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Category: Diary

05.10.23 – One Stressor Down

My roommate got offered a job today! Yay. That is one stressor eliminated. Now, I just need to find one for me. We got laid off at the same time, so it was definitely very stress-inducing for both us. I am not going to lie, more for me than for her, for some reason. But then again, the way my stress manifest is a bit different compared to hers. I tend to freak out. She tends to somehow just do it in stride.

The whole day I was stuck trying to fix my resume. Jesus, tailoring it to a job post is a bitch. I hate it.

I was able to do a little bit of organizing today. Not much, since I was pretty distracted. That, and I did not buy enough DVD/Blue Ray/Games shelving things. So I need to buy more of those. I need more room for my books. Well, mine and my roommate’s books. We have a lot. I have not done a formal count since it was in the 600 range. Once, I am able to get these organized, I would need to create a database for all the physical books we have.

Not Bad.

I did play Honkai: Star Rail today. Which was a welcomed distraction. I was only able to play for a bit since my head started hurting. So I watched a movie today – Pitch Perfect. Because that movie was just damn fun. I mean the mermaid dance, the horizontal dancing. Classic. I still stand by my assessment that Beca and Chloe should be together. I mean, jesus, they just made sense to be me. I mean, Jesse and Beca were good too. But Beca and Chloe were just on a whole another level.

Anyway, no big plans tonight. I might read though. Well, most likely read since I don’t have anything else to do. I am also craving soda. Damn, this is a sign that I’m stressed by the way. I eat when I’m stressed and have very high cravings for sugar. So well, I guess I will have some soda.

05.09.23 – Laziness Ensues

I have nothing to show for today. I did not do a thing. And honestly, that was totally fine by me. I decided to be a couch potato today and I loved every minute of it. No complaints whatsoever. Sure, I should be doing some things but I would do them tomorrow. I was just too lazy to move my ass today.

Anyway, my hun and I got to watch some anime today. Both of us were feeling under the weather yesterday so we didn’t get to spend time together. Good that we were feeling up for it today.

Naruto. We finally saw the conclusion of the Neji-Naruto fight. And honestly, what was up with all these backstories? They were so good. And then you have Sakura’s backstory and how shallow that was. Seriously. I swear this anime just did that character so dirty. Anyway, Naruto really did so well in that fight. He knew how to use that shadow clone jutsu so well. He was able to tap into that nine-tail fox’s chakra without issue and he was able to stay like himself. He really did come a long way. And honestly, I really did not appreciate how these people in Konoha just kept on underestimating him.

Inuyasha. I was just happy that I got to see Sesshomaru and Koga in the episodes that we watched today. I got a glimpse of the demon Inuyasha once again, and apparently, that made Sesshomaru tremble with fear. Like what? And why do we have to keep seeing Kagura in every freaking episode? Sure he was trying to kill Naraku to be free, but another character that was not needed. Useless side plot. Not needed.

Hiromiya. We finished this anime today. And it was fun. We really liked it. Personally, I enjoyed Miyamura’s inner monologues. It was the culmination of how much he had grown since the beginning of the anime. I liked the fact that after he and Hori got together, the anime focused on the side characters. Aside from Miyamura, I really loved Tooru Ishikawa. The anime was real, the situations were real, and the anime did a good job without making them over the top like an anime tends to do. And I appreciated that. I gave it 9 out of 10, my hun gave it 8 out of 10.

All Saints Street. This could potentially replace Hiromiya. The anime was set up as a skit type, it has multiple mini-episodes in an episode. We watched one episode tonight. We don’t know how we feel about it yet. It looks interesting for sure. The animation was good. We shall see after we watch the second episode. I wanted to see Bungo Stray Dogs but I wanted another slice of life, so we shall see how this anime satisfies that.

I am planning on reading tonight. I started reading Peter Pan but I was only able to read a paragraph. I am not feeling it. But we shall see. I wanted to read two classics this year, but I might pick up The Catcher in the Rye but I don’t yet. I might give Peter Pan another go.

05.08.23 – Today was a Fail.

The title said it all. I woke up with a migraine. And I am still suffering from it at this time. I did some daily chores but I limited it to cooking and washing dishes. Then I took a nap. Then apparently my brain was so weird today that I was having dream within a dream within a dream – yeah yeah, dreamception. So today was just a fail all over. I was in pain and I had no motivation to do anything. Tomorrow will be a new day though. So hopefully, I feel better tomorrow.

No plans tonight. Read a little bit maybe, just really depends if my head would let me do anything at this point. Sure right now, my brain was tolerable. But I still don’t feel top-notch. We shall see though. All I know is I cannot stare at the computer screen for an extended amount of time.

05.07.23 – I Don’t Know What Sleep Is.

I just feel exhausted today. Not going to lie, a major factor for this could be the fact that my sleep schedule has been nonexistent lately. I just find myself tossing and turning the whole night. I really think the stress was just getting to me now. There was nothing I could do about the stress at the moment. But hopefully soon. I want to get some semblance of normalcy back.

Since I was exhausted today meant that I was lazy the whole day. Again, I did some chores. But really, that was all my body was willing to do. Just the daily things. And, I was able to finish my computer setup today. The little adapter I bought from Amazon worked! So now, all of my monitors are working.

New Setup.

My hun and I managed to hang out today. And we were able to watch a couple of movies – The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. I am glad that he liked the movies. He apologized to me because he said that he was starting to like this series better compared to the Harry Potter Series and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. He said that there was always something going on. And that was a fair assessment. He was right. The Hunger Games series I feel like was a bit more fast-paced than the other series that I love.

No big plans tonight. Just read a little bit…maybe. Not sure yet. Who knows? I had no big plans for tomorrow as well. All I wanted to do was just finish clearing the closet so that I could work on some more reorganization here in the apartment. Other than that, nothing really was planned. Also, my brain has been invaded by sushi. Yeah, sushi sounded so good recently._

05.06.23 – My Only Project Today was a Fail.

Well, the only thing that I wanted to do today was set up a second monitor for my personal computer setup. And that failed. Why? The second monitor cannot be detected. I was fiddling with it, searching the internet for a solution. Nothing worked. To say that I was annoyed and frustrated was a huge understatement. My roommate tried and we concluded that the port that I was using on my computer was broken. That was the only logical explanation since the connecter that she is currently using for her setup did not work on mine when we tried it. I ordered a thing from Amazon to see if that would work, but we shall see. This was really the project I had today and it did not go well. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll be able to figure this out.

But, guess what I have been consuming the whole day, The Hills. I am currently in Season Three. Okay, let’s get this straight, I am not one to watch some trashy reality TV but this along with Laguna Beach was my show of choice back in the day. What? I was the same age as these kids. My life was definitely not as interesting as this. Anyway, the definitely hits differently when you’re in your 30’s. So this will be what I’m consuming tonight until I’m sleepy.

Of course, I am also reading tonight. Webtoons though. I am still on break from novels. I will pick it up again soon though. I really want to continue on with Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 3. But I feel like I have a book hangover from Book 2. Almost like needing to marinate what went down in that book.

05.05.23 – I’m Not Sure If I Was Tired or Just Lazy.

I was not sure what happened to me today. I was hit with a big “I don’t want to leave the bed” mood. I was not sure what to call it. I guess I could call it laziness. But I also felt tired. Exhausted almost. I was just underneath the covers the whole day. I woke up, fed the dogs, cooked breakfast, had coffee, I tried to sit in front of my computer. But I decided to go back to bed. Granted I read some but it was not the capacity I would’ve liked. After maybe an hour, I stood up, went to the kitchen, made my second mug of coffee, sat in front of my computer, and then decided to go back to bed. Then repeated the motions, without the coffee this time. But honestly, it was a struggle.

I was able to hang out with my hun today though. Which was nice, since I was feeling really unproductive the whole day.

Naruto. Well, finally the final stage of the Chunin Exam started. The first fight was between Naruto and Neji, which I was very excited to see. Aside from major things and the outcome of something, I really do not remember many of the details of this anime. So for the most part, it felt like I am watching the anime for the first time. I just remember that I really did not like Sakura, which I still don’t. I told my hun to just form his own opinions on her and her character since I’m really biased in my thoughts about her. I mean right now, she has not done anything. She could’ve been taken out of the anime at this point and the plot would’ve moved forward.

Inuyasha. I really refuse to comment on Kagome at this point. I saw the demon Inuyasha, and boy, he was something. And the black-haired Inuyasha showed up in this episode too! Tetsusaiga broke! And now, after the repair, it was heavier. But I am excited to see what this sword can do now that Inuyasha’s fang was used for the binding. I got to see Sesshomaru a little bit. So that was nice.

Horimiya. We were enjoying this anime. I liked the fact that we got to see some of Miyamori’s struggle, I guess a more in-depth one. And honestly, I came to the conclusion that people just suck. I mean who would bully and isolate a kid like Miyamori? Just because he was shy? Because he was awkward? I never saw this happening firsthand when I was in school, but I know it happens in real life. And that was just horrible! Also, Hori has some kink. I personally have no issues seeing that, however, this display happened in a public setting which made it a tad uncomfortable. It was one of those things that you don’t really show the public because of the fact that the kink should be between you and your partner. If it happened in a private place, sure. But the fact that classmates and people on the street were subjected to it was the issue. It all boils down to consent for me.

Anyway, I currently doing laundry because why not? I personally do not want to deal with it tomorrow so I just decided to get it over with. I am kind of itching to fix my computer station tonight. But I will just do that tomorrow morning after I come back from the store. I would be reading tonight as well. But I would be reading webtoons tonight instead of a novel. I want to take a break from reading novels for one more day.