash from the sudden change of mood. But I appreciate it. Roy Mustang – sir, you are something else. I love him. How he dealt with Lust was both amazing and borderline cruel. But necessary. That scene showed how far he will go to get the job done. He is a scary character. It was just very well done.

Kotaro Lives Alone. Yeah, I have nothing bad to say about this anime. I am just amazed how the story just kept pulling at my heartstring even if this is a rewatch for me. Karuno is such a good guardian for Kotaro and I liked how he just stepped up in that role. And I would always love him for it.

I am planning on reading again tonight. I did read last night so I am going to do that again tonight. Because what else am I going to do on a Saturday night?

01.26.23 – I Will Never Get Over It

Work sucked. Just like the past days, I had zero fucks to give. And we will keep at that.

I had a double cheeseburger and fries for dinner tonight. And it was so good. After all the BS I’ve been dealing with lately, I think I deserved this. No. I know I deserved it.

My hun and I were finally able to hang out today. We watched two episodes of Bleach and two episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War. I still get surprised at how much more graphic this arc is compared to the original Bleach. There is no point in comparing animations. Since we already know that the newer anime will have better animation compared to their older counterparts. Well, so far we know that Quincy is back and that Uryu Ishida is not the last Quincy alive. They steal shinigami’s bankai and Ichigo’s is the only bankai that they cannot steal – at least not yet. Which I am so confused about, I want to know why they cannot steal his bankai. I am planning on buying the whole manga collection for Bleach. I just need to figure out on how to store them since I have no space in my apartment.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. My hun and I are watching this in dubbed, and oh boy the voices! So far we recognized three English voice actors who also did voice acting in Ouran High School Host Club. My hun said to stop looking since I am ruining the anime now. Since even if the scene is on a serious note, I will always see the other characters that they played. Anyway, l am enjoying this one. The last episode we watched was when the Elric brothers found out that Hughes was murdered. And that was heartbreaking. I mean I would never get over that death. He was such an amazing wholesome character. It was heartbreaking to watch Ed blame himself for Hughes’ death. And watching Winry cry when she mentioned that she was practicing making apple pie in hopes that Hughes will be able to taste it someday. Yeah. This anime just killed him that way! I am upset. I will never get over it.

Now, I am going to talk about reading. I was able to read a chapter of Heaven Official’s Blessing last night. And I am planning on doing so again tonight. I did sleep slightly on the later side but I am not complaining. I mean granted, my body refused to wake up until it was 7 AM and I started a little bit late. But like I said earlier, I had zero fucks to give.