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Category: Loner Life

05.08.23 – Today was a Fail.

The title said it all. I woke up with a migraine. And I am still suffering from it at this time. I did some daily chores but I limited it to cooking and washing dishes. Then I took a nap. Then apparently my brain was so weird today that I was having dream within a dream within a dream – yeah yeah, dreamception. So today was just a fail all over. I was in pain and I had no motivation to do anything. Tomorrow will be a new day though. So hopefully, I feel better tomorrow.

No plans tonight. Read a little bit maybe, just really depends if my head would let me do anything at this point. Sure right now, my brain was tolerable. But I still don’t feel top-notch. We shall see though. All I know is I cannot stare at the computer screen for an extended amount of time.

04.30.23 – Am I Allowed to Say that Today Was Meh?

You know what? It’s fine. I will just say that today was meh. I woke up in such a mood already. Why? I had a very stressful dream. I just remember that there was a lot of running and hiding. Not sure what I was running from. I knew it was some sort of gas permeating the air. And I was in search of a place to hide. And again, I was back in the favorite setting of my dreams. My high school campus. I honestly have no idea why my subconscious enjoys putting me back in that place. For some reason, the dream me decided that hiding in some sort of hostel was a good idea. I was there with three other people. And then as dream me decided to take a shower, I woke up. To say that I was confused was a huge understatement.

Anyway, my day was just laziness overload. Although, I have been reading all afternoon. So that was a thing. Also, my dogs decided to test my patience today. Phoebe was having a rough day today. And she peed practically everywhere in the apartment except on the pee pad. I do not blame her at all. It was just a bit tedious having to mop a few times today. Then Paco decided that it was a good idea to throw up on my bed. The bed sheets are not currently in the washer. Again, I do not blame him. But I just felt like today was an accident on top of the other. It was tiring.

As I stated earlier, I have been reading this afternoon. It has been taking me a while to finish a book lately. Not because I am such a slow reader, but because I started to take notes in Notion about the book and I have been putting sticky notes on some things that I enjoy or not in a chapter. Not full-on annotation. I don’t want to feel like this is a chore or homework. I just felt like, doing this made me more engaged in the story. I don’t really do this in all my readings. Just sometimes when I felt like it.

What else did I do today? Hmmm… Just the regular ol’ chores. But I also watched some YT videos. Well, listened was more of an accurate description. I preferred having background noise while reading. It was something that I picked up before. I could never focus on anything if I did not have background noise. I mean, I grew up in the Philippines, and when I studied I could still hear people from the street. Maybe that was where it stemmed from. Who knows?

HOB Book 2 had me swooning.

Anyway, I’m barely 100 pages in Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 2 and I cannot stop smiling. Well, Chapter 1 or I should say 12 according to the book had me laughing, awww-ing, and annoyed. Chapter 2 or 13 had me swooning over Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. I just love this story. There were certain things here that I don’t understand yet and I hope to get some backstory soon. Because oh boy, there were definitely things here that I want some history on.

Plans tomorrow? Clean out the closet some more I think. That was the only concrete plan. But then again, I just wing it these days. So I guess whatever floats my fancy to organize tomorrow. We shall see.

04.29.23 – I Played a Video Game Today

For the people who know me well, I am not a gamer. I suck at it. A potato gamer to the core. But after seeing some streamers play the game, and finding out that it is free to download, I went ahead, jumped the gun, and downloaded the game.

Yes, Honkai: Star Rail. After a very stressful and panic-induced morning, I wanted to escape my brain. And then I realized I have been playing the game for six hours. I was engaged with the game. Which was nice. And yes, I read everything and just let them talk. No skipping here. I do not skip dialogues.

Anyway, it was fun. I personally liked the turn-based combat system. I appreciated the fact that you can actually exploit the opponent’s weaknesses while in combat. The graphics were great. The music was pretty awesome. And the characters were interesting. I named my character “Pogi”. Because he was pogi.

I had to force myself to stop playing because I had to feed the dogs and actually had to prepare my food as well. Because if I did not do that, I would be gaming non-stop. So now what? I could go back to playing the game. But I think I want to read now. My eyes have been glued to the screen for practically the whole day. They needed the rest.

04.24.23 – My Right Wrist Said F* You.

When I decided to do this reorganization project while being jobless, I should’ve realized that my CTS will act up and make me suffer. Yeah, that happened today. My right wrist decided to just yell fuck you as I was hammering the nails on the shelf that I am want to use as some kind of makeshift pantry since this apartment lacked space in that department.

The chaos that is before.

I mean, I did it, the shelf looked decent on top of another shelf. But my wrist definitely suffered. I know – consequences. But at least, that area looked somewhat organized. It would have to do for the time being until I can move to a bigger place with actual storage.

The chaos that is after.

Other than that, my day has been pretty chill. A lot of it involved watching streams. And reading. I definitely made a dent in The Lies I Tell. And I have feelings about it. I was happy to see how Meg, the con artist – MC, got her start and why she did it. And I appreciated why she did. It needed to be done. Sure it was for selfish reasons, but I think the first person she conned deserved it. The reason why she did it was a bit difficult to push through. It was definitely triggering. And then we have Kat, the reporter – the other MC, who spent 10 years of her life researching Meg so that she could expose her as the con artist that she was. Why? Because of something that happened to her 10 years ago that changed her life and seemed to be blaming Meg for it. Which I don’t get. But who knows, maybe it will unfold more for me as the story goes on.

So far, I’m invested in the story, which is good. That is how it should work for thrillers. I should not be able to put it down. It is a page-turner for sure. Even the triggering parts were only a paragraph or so. Not too bad. I’m going to continue reading tonight. I do have an early appointment tomorrow for the dogs, so I need to wake up early-ish to at least get ready.

04.22.23 – Laziness was Strong in Me Today.

Had a late start today. Yes, I woke up late. Well, way later than normal. And I think that was a major factor in my mood today. Not that I’m not lazy daily. But I just found myself dragging the whole day. It was fine, I mean I was still able to go to the H-Mart to get some groceries. I wanted to get some Filipino food but the restaurant was so busy that I just decided to get some Filipino breakfast to go instead of dining in the restaurant.

I got home and took my sweet ass time to do laundry and wash dishes. But the dishes got washed. And now the last load of laundry is waiting patiently for the dryer.

I tried reading this afternoon. The keyword is tried. Because one hour since I started reading, I only read ten pages. Not my fault that I could not focus. The food coma hit me so hard that I had to keep reading a sentence so many times. So I gave up and just laid down and cuddled with my dog because why not.

I am planning on reading tonight though. Because I need to take advantage of this mood. After those weeks of a reading slump, yeah, I want to take advantage of this. I picked up a new book, The Lies I Tell. I mean it’s interesting right now. The story is still in the set-up stage. But that is fine. I might want to pick up Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 2 after I read a couple of chapters of this new book. But we shall see. If the story picks up, I would probably just read this continuously. Yes, I have a habit of reading multiple books.

The Lies I Tell by Julie Clark

Again this is just a plan since I have a huge feeling that I will pass out. So we will see what I end up doing.

04.20.23 – I Appreciate Naps. I Love Them.

Boy oh boy. I only had one goal today – to reorganize my craft cart. I regretted that decision after taking out the stuff on the top tier of the cart.

This is the moment I realized I fucked up.

I have so much shit. I was looking at them for a while and all I could think of was “How in the hell did I accumulate all this stuff?” Way too many marker pens, fine liners, pens, highlighters, and stickers. Not to mention, the charging cables, USB ports, power outlet USB box thingy. I have a lot of them. Mice, keyboards. Notebooks. Index cards. Random paper with designs on them. Tracing paper. Sticky notes. A random mirror. I mean, I could go on. But the gist of it was I have a lot of shit on this tiny ass cart.

The best I can do with the space.

I did my best. But it will have to do. At least everything is visible now, so when I journal I can just grab what I need. In my head though, “I really do not need all this crap. But I will not get rid of them.” My logic does not work when it comes to stationery.

And because I was entitled to a reward after that “massive” reorg, I ordered pizzas (Hawaiian and Meat Lovers) and 2 liter Mountain Dew. It was perfect. Pure heaven.

Pizza Party? Hell yes!

Then my body decided to remind me that I am not a youngster anymore and that bending and reorg resulted in back pain. So that was that. Thank goodness that after three slices of pizza and a glass of soda, the food coma was real and I took a nap. A massive nap that apparently I needed. It was great.

Plans for tonight. READ!!! I was reading earlier before I succumb to the food coma and took a nap. So I will continue where I left off. No anime today. I might play something in the background while I’m reading though. Something that I will not pay attention to. I cannot read in a quiet room. I need to have some kind of video or show or music playing in the background. The silence is deafening to me.