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Category: Diary

03.01.23 – The Day for Filipino Movies

I did not do anything productive today! I just watched Filipino movies with my parents. I read a little bit, but my time was very much spent hanging out in the living room watching Netflix with my parents. I also try not to read during the day just because I came here to spend time with my parents. Not isolate myself to read a book. I also took a nap because food coma. But for the most part, I was just spending time with my folks.

Mommy Issues. This was definitely a rewatch for me. But I got to watch it with my mother this time, so it was all good. Well, this movie, as you can tell by the title, is about a mother-daughter relationship and how the mom in this movie had a hard time letting go of her daughter. I think they meant for the movie to be heartfelt. But it fell a little bit short on delivery. Honestly, all I saw was an entitled daughter. I hated the fact that at 22, the daughter acted like a kid. Sure, the mother had her faults but damn, if the daughter’s argument was the fact that she is an adult making her own decisions, then act like one. It annoyed the shit out of me that she was so defensive and being so immature when her fiance asked her to help with the chores. I just cannot buy the excuse of “I didn’t realize that this will be my job” or “I’m tired because of work”. Bitch, he did not say that you will be doing the chores all the time AND he also works full time and tired from work as well. Carry your weight. Living together is a partnership. Anyway, rant done.

Can’t Help Falling In Love. One of my favorite movies to repeat. Granted I might be biased because I really do like the actors playing the MCs on here. But it was something different you know? It’s definitely not the regular formula for Filipino romance dramas. I love it. I laughed, I cried, I was engaged with the movie. It was good fun.

The Girl Allergic to WiFi. This one was surprising. I kept on passing this movie up when I browse on Netflix. Damn, that was a mistake. I liked. The premise for this is definitely something I have not seen before. It was definitely refreshing. The fact of the matter that I was tearing up at the end of this movie shows how much the movie pulled at my heartstrings.

The Hows of Us. Well, this one is about second chances, it definitely followed the right love at the wrong time trope. And it’s so good. Yes, again I was crying through this movie. Like wtf.

Also, a few days here and I am finally enjoying watching some basketball again. I used to watch it religiously, maybe it’s time to pick it up again. We shall see. I do not feel like getting ESPN for something like this.

I am planning on reading tonight. No excuses this time. Last night I passed out. I took a nap earlier so hopefully that can keep me up later than what has been happening to me the past few nights.

02.28.23 – Damn, That was a Waste of Time

Remember last week when I said that my mother thought her appointment was 24th but instead it was the 28th? So today, we went to the freaking doctor – 10 minutes late just because the traffic from where we were at to that freaking clinic was horrible. We got there and the MD refused to see her. TEN MINUTES LATE ONLY. This clinic is nowhere near my parents’ place over an hour drive. I told my mom, find another doctor close to the house. Both my parents do not need to keep wasting their time going to this clinic.

I understand, honor the time and all that stuff, but to be honest with you, ten minutes is nothing. Was I annoyed? Yes. We drove all the way there only to get turned away for something that we cannot control. It’s fucking stupid. Whatever. It’s done.

We had another big lunch. We got some Chinese food! And again I had so much to eat and I was so full. You know what that means – FOOD COMA! Did I pass out on the drive home? You betcha. I mean what else would I have done differently? Nothing really, I was just consumed by my body digesting all the salt and pepper chicken, salt and pepper fish fillets, Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce, and some pork bbq fried rice. Yeah, all good food. All in my tummy. Ergo – pass out in the car.

I was able to read a little bit last night and today on the way to the clinic, which was nice. Like I said I have not been able to read a book at all. It was nice to actually get some pages in. The plan tonight is the same. Read some pages. I really like to finish this book tonight. So I am hoping I get to do that.

Continuing with The Killing Dance, I swear Richard-Anita-Jean Claude triumvirate is the most toxic ever. Well, to be fair, I have no idea about the other trios in this series. But as of right now, since this is the first one that got introduced, I’m calling it toxic. My god. I cannot. Chris made a point in saying that these three are the top dogs of their kind. So none of them will give. And I agree, their trio is powerful because the three of them are the on the most powerful of their kinds (possibly). But would that work? Considering all of them are alpha. I feel like there should be at least that can work as a glue. I know Anita is the glue here for sure, connecting Richard and Jean Claude, but I really think she’s too much of an alpha to the glue. But I mean that could change in the long run. Like I said, their actual power sharing just got introduced in the series. So we shall see.

I will be reading some more tonight. My goal is to finish The Killing Dance tonight. I mean it. I have like maybe over a hundred pages remaining. I will finish this tonight. No excuses.

02.27.23 – Burger Places and Their Names

Finally! I got to visit In-N-Out for dinner. Did I miss it? Damn right I did. Granted we have Dicks in Washington, but damn, there are moments when I just crave some good ol’ double double. I made a comment to Chris about In-N-Out and Dicks and their special sauces, and I did not realize what I said until she said “You bet LMAO”. I just started laughing and said, “Damn these burger places and their names, with each having its own special sauce”. Again, damn it.

I finished my resume. Well, I guess I should say “finished”. I need to polish the shit out of it. It’s sitting at 3 pages right now. And I need to dial it into two pages. So I need to revise some of my work experiences. I have a few lab places that I am eyeing to apply. And then from there, it would just be aggressively applying all over the place not healthcare related. I need a job soon. The 31st is coming up quickly.

Anyway, I did not get the chance to read today or last night. Yeah, I’ve been slacking. No bueno. I did laundry today. And then watched another Filipino movie with my parents. We also watched some Filipino variety shows.

So Connected. Well this is cute. I mean I like the movie enough. Mainly discussing the harm of being in social media and going viral for the wrong reasons. The two MCs became viral for negative ways. Different ways but still the consequences were horrible. They were basically filmed doing something, some people uploaded the videos, people in turn found their personal accounts, stole their privated photos, created memes, and harassed them in their socials. But honestly, the thing that really bugged me was the catfishing the male MC did to get the female MC to like him by using some kind of cloud-based storage system. The female MC bought the stolen phone of the male MC without knowing that the storage was in there. So any videos and photos that she might have taken for herself can also be viewed by the original owner of the phone. Bothersome.

Anyway, planning on reading tonight. And I mean it! I need to read! Tweak my resume more tomorrow and apply to two jobs and see how those go. And tweak my resume more to make it more non-healthcare friendly.

02.26.23 – The Never Ending Food Coma in this House

I have not gone hungry since I arrived here in SoCal. I honestly think I have been overeating, to be honest. Not complaining – I am just stating a fact. My parents like to eat. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Yeah. The meals are not light either. I do not even consider their snacks actual snacks. I feel like they are full meals.

I am again having some major food coma issues. I really just want to crawl in bed and pass out. When I really should not. I have not done anything productive since Thursday. I was just watching TV with my folks and stuffing my face with food. I have not read at all. And I brought three books with me! Because I thought I would be able to pick them up and read. I guess not. That needs to change.

Tomorrow, I should be free to do some resume updating so that I can apply to jobs aggressively. And hopefully I get to read! Well I want to read tonight. Last night I passed out even if I did not want to. That was sad. I have been reading webtoons though. I just really need to sit and read tonight. Planning on finishing one book tonight.

I also need to do some laundry tomorrow. Hopefully I can get to that as well. And one more load so I can do it closer to the day when I go back to the PNW. I’d really rather not take any dirty clothes back up North. But that is not happening. We shall see.

My brother and sister-in-law visited today. Also the reason why we have so much food today. After eating lunch, we watched a move called Me Time. A movie with Kevin Hart and Matt Wahlberg. Funny. I was fine. It was funny. I mean, it’s not the best comedy but it was funny and my brother and I had a good laugh.

I watched Only You with my folks this morning. A Filipino romance movie. It was refreshing. I mean, the love interest is not the typical drop dead handsome prince charming BS that Filipino movies love to cast. It was cute in its own right and I appreciated how unconventional it is. But I had a question about what happened to the love interest because I really did not see the point of why it was done. Just to get some tears from the viewers maybe? I mean sure I was sad about it, but I was irritated at that. Like I said, I did not see the point of why it happened.

Anyway, I guess I should try and read now if I plan on finishing a book tonight.

02.25.23 – Finally, After Five Years…

We finally saw each other! One of my best friends from the Philippines moved here in the US five years ago, about the time I moved to the PNW. So we missed the chance of seeing each other then. But we got to see each other now, and we had fun!

We went to get breakfast at this restaurant called The Urban. One thing that I can describe that place is a Filipino fusion restaurant. I mean they are still traditional Filipino food, just with a twist and presented in a more Americanized way. The highlight of my breakfast? The freaking ube butter! The food is good. But damn, that ube butter just hit the spot for me. Then we got some halo-halo from this boba place called Delight. I have not had any in years! That was so satisfying.

We then visited to his sister’s house to say hi to her and his parents. And I also have not seen them since my brother’s wedding! I think that was 2015 or 2016. So yeah, years! I honestly enjoyed just catching up with him. And in turn with his family. Like I said, we practically grew up together. Went to the same school, neighbors. Yeah, I did miss him a lot.

I watched a couple of Filipino movies with my parents again today, Love at First Stream and Love is Colorblind. I mean, I was cringing for the most part. I mean, it was relaxing watching with them. But damn, these movies are just cringe-fest central. Love at First Stream MC annoyed the shit out of me. I mean granted if you want to be an influencer, a certain flair for narcissism. And that was just painful to watch, the entitlement, the using of people. That was just too much for me. I cannot. Love is Colorblind was okay. I mean nothing really much to complain about it. But it did not stand out either. It was enjoyable for what it was.

I have not read in the last few days, book-wise. I was only able to consume some webtoons, which was okay. I am enjoying them and that is all that matters. But I am hoping I get to actually read a book tonight.

02.24.23 – Food Coma…Again

Why is there such a thing as food coma? Why? Why?

Anyway, I definitely felt this last night when I arrived here last night. I went to dinner with family at BJ’s and it was good. I won’t even be surprised if I actually over ate. I mean I have been doing that lately. I have been doing that lately. Binging has been happening more lately. I am not proud, but that is my unhealthy response to stress.

Today, I do not think I over ate but I still felt that way. I mean I still felt that I was going to pass out after that lunch with my parents. I mean, I did end up dozing off on the ride home. That also could be because I slept late last night. Who knows, I am not going to overthink it.

Remember when I said yesterday that the first trip that my parents were taking me to was an MD appointment? Yeah, so we went there this morning only for my mom to find out that her appointment is not until the 28th. I mean, she had some doubts this morning and I told her to just call them to confirm but she did not. So we drove for an hour to get there only to turned away. Sure, we ended up doing some groceries, and eating at Max’s Restaurant but personally, I’d rather we stayed home. I was lazy afterall.

I watched a tagalog movie with my folks. An Inconvenient Love. It was fine. I mean I did find myself cringing a lot and rolling my eyes. And saying “Oh god”. I mean, I really should not be surprised. Classic Filipino rom-com. It was okay. I knew what I was walking into when we started watching the movie.

I have been reading webtoons today. I have not been able to just read a book. Hopefully tonight I get to pick it up. I still need to make sure that I get enough rest though, since I did not get much sleep last night. My body woke me up before freaking 5:30 AM. Not good. Considering that I wanted to sleep in since I AM ON VACATION. It’s just weird how my body refuses to want to sleep in at times like this, when all it wants to do was sleep in during workdays.