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09.01.23 – Just Chillin’.

Guess what happened? I had another restless sleep. This would not be a surprise at this point. However, I do understand why it happened. I mean, I was basically sleeping the whole day yesterday. So of course, my sleep last night would be disrupted. I just want to have a good night’s sleep. I don’t think I’ve had one in a while.

I finished the 2nd book in a 10-book urban fantasy I was reading last night. I barely started the 3rd book. I do need to continue on with Lolita and Craig & Fred. I had to put them aside for a bit since my brain wanted some fast reads. But I think I had put them off long enough and I feel like I am ready to pick them back up. We shall see though. I do take my moods on a day-to-day basis.

Today was a “watch some YT videos” kind of day. I found myself finally catching up on some of the booktubers that I follow. Apparently, I missed a lot since I got so into S.W.A.T. lately. I finally took a break yesterday and today to catch up on some other mediums. And that was so worth it. As I said before, I get consumed by that show and I tend to not do anything else while it plays.

No big plans tonight. Right now, I am currently watching a 6-hour-long video of him reading every horror story by Junji Ito. I mean, I only watch this kind of video (with spoilers) because of the fact that I probably won’t read his entire bibliography. I read Tomie last year which I enjoyed but I never really thought of consuming more of his manga. We’ll see. Right now, this video will have to do.

08.31.23 – Allergies Ruined Another Day.

I mean, it was my fault. I was craving for Chinese food last night and decided to get some delivered. However, the usual place I normally get it food from was closed yesterday, so I had to order from a different place. I assumed there was some kind of cross-contamination with shellfish leading to some really bad allergic reactions. Don’t get me wrong, I got some mild allergic reactions from the place I normally get it from. But if I try a different restaurant, I always get horrible reactions. And last night was no different. I had to use my inhaler, wipe myself with cold wipes, and knock myself out with some allergy medicine. And I found myself dragging myself all day. I was too exhausted and I was just in and out of sleep.

I was not complaining by any means. It just reminded me that living with allergies could be a bitch sometimes. Well, all the time. I already have a complicated relationship with food and having allergies makes it even more frustrating. Honestly, the only way I could stay out of allergens is if I cook my own food. But sometimes – well, most of the time – I really crave food that I have no business putting in my body. I have no discipline whatsoever. Like I said, complicated.

Moving on, I found that the movie Stuck in Love (2013) was available on streaming services again. I just need to buy this movie so I can watch it as much as I want. I keep forgetting how much I love this movie. And I’m just reminded of my enjoyment when I see the title when I browse streaming services. And that was pretty much I found this movie the first time. Just browsing casually in hopes of finding a movie that I could play in the background. But I got hooked. Since then, this movie has been one of my go-to movies.

I have no big plans today. I mean, I am still suffering from the aftereffects of an allergic reaction-filled night and morning. So, I just really want to bundle myself with a blanket and just sleep this day away. I might try to read but honestly, that might be a bit tough – I could barely keep my eyes open.

Starting Over.

Okay, I’m not technically starting over my life from scratch. Just my career. At my age, it’s not really ideal to start over anything. I should be in a more stable stage in my life. But of course, I am not there yet. And it took a while before I even realized what I really wanted to do with my life.

I envied people who knew what they wanted to be and what they wanted to do at such an early age. Because I was never that person. For the most part, I was coasting through life. I never had such an intense passion for something. Sure, I debated some career avenues mainly in healthcare. But a few years ago, I realized that I didn’t want to be wearing a lab coat anymore. When I was a kid, I always wanted to wear business clothes and have my own office. I cannot tell you why I never pursued that. Oh yeah, parents and their nonstop hounding of healthcare is the way-to-go kind of thing.

I entered my unemployed era at the end of Q1 this year. And I have been stuck with job hunting. I could pretend and say that I have been cool as a cucumber after being laid off. But no. Far from it really. I had days when anxiety and desperation got the best of me. I mean, can you blame me? I have no idea how long I could afford not to have a job. So far, I’ve done well.

Don’t get me wrong, I have been applying to roles. But it’s a bit tougher than I anticipated. And with this whole career transition thing, it’s a bit more difficult to even get an interview. Boy, the competition is fierce. I know that it might be easier if I apply to roles that are more lab-related, I mean that makes sense. But honestly, I don’t want to be stuck again. There’s a reason why I gained skills that could take me out of that environment. Also, a lot of lab-related roles right now, I’m overqualified for. Or lab roles that need some extra certifications, which I am not interested in getting. Because again, I want to get out of that field. If I am getting extra certifications, it will be for roles that will get me out of the lab. And yes, I am working on some. Well, I need to get back to studying and reviewing. I have been neglecting that for a bit.

It just sucks starting on a clean slate. As I said, I should be stable now. But of course not. And I need to be okay with that. Again, I was never one of those people who knew what they wanted to do when I was younger. And that is okay. It’s okay that I found what I like to do this late in the game. Now, it really is just a matter of pursuing it at this point. I feel like I procrastinated enough all my life already.

08.29.23 – Jump Scare Triggered Anxiety.

This is what happens when I decide to watch a different movie. I got engaged and invested in the movie, then a jump scare came on, I jumped, hit my hand on a table, and then the rash manifested. Then came the itchiness. The itchiness took over my body. To my back, to both my arms, face, and scalp. Let’s just say it was a very rough morning.

The movie in question? The Lost World: Jurassic Park. I think I watched this movie before, but of course, I have no recollection whatsoever. Hence, the jump scare. Not going to lie, I liked Jurassic Park but I enjoyed the sequel more. Not that the first movie was not fun to watch. It was interesting. It introduced genetics and cloning. But the second movie explored human greediness more. And I found that more interesting. Anyway, I plan on watching the third movie, I’m just not sure when.

I have been stuck watching S.W.A.T. the whole afternoon. I am about halfway done with Season 2. I am enjoying the show a lot. I am at the edge of my seat for some episodes. Sweaty palms and all that. Some episodes are definitely more intense than others. It is safe to say that I am going to marathon this show until I’m done with all the episodes available.

And since I have been stuck watching this show, I have not been able to read this afternoon. So much for plans to finish book 2 of the series that I’m reading. Still plan on finishing the book tonight or tomorrow. But I need to make sure that I am actually taking the time to read and not just glued in bed getting lost

08.28.23 – As the Weather Cools.

Today was okay. I did laundry. I changed my sheets. So, productive-ish. I mean, I cannot complain. Sure, I could have been more productive but honestly, I’m glad I did the bare minimum. Like I have been doing every day of the week. Trust me, just doing those little chores is a win for me. At least right now, it is.

I have been stuck watching S.W.A.T. since yesterday! The series has been on my watchlist for the longest time, I just had to wait for myself to be in the mood for it. And I guess yesterday was that day! Finally. I have 4 episodes left and I would be done with Season 1. I mean, I am enjoying it. I like the action. I like the interpersonal relationships between the division members, but I am mainly here for the action. Technically, I am not surprised that I am liking the show since I liked the movie of the same name. There are currently five seasons available for streaming, season 6 will be available soon, and season 7 is about to come out. So, yeah, I have some major catching up to do.

And say, Scream movies were still played in the morning while I was doing chores and all that. As I said, this franchise calms my brain and helps me focus on the tasks at hand. I will take advantage while I can. My brain tends to change its preferences from time to time.

No major plans tonight. I just want to relax. Most likely read. I didn’t read at all today, which was weird. It’s all good though. Not sweating about it. Just weirded out.

08.26.23 – Food Coma Hits

Random thought: Why is it called spaghetti western? No, I have not looked it up yet. I heard a booktuber mention it again to describe classic Western movies. I just wanted to put it here so I remember to look it up later. Also, he was talking about Joe Abercrombie and I really need to get to reading his books. Well, there are a lot of authors I need to check out. I mean I have not read any Brandon Sanderson yet and I have the Mistborn trilogy sitting on my shelf.

I’m sluggish today. I want to blame it on food coma. You know what, I’m blaming it on a food coma. Had some tapsilog for brunch before doing some grocery shopping. Got a blended espresso drink before going home. Then passed out when I got home. yeah, definitely food coma. The fact that I didn’t get to sleep until 3 a.m. had nothing to do with it. Purely food coma. And honestly, so much for drinking an espresso drink to keep me awake.

Nothing really planned today. Most likely read. Because I just want to read right now. And write. Those are the only activities that I have energy for at the moment. It’s okay. I’m not complaining.