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05.16.22 – Puddle on the Floor

It has been raining the whole weekend. And I love it. Like I said on a previous post, this is one of the reasons why I moved here. So every single time it’s raining, I’m happy! But when the lab your working at has leak in the ceiling, all rain weekend has it’s disadvantages. Yes, I walked into a mess.

Yucky Puddle on the Floor

First thing that came to mind was, “Shit! The fridges!!” But thank God, not the fridges but good ol’ regular ceiling leak! The thing that really frustrates me is the fact the we have been dealing with this bullshit for three years now. And regardless of how many times this has been brought up with management and then to the building manager, it’s still not been resolved.

A couple of weeks ago, they changed the ceiling tiles, that was a Wednesday. Thursday, it rained. Friday, new tiles have water damage. I mean, it’s very logical to say that having new ceiling tiles to replace the old ones due to water damage is useless when the leak itself has not been fixed!

I was pretty busy at work today, which was nice for a change. And not a lot of meetings either! Also the office seems crowded. Site leader was there, and the new lab supervisor started today. So yeah, crowded. Tomorrow though I have an early morning meeting and same on Wednesday. Both days my meeting starts at 7 AM, so I have to be onsite before that. Gross. Again, whoever schedules these meetings suck.

My love is having boy’s night right now. Which is okay. I’ll be reading after I post this. And also, playing You on the background again. Season 2, episode 2 currently playing right now. I still do prefer Season 1 hands down.

Okay, I think that’s it for today. Reading time.

05.15.22 – Weekends End Way Too Soon

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only who feels this right? RIGHT? I’m done complaining, I think the last few posts made it clear how much I hate weekdays.

Today has been lazy. Well I’ve been lazy. I did not want to do anything but I did force myself to do the stuff that I needed to do. Folded laundry. Washed dishes. Threw away trash. It has been raining all day as well which I love. One of the real reasons why I moved to the Pacific Northwest, Southern California is just too damn hot and dry.

Remember when I said that my brain has been plagued with thoughts of fried eggs? Yeah, I gave in this morning. I scrambled some egg yolks. I’m allergic to egg whites. It was different. It’s definitely flatter compared to I decided to leave the egg whites in there. But I’ll take it. I’ll probably have some more again when I get the craving for eggs again.

My hun and I hung out again today. Just got off a while ago. We watched John Wick. Well, rewatch for the both us. I remember loving the movie but I did forget what the movie was about. I did remember some parts but not the full movie. So I’m glad I got to watch it again, this time enjoying the movie with him. He says it’s one of his favorite movies so I’m really happy that we got to enjoy the movie together.

We also watched episodes 2 and 3 of The Dropout. I will never forgive the decisions made by the CEO of the company. I’m sorry. I just cannot on principle. I will never accept it. There was no excuse. I know we are still pretty early on the series but I read the book, watched the documentaries about it. I just cannot.

We watched episodes 3 to 5 of House MD season two. I really love the show. I mean, as long as there are no unnecessary story arcs, I would be okay. My hun said we can skip some episodes if I get annoyed like what we did with the Vogler episodes.

I feel like this is a short post. Not really surprised, nothing was really going on today. Just regular lazy weekend things. My allergies are also pretty bad. It’s been pretty bad lately to be honest. My throat has been itchy, my neck, my scalp and sometimes my chest. My eyes have been swollen for a few weeks now. And my T-zone is red. I have an appointment with my asthma/allergy MD this week so hopefully she can suggest something.

05.14.22 – When Weekends are Dedicated for Chores

I know. I KNOW. This is what adulthood looks like. You go to work on weekdays. Then you do chores on weekends. And if you want to really unwind, you take your PTO days to either go somewhere else or just do a staycation. And come back to work with a shiton of catching up and messes to deal with. This makes this the vacation not even worth it. Yeah. I know, I’m just bitching to be honest.

As planned, I went to the store to do some grocery shopping. I stopped by USPS to pick up a box from Book of the Month. And I got a carwash – about time too. I just finished cooking rice and ground beef cooked in tomato sauce with potatoes, peas, and carrots. Don’t know what’s the name of it. I just kind of put together something. And it worked.

I have been making steady progress in reading Forrest Gump. Thank you. About halfway through the book which is good. I must say, Forrest is an interesting character. This character had experienced more than what a regular person might experience in a lifetime. Definitely colorful experiences.

Like I said earlier, my Book of the Month got delivered – well I picked the package up, but you know what I mean. I got two books for May. Darling Girl by Liz Michalski, a fantasy book, which is a reimagining of Peter Pan; and Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner, a memoir. I might pick up the memoir after I finish Forrest Gump. Hard to commit on it though, being a mood reader has its disadvantages for sure. I was leaning towards non fiction after reading Bad Blood and My Friend Anna. But Forrest Gump hasn’t disappointed yet. So I will continue reading this one until I’m done before I even think of what’s the next read.

My goal for next week is to definitely cook more. I enjoyed eating out and its nice, but when it all comes down to it, it’s $$$. Well I guess, the more accurate thing to say is I need to not be lazy to cook. That’s the thing that’s really stopping me from cooking. Laziness.

Tonight was date night. We started a little later than usual but it was okay. We still burned through a lot of House MD episodes. And yes, we had to skip the rest of the episodes in Season 1 where Vogler made an appearance. He annoyed the heck out of me to the point that I refused to even watch the show. It was such a useless addition. Unnecessary story arc. I don’t care what anyone else say, that kind of annoyance was needed on the show. My hun basically told me what happened in the episodes that we skipped.

It’s currently 11:30 pm and I’m still doing laundry. I had a late start this morning. And I had about an hour after all the errands that I just lazy’d it up. So, yeah. All good though. Almost done.

05.13.22 – Here is the Day that I’ve Been Waiting for Since Monday

I know I’ve been really annoyed about this week. And honestly, you can’t really blame me. I have to be onsite and deal with a bunch of bullshit. So yeah, I think I earned the right to talk shit about this week. I don’t air out the grievances of my job – at least not in detail, because for the most part I do like working there. I get bored here and there and I’m in a meeting for the most part, but I still like being in healthcare and I love the environment of that company.

My brain has been plagued by egg the last few days…Well, fried egg on toast to be exact. It doesn’t help that most of the reading vlogs I’ve watched lately all showed them cooking and eating fried egg for breakfast. That was torture! Normally, I just think of fried chicken so when fried egg decided to invade my head, I was a bit surprised.

I’m very sleepy right now so I know that this will be a short post. I’m so relaxed and my eyes are pretty heavy. I did want to read but I don’t think that will happen. Also, for some reason, I’m freezing. I now have a heater on to warm up my space. But my hands and feet are still pretty cold.

Tomorrow might be a busy day for me…Going to the store, then USPS, and car wash. The latter might depend on the weather. I don’t know. I might still get a car wash if it’s raining tomorrow. Enzo, my green monster, is in desperate need of an actual car wash. This is what I miss from California. The place where I took Enzo for service always wash the car, since they have a car was on premises.

05.12.22 – It’s Only Thursday Night. Now That is Sad.

My brain only wants to hate on this week as suggested by my titles for the weekdays. It was really unfortunate when I realized that it was only Thursday Night. Yeah, I have nothing else to say. But the disappointment was real.

I am not going to post about work. I got annoyed, got stressed, and vented. I was very vocal about my dissatisfaction with the increasing expectations from my team having to flag this and that. Put this shit on hold and check this and that. It was a mess. And I had to put down my foot on one of the process changes and said – No, my team will not check results to determine eligibility. That is beyond my team’s scope. It felt good to say No. That is one thing that I like about this job. I’m learning to say no and advocate a lot for the welfare of the team. And the stakeholders listen. It’s nice.

I was picked to take part in a project – data pulls for clinicians. And they said depending on evaluation, this might be something that can turn to its own team. It’s exciting. We’ll see how that goes.

My hun and I hung out today! Yay! We watched Fun with Dick and Jane with Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni. That was a fun movie. I like the realness of the situation – getting screwed by corporations, employees suffering, employees losing their jobs, and the struggle of finding a new job. Love the ending, the CEO getting screwed into donating $400M to that company’s employee relief fund. Such a nice ending.

We also started watching The Dropout on Hulu. The show is about Elizabeth Holmes and the journey of building Theranos. My hun says so far he likes this better than Inventing Anna. I’m interested in this one too. I just recently finished Bad Blood, consumed the available documentaries in streaming services regarding this company and what they did. And being in healthcare – in the diagnostics business for so long, yeah, I’m invested.

We got to watch an episode of Bob’s Burgers as well! So that was nice and relaxing.

I’m finally able to read Forrest Gump last night. So much happened already with Forrest and I’m only in chapter eight. I cannot wait to finish this one soon as well.

Tomorrow is Friday. Finally. For some reason, this week felt too long.

05.11.22 – It Really Does Not Matter That It’s Hump Day

When I woke up this morning, all I could think of is that “Damn, it’s not Thursday yet”. And it was again reiterated on my drive to work. A friend said “It’s only Wednesday?” When I answered, “Yes, unfortunately”; she sighed and said, “I was happy for a little bit. Now I’m sad.” Yeah, me too.

The only good thing that happened at work today was the fact that I had no meetings! Yay!

The only excitement for today was the fact that I had to look for a blood sample that was thought to be missing. That was not fun – the logistics of finding the blood sample was stress inducing. We found it though. I was already thinking of what to write on the non-compliance report, since I exhausted the avenues of where the sample could’ve been if it was actually lost. “It vanished into thin air – you know, like magic!” Yeah, that will definitely be accepted.

I tried listening to Forrest Gump at work…That didn’t go well. Not the audiobook’s fault as all. Here’s the thing, when I am doing something – could be homework, studying, reading or as mundane as doing chores – I always have to have something in the background playing. It could either be a show, music, or YouTube videos. This helps me focus on what I’m doing. So with audiobooks, I tend to listen at the beginning then it just slowly fades into the background. I am envious of people who listens to audiobooks while working or something! Today, I had to repeat chapter 6 of Forrest Gump about five or six times before I finally gave up.

I took a nap when I got home without really meaning to. I had Paco cuddling with me. We both had a really good power nap. Although I’m pretty sure that he slept intermittently throughout the day. And right now, he is currently sleeping right next to me.

Hopefully I get to hangout with my hun tomorrow. We still have no idea what to watch though. At least I don’t. I’m not sure if he has any idea on what to watch next.

I’m rewatching You on Netflix again. This is the nth time I watched this series. And yes, I do not remember the exact number anymore. Let’s just say that I watched it so many times now. I think season one is still my favorite of the three that is currently out. I cannot wait for season four.