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Some Movie Things

So last weekend, Slynx and I could do a movie marathon. Finally. It has been a hot minute. Regardless, at least we are back at it. So we chose three movies and we had fun. Were they the best movies? Nope. But you know what, we enjoyed them nonetheless.

Five Nights at Freddy’s (2023)

I mean, I chose this one because it was a Josh Hutcherson movie. It was a treat when we saw Matthew Lillard in this movie. The movie didn’t disappoint. At least for us, it didn’t. I am not familiar with the game. I just know that it was scary and there were jump scares. And that was enough for me not to be interested to watch the gameplay. Regardless, I appreciated the fact that the movie was not scared to make the story very human. The main pull for me was Josh’s story. And how he dealt with his trauma. I am not sure what other people complained about it, I didn’t really look for reviews on this movie, but if I would guess, it is probably because the movie focused on the human aspect. Like I said, I am not familiar with the lore so I am assuming it strayed from the original material. Anyway, it has some pretty decent jump scares. For me anyway. I get scared easily. Acting was top-notch. Not surprising with actors on the roster.

Me Spy (2020)

I was not expecting a lot from this movie really, but I wanted something lighthearted after Five Nights at Freddy’s. Slynx said that the plot was meh. I mean, it’s a family/kid’s movie. So yeah, I understand why they needed to make this palatable for younger audiences. But it did not diminish our enjoyment of the movie. The comedic timing was on point. I love Dave Bautista. He is such an underrated one. Considering that this dude has a lot more range compared to some other popular wrestler-turned-actor out there. The supporting cast was great. I was laughing, I was excited, and I genuinely enjoyed the story. And the dancing, oh the dancing!!!

Baby Driver (2017)

This was Slynx’s pick for the movie marathon. And it was a good pick. It was enjoyable for the most part. The premise was pretty interesting. I love me some heist movies for sure. But in theory, this was not a heist movie. Not really. Sure there were some plans but we didn’t really get to see the heist. We saw the escape because of course the movie was focused on Baby. The soundtrack was really good, I would give it that. The acting was great, again, not surprised considering the actors on the roster. Jon Hamm was great. Baby and Debora were cringe. There was really one character here that I really did not care for. He was a loose canon and talked too much. Not going to lie, there was a scene in this movie that I tuned out because he just talked and talked and talked. And I really did not give a fuck about this character or what comes out of his mouth. Anyway, the movie was still enjoyable for sure. I’ve been tempted to watch for a while so I was glad that Slynx suggested it.

Hello. It’s Been a While.

Hey, it’s been a while. What have I been doing? I’ve been busy with life. Really. I moved. So that took a chunk of my time. I still have not finished unpacking because, for the most part, I am too lazy to do anything. And that is a shame on me. But how am I liking the new place? A lot better. I am not trying to romanticize my move or anything, but the moment I drove inside this gated community, I felt at home. I knew that regardless of how many places I looked at, I would end up here. And I did. It felt so homey. With the trees lining the apartments. The kids playing outside. The teenagers walking around. Yeah. It was such a nice environment that I knew that I would like to live here for a few years.

Like I am still not finished unpacking. Well, I guess the necessities are unpacked. At least the books have been unpacked. It took a whole day. Now, I just need to put them in an Excel file. This would be the first time that I would be cataloging the books in a spreadsheet. And it’s daunting. Well, I did enter some already. I just need to finish it and make sure that every book has a location and is tagged on the Excel file. I want to create a dashboard for it. What can I say? I like daunting tasks.

Speaking of books, my reading has slowed down since the move. And since I started working again really. Not complaining. I am just stating a fact. I would love to read more. But right now, I am not in the mood to pick up a novel. My interest has been hijacked by forensic psychology. For someone who never enjoyed psychology in college, this development is a surprise. I have been consuming a lot of interrogation videos lately. The past month or so I think. Enjoying it is not the best way to describe it. More like, it tickles my brain to get into the psychology of why these things happen. And yes, I started putting books on my shopping list to read. Because why not?

I’ve also been consuming a lot of documentaries about this certain group or high control groups, in general. I know I am late in the game since this happened years ago. But I have been watching what I can and even reading a book about this one specific group. And it all comes down to why and how were these people sucked in to join this group. What was it about the leader that drew them in? I am not judging. Far from it. Just curious. I mean, I saw a lot of interviews and videos of this dude and I don’t see it. But also, I am already coming into this topic with preconceived notions about this guy so I know my bias is present when consuming the information. But damn. Again, it all comes down to my curiosity as to why and how, and what the fuck.

Other than that nothing changed. I’m still a loner and I like it that way. I am still a very introverted person and would rather spend my time at home and couped up in my room. However, I have been spending some happy hour time with coworkers. Not often, unlike during the holidays. But I make sure that I do it when the invite is there. Because you know, socialization apparently is important. My social battery has been depleted quite a few times these past weeks. All the meetings (scheduled and impromptu ones), the lunches, the get-togethers. Yeah, I am tired. All of the time. But I mean, it’s fine. That is the way to make connections right?

Getting Hooked on True Crime Docs

You know what I’ve been doing right now? Just consuming a lot of true crime docs. That has been my go-to thing for the last two weeks. I have nothing to do? Put on a true crime series. I have work to do? Put on a true crime series. I need background noise while reading? Put on a true crime series. Like what? Okay, this is nothing new for me. Like I said, my interests cycle. So I guess, now I am in this phase. Nothing wrong with that. I just tend to get obsessed with an interest when it’s up.

One docuseries that kind of aggravated me a lot was Bad Surgeon. I watched it right when it was released. It has three hour-long episodes and the deeper I got into it, the more triggered I was. Like what the actual fuck. It was such an unethical practice and the consequences were horrible. Throw the lying and the coverup and I was seething.

I mean, I watched disturbing stuff too – serial killers, murder scandals, financial frauds, cults, assaults. And I would lie if I say that I’m never affected by them. They do trigger my anxiety a lot when I watch certain true crime topics and I often find myself taking a break. But as of right now, I keep on coming back apparently.

My partner and I also started watching Link Click. Not going to lie, that I put this on my watchlist not knowing really what it was about. All I knew about it was that it was a donghua. And I automatically bookmarked it because of the two guys on the thumbnail on Crunchyroll. Three episodes in and both of us were enjoying it! The premise was really interesting, so far we’re both hooked on it. The soundtrack bops. So I cannot complain!

I’ve also been consuming some hockey romances. So that’s that.

11.03.23 – Another Lazy Day? Yes.

I mean, I did do some errands earlier today so that was good. But I did feel really tired and kept on yawning the whole day even though I was sipping on coffee pretty much the whole day. All good. All good. I did receive the itinerary of the training on Monday. So that was good. However, the fact that I had to email the manager to get that information was a bit weird. But I am excited to start my new role though. I was able to hang out with my hun today. And we just watched one movie today.

V for Vendetta (2006). I was finally able to watch this movie! Not for the lack of trying! I tried years ago, but I fell asleep and never picked it up again. Okay, full transparency, the first part of this movie dragged for me. The plot was moving too slowly for my liking. The movie picked up for me when the connections were being revealed. It is a good revenge story. I enjoyed it for the most part. However, I did tell my partner that I think I would’ve preferred reading this as a novel instead of watching the movie. I know, there’s no novel so that would never happen. Regardless, I love a good revenge plot, and this movie delivered.

No big plans tonight. Just relaxing. I do have a headache right now. It could be anything really. Most likely just being in front of the computer the whole day or I could be dehydrated. I don’t think I drank enough water today. So I will do just that. I will try to read some more of Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6 while listening to a podcast. I am almost done with it. I am too excited to start reading HOB Vol 7 already.

11.02.23 – I Got Caught Up Talking.

Today was spent with me having anxiety waiting for my background check to clear for a job. I was getting antsy for sure. All I was doing since last week was waiting. And It was not fun. Anyway, I got some good news today, everything has been cleared and this new job wants me to start on the 6th instead of the 13th, which is fine. I have been waiting for this for a while now so I am excited to start my new role.

Anyway, my hun and I were supposed to watch a movie and then some episodes of an anime. But I got so caught up in talking about what happened on Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6 that we kind of decided to not watch some episodes of Founder of Diabolism anymore since I took so much time talking.

The Bubble (2022). A look at a movie in production during the pandemic. But you know, more chaotic. It was okay. Not the best for sure. There were some funny parts. But a lot of cringe. And a lot of “okay, sure”. Like I said, it was okay. But then again, I was not expecting much from this movie anyway. So I am not disappointed at all. It did what it did.

Plans for tonight? Just continue reading Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6. I am getting to the good part. I mean, Xie Lian is in his dark era and I am all here for it!

11.01.23 – This Year Went By Fast.

I cannot believe it’s already November. I don’t know where this year went. But it went by too fast for my liking. It seems like it was just yesterday when we were told that we would be laid off. And that was during the first quarter of 2023, so yeah. Too quick.

Anyway, today was still not a good day. I was feeling sick. My body is still recuperating from sleepless nights. Last night was a bit better. I was able to sleep at a somewhat decent time. I had a good six hours of sleep. However, something unfortunate happened this morning. My phone fell on my lips and now, it’s swollen. And it bled this morning. Oh well. As my hun said, I am dangerous.

I’m glad to say that Phoebe is a lot better now. She slept the whole night and was pretty much in her normal mood the whole day. Her naps throughout the day were also longer compared to the last few days. Thank goodness because I am at my wit’s end.

Any plans tonight? Not much. I do have a migraine so I might just curl in bed. And most likely read a bit since I have not really read in a hot minute. So I would like to read a few pages from Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6. I am enjoying the backstory right now, since it does reveal some connections on why Hua Cheng did the things he did and why his biggest fear is being unable to do anything but watch his beloved suffer. The backstory is breaking my heart of course. But I felt such satisfaction when Xie Lian started cursing. Because that is such a visceral reaction to something you can’t control. And yes, I am emotional reading these pages. And I still have a long way to go before this rollercoaster of a backstory is over.