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Category: Diary

06.13.23 – Idle Games is a Welcomed Distraction.

Well, I was right. I woke up sore. Some muscles were more sore than others, and some felt unaffected (I would need to up the weights for these muscles). Waking up this morning was difficult. I felt like my body was glued to the bed. My arms felt heavy, which I was not surprised about. I knew I was going to be this sore yesterday. I just thought that my legs would be more affected than the rest. But I was mistaken.

Anyway, I’ve been addicted to three idle games lately. My Hotpot Story, Cat Snack Bar, and Coffee Corp. As you could deduce, these are a kind of restaurant management game. Out of the three, Coffee Corp was the game that I’ve had installed on multiple phones. Sure, every single time I got a new phone, I restarted the game. But it was all good. Earn enough money and you can open new stations, get more products, improve on said products, and open a new cafe location. Cat Snack Bar was by far the cutest. Not as But my favorite? My Hotpot Story. Why? It’s idle, but it has the full swing of actual restaurant management. From hiring and training the staff, creating and improving dishes, to renovating the restaurant.

I swear, this reorganization was never-ending. Why? I did not realize how many DVDs, Blu-rays, and games we have. The shelves I got were still not enough. Some Granted, most of the DVDs and all of the games made it to the shelves but there were still DVDs left out, none of the Blu-rays made it. And don’t get me started with some CDs. Sure I don’t have a lot, but I was hoping they would make it on the shelves as well. Whatever. I’m done with it. I just need to finish this project.

Anyway, tonight was chill. I just watched Scream V with Chris. I still had fun even though it was a rewatch for me.

I still cannot believe they killed Dewey. I do understand since they were passing the torch to new legacy characters but damn!

I have no plans to do anything tomorrow aside from taking Paco to his groomer appointment. I might need to move the DVD shelves to a different place but we shall see.

06.12.23 – Well, I’m Going to be Sore Tomorrow.

Today was the first time I worked out in months. MONTHS. And yes, I was feeling the burn. My thighs would definitely hate me tomorrow. And also my arms and my back. Actually, my whole body would hate me tomorrow. It did feel good to be back working out though. l have neglected moving around for the longest time. I might as well do it now, I have no excuse not to get back into it.

I also needed to squeeze in taking classes. Since my reorganization project is almost done, I feel like I should be able to squeeze in studying soon. I have three ongoing classes that I need to finish. And a new one that I need to start. Am I excited? Not exactly. But I feel like it is necessary. I’m getting rusty. My brain is slowly turning into goo.

What else did I do today? Well, I cooked some rice, quinoa, and tilapia. Easy things. On top of the fact that it was hot, yeah, no way in hell I would be in the kitchen for more than prep. Anyway, I just need to research some easy vegetable dishes. You know, something that you would just put in an oven or a slow cooker or something. Research research.

I did not really do much today. Just aside from what was stated, I was just relaxing for the most part. I watched Detective Pikachu and The Brothers…again. Because why not? I was able to just have the movies play in the background while I was doing the cooking and all that. Nothing big planned tonight. Just read most likely.

06.11.23 – I Just Want to Lay in Bed.

Today was just not good for me. Headache and all that. My boyfriend and I were only able to watch one movie today. I was feeling a bit off as well. So that was not a good combo.

Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (2015). You know what? This might be my favorite out of the five Mission Impossible movies. I mean sure, it was still a heist movie to the core but it felt a bit different from the other ones.

Also, how many times will the government turn its back on Ethan Hunt? I mean really, I am actually surprised that he is still loyal to the core. And that lady, Isla, was betrayed by the MI6. Well, not the organization perse, but by Atlee. I think I’m just tired of seeing people be expandable for anything. Cause that is bullshit.

My hun said that there were not as many cliches in this movie compared to the other ones. Anyway, I cannot wait to watch the Fallout.

No big plans tonight. Like I said, I’m sporting a headache and for some reason, I feel really tired. I did start reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I had to drop Know My Name. Not the book’s fault at all. I was having difficulty with the subject matter. So I decided to put it down – again. I need to find a couple of nonfiction books. Hopefully, I get to go through the whole Narnia series. This would knock out the “read a classic” and “finish a series” reading challenges for this year.

06.10.23 – I Really Cannot Deal with Crowds.

I hate getting a late start on errands. I have no one else to blame but myself really. I overslept this morning and I got to Costco almost a couple of hours after they opened. And it was crowded. I was not a happy camper. I was getting annoyed since some people cannot navigate their freaking carts properly. You would think it’s foolproof but apparently not. Anyway, really, it was just the crowd that gets to me each time. The lines were too long, there were too many people in each aisle, and moving around with a cart in a crowded place could get really frustrating. On top of that, I was not able to get my rotisserie chicken.

Anyway, aside from that, my Saturday was good. My boyfriend and I were able to watch a couple of movies and an anime episode.

Eclipse (2010). I decided to torture my boyfriend and had him watch the Twilight movies with me. I knew for a fact that he would not like this, but I did back in the day. And um, yeah. This was really painful to watch. And it dragged. As you see, this was the third movie already, because we had the first two last year. I do have mercy and do not let him sit and watch the movies back to back or every week or else this series would’ve been done already. And as no surprise, he did not like this. I was just glad that he at least humored me and said yes to watching the movies. I mean, I could rant and hate on this series but I did like them once upon a time. And I would be doing my younger self a disservice if I did such a thing. There is a reason why refused to reread the books. Because I knew I would say, “Roma, what the fuck were you smoking when you enjoyed this?”

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017). Surprisingly, I had fun with this movie. I was never interested in this movie before since I never watched the original Jumanji. We appreciated the easter eggs from the original movie. I was initially annoyed with that Bethany character. Cause who wouldn’t? But Jack Black did a great job portraying that character when she got sucked into the game. Kevin Hart was given to be funny – I enjoyed his moments that seemed improvised. My hun said that he appreciated this movie more when we watched it together compared to the first time he watched it. I loved the fact that it was a video game setting because it’s very timely, and let’s just say that a board game is a bit outdated. Nick Jonas was a surprise. And yes, I am interested in watching the sequel, Jumanji: The Next Level.

We did watch an episode of High Card. Nothing really happened much. I think the anime was starting to set up the finale for the first season. We were both feeling a bit tired after this one so we decided to stop there. I especially felt really tired as soon as we hung up. So I just really want to relax tonight.

06.09.23 – Today was a Tad Chilly.

After a summery couple of days, we are back to some drizzles and chilly-ish weather. I am not complaining though. I love chilly weather. Anyway, I did nothing today. Which was nice. I was listening to YouTube the whole day until my hun and I watched a movie and some anime episodes.

Jumanji (1995). I finally watched this movie. I mean, I thought it was a horror movie when I was a kid so I didn’t watch it! Anyway, it was a fun movie. I enjoyed it a lot. Tomorrow, my boyfriend and I planned to watch Jumanji (2017). My boyfriend said that the one from 2017 was nothing like the original. We shall see if I would like it as well.

Bungo Stray Dogs. We were finally able to watch some anime. The last couple of times that we hung out, I was not in the mood to watch anime. Some backstory for Osamu Dazai. But when he was a Port Mafia Executive. It showed him with two of his other friends – Sakunosuke Oda and Ango Sakaguchi. Dazai was still romanticizing his death and Sakunosuke was an instantly likable character.

No big plans tonight. Just chill again. I am feeling a bit exhausted for some reason. And my eyes are definitely swollen. From allergy or eczema or both, I have no idea. I have plans to go to Costco tomorrow. So hopefully I wake up early enough that I can go there when it opens.

06.08.23 – Hurray for Being Somewhat Productive.

I am finally done with the reorganization of the closet and the bathroom. The bathroom looks great. The cabinet has been organized as much as it could be. The only thing remaining now is the bookshelves and the DVDs. That would be a task for next week. Did my back hurt? Oh yeah. Did I get a headache? Yes. Actually, I still have a headache. But I am just glad that I was at least productive this week. And yes, as you can tell, I am spreading these tasks out in segments because I also do not want to be burnt out with this project.

No big plans tonight. I just want to go to bed early-ish. It seems like I’ve been having some restless sleep. Not that I was having some major nightmares. If I am, I don’t remember them. But I do feel tired when I wake up. I just need to throw away the trash tomorrow and that should be it.