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When I Escape Reality.

Do you know what happens when your life seems out of place and your brain feels like it’s spiraling out of control? You find something that could drown out the thoughts. You look for distractions. That’s what I’ve been doing lately. Finding some kind of distraction from my mundane life right now. People have different types of coping mechanisms to escape their reality. These are mine.

I have been rewatching the Scream franchise. Considering that these movies are far from relaxing, it’s very contradictory that the franchise somehow calms my brain and helps me focus. And I am all for it. My brain has always been like this. I need to have something in the background. And not just whatever. It needs to be something specific. Right now, apparently, my brain only accepts the Scream movies. I tried other movies, some TV shows, and even YouTube videos. My brain just says “Put the goddamn Scream movies on!”

I also find myself devouring some books. I just finished a series and just started reading a new one. And no, it’s not the reading that I’m using as a coping mechanism here. It’s the material or genre of what I’m consuming that keeps me out of my reality. Let’s just say that if I pick a genre like this, know full well that I’m having some kind of internal crisis. I am not complaining. Far from it, I take all the reading that I can get. I just understand that when I’m reading books in this genre is my way of escaping my own brain.

And now I find myself getting distracted by mobile games. I’ve been downloading new games on a daily basis. I play the new game a couple of times and then I uninstall it. Of course, there are maybe one or two games that I would like and I would play that for a while. Right now, I am addicted to Jewel Sliding. I find myself obsessed with beating my best score. And honestly, that is all I wanted in a mobile game. It’s a puzzle and the only competition I have is myself.

These are not bad things. I just finally realized that these things are prominently featured in my daily life when I’m in a restless head space. Especially these past few weeks. My time has been consumed with reading and playing mobile games. I would do anything to distract me from whatever it is that life throws at me every day.

Roma Reacts to Sk♾️ The Infinity

  • Anime Title: Sk♾️ the Infinity
  • Episodes: 1 Season – 12 episodes
  • Where to Watch: Crunchyroll
  • Publisher: Aniplex of America

I keep saying that I don’t gravitate toward sports anime, yet here we are. And yes this is a sports anime – a skateboarding anime. And sure, there were some friendship storylines sprinkled in, but this anime mainly focuses on skateboarding. The story follows a group of skateboarders participating in a secret, underground, no-holds-barred competition called “S”. We first got introduced to Reki, a redhead adorable high school student with a passion for skateboarding. He took a transfer student, Langa to “S” one night that pulled him into the world of underground skateboarding.

Who pulled me in? Reki. I mean, his passion for the sport is contagious. I don’t know a lot about skateboarding but seeing him get excited about it, made me excited about it. His character development was very fleshed out. From seeing him this excited about the sport, then suffering some major self-confidence issues and questioning his self-worth. Amazing. The other characters were pretty developed as well and their character progression was pretty interesting to watch. I was simping for Kaoru (Cherry) from the moment he got introduced. Because he is just so gorgeous. I loved Adam as well. He is so unhinged and dramatic. His backstory was really heartbreaking to watch.

I loved the friendship between the characters. Especially the one between Reki and Langa. I feel like it progressed naturally. And the addition of Shadow and Miya to the group made the dynamic fun as well. And then we have the friendship between Kaoru (Cherry) and Kojiro (Joe). They have that banter down, you know, that banter between best of friends. Yeah, they have that dynamic. And this six-person group is just so chaotically silly. I wonder what would be the dynamic if you add Adam to the mix.

The animation of the skateboarding races was great. I wasn’t expecting much, but it was pretty well done. Of course, this is an anime and I am sure that some of these might be impossible to pull off in real life. But the animation was just so good and so fun to watch. My reaction when Langa flew for the first time. Wow. And that race between Langa and Adam was not bad either.

Overall, I loved this anime. Yes, I already rewatched this I think 3 times. And I am waiting for season two “patiently”. Because I need it. And the soundtrack is not bad either. This is one of the very few anime that I really do not have a palpable dislike for any of the characters. The dynamic between the characters was good. And it was so hard to not love all of them.

08.18.23 – My Week of Napping.

Napping is my best friend. I love it. Although, I really did not have a choice this week. My brain just wanted to shut down and minimize my energy expenditure and focused on just breathing. The temperature was pretty high for my liking the whole week. Some people wonder how could I even take a nap in the heat. I have no choice in this matter. It’s my brain that takes control of these things. Anyway, I wouldn’t end up choosing to do anything anyway. For the whole week, even just sitting and doing nothing made me sweat.

The weather today was a bit better for sure. A lot cooler. Thank goodness. I still took a nap because last night was still rough. A bit cooler than the previous night, for sure. But I still ended up sleeping pretty late. Which was fine. I don’t have a job to wake up for anyway. I am in my unemployed era currently, which I have not been in since I was a mere teenager. Let’s just say that I was pretty busy last night doing some much-needed computer time since I refused to sit in front of it the whole week.

There was really nothing substantial that I did. Like I said, I just refused to move. So I just ended up reading a book, rewatching the Scream franchise over and over, and also started The Vampire Diaries. A lot of that I chose to “watch” was really for background noise for the most part. I wanted to focus on reading and journaling. And I needed to focus on what I wanted to do, the background noise helps a lot with that. I’ve always been like this, by the way. I just cannot focus in a quiet environment.

Any plans tonight? Just read more. Continue with the series that I’m reading. I just started on book 4 of 5. And I just want to continue reading the genre because it seems like I am in the mood for it. Yeah, the curse of a mood reader folks. And also the reason why I tend to read multiple books at a time.

Thoughts on Paper.

I was gifted my first journal when I was 10 years old. It was a gift from a cousin and I was hooked from then on. I do not remember what I wrote in it. But just thinking about how I was back then, I am pretty sure that some entries included some kind of unrequited crush on this boy named Joseph.

I cannot take a photo of my previous journals from back then. I cannot reread them just for shits and giggles. Why? Some people decided that I was not allowed to have them. A couple of people decided to invade my privacy and read them. And a college ex-boyfriend decided I should not keep one or let him read all of them since according to him I should not be hiding anything. (This was also the dude who wanted all my passwords because he seemed to think that I really should not have privacy whatsoever.)

Anyway, I burned all of them. All my journals from when I was 10 years old up to 16 years old. I do not have a record of them anywhere now. Never thought to scan them before disposing of them. Why? Fear. I do not want anyone to get a hold of the saved files. Again, privacy apparently was not a thing.

I picked up journaling again when I moved here in the US. And I’ve been keeping up with it since. Well, not religiously. Sporadically all through these years. Some are kept in a closet in the apartment, and some are displayed on a bookshelf. I have gone through different types of paper, different types of notebooks.

What is journaling to me and what do I get out of it? Journaling to me for the most part is a brain dump tool. Everything and anything that is in my head for the most part gets transferred on paper. Feelings. Insecurities. Memories – happy or not. I write them down. It’s a scrapbook of sorts. Pictures. Tickets. Collages. It could also contain my feelings regarding a book that I am reading. Everything is in one notebook. Sure, my journal may not have the organization that most people who journal have, who have different journals for different purposes. But I find that having only one journal for everything reflects who I am. Organized in a way but chaotic at times.

Have I reread my journals? Yes, I have. Because honestly, it was fun reading what my concerns were back when I was in my early 20s. I enjoy reading how a certain song made me feel. I like reading about past relationships and how they made me feel. It showed me trends in I how dealt with things and my behavior. I loved seeing the memories on a page or more. I enjoyed looking at some dried lilies that were pressed in between the pages and reading what they were associated with. The journals showed me how much I changed and not at the same time.

Completed Journals

What is my current journaling setup now? I mean, I know I said I tend to just use one notebook for everything. That changed a month or so ago. I also journal in the morning and throughout the day now instead of waiting until the end of the day. What tools do I use now? I have a couple that I use. One is a Freewrite Traveler device and another is a Traveler’s Notebook.

Astohaus Freewrite Traveler. I mainly use this for my morning pages. I know people said to use paper and pen for this habit but honestly, this device works great for me. It’s a device that makes me write without distractions – no emails, no internet, no browsers. Just turn it on and type away. My morning journal is strictly a brain dump journal. I type whatever in there. Without rhyme or reason. I just type whatever noise I have in my head. Much like, emptying a bag so you can fit more kind of thing. And no, I don’t reread this. It’s really just a type and go kind of thing. No looking back. For the most part, whatever gets inputted here in the morning are noises in my head.

Traveler’s Notebook. This one I use for all the other stuff. Memory keeping. Feelings. And all that. A bit reflective entries. And I journal throughout the day. I find that I like being able to write whenever I am feeling something at a certain time of the day. May it be as trivial as the heat. May it be something that is more substantial like feeling some anxiety over something. Or just talking about a TV show that I just watched. This is where I use ephemera and stickers and maybe some pictures. This is the journal that I would be reading maybe in a couple of months just for amusement purposes.

Current Journaling Tools

Do I ever repeat what I put in my morning pages to my regular journal? Not so much. However, if there is a noise that I dumped on my freewrite that needs more thought, then yeah. Mainly ideas that needed fleshing out. Seeing if those ideas are feasible to do at all or not. Weighing the pros and the cons of making the said idea into a concrete project. There are a couple of ideas that I am trying to flesh out right now. Figuring out the logistics and all that.

Honestly, I just love how therapeutic journaling has been for me. And for someone who is always in her head, writing those thoughts down has been a great help. Especially recently. It has made my mood a lot better. I feel lighter.

08.14.23 – Melted on the Mattress.

Yesterday and today were tough. The whole day, I found myself melting on the mattress because my body refused to move and spend energy on doing things. I mean sure, I did the regular ol’ daily chores. But other than that, my body decided just to hibernate. This was nothing new by the way. My brain tends to reserve whatever energy I have for necessary functions – like breathing. My energy tends to be so low that my body just wants to shut down and sleep. And that was what I did! I spent the day napping. And it was great.

It was a rough night yesterday. I did not get enough sleep since I kept on waking up because of the heat. And it seems like tonight is not going to be any better. I already feel myself burning up with the heat. I really wish that the apartment has AC. I understand that ACs were not needed a few years ago. But now, yeah, AC is a must in every complex. An electric fan is not cutting it. I mean, I know that me having some low energy today might be a consequence of having a restless sleep the night before. But I really just want to blame to heat. I mean, the reason why I barely slept was because of the heat anyway.

Anyway, short post today. My brain really does feel like goo right now. Melting in this heat. And just sitting here in front of the computer is also not a good feeling.

Roma Reacts to Hi, Anxiety

  • Title: Hi, Anxiety: Life With a Bad Case of Nerves
  • Author: Kat Kinsman
  • Genre: Nonfiction, Memoir
  • Pages: 229
  • Publisher: HarperEnt
  • Published: 2017

This book has been sitting on my bookshelf for a while. A couple of years maybe? Who really knows. What made me decide to pick the book up? Why now? Well, it’s very timely actually. I am in a downward spiral with mental health and I wanted to read how someone lives through it.

Well, one thing that I realized as I experience Kat Kinsman’s memoir was the fact that I really do not have it as bad as other people. My anxiety and depression are nothing compared to other people. And for that I’m grateful. Because I would have no idea what to do with myself. I could barely manage what I have right now.

One quote that really resonated with me was “…the fewer people who worried about me, the less guilt I had about taxing their strained resources”. I felt this. I am a suffer-alone kind of person. So I know this feeling very well. I don’t like having to disturb anyone else with my issues. But this memoir is about Kat’s journey in accepting, sharing with others, and living with her “baggage”. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

There were some situations and feelings that definitely felt familiar. Might not be of the same magnitude, but I felt it nonetheless. One thing that hit me in the head was the constant question of self-worth. “Because you don’t deserve any of this…” This was in the intro, second paragraph. And as I read the whole statement, all I could think of was oh shit. Always constantly questioning the blessings, the material things, the people, and even the dogs that I have in my life. I’m still working on this. I mean, I know that everything I have I worked hard for. The people around me, the few of them, chose to stay with me regardless of my own “baggage”. And my dogs, well my dogs love me unconditionally. I have to work on not questioning these things so much.

There were some triggering situations. Well, one. Bullying. Not that I experienced it firsthand. But I just don’t understand how a person can do such things. I mean, the mind games and the way Kat’s “friend” just demolished her self-confidence was such a horrible thing to do. The fact of the matter is that this was all done by a kid. Yeah. Crazy. Some of her experiences made me laugh. Well not LOL, but I laughed nonetheless. I mean, Kat’s stint as a dominatrix was entertaining. I understood why she enjoyed it. It was getting some kind of control or having something that she can control. I understood all that. Do I have the same urge? Not really. But I get it.

I also enjoyed her take on her relationships. A lot of them were of course unsuccessful. But I thoroughly enjoyed how she and her husband got together. I like the fact that it was him that she opened up to, it was him that she welcomed to her space. And the fact that he accepted her “baggage” was really commendable. I mean, just reading about her crippling depression and anxiety, I could say that it would be a lot of burden to someone else. Especially to a partner. I don’t say this lightly, it takes a special person to be with someone who has this kind of baggage. And I really liked that Kat found her special someone. The fact that he made her feel safe enough so that she can share herself with him. That is something. And her dad! I cannot forget her dad. Every time that he was mentioned in the book, I couldn’t help but smile. He was such a gem and a saint.

The book was really honest and very candid in a way. It seems raw. At least to me. I loved the sections titled “Irrational Fear”. But there was really one thing that I want to take with me: Anxiety “is not weakness. This is not craziness. This is not anything to be ashamed of”. I need to keep repeating this to myself. Because yes. It’s not. Sure, I’ve been more open about my anxiety but I am still a working progress. A lifetime of unlearning and all that. And I also have to remember that leaning on someone else is okay. “They’re grateful to see you unclench a little, let your guard down, and trust them to see the real you – even if that’s an anxious, needy mess.” The people who really care about me will stay and support me. Will understand. And me opening up, sharing my space, and letting them in my mess shows that I trust them. And I think that is a good foundation for any relationship.