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Category: Diary

02.13.23 – I Need a Season Two

Well, work is just meh. I really have no fucks to give at this point. Project managers, well one project manager, really is just dumb. An IT manager tells our IT technician how to use OneDrive like we are stupid people who have not used OneDrive ever. I really just have zero fucks to give. Bleh. I cleaned up a mess that a sales rep did. Basically having said yes to a freaking study without communicating it with anyone. To say that I was annoyed was a huge understatement.

I got home and pretty much lazy’d it up. I finished watching Heaven Official’s Blessing Season 1 and I was annoyed with the ending. I hate cliffhangers. I hate it. And there is no season 2 as of the moment, so I have no continuation on that one. My search on the internet for a season 2 says that it is coming but no official release date yet. I’m going to really make time to read the books. Well, reading the series is in the plans all along. I just might need to put aside the series that I am currently reading to give way to this one. It was just too cute and intriguing for me not to continue on.

I am planning on reading some tonight. I do want to finish The Killing Dance first before I continue on with Heaven Official’s Blessing book 1. But I am also not feeling like continuing with The Killing Dance because I am getting annoyed with the love triangle bullshit.

02.12.23 – When Fanservice Ruins Potential

Today was lazy for me. I woke up late – by that I mean I overslept. And it was glorious. I did some chores, my regular Sunday chores so that was fine. I have no complaints about that. I just wished sometimes that there could be a weekend where I do not do anything. Just nothing. But that is never going to happen because why? Adulting.

My hun and I cooked again today! It was his turn to choose what dish, and he chose chicken parmesan. Nothing fancy of course. It was pretty easy. I just had to make mine allergy free as I can. I did not use milk, eggs, and regular breadcrumbs. The only thing that I really refused to substitute was the cheese. I cannot do vegan cheese. And not for the lack of trying. It just changes the taste of the dish so drastically that I really do not want to deal with it. Regardless, the finished product on my end was pretty good. And my hun enjoyed what he cooked as well.

Then we watched some anime.

Haikyu!! Running at the risk of sounding like a broken record, this anime is really good. We are on the episodes where Karasuno is playing against Johsai. And oh my goodness – intense. I just like seeing the team come up with a strategy on the spot to counter the other team. And yes, I was at the edge of my seat the whole time we were watching those episodes.

Plunderer. Since my love decided to drop Fullmetal, he decided to try this one out. He did watch the first episode a while back and got uncomfortable. So I told him, I will watch it with him. And yes, the first episode was just – wtf? It was fanservice heavy. Not just the regular big boobs jiggle physics BS. No. There were some unconsented things happening in that episode that made it difficult to watch. But we powered through and watched the second episode. And we both thought that okay – we can deal with this. The second episode was so good. Then the third episode came and it reverted back to freaking in-your-face fanservice. And I had to put a stop to it halfway through the episode. Because why? why? This was disappointing, the premise was good. The heavy fanservice killed it.

Souleater. Still one of the best opening songs I have ever heard. The fight between Blackstar and Mifune was really good. That was a really enjoyable sequence. And I love Mifune. I still do not like Maka. And then there was that disturbing sequence with Medusa taking over the kid.

Chainsaw Man. This has been on my watchlist since it came out. I know it would be violent and quite graphic and I was right. There is definitely some hype around this one and I just hope that it will not be one of those overrated crap. It was a really good episode. So far, the violence was fine. I mean MC was fighting demons so that was to be expected. There was a scene that was a bit difficult to watch, but we are willing to definitely give this one a shot. And we better see Pochita again. He was the goodest of boys.

Disgaea. Cute and funny. Team Rocket was there for some reason. But it was pretty light and a really good last watch after watching Chainsaw Man. I have nothing much to say about this right now. It was a good palate cleanser for sure. I think Laharl is cute. I want a keychain or something.

I do not want to sleep since I do not want to be at work tomorrow. But I would need to – soon. So yes, I will be in bed soon, begrudgingly.

02.11.23 – Yes, It is Overrated.

My hun decided to drop Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. And I agreed. I reminded him that he already knows that I think the anime was overrated. We both agreed that the concept was good. The characters were great. But it was one of those anime where some episodes feel like fillers but you cannot skip them because they were part of the story. This made the anime drag. I know this is a very unpopular opinion, but I found this anime boring. I wanted to like the anime. This was well-loved, I mean it was mainstream. But this just does not hold up against some shounen anime that I watched and actually enjoyed. My hun and I gave it a fair chance, we watched about 36 episodes, but we also do understand that if the anime is not for you, it’s not for you.

Haikyu!! I cannot give enough praise to this anime. There were no down moments, the anime was really good at keeping its pace. Every episode, I was fired up. I was nervous for them, I was cheering for them, and I wanted them to succeed. One of the things that I appreciate about this anime is the fact that it does not forget the opposing teams. It gives them a chance to adapt to Karasuno. And you see the change in each team during the game and after. And I really like that. It’s easy to just focus on the main characters but no, everyone gets the chance for character development or team development. This anime is just so good. So good.

Souleater. We decided to pick this up since we finished Kotaro Lives Alone. I tried watching this alone before. I think I just got too busy with school and I had to drop it. I did watch some episodes with my love a while back, but I just got really busy with school that I did not get the chance to continue it until now. I did tell him that I will not watch the anime from the start and just pick the episode where I stopped. So hopefully we get to finish this anime this time.

02.10.23 – I Need a Major Break from This Love Triangle

Well, Chris and I finished all three seasons of Dead to Me. We enjoyed it a lot. And it still got messy the deeper you went into the show. There were moments when both of us were just saying “No…” and there were moments when we just say “What?!” But I think the part that enjoyed the most about the show was the friendship between Jen and Judy. You heard that saying before “a best friend will help you bury a body”. Yeah, this is the embodiment of that. True ride or die. There were moments when we cried, we smiled, we laughed. I mean, if a show or really, a story can elicit that many emotions out from me, is okay in my book.

I’ve been reading for the past few hours. I am getting annoyed with some characters, and some characters I just do not like, but I just cannot seem to put the book down. Because when it all comes down to it, I am invested in the Anita Blake series. I am a little bit more than halfway into The Killing Dance, and there were chapters that I really just want to skip but I powered through them. I really do find the love triangle in this story a bit irritating. I enjoyed the other chapters where romance was not mentioned. But the romance chapters were difficult to get through. Too many confrontations I think. It stresses me out when I read them.

Work has not been good. I am getting more and more exhausted by the day.

02.08.23 – Nothing Much to Say

Honestly, I was just over work today. I was not happy doing any software testing. Because what is the point? So I am procrastinating on that one as much as I can. Sure, I need to finish it in 48 hrs. Right. Say that to those who will be jobless in a month or so. Sure. We really would like to get on that. Anyway, aside from that, nothing really different happened today. Just the same old me, being sleepy. And annoyed. And tired. Yeah, my moods lately have been those three when I’m at work. How sad is that?

Anyway, I am currently obsessed with a K-pop group. NewJeans. I normally don’t listen to K-pop – well, at least the new ones that have been coming out. But this group’s sound is very reminiscent of 2000 K-pop you know. And I appreciate it. So I have been listening to their songs that are currently on Spotify. And the fact of the matter that I find myself humming their single OMG and dancing to it says a lot.

And because this song makes me happy, I will share it here:

Anyway, I am planning on reading tonight. I have not been able to read for the past couple of days. By that I mean, I have not been able to read the novels I am currently reading. I’ve just been reading webtoons since new episodes of the ones that I am subscribed to were released on top of each other. So I am playing catch up.

Did I already say that I am tempted to not go to work? If not, then I am tempted to call out. I hate being there even more now.

02.07.23 – Low Energy Tomato

I have not been keeping up with my daily posts lately. For that, I am not happy with myself. Let’s just say that I have been distracted lately. I just feel like my life is a mess. And we will leave it at that.

You what I cannot stand? People not reading the room. I mean you have coworkers losing their jobs in a couple of months, and you are out there partying in whatever conference and posting your stupid videos and photos where the people impacted are seeing it. I’m not saying not to party, I’m just saying not to rub it in. Whatever. They suck.

My hun and I got to hang out today. We watched two episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and three episodes of Haikyu!!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. This anime has lulls in it. I think that is my main complaint. I mean, the anime is good. I understand why it is one of the mainstream anime in the West. It has action scenes, comedic breaks, and the storyline is pretty solid. But damn, when it hits a downtime on the anime, it gets difficult to go through. Do I think it is overrated? Yeah, but then again, like my hun said, he can say that about Bleach. And that is fair. But if this is one of the first anime that people had watched, I do understand why people hyped it so much.

Haikyu!! Now this anime is just soooo good. Even their low-energy episodes are not low-energy at all. Something is always happening. The individuals on the team just kept on wanting to improve. I mean granted from the start, I am rooting for Karasuno since they are the underdog, but seeing them strive to be better individually, and seeing those improvements adapted to the team was just awesome to watch. My hun said that we should watch this anime first. So even if we are moods are down at the beginning of our hangout, if we start with this anime, we will still enjoy it and most likely will get our moods up right away.

I had a rough night last night, I was having issues sleeping. My allergies were all over the place. I did not get to sleep until 3:30 AM. I was reading last night, and then I stopped when the time hit midnight but I was just tossing and turning. It was not good. I had no energy the whole day. I mean nothing new there, I was just more tired than usual.