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05.03.22 – I Want to Visit a Japanese Internet Cafe

The Anime Man – I Spent 48 hrs Locked Inside Japan’s Biggest Internet Cafe

Yes. I want to visit an internet cafe in Japan. I’ve been to internet cafes in the Philippines and it’s nothing like this. Well, back then. I don’t think it changed that much but then again it has been years! In this specific one that Joey visited, you can rent a private room, they have complimentary drinks, they have a full menu, and you have an array of things to do – rent movies, play games, and read manga. This site actually have a lot of mangas in their arsenal – if you can read Japanese of course.

I’m feeling slightly better today. My allergies are still flaring up but I’m not as irritable as yesterday. But then again, there were barely any people onsite today. I love it. I had no meetings today, which is a rare occurrence. And I appreciate it. I feel like I’ve been overly socialized lately with all these Teams meetings. So if I have an off day, I love it.

My love and I started watching House again. We just watched episode 16 of season 1. Heavy is the title of the episode and the episode annoyed the shit out of me! Well most of the characters in that episode annoyed me except for House and Foreman.

Watched some more Blue Exorcist. So far so good. Shiemi is annoyingly innocent. I say annoyingly because she has this need to belong and she gets taken advantage of. Well at least on the couple of episodes we watched, she was taken advantage of. Kamiki is just meh. I don’t like her and some of her backstory I had to skip because I just can’t stand her. So I wasn’t interested in her story. Suguru I find interesting. He’s your very standard hot head with a lot to prove very similar to Rin. But Suguru works hard to be at the top of his class. So I can’t fault him for that. Rin is still Rin. Loud.

I also don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I enjoyed hanging out with my hun regardless of what we’re watching but I was just not feeling the stuff that we watched today. I think Trigun and Persona5 were tough to beat. I think I still have an anime hangover.

05.02.22 – I Do Not Have the Energy to Adult Today

Sometimes I wish that I was still a kid. No care in the world. No responsibilities but to go school and be good at it. Ever since I started working, I haven’t stopped. Everything else became secondary priority. Earning money has been the most important thing. I don’t like it but you know bills. Even now, all I can think about is I need to find a job that pays better. Why? Because cost of living is getting worse. And salary increases don’t really take that into account. Oh well, I’m just venting. I know I’m not the only one feeling the inflation in cost of living. And I know that other people have it worse than I do.

What else do I miss? Oh yeah, nap time! I just wish that there is a paid designated nap time at work! I mean that would be great. Morale will be up because hey naps when you’re an adult is a luxury! And these kids just take it for granted. I remember fake napping when I was a kid and now, once noon hits, all I can think of is that I need a nap.

Work was a meh today. I was not in a good mood. I tried to avoid any conversations with anyone onsite. Of course, I could not do anything about the meetings I had. So I was a bit quiet on those meetings and only speaking when asked, which was not good since I always try my best to be engaged. But today was just not good.

My allergies were also off the chains. Well actually still are. My face is red, my eyelids are swollen and itchy, my neck is raw and red, my scalp is itchy and irritated, my lips are also itchy. So to say that this did not help my mood at all today is a huge understatement.

The lab director was also onsite today. On some days I feel okay when she’s there but today, it stressed me out. And she didn’t even do anything to trigger that emotion. She was just onsite. And I felt suffocated. Again – she didn’t really do anything. I think I just didn’t want to deal with people today. And she just so happened to be there.

I was only able to read 2 pages at work. Because I couldn’t focus. And also because the lab director was there, it was harder to bust a book out and read. But it was really more on the fact that I couldn’t focus. I think I had to read a few sentences two or three times because I felt like they didn’t register in my head. Yeah. It was tough. I will be reading a bit tonight though so hopefully my brain is in a better mood to absorb whatever I’m reading.

I went to Marshall’s today after work. And I had to actually stop myself from buying a Steve Madden backpack. Because I have way too many backpacks to be honest. I just like backpacks and I want a new one. It took all the energy I have to not grab it and pay for it. Yay for discipline! But that back is no nice though. It will not fit my laptop but it will fit my chromebook and some other things, like a book and a journal and all the other things that I tend to travel with. Oh and it will fit my 40 oz hydroflask. I guess I’ll stick to window shopping for now. I mean I’ve been perusing Amazon for backpacks. And I have my favorite ones in my shopping list. But hey, at least I haven’t bought anything yet. I think that’s a win.

Hope I feel better tomorrow. Or work will be unbearable.

05.01.22 – It’s Gonna Be May

The morning didn’t start out great. I woke up late, well later than what I would’ve liked. Not surprising since I think I was up late last night. Since I planned on going to the store to do some groceries, I would’ve like to have woken up as early as 6 AM. But I mean, it was fine. I just don’t like going to the store when it’s crowded already.

And Costco was just that. A crowded mess. Hard to believe when I actually went there a few minutes they opened. Too many people. Especially when a lot of them don’t like to follow the keep right unspoken rule. Some of them in the middle of the freaking aisle. So yes, my anxiety was on high alert this morning. It was not fun.

My hun got lucky and the Twilight Saga movies have been removed from viewing without live subscription on Hulu. He dodged the bullet of watching those movies for now. He procrastinated long enough. I’ll keep an eye up on those movies though. I want to watch all the movies with him.

We finished Persona5. And I was right about Akechi being the “Black Mask”. I knew there was something so untrustworthy about that guy. That was a good anime. I liked it. Sad that they won’t be able to go the metaverse anymore. But I’m glad that Morgana still ended up with them. I actually thought that he will be gone since the metaverse was no more since he was not technically from earth. He was such a cutie cat. I would love to have a plushy of him. Well, his metaverse version. Going back to the anime, I love the backstories of each characters. They were fleshed out. Even Akechi’s backstory was pretty awful – still doesn’t excuse what he did. I would’ve liked it even better if Morgana’s story was a bit more explored. It just felt rushed to me to be honest. I still think that Haru was a very random addition.

My hun and I were kind of not in the mood to watch anything in particular, so we started watching Blue Exorcist next. Three episodes in. So far, it’s interesting. I feel like Rin is one of those protagonists that has the potential to be unlikable. He’s very stubborn and loud and impulsive, not to mention hot headed. With the episodes we watched, he was definitely difficult to root for. But I do understand the intense surge of emotions coming from him. Why he needed answers right away. I mean, this information was just kind of thrown at him at rapid speed. And he needs to be okay with those in snap. My hun said he doesn’t change. So we shall see. I’ve been known to give up on animes with unlikable protagonists.

We also watched Beetlejuice today! That was fun. I watched that movie before – a long time ago – and I don’t really remembered much from the movie. So it definitely felt like I was watching for the first time. Michael Keaton in that movie was chef’s kiss. He played Beetlejuice really well. And a young Alec Baldwin, oh god. Such a hottie. The little goth Winona Rider, YES! And that red wedding dress! And now I want that Handbook for the Recently Deceased in my collection.

Today has been relaxing. It was needed. I was not sluggish which was nice for once. But we shall see how I feel tomorrow. Mondays are always difficult for me.

04.30.22 – The Bed Calls My Name

Damn. I was so sluggish today! Woke up, fed the doggos, and started doing laundry. And then I took an unplanned nap. UNPLANNED. I just decided to put head on the pillow and bam. I woke up and the documentary that I was watching before the nap was over and something totally different was playing. I still felt unrested. Drank tea in the afternoon to get some caffeine in me. Didn’t help to be honest. I’m still feeling very sleepy.

Finally watched Twilight with my love. LOL His commentaries were funny. Apparently, he watched the movie before during a supernatural literature class and my question was, why in hell would they choose Twilight? Why not Dracula or Interview with the Vampire? Yep, I had questions on who decided the curriculum. That series do not follow the vampire lore at all. Especially the most integral part – not being to survive under the sun! The movie is definitely problematic in some cases, but I just can’t let myself to hate it as much or make fun of it. I enjoyed the series at one point in my life and I will continue to adore it I guess.

Finished Trigun today…And not going to lie, the ending was meh. It was anti-climatic for an ending. I was so stuck on the fact that the ideals Vash was fighting for were not even his. It was an ideal dream by Rem, a pseudo-mother who “raised” him and Knives for like what? 5 years maybe? And then I got even more annoyed because it has been 130 years since Rem died, and Vash didn’t learn anything. 130 years of being exposed to humans and Vash failed to learn and form his own principles! Come on! Even in real life, there’s no such thing as black and white. There is always a sacrifice for a bigger gain. That’s just how life works. I even joked with my hun that Vash will hug Knives and everything will be okay. Guess what? Vash still didn’t kill Knives considering how much human lives Knives has taken. I don’t get it. Don’t get me wrong, I like the anime. Storyline was good. I was pissed at some parts – Wolfwood dying – but definitely one of the good ones out there.

Watched more of Persona5. Futaba is adorable. My hun said that Ren and Futaba have shippers out there. But I didn’t get that energy from them in the anime. Definitely more of a sibling relationship going on between those two. But I like her. It’s nice to see her making friends slowly after being so trapped in her head alone for years. Haru…she feels like a random add to be honest. I don’t know. We’ll see. But I feel like she is somewhat out of place. And that person in a black mask…I’m putting my money that it’s that Detective Prince, Akechi. It’s him. Watching Morgana’s struggle was difficult. It was all about finding purpose and feeling helpless. And getting over that. I hope there is some sort of happy ending for him.

Tomorrow, I have to do some errands. Go to the store, which I’m already getting anxiety just thinking about it. I hate crowds and stores are always crowded. Even in the morning. But afternoon, hopefully I get to hang out again with my love. I’m planning to watch New Moon with him. LOL

04.29.22 – Happy Tiyan…Worth it?

Today was potluck at work. There were so much food. Meatballs. Chips and artichoke dip. Cheesecake. Greek salad. Ham and cheese sliders. Lasagna. I mean, I ate my heart out. So for the whole day, I was not hungry pretty much the whole afternoon. Can’t complain really…But, is it worth it?

I love food. I really do. But I’m practically allergic to the most common stuff. And as you saw, the menu for today potluck was definitely not me-friendly. So as I am typing this, I feel like I’m suffering. Well my skin is anyway. My arms are itchy. My back. My face. My back. Yeah… not fun. I often say, that food is worth it. But for the sake of being honest, I often feel like it’s not. But also, I have no discipline for the most part. I would have days that I’ll be good at staying away from food that might contain allergens, but I can’t keep it up.

Well, I’m not bored at work today. Meetings all morning, then dealing with samples after and practically all afternoon. Got lucky that my meeting scheduled for the afternoon got canceled. CANCELED! Normally, it will get rescheduled but this one to canceled. Thank god. I’ve definitely been feeling exhausted when you’re practically in meetings the every single day.

So, Trigun…I thought that will never be annoyed with this anime. I guess, I should be surprised. Something was bound to come up. I cannot believe this anime did Nicholas D. Wolfwood dirty! He died! I was so annoyed! I should’ve known. My hun tried to warn me, they were showing his backstory in that episode And in my head, he was a major character, they wouldn’t do him dirty. Such a nonsensical way to die either. Ugghhhh. I cannot. My hun and I only have three episodes left. Most likely will be finishing it today.

Let’s talk about Persona5. They added a new member! The Queen and Johana. Such a badass. Such a good aesthetic. She looks more like a knight! Compared to Panther who is a dominatrix. Just wasn’t surprised with how Takamaki’s persona costume turned out. More of an eye roll on my end. That was very predictable. Story wise though, I love it. Each character’s back story was pretty intense. They just introduced Alibaba. Futaba. This backstory is pretty intense. And she wants the phantom thieves to steal her heart. I can’t wait to learn more!

04.28.22 – When the Time Stood Still

Yes. I know. The title is a tad dramatic. I tend to be dramatic when I get bored at work. And it happens at lot more than I care to admit. Yeah I know I know. But time really stands still in that lab. I personally think that it’s just not busy enough for me. I guess what I’m trying to say is that the job in general is not challenging for me anymore. And that is not the fault of the lab I work at right now. But more on the fact that I have been doing this for far too long and I’m hitting a wall. To be honest, most likely had hit a wall for some time now. I often wonder what would have happened if I had gotten that lab manager job that I wanted three years ago, would I be bored now? Who knows, knowing me, yes. Probably.

The only saving grace I had from the boredom today was a book I decided to bring with me. I don’t normally bust out a book at work but I was desperate today. I was just staring at the computer all day and I have nothing to do. Normally, I would just read at work and hide in the conference room if I only have a few pages left to read. But today, I just needed something to break a monotonous hum of my workdays.

I am currently rewatching You on Netflix. This would be the 5th time I’m watching it I think. I lost count. I don’t know what it is about this show that makes me keep coming back to it when I feel like I’ve exhausted every possible resources for media entertainment. Well that’s a lie. I just like the show so much. I really did like how they characterized Joe Goldberg. Compared to the book of the same name by Caroline Kepnes, I prefer the show. This is one of the few times that I can honestly say that the show is better. I read the second book (Hidden Bodies) too, but I still prefer the show. I often say that the second book was a sequel that no one asked for. Well in my opinion anyway. Not planning on reading the third book. But I will continue to consume this show as much as I want.

Got to watch some animes with my love. Well, we did watch two animes but a few episodes of each anime. We started out with Trigun. I’m really enjoying that anime for sure. So I got pissed when my hun told me that there is only one season! What the heck?! Why??? Why would an anime as good as this only has ONE SEASON?? I shouldn’t be surprised to be honest, Yuri on Ice only has one season. Yeah, I’m still not happy about that.

The other one is Persona5. This one I really like as well. I really love how well made this one is. And also, I like how this anime is making my hun nerd out since he played the game. Right now, at this very moment, as he is driving to work, and as I am typing this, he is talking about the game. I really find it adorable and making me smile a lot. He compares the show to the game a lot and so far he thinks that there has been no major discrepancies. They called themselves misfits but I think they are more outcasts. And I love how the creators let them found each other. Their backstories are definitely heartbreaking especially this last character that was introduced, Yusuke. HEARTBREAK. HEARTBREAK. HEARTBREAK.

Tomorrow is Friday! Thank goodness. I swear, I’ve been looking forward to Friday since I woke up on Monday! We’re doing some potluck at work tomorrow and I decided to bring lasagna…I will be cheating though. I just got the frozen one because no way in hell I’m putting much effort on cooking for this. I do want to get some more reading done tomorrow. So hopefully I get to do that.