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Category: Diary

04.15.23 – And It Came to an End

Well, yeah. I am not going to elaborate a lot on this. But I saw the lab empty in 2019. and I saw it empty again yesterday. It was challenging to put into words how I felt about it. It was definitely poetic. I should it was a full circle. As I surrendered my keys to the place yesterday, I did feel lonely. It was definitely bittersweet but oh well, what is done is done. This is what happens when you work for a corporation.

Anyway, I slept in this morning! It was nice. I felt relieved that everything came to a close finally. I was struggling for the past two weeks. Although I felt sad, I am also just glad that it’s done and I can move on. Anyway, I went to Costco today, got some necessities, ate a hotdog, and did chores with no rush!

My hun and I did hang out today. Which was nice. He had some doubles for this week so we did not get the chance to watch some anime. Glad that we were able to do that today. Sure, it was not as long as I wanted. But I felt tired.

Naruto. The Zabuza-Haku arc has now ended. Sakura was useless. Haku was amazing. And I was glad about the Zabuza redemption at the end there. I cried because I am not made of stone. Next is the chunin exam arc!

Tomo-chan is a Girl. My hun and I are definitely enjoying this anime – to my hun’s surprise. This anime is just funny and endearing. My hun definitely roots for Tomo and Jun to get together. I want them to be together too. But honestly, I want a different guy to actually pay her attention. I mean, I want Jun to get a competition. Maybe actually put some smoke on his ass so he can realize that he actually likes Tomo that way. I feel like he is in constant denial. I guess that is the charm of the anime, to be honest. I mean, you can see that he is aware of her. He definitely enjoys Tomo’s company. But damn, how clueless can you be?

Inuyasha. Okay, honestly, I am really getting tired of Kagome. I am so done with the damsel in distress storyline. How many times are you going to be kidnapped? How many times are the fragments going to get stolen from you? I mean, seriously? At this point, she is just a liability. Useless. At least with Sakura, I can just forget that she’s there – she does not get a lot of screen time. But damn, Kagome is in every frame! Anyway, I do enjoy the demons and the conflicts, I just do not like Kagome. At this point, I’m just ready for her to be yeeted back to her world and just get forgotten.

I have no plans tomorrow. And for the next couple of weeks. I just want to not do anything right now. I just want to chill and do nothing.

04.09.23 – Tomo-chan is Adorable

Nothing much happened today. I just pretty much lazy’d it up the whole day. Sure I did some chores but for the most part, I just read some webtoons and watched some YouTube videos. Because why not?

My hun and I got to hang out for a bit until his power went out. At least we were able to watch some anime.

Naruto. Sasuke’s sharingan has been awakened. My hun go introduced to Naruto’s latent chakra. Or should I say the nine tails’ locked up chakra within Naruto. And he now understands that Sakura was just there to do nothing but be an accessory. He likes Haku, I agree with him on this one. Haku was not a difficult guy to like. He seemed gentle but ruthless. But his backstory was dark.

Tomo-chan is a Girl. This anime is a gem. We are enjoying it a lot. And we are laughing a lot. There is nothing more adorable than navigating that first crush. Even more so if the first crush is the best friend. And it seems like the best friend is also quite smitten. One thing that I really like about this anime is the fact that the crush likes her for who is. Sure, Tomo wants Jun to see her as a girl. But he actually does and I like the fact that he is not even trying to change her at all. He likes her the way she is already.

We started watching Inuyasha but my hun’s power cut off. So we had to call it early. I am not back to watching some YT videos and reading webtoons.

04.08.23 – Give Those Damn Jewel Fragments to Inuyasha

I woke at 8 AM today. I opened my eyes and thought, “Damn, I need to go to the mall today”. I dragged my ass out of bed, fed the dogs, and slowly got ready to go to the mall. I was never a fan of the mall, to begin with. I did not understand it. Even before when I was younger, my classmates were so excited for the weekend so that they can go and walk around the mall. I remember doing this one time with my high school friends and all I could think of was WHY?

Anyway, I digress. I needed to buy something at the mall and I hated the fact that the stores open so late. Why 11 AM?? I am one of those people who like to do errands early in the morning so that I’ll be home by 9 AM, latest 10 AM. Anyway, I went to the mall and got there at 10:30 AM. I planned to find some coffee first. But thank goodness, JCPenney opens a bit earlier. And I was glad that I found all I need in that store. I was out of the mall in less than 30 min.

For lunch, I decided to try this Filipino restaurant called Fil Cuisine. And the food I ordered was good. Chicken adobo fried rice, laing, sizzling sisig, and crispy pork kare kare. I did not eat the kare kare because of allergies but the other dishes were really good. I could not stop eating. And the food coma was real and hit me a bit harder than ever.

My love and I were able to hang out today. We watched some anime. No surprise there.

Bubble. This is a little mermaid retelling in anime form. It was good, enjoyable for sure. My hun thinks that this would have been better as a series instead of a movie. I agree. I feel like the conflict resolution was a bit rushed. Aside from Hibiki, the other characters were not fleshed out enough. I mean I understand this anime was about Hibiki, but if this was a serialized anime, I think they could’ve explored the other characters as well. Or actually explored the situation. Or fleshed out the plot more. Other than that, I enjoyed it. My hun gave it a 6/10, I gave it a 7/10. I can see myself rewatching the movie down the line.

Tomo-Chan is a Girl. Do not watch this in dub. I have no idea why they thought faking the low voice was a tomboy thing. Watch the sub. The voice actress for Tomo was more natural. Anyway, we only watched two episodes but so far, we laughed and enjoyed them. I think having a non-conventional female anime character in a romance anime is refreshing. So far, I like where the anime is going. She’s not trying to change herself for her best friend to notice her. And I like the fact that no one around her is trying to change her either. I guess you can say Misuzu tries to a little bit, but it’s no a blatant, do not do this and change this and do that instead. We shall see though. It’s too early to tell.

Inuyasha. I cannot stand Kagome. What the heck is wrong with this girl? I do not understand why she cannot keep those jewel fragments in her person. They were always in that damn backpack. I cannot. Or you know, just give it to Inuyasha. Anime over. Other than that, I am enjoying the demons and Inuyasha’s journey. I just cannot stand Kagome, which is unfortunate because she is in every episode.

Anyway, no major plans tomorrow. Just chill.

04.01.23 – What Hangover? I Do Not Have That.

Well, as a last group work thing, the team decided to go out last night for happy hour/dinner. Mostly involved drinks, to be honest, good conversation, and good laughs. I mean, complaints and gossips were there but mostly, just the group enjoying each other’s company.

We went to go grab some food and drinks at Mox Boarding House. Cool place. Very chill, very nerdy place. I would go there again. I am not one for board games, not going to lie, but I appreciate the store they have at the front of the restaurant. I do want to peruse the store more. I did not get the chance to look at their RPG section. And they have a miniature section in there where you can paint some figures that I also want to check out at a later time. I did get a Sailor Mars enamel pin because I just had to have it. And Chris got me some green and purple dice.

We were there for a couple of hours and then decided to bounce and go to a bar down the street called Bad Albert’s Tap & Grill. We chilled there for a bit, then moved to Ballard Loft. I did play a round of pool and I enjoyed it. I have been to bars with pool tables back in the day but I never dared touch a cue. But last night, I said, fuck it and I had fun! And all I kept thinking was, why the heck did I hesitate playing back then?

Anyway, I only had two cocktails and two beers last night. So not bad, I was nursing a pretty good buzz after the two cocktails and just decided to drink beer afterward because I did not want a repeat of last week’s horrible hangover. I got home close to midnight, pretty much sober. I ate, drank water, and slept.

I woke up late this morning. Which was fine. I mean I needed the sleep-in regardless. I woke up fine albeit the sluggishness. I did feel a lot lazier today. Let’s just say that I was dragging the whole day. But I did manage to do some chores and currently doing laundry right now. I mean, I’m moving slowly but I still consider myself slightly productive.

I got to hang out with my love today even just for a little bit. We got to watch some anime today.

Haikyu!!. We finished season 4! And oh boy, that last winning volley for Karasuno. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. It was just that good. This anime made me care about volleyball. Well, not sure if it will translate to real life, but let’s just say that it made me care to watch this volleyball anime this whole time. I just want to see the conclusion of the anime. I mean Karasuno vs Nekoma. Come on, it needs to happen already.

Naruto. I never lost my love for this anime. Not even one bit. So I am enjoying rewatching this boy improve and get stronger. I have no complaints. I mean like most older anime, a conflict can stretch to multiple episodes and Naruto is no exception. But I am okay with it. Seems like my hun is also enjoying it. I also do not care what other people say, Naruto and Sasuke together make sense. Are they my main ship? Yes. Always.

I am feeling a bit tired though, since like I said earlier, I have been feeling a little sluggish the whole day. So, I will just relax now. Probably getting ready for bed – just in case I pass out. I probably have a hangover, but I will just pretend that I don’t.

03.27.23 – Not Having a Good Time

I mean, I am going through the motion right now. I want to get this thing over it so I can move on with my life. The whole situation drags me down and leaves me out of energy. I want to not do anything at all on the daily basis. I find myself repeatedly forcing myself to work on things that I do not care about anymore. Or maybe never fully care for.

Anyway, let us just say that there is a fiasco at work because of the good planning leading to an unsuccessful rerouting of packages from our location to the new location. Two business days now that our location got two full shipment deliveries. I will lose my shit if we get another full shipment tomorrow.

I need to cook tomorrow morning. I mean technically I should have cooked when I got home from work. But I will revert to what I have been saying, I am just not having it today. I just wanted to be in bed once I got home. For the most part, I did that. But of course, I had to wash the dishes and feed the dogs. But again, I was just in bed after those little tasks.

I need this situation I am in to be over. I know my mood would be better once I can breathe.

03.26.23 – I Want to Do Nothing

I have been in a very bad place lately. The not-wanting-to-do-anything-and-I-just-want-to-stay-in-bed variety kind of place. Let’s just say that stress has been fueling my anxiety and depression. And it just leaves me with no energy to do anything. That has been my state of mind for days now. And I think it will just continue until this hurdle gets cleared.

My brain also has no intention on focusing on novels at the moment. So my brain has been digesting a lot of webtoons. My imagine is shot right now. So I take the imagination out of it, and turned to webtoons. The only consolation I have is that at least it is reading and it counts.

Let me see, the last time I posted was when my hun and I finished watching Chainsaw Man and Soul Eater. We moved on to Naruto and Inuyasha.

Naruto. This is one of my favorites. I do no care if this is not considered to be one of the best anime of all time for a lot of people. However, it is up there for me. I like underdogs and seeing them strive to be the best. To do the hard work so that they can be the best and they can reach their dreams. Uzumaki Naruto is definitely an underdog. Isolated by the residents of Hidden Leaf Village, he resorted to pranks to just get a little attention from the people. It’s heartbreaking. And I root for him each and every time a hurdle comes to his life. Also, rewatching the anime just made me remember how much I hate Sakura. I cannot stand her. Would never be able to stand her. And even with this rewatch, I do not see her character being redeemed to me. And it was not even her fault! It was the way she was written. Anyway, so far I am enjoying rewatching this anime. My hun seems to be enjoying it as well. This is his first time watching it. I did give him a disclaimer that a conflict in this anime can drag for how many episodes, so at least he was prepared for that.

Inuyasha. So far enjoying it. This is the first time I am watching this anime. It was big in the Philippines when I was younger but it came out when I was in my not so good girl phase so my hobbies were a bit on the go to bars and drink kind of phase. I am definitely enjoying the demons and conflict on that end. It could get slow as well, but I find that very common in older anime. So I am okay with it.

Haikyu. Karasuno is in Nationals now. They are now playing against Inarizaki. And yes, I am a bit enamored by the Miya twins, especially Atsumu, the setter. He is definitely more animated that his twin. Anyway, like the previous seasons, I have no complaints about this anime. It makes me care about sports when I do not really have any interest in it. I am kind of glad that we got see a Nekoma game and a little bit little bit of a background on Kenma.